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15246493 No.15246493 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why is the Transgender research focused so much on transforming the body instead of attempting to remove the dysphoria at a mental level?

>> No.15246530

Because it's more profitable.

>> No.15246549

Ideological trickle down dynamics from brainwashed baphometian corrupt materialist alchemical worldview.

Modern transgerism has its root in oldschool filtered alchemists circles who were materialist at their core, and the gifts of true alchemy made sure to filter those types. Rather than learning from their mistakes they doubled down thinking that they most physically, again in a material realm as I've said before, empower themselves before they can finally fulfill their delusions of godhood.

Basically, some rich and influential retards, secretly made fun of by people even higher than them, refuse to back down from a dead end research and keep doubling down rather than admitting that spirit is the key and not material realm.

>How is this /sci/ and not /x/?
It's /sci/ because Alchemy spawned fucking Chemistry and many other important aspects for today's science. Knowing history is important.

>> No.15246559

On the patient level, it's human nature to desire your craving over the removal of your craving
On the doctor level, >>15246530

>> No.15246620

Communism and >>15246549 and >>15246530

>> No.15246637

Because LARPing is a protected human right, in the world of the new left.

>> No.15246709
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I got rapid-onset gender dysphoria at 17 from being a coomer even though I only fap once a day, it's so humiliating to admit but the dysphoria and dysmorphia is genuinely painful. I would love to have it removed mentally and just simply be left alone!

We should also do that with faggots with pills and all that shit. Not conversion therapy in its unethical nature but simply mentally changing pills.

There are no arguments against that (and I doubt it's impossible) and this fact actually convinced me to grow quite anti-semitic. Not to mention, estrogen/testerone only makes you a hon/hondra in 80% of people anyways.

This is why most trans people are reppers if not very obviously autistic or in too high a status to care or are in a good enough physiognomy to be the 20%.

If you do transition most times, congrats you went from male to ugly male crossdresser (or the opposite in FTM). I have my extreme skepticalities being a hon/hondra makes you less go through less body dysmorphia too.

Why bother besides profit of a rich jew?
Wouldn't it protect people from "transphobia" anyways if you did it briefy and mentally with no change of everyday life? Fuck wagie corporatism and the manipulators part of it all.

>> No.15246820

The dumbass midwitted dualist belief you are as soul inhabiting a body, instead of you BEING the body.
Thus, according to the midwit belief, the fancies of the mind should take precedence over the configuration of the body. To a certain degree, this is rational (like getting in shape).

Also tensei manga are based.

>> No.15246836
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>why is the Transgender research focused so much on transforming the body instead of attempting to remove the dysphoria at a mental level?
More money in keeping the person mentally ill.

>> No.15246837

>because materialists
>because dualists

pick one

>> No.15247139

Because you can't? I imagine this is in the same camp as removing schizophrenia, pedophilia, autism, or any other neurological/mental disorder. The brain too complex so fuck it, wait until someone smarter finds a new trick.

>> No.15247469

25% of usa's gdp is in the healthcare industry aka SICKcare industry.

>> No.15247671

Midwit word.
This "dualist" belief of you being the soul is the one most commonly held for most of history, yet it is only after that has fallen out of favor does trannyism become popular? If anything dualism is the most anti-tranny. The body is what it is, whether it is male or female, regardless of what soul inhabits it. This "mind primancy" thing you referring to is idealism, but for a materialist, the mind is matter or epiphenomena of matter, so it's matter shaping matter anyway. They aren't really different positions; it's one substance shaping itself.
Because monism, materialist or idealist.

