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File: 295 KB, 1365x1024, GT logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15240818 No.15240818 [Reply] [Original]

>a MS in CS only costs 7000$ at georgia tech when done online.
Why dont YOU have a MS in CS. anyone with a graduate degree already this question doesnt apply to you. Seems pretty worth. Even if it only nets you a 2000$ increase in wage (which is really low i'd expect a much higher increase in wage probably like 5000$) you will get your money back and more in like 5 years. No GRE bullshit required aslong as you have experience and got decent grades. 3.2+ GPA.

>> No.15240848

>MS in CS costs $7k
>Will grant you a $2k a year increase in salary
>You will get your money back in 5 years

You seem incapable of doing basic math, I don't think a masters degree program is for you. Also I make 230k and I have a bachelors of fine arts in painting. I spent all 4 years of college painting and fucking art hoes while you spent time learning algorithms and jerking off only to end up lower on the career ladder than me.

>> No.15240928

>get your money back and more in 5 years
I hope you fine arts doesnt involve readinf.

>> No.15241061

Time has value.

>> No.15241078

I'm so fucking rich by this metric.

>> No.15241099

>time has value
>spends 4+ hours a day jerking off, playing video games, and browsing 4chan
>i dont have time to get my MS!

>> No.15241144

Vslue is related to scarcity.
GT is a pajeet degree. Ive seen their udacity videos, its really bad.

>> No.15242203

it's 6500 now i think (currently doing the program)

the udacity video lectures are unquestionably pajeet tier quality, but then the other aspects of the courses are generally very high quality (like the projects)

I already have an in-person M.S. from another school in another STEM field, no real difference in quality imo (some of the classes I took in person were absolute fucking garbage)

>> No.15242206

>only $7000
if you have $7k to throw away flippantly, you don't need the MS in CS

>> No.15242211

7k is literally nothing for someone working an engineering or software job in the US

>> No.15242237

Even without the “and more” it’s true that you get you money back (with)in 5 years.

>> No.15242240

... post IQ retard

>> No.15242242

Went to Emory instead so I could become a doctorfag. I fucking hate Atlanta. So many god damn rude and smelly niggers.

>> No.15242257

It’s probably in the range of 5 to 10 percent. I don’t think that’s negligible.

>> No.15242381

I finish OMSCS in the fall. Pretty good experience but this thing is gonna get devalued so hard as more people get in.

>> No.15242393

that degree won't be worth much if too many people get it...

>> No.15242561

I'll bite: what's your career?

>> No.15242571

Anon its not flippantly, paying 7000 once for increased wage for the rest of your life is the best deal ever. Even if you take out student loans to pay for it. Most companies will even help you pay for your masters (ask your boss or HR most companies have it they just dont usally advertise it). You are investing in yourself until you retire. Also lets say the economy goes sour and you get laid off, it just means you can get a job that little bit easier in a bad economy.

>> No.15242862

IT. Storage engineer

>> No.15242906

I just checked the uploaded diplomas and nowhere does it say that it's an online degree on it. There is no catch, wow.

>> No.15243157

That's a great deal.
The degree must be absolute trash. $7k is absolutely nothing for a masters.

>> No.15243446

>expensive means better
Retard mindset

>> No.15243453

> You will get your money back in 5 years
Yeah then you make 50k more than you would over the next 25 years of your career (assuming no pay raises)
5 years is not that much in the grand scheme of things

>> No.15243498

Are you going to work fulltime while also taking a full load of classes? If not, you have to include lost salary in your calculations. If you're making $150,000 and take two years off to pursue an MS, the cost of that degree is now an additional $300,000. And in the CS world, a masters degree typically doesn't add $50k to your salary unless you're going for a research job that you just couldn't get with just a BS.

>> No.15243519
File: 61 KB, 276x225, 1676186947777721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this?

>> No.15243520

You can take 1 class a semester and work easily. You have fall spring winter and summer semesters. So you can get masters in about 3-4 years (assuming 2 credits per class more likely 2-3 we will say 2.5 on average so 3 years) so yes its a good investiment aslong as it doesnt stop you from working. Thats 1 class a semester too super easy.