>> No.15247673

>There are no arguments against that (and I doubt it's impossible) and this fact actually convinced me to grow quite anti-semitic
It saddens me what 4chan can do to people sometimes. Like congratulations, you're a tranny now, whether you want it or not, whether it was the porn or not, no need to be anti-semitic about it. If you think repressing is the way go for it, but desu I think manmoding while taking hrt does at least alleviate the dysphoria a bit, and you have less regrets like "oh what if I had tried to take E"
The thing is that they've tried to cure the tranny away in the past, but they didn't manage. Hell, look at what modern science can do to treat depression which is basically
>me sad :(, the disorder
The best thing they can do at the moment is to numb the shit out of your brain, muh progress

>Why bother besides profit of a rich jew?
anon hrt is not that expensive, do people really believe that making some money off of 0.1% of the population is this jewish masterplan? Shilling plastic surgeries to rich people (or some other shit I can't think of idk) sounds way more profitable to me
Also if you go diy you're basically paying a tranny who's producing E in a bathtub, but I guess (((they))) could be behind diy as well

>> No.15247677

good luck trying that.

>> No.15247684

>replies in support to bawwwing tranny blogpost
>only thing he can muster is to defend rich kikes profiting off their misery

>> No.15247690

well think of it like this, you cannot remove depression, you can only find ways to make your life better and live with the depression, transitioning is kind of like that for trans people, and just like anti depressants, transitioning isnt for everyone. its a constant mental fight. dont get it twisted i am in no way supporting those they/them fags but my heart really does go out to the ones who are struggling in their body, and if this is too faggy, think of body dysmorpia, people who see themselves as a different weight than they are. in no way do i want to say anyone else reply's arent true, because there is a lot of brainwashing in the lgbt community (experienced it firsthand) but if you are talking about body dysphoria then you are talking about real trans people who most of the time stick to themselves, but the only way to probably "fix them" is brainwashing, because they are already brainwashed by their own brain to think differently. sorry if this was just a shit post, it did say scientifically speaking, and i wanted to give back a logically answer that would make some sense.

>> No.15247756

To placate crazy people. They WANT to be different to what they are, and the only way to make their delusion real is to bully the rest of population to participate totally in their delusion. Very sad and unsustainable situation.

>> No.15247812

totally not a treadmill advertisement though

>> No.15247817

take a walk fatty

>> No.15247824

lol I'm training for a 260 mile hike this summer

>> No.15247842

>why is the Transgender research focused so much on transforming the body instead of attempting to remove the dysphoria at a mental level?
The troon industry is part of the ongoing psy-op to undermine any kind of grounding the population has so that the social engineers could create whatever virtual world their masters wish for.

>> No.15247913

For being on a board about science this thread sure contains a whole lot of spiritualist woo and politicised conspiracy theories

>> No.15247916

>attempting to remove the dysphoria at a mental level
A guy named John Money tried to do this. Didn't go over so well.

>> No.15247953

You already know the answer to this, you tranny baiting tourist

>> No.15248144

Best response

>> No.15248174

schizophrenia is treated with meds...

>> No.15248180

>depression which is basically
>>me sad :(, the disorder

>> No.15248232

"Dualist" isn't a terribly precise word, since it sounds as if it posits equality between the sides, when the opposite is the case: any big dualist thinker, be it Descartes or the Christian theologians who insisted your body can be destroyed, but your soul be eternal, has always emphasized the primacy of the soul vice-versa the body, who merely serves as the vehicle. Kind of an extra-complicated pulley-manipulated machine. The soul, according to dualism, is the only truly relevant entity in this dual system, as it's the seat of your personhood, and where your capability to experience pain, happiness, and other qualia resides.

The kind of monism I advocate for and already posted a link to (EC) is a very different beast. If you feel like a tranny, there are two equally valid approaches: either you alter your body to become "male"/"female" -- or you alter your mind to not desire to mess with your body anymore (you can still feel "trans", but are dealing with issues here, not ideologies. The issues is people mutilating themselves, and the cure is for them to not want to mutilate anymore, rather than convert in Christian sense).
The problem is, currently the second method -- altering your mind approach -- is regarded as hateful.

>> No.15248272

It's not regarded as hateful, it's regarded as misguided, because the approaches have not been found to be equal in practice. But the reasons people have for sticking to their guns despite being misguided, those tend to be hateful.

>> No.15248288

You know that's not true. Try advocating research for a solution that addresses dysphoria directly with your real name attached and get back to us on the response.

>> No.15248310

>"I'm a woman trapped in a man's body!"
>implies the mind (soul) of a woman trapped into the body (matter) of a man
>literally dualist/idealist schizobabble
>"it's da materialists!!1"

>> No.15248315

hm this is kind of based now that you put it that way

>> No.15248351

Well, I would, and then someone would explain to me why it doesn't work, and then I can either accept that or persist. In the latter case, my motives would be suspect and the experiment no longer neutral.

>> No.15248353

The mind is matter.

Look, if we accept that there are differences in brain structure between male and female bodies, and also that there are various expressions of androgyny and intersex conditions, I see no reason why there can't be such a thing as a female or at least feminine brain in an outwardly otherwise male body.

>> No.15248392

>another leftypol shill thread


>> No.15248409

But if that is the case, then having a female mind in a male body is a natural condition. Why is the focus on trying to make the body match the mind, rather than trying to make it ok in society for the body and mind to be different?

>> No.15248410

Dysphoria is literally:
>state indoctrinates self doubt into you
>proceeds to label your gender as evil
>rinse and repeat until you are conditioned into hating your penis

Modern psychiatry is bordering a cult nowadays with this treatment. Of course, they make good money from it so they have nothing to lose (in their heads, though in reality they're destroying their field of expertise every day with this garbage).
There are literal think tanks and ngos that control every bit of media from TV to internet news feeds to indoctrinate this now. An effective behavioural sink of moral degeneracy.
What's worse is that the state considers this beneficial now, because it's indoctrinated itself into thinking the penis is evil and all their wrongs can be pacified by destroying men.

Now you know how the Taliban won Afghanistan. Your society is sick, diseased and delusional to the point where it was easy for them to not only win, but also gain planes, weapons, food, vehicles to run that regime.
A lobotomised society. A society basically at the point of braindeath.

>> No.15248419


souls don't have genders you retards

>> No.15248444

Because that's what people with that condition want? By all means, let's make it more acceptable in society to be gender non-conforming. Transitioning is just the extreme of that spectrum, really, opposite conformity.

>> No.15248449

>Now you know how the Taliban won Afghanistan.
Because a fat, demented retard signed over the country to them to own the libs, but he was one of yours so I fail to see how that relates to your point.

>> No.15248451

>>state indoctrinates self doubt into you
How does it do this?
>>proceeds to label your gender as evil
Where and when?
The hypothesis you're reiterating from /pol/ isn't scientific at all and is based on the emotions of angry misogynists who spend their days on twitter.

>Now you know how the Taliban won Afghanistan.
Because they didn't station enough soldiers and their enemy was better equipped. Not your ridiculous midwitted philosophical take on le collapse of America.

>> No.15248454

>Because that's what people with that condition want?
I have the condition and I don't want to transition at all. I don't want to be associated with the transgender ideology in any way whatsoever. I just want to be free to have feelings and for people to understand things as they are rather than through the lens of a condition or phenomena that society made them think about it.

>> No.15248457

>let's make it more acceptable in society to be gender non-conforming.
For a lot of them it's a fetish about being female

>> No.15248461

>I just want to be free to have feelings and for people to understand things as they are
Anon, if you discussed this with people you know IRL they'd probably be understanding and not hate you. Stop caring what internet people think.

>> No.15248463

>I have the condition and I don't want to transition at all.
Well, then don't. Other people do, though.
>I just want to be free to have feelings and for people to understand things as they are rather than through the lens of a condition or phenomena that society made them think about it.
Does that extend to accepting people's gender as they identify rather than trying to impose a strict binary onto it?
Even if that were true (which it isn't), so what?

>> No.15248478

>Christian theologians

>> No.15248482

I've used /lgbt/ enough and spoken to enough trannies to know autogynephia is very real, you're not making yourself look good by denying this.