>> No.15243541

Seems like he is complaining that MS in CS arent for people who dont know how to program
>who could of guessed
> it Costs lots of money
7000$ is not alot of money. Some are however expensive my local state college it would cost like 20k to get a masters. The solution is just dont get it at those places
>Its not as highly regarded as other masters,
which who cares. Its still regarded. When the recruiter does the math for how much they will pay you they take in account your masters degree for their offer.

>> No.15243903

There were two Chinese girls in my networking class when I was working on a Master of Software Engineering. They didn't know the difference between a bit and a byte. They did their undergrad in China and schools here just accept Chinese degrees as being high quality. My undergrad CS was about 90% white, 9% non-white Americans, and 1% international students. In grad school it was reversed, with the classes being mostly Indians and Chinese. When we had group projects, they always wanted to be in a group with one of the white guys because we had actual knowledge from undergrad.

>> No.15244524

Masters are international student bait, since they are easy to get into if you have a bachelors, cheaper (only have to pay for 30 credits), and pathway to leave your shit country because of the VISA it gets you. Of course foreign schools are very low quality. this is true for almost all cases other then Canada, Australia, and euro countries like england, germany, france, etc. (but not the shit hole euro countries). It makes sense that their a lot of foreign students too because of the many benefits they get vs natives in getting a masters, this is less so for other degrees where a masters is worth more to natives.
I have all sorts of stories of Chinese taught people being incompetent, but I almost fine with it because the Chinese girls were really cute and I dated one of them my first GF out of college. Some of the indians are cute too.

Doesnt make a master worth any less for a native. As said just at the face of it, the hiring manager will offer you more money if you have a masters. they have a formula they use, funny enough for my current job when they sent me an offer it was 10k more because they thought I had a masters when I applied for some reason before quickly sending an email with the revised wage. its also the reason why i am planning to get my masters since that error showed the calculus they did for wages.

>> No.15244664

>Doesnt make a master worth any less for a native
Yes it does. If you have a bachelors from a reputable school, a masters at a degreemill like GT is a downgrade.

>> No.15245439

GT is not a degree mill retard. You are talking out of your ass

>> No.15245447

I think this is good option for basically every STEM grad forced into a shit sub 6 figure job.

>> No.15245457

There is absolutely no way you have got this job without nepotism.
Not all of us are members of thee tribe or have family members/friends that can land us jobs like this.
even if you are an engineer or csfag and there is a very high demand, you will still go through the recruitment hell

>> No.15245462

This whole thread is about how cheap and easy the degree is and now you want to claim it's not? GT's graduate degrees have long been known to be crap. They've even cashed in on the MBA meme. Their undergrad education is world class but grad school, well, just hope no one knows the difference in reputation.
A few years ago, an anon posted a link to the final project of some GT grad student that was little more than a cut and past job of /pol/ terms looked up on Urban Dictionary. For that afternoon's worth of work, they were awarded a Master's degree from Georgia Tech. So yes, it's basically a pay-for-play diploma mill at the graduate level.

>> No.15245480

Yeah, noses get handed so much in life there is zero benefit to non-noses trying to follow their advice.

A nose friend of mine failed calculus, did a finance bachelors after dropping out, then got a 120k job as a software engineering at Intel (dad works there) getting paid full time to work to learn programming.

Me, a 4.0 engineering graduate with two internships, did not get get in. I did eventually slide into a 6 fig role after a few years in industry though.

>> No.15245616

Work will need to be done.
>a few years ago...
Its tied for top 6 of colleges for CS.
Degrees mills dont typically get in the top 10 anon. Its also accrediated low bar but still a bar.

>> No.15246312

Okay, so you didn't take algorithms. But it's still shocking to see an adult that doesn't understand the concept of upper bounds. Your low IQ leads you to think just equations are important, when most problems are rather solved by maximizing the outcome by considering (biggest/lowest) upper bounds. For example, if you need to buy a car, you might want to know how much the upper bound of cost per year will be, rather than a precise equation (which isn't possible if multiple cars are considered).
OP provided a perfectly valid upper bound for the time in which you will have recouped the cost. It's not the supremum, mind (no, I will now not educate you in uni math, as well).