>> No.15248484

Mate, it takes more than 1 person to fuck over a war like that.
What happened in the US was a complete systematic self subversion to the point where they just left shit there. They are in that much disarray. There is no discipline other than promoting womyn and lgbt into fields no. And that clearly just worsens the discipline situation.

The US is a failed state.

>> No.15248490

>Does that extend to accepting people's gender as they identify rather than trying to impose a strict binary onto it?
I experience gender as a psychic phenomena that causes me to vividly hallucinate nonphysical experiences of embodied existence. I don't really care how other people decided to identify, its just that I think there is too much emphasis on physical existence and visible modification.
I think I have a double whammy in the sense that if I really told people what I see and experience I would be called schizo, yet another condition that society believes needs to be "fixed" through chemical modification.
Why can't people just be different, and why can't those differences be allowed to exist in a non visible non physical plane of expression?
Why does it matter what people look like, and why does our conscious awareness need to conform with the societal expectation of ideas and feelings?
I think the stigma against mental abnormality should be given the same attention as the stigma against being gay or transgender has been. I don't believe scientists really understand why nature is doing this to people, and I don't think the steps we have tried to take to correct these abnormalities are appropriate or rational. They are just the ethos of materialist conformity to a social system oriented entirely around the economy of physical objects.

>> No.15248502

>I think there is too much emphasis on physical existence and visible modification.
Because we live in a physical world?

>> No.15248506
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>How does it do this?
It makes a government or non government organisation, say an anti-terror organisation and a women's rights organisation.
Over time such organisations will tend to back and forth on their thinking and essential policy making to the point where they will both, as a circuit of thinking and policy making, agree to equate things that terrorists believe in and things that are anti-women as being in the same boat. (Ironic considering the intended stance of the latter to stop stereotyping and archetypes.)
Now imagine this on all fronts of policy manufacture. From gay rights, to racial discrimination, to gender dysphoria, to drug legalisation, etc, etc.

Then take into account how these things are FUNDED in the first place. Oh yes, they're being deliberately funded by demons that want to destroy that nation for good.
Remember that Epstein fellow? Well now you know why these organisations are being funded. They don't have a choice in the matter.

The US is finished. Good riddance.

>> No.15248509

>I've used /lgbt/ enough and spoken to enough trannies to know autogynephia is very real
They're trolling you lmao

>> No.15248510

>The mind is matter.
is a pretty idea, but there's no evidence to support it

>> No.15248512

This is some high quality schizophrenic ramblings

>> No.15248515

>There is no discipline other than promoting womyn and lgbt into fields no
The commander in chief was a Republican so I doubt that, although I will hand you that the US is in complete disarray and that the people responsible for that also bungled Afghanistan

>> No.15248521

>I experience gender as a psychic phenomena that causes me to vividly hallucinate nonphysical experiences of embodied existence.
This is skitzophrenia, not dysphoria.

>> No.15248526

>I experience gender as a psychic phenomena that causes me to vividly hallucinate nonphysical experiences of embodied existence.
Wild dude, give me some of that

>> No.15248530

It doesn't matter to me what you look like, you do you. Same for everyone.

>> No.15248531

These thoughts and feelings aren't experienced as physical. The assumption is that we live in a physical world, and that all experiences have to be of a physical nature. But I see these things more like a holographic electronic emulation that create nonphysical expressions of form and being, that don't have a macroscopic molecular or atomic structure to sustain their existence in perpetuity. Experiences of hallucinations is not physical. I don't hallucinate physical objects. I hallucinate energy and light and waves and these things interact with physical objects, but aren't themselves physical.
But to express that I experience nonphysical components of reality would get me labeled schizo in any serious professional setting. My own experience directly refutes the notion that everything is only physical, yet to dispute that notion I could have my rights taken from me, and society would attempt to chemically modify my brain until it was only able to experience physical phenomena. Why is that?

>> No.15248532
File: 436 KB, 1362x1528, Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 18-22-31 Mining the Chans Exposing the Visual and Linguistic Dynamics of Radicalisation in Far-right Image-boards (MineChans).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.15248533

I didn't realize that all those posts where just done to troll me in particular, sorry for missing that little trolling move. Anyway, do you accept the existence of cross dressing fetish?

>> No.15248538

No plausible alternative exists.

>> No.15248544

>me in particular
You're not special.
>do you accept the existence of cross dressing fetish?
Sure, anything can be a fetish.

>> No.15248546

Sure it does. We know that most of the energy in the universe is not matter in the sense that we use that word.

>> No.15248548

I think we live in a material world, we are incarnated as humans that have male and female gender, we live in a society where we have to conform to that. I'm sorry but I don't quite understand what you're saying.

>> No.15248551

>The commander in chief was a Republican
Last time I checked, it was Biden's admin.
But it doesn't matter, they're both part of the cartel that controls America. America hasn't had a democracy for decades and it's as bad as most latin American democracies with crony capitalist drug cartels.

They are literally a failed state by the very definition the US applies to other states. I've never lived in a world with a USA that wasn't a failed state. It died long before I was born. Yet that cartel just transformed into the globalist cartel we see today. Don't let the China/US/Russia niggles fool you. They're all in cahoots now.


>> No.15248554

You seemed to be saying that all these posts were being made to trick me into thinking autogynephilia is real, are you changing your position on this?
>Sure, anything can be a fetish.
Well autogynephilia is just an extreme, full time version of that. Full time cross dressing. I'm not denying that many of them do experience dysphoria, I think they do, but I think very obviously they also experience arousal at themselves being "female".

>> No.15248555
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>Anyway, do you accept the existence of cross dressing fetish?
Anon. Where do you think you are?

>> No.15248559

It can be fixed: just send them to military school.

>> No.15248566

>Send them to zog indoctrination camp

>> No.15248568

You sabotaged your point without realizing it: yes, you'd get an "explanation" regardless of whatever it is you suggested, and if you attempted to try it (even if novel) people would suspect your motives.

>> No.15248570
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They're literal perverts that get off to their self destruction and humiliation epitomised in their complete emasculation.
Kinda lewd 2bh.

But it's also a problem.

>> No.15248575

Send them to "naughty catgirls (male) camp" to learn how to become a properly maintained and loving catgirl(male) maid.

>> No.15248576

My hallucinations are accompanied by feelings of gendered expressions. Its as if these feelings are a psychic blueprint for creating a new form of life that my awareness can inhabit, and indeed I do inhabit this form of nonphysical awareness while my body sleeps.
But the focus on physicality, the denial of the soul, make science act in an irrational way. It ignores the evidence of experience of life itself, from living beings, in favor of a dead world view of materialism. For science to allow transgender people to express themselves nonphysically, it would have to allow for the existence of a soul. We experience the soul, but to have an identify of awareness that matches what our soul tells us, science says that we must chemically and physically castrate the genetic expression of our sexuality in favor of a frankenstein interpretation of life and being. One where the body is the primary, and only mode of existence.
Go down from your brain and into your heart, then go up from your heart into the left side of your brain. Everything you see outside in your field of vision is actually within the field of awareness created in your mind. When you access that part of your mind, you can hallucinate anything into the empty space of the world. It looks like standing waves of glowing light, liquid plasma. Its cool stuff, and it seems to resonate with the physical structure of dna, genetic existence, other forms of matter, etc. I can feel a type of feeling that is like a twisting curl of extasy, and I hallucinate molecules of dna as if they are living molecules that I can twist and turn at will to create the visible expression of light and matter dancing together.
In my body I have dna molecules that express female and male forms of light, and they exquisitely merge together and give me an experience of material embodiment of those forms, even as my physical body doesn't take on those forms. Its like I have a chemical holographic artificial intelligence.

>> No.15248580

Do they just get off to humiliation? I've always felt they are brave for dressing in their agp clothes in publics while being 6 foot.

>> No.15248583

>You seemed to be saying that all these posts were being made to trick me into thinking autogynephilia is real
You're on 4chan, the assumption is there's always a couple of gullible suckers watching, you're not special.
>Well autogynephilia is just an extreme, full time version of that.
I will not rule out that this exists but it does not nearly account for a majority of all cases.

>> No.15248586

Haev you considered that that is because the explanation is a good one and we've yet to find a way to support your point that is just as good

>> No.15248588

>Posters on /lgbt/ are role playing as having arousal at themselves being feminine to trick people who might be onlooking
Stop being so deluded

>> No.15248594

>People on 4chan are usually truthful, actually
That's a new one. Bit concerning if you ask me.

>> No.15248603

It's literally all to do with coping mechanisms. Instead of taking things out on others, they take it out on themselves.
It's literally conditioning. They get fed all this garbage about themselves being bad and scorned by demographics to the point where they implode.

It's been bad since vietnam, though it became recursive within the US since then thanks to organisations such as the CIA and FBI getting bad with their drug cartels.
There are people today that pretend it is not like this in America. I was raised when all of that shit was coming out of the woodwork, so quickly I became aware of how America was a dying state of nonsense that ran the world.

>> No.15248604

That's a good way to twist it, but you are the one claiming that all these posters on /lgbt/ are writing all these posts just to trick some random onlooker.

>> No.15248607
File: 25 KB, 345x336, 1646100705246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck I forgot I did this >>15248579


Now people will think I'm that dude.

>> No.15248615

>Even if that were true (which it isn't),
If it's impossible for you to understand that autogynephilia is one of the main correlates of MtF, then you have a very low intelligence, and lack empathy. Consider not opining on matters regarding other other humans anymore.

>> No.15248620
File: 312 KB, 630x714, Hunter_S._Thompson,_Las_Vegas_1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lgbt/ doesn't do shit.
Most of the faggotry comes from bunkers off of this domain.
I'm not convinced they're volunteers anymore. There are militant organisations that shill this garbage, that's how bad the state of both the US, anglosphere and EU is.

They're perpetuating their own indoctrination globally now.
People have been complaining about this garbage since the fucking 60s dude.
Pic related.

>> No.15248627

Not "some random onlooker". The first sucker to come along.

Honestly though even if they're telling the truth, I can count three people who are crazier than that in potentially dangerous ways in this thread alone, so why do trans people/"autogynephiles" receive such a disproportionate amount of attention? When do we take things on 4chan seriously and when not? Is the guy ranting about alchemy and demons serious?

>> No.15248632

>If you don't uncritically accept my pseudoscience you're just dumb and autistic

>> No.15248637

Damn that's crazy

>> No.15248640

>Danger danger danger!
>Nonphysical thoughtcrimes detected
>Ready the chemical lobotomies

>> No.15248642

What do you think the science of people wanting to wear crocs is? What is the science of people preferring Beethoven to Mozart?

(Observe how this poster will think these are fully unrelated, random, non-sequitur points, as he lacks abstraction ability)

>> No.15248648
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>so why do trans people/"autogynephiles" receive such a disproportionate amount of attention?
Because they're really really fucking annoying like furfags. They stand out amongst fags for their annoyingness and general autism.

This place nowadays is furfags, transfags, fagfags, nazifags, anarchistfags, christianfags, jewfags, islamfags, commiefags all in the same room bashing each other for being a massive faggot.
All the while fully aware of themselves and fully aware of how dumb and naive those are outside of this place that align themselves with any of those ideologies.

>I can count three people who are crazier than that in potentially dangerous ways in this thread alone
Mate, I am this fucking close to going postal you wouldn't believe it.

>> No.15248649

So you are claiming they are all posting this just to trick someone who might go there. That is ridiculous.

>why do trans people/"autogynephiles" receive such a disproportionate amount of attention?
I want you to know that I don't hold any hatred for all trannies. I have no idea how this started and developed so quickly, I think it's the accusation of "grooming" children that triggered a huge moralfaggot response. Most of them, especially the 4chan ones, use it to compensate for something, probably their own lack of masculinity, or repressed disphoria.

>> No.15248653

I had to teach a newfag a lesson on attention whoring and tripfaggotry. Give me a break.

>> No.15248654

Make sure to take out as many zogbots as you can. Don't kill easy targets like kids anon.

>> No.15248658

>Because they're really really fucking annoying like furfags. They stand out amongst fags for their annoyingness and general autism.
Really? I see approximately 10000000% more unprovoked transphobia interjected in inappropriate places than genuine trans discussion.
>So you are claiming they are all posting this just to trick someone who might go there. That is ridiculous.
Isn't that how 4chan works? Works of fiction and falsehood and all that? Why, only a fool would take anything written here as fact...

>> No.15248663
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>I think it's the accusation of "grooming" children that triggered a huge moralfaggot response.
It doesn't help that many of us were literally groomed by faggots as children and saw the poison ourselves.

Even if there is no sexual grooming, there is ideological grooming there.
Like how we groom ourselves on 4chan, only with far far less self criticism and awareness.

They'll raise the idea of id only with regards to sexuality.
But you'll be damned if you dare raise the idea of the id again after submission to it initially (because self doubt is not encouraged in many of these groups nowadays).
Gone are the leather gay scenes where it was nothing but self loathing upon self loathing. There are people literally believing that the manifestation of their subconscious self loathing is actually something else completely now.

That is what I call a "cult".

>> No.15248669

>Like how we groom ourselves on 4chan, only with far far less self criticism and awareness.
Is this some sort of meta-irony or something

>> No.15248675

Was thinking of taking out the church of Scientology with a guy fawkes mask.

>> No.15248676

>Isn't that how 4chan works? Works of fiction and falsehood and all that? Why, only a fool would take anything written here as fact...
No, it isn't how this website works. 4chan posters are not perpetually role playing, especially not as something so specific.

>> No.15248680

They have armed guards surrounding their complex, and the USA gov hates them

>> No.15248687

Then I can only conclude that this website has far, far bigger issues than a couple of harmless fetishists getting off

>> No.15248688

>10000000% more unprovoked transphobia
The fact that you rely on x-phobia rhetoric is your problem. It infers nowadays that you actually fear the rhetoric.
When I was a kid it was the opposite. Genuine phobia was a problem.
But nowadays you're talking about people using such terminology and then not having an actual fucking discussion with the people they use it against.

To me it appears almost the same way Christians use demons and satan in their rhetoric. The same sort of petty patheticness.
So that's why you and christfags are easy targets.

Furfags though... they're actually fully aware of themselves most of the time and merely troll people for amusement. Pure cancer.

>> No.15248694
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No, that was definitely intentional.
You will never not be a pot calling a kettle. That is the sad reality of ideological debate.

>> No.15248698

You devote an entire post to tone policing but miss the entire point. Would you prefer "pathological obsession with other people's genitals"? What is the preferred nomenclature that won't trigger you? If anything is pathetic it's this weaselly "a-actually I'm not actually phobic in the original sense of the word" as if that fucking matters here. How about you use your powers of inference to get to the fucking point.

Someone was actually banging on about demons ITT too lol

>> No.15248700

>it appears almost the same way Christians use demons and satan in their rhetoric. The same sort of petty patheticness.
>So that's why you and christfags are easy targets.
Honestly christians are much more annoying on this website

>> No.15248701

I mean the part where you associate 4chan with self-awareness

>> No.15248753

Thread topic alone will do that, for obvious reasons if you actually keep up

>> No.15248828

No one owes you genuine discussion. That should be understood as a very basic building block of human interaction.

>> No.15248832

>Actually I am under zero obligation not to be a disingenuous piece of shit
>I will insist on shitting up the thread tho

>> No.15248839
File: 5 KB, 400x400, EFG_spook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're completely self aware, anon.

>> No.15248841

>from being a coomer
I've been a hardcore coomer since 15 and I've never thought I was a woman. You have other issues sorry anon. Indoctrination+ online gaslighting + shitty father is more likely the cause.

>> No.15248858

To be fair, while they will never be a woman, they are starting to get rather sexy regardless.
If that was their goal, we'd all be a little more appreciative.

That said, if their XY chromosomes did mutate somehow into XX, they will be technically a woman regardless of genitalia.
... actually, is that even an acceptable argument for what defines a man and a woman?
Is it mere chromosones or that in conjunction with genetalia?
I say this because of the hermaphrodite issues (fuck the term "intersex" how robotic and boring). Now they truly have the ability to choose given their base ambiguity of sex (not talking gender, that term is dumb and irrelevant now). But is that enough to define them as either a man or a woman? I doubt that.
It gets even stranger when you consider the chromosomal reality of hermaphrodites. Some are XXY and whatnot. Some have mere proteins in addition to traditional functional human beings (functional being important here). There is a reason castration and infertility are considered embarrassing humiliations to most people. The functionality of people is considered of grave concern and so without that aspect working correctly, most people feel (though they don't admit it) that their categorization as a male or female is at stake with the functionality of organs.

So 3 variables are important:
> chromosomes
> genitalia
> functionality of genitalia and general fertility/sterility (gene wise)

So a man/woman deprived of genitalia could perhaps, by sex not gender, find themselves being adopted into the hermaphroditic category by their mutilation or dysfunction of genitalia and reproducibility of their genes.
But then what happens to old people that have issues?
I say we should redefine them as neither man or woman at that stage. Same with prepubescent children.

>> No.15248954


There's probably some individual scale influences too, like with doctors or nurses who felt a rush helping to end their patients lives.

There's also the sublimation of anticapitalist agitation into less threatening identity activism, though that's more of a /pol/ thing unless somebody comes up with research documents from within somewhere like the Tavistock Institute. Such a society with more homogenized units purchasing commodified identity traits to signal status would be easier to manage, as well as be profitable.

>> No.15248973

You identify three variables yet you second-guess yourself on each of those. A man who loses his dick entirely is still a man, but a woman born with XY-chromosomes is not therefore a man (and might not ever know about her chromosomes unless it becomes medically relevant). And as you see you run into trouble with old people and children.

Basically, this is not what gender has ever meant in any society.

>> No.15248974

>There's also the sublimation of anticapitalist agitation into less threatening identity activism
Almost every trans person I know is a communist

>> No.15248993

>25% of usa's gdp is in the healthcare industry aka SICKcare industry.
Before Covid hit the fastest growing area of pharma, ever, was products for gender affirming care. People are made dependent on cross-sex hormones for the rest of their lives and in many jurisdictions the government covers part of the cosmetic surgery.

>> No.15249374

Just like celiacs and gluten, it became a fad. The vast majority of people who consider themselves trans, aren't. Just like the vast majority of people eating gluten free food aren't really celiacs.

>> No.15249510

Sauce on either of these pics?

>> No.15249552

Onimai, Mahiro Oyama is the MC, side note a tranny said they would kts if they found out Mahiro wasn't a highly dysphoric tranny lmao

>> No.15249813


>> No.15249815

Cool. I wanna LARP as a guy who has his own country separate from the globohomo system and niggers. Will my right to LARP be respected?

>> No.15249831

You'll need to convert into Judaism though

>> No.15250140
File: 514 KB, 2476x3547, 1673748417466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to impregnate this man

>> No.15250319

There's at least three threads entirely devoted to whining about trans people on /sci/ right now/.

>> No.15252089

and subversive

>> No.15253372

A more important question is: "why do you even care"?

>> No.15253391

>muh "subversion"!
Subversion is a /pol/ cope.
The purpose of this shit is literally the opposite: Conservation. Of the same status quo that has existed invariated for millennia.
Bill Gates is a literal descendant of Charles Martel.

>> No.15253460

and you chose to engage with them

>> No.15253478
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Because giving artificial hormones is gonna screw up the person's body regardless, so you might as well go all out and turn the guy into a girl, also >>15246530

If you look at 1980s science fiction they were talking about this, I wish it would stay science fiction though.