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15239808 No.15239808 [Reply] [Original]

Idealists claim that the only thing we can ever be certain of and have direct access to is fundamental to reality (consciousness).

On the other hand, materialists claim that quantitative entities for which they have never and will never directly know are fundamental to reality. Every once in a while during a paradigm shift, he will come up with new quantitative entities for which he will never know directly.

By sticking to what we know for certain, the Idealist is clearly not the schizo here.

This isn't to discount the usefulness of materialist constructions. Physics has very useful fictions that allow us to predict the behavior of nature as represented within human consciousness. It is like a kid who is very good at playing a video game predicting the movements within it with his theories, kudos to him, but knowing how the game behaves tells you nothing about what the game is (electricity, binary, logic gates, hardware, ...)

>> No.15239848

>stupid people call everyone stupid
>schizos call everyone schizos
wow you are really onto something here OP, wish they had a word for this

>> No.15239858

>le analogy
why isn't this a thread in /lit/

>> No.15239955

sorry OP your post is way too insightful and intellectual for /sci/

>> No.15240069

>Idealists claim that the only thing we can ever be certain of and have direct access to is fundamental to reality
No, that is AN idealist claim, it is not the basis of idealism, which is purely that ideas are non-reducible to other entities. A famous idealist position, for example, is Husserl's transcendental idealism, which both claims that we DO have access to physical reality and it does exist as physical reality, and that all we experience is nonetheless our consciousness.

>> No.15240307

This is what is called "break from reality" and is the chief symptom of schizophrenia.

>> No.15240316

Materialists and idealists are equal and opposite drones shilling rancid metaphysics that has nothing to do with science.

>> No.15240319

>quantitative entities for which they have never and will never directly know
brains are real, we've seen them.

the idealist has no convincing explanation for why consciousness depends on the brain.

>> No.15240322

your ass must be in a lot of pain from all that fencesitting

>> No.15240324

Consciousness has no explanation and nobody has gotten close to explaining it. It's dubious if an explanation is even possible.

>> No.15240327

This. End of thread.

>> No.15240329

Are you the self-admitted inbred child rape victim who keeps screeching that everyone who isn't part of his material cult is an idealist boogeyman?

>> No.15240333
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>xe's still caught in the "materialism vs idealism" trap
Sigh. Midwits, when will they ever learn?

>> No.15240334

hint: maybe stop clicking on materialism/idealism threads if you think it's irrelevant. you're not convincing anyone else.

>> No.15240341
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>hint: maybe stop clicking on materialism/idealism threads if you think it's irrelevant. you're not convincing anyone else.

>> No.15240344

uh oh seethey

>> No.15240345

I reply to these threads because I know you will be there, bursting with rage and overt mental illness.

>> No.15240348

Oh look, it's the buckbroken soijack autist again. Didn't we establish in the last thread already that you're an undergrad kid with no knowledge of quantum physics?

>> No.15240354

You consistently have trouble establishing who is who because your delusuional mental illness makes you think everyone who shits on you is the same poster.

>> No.15240384


>> No.15240413

Actual NPC thinks he has no consciousness and everything is made of little balls.

>> No.15240420
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Idealism is quintessential NPC worldview. "Look at me, I'm not like the other NPCs!"

>> No.15241013

An idealists does not deny the existence of the brain. We just don't think it is a material object.

The brain and body are what your private inner life looks like from another conscious perspective. Since it is the image of your inner mental life, it will of course correlate with inner life in most cases.

>> No.15242551

another schizo idealist.

>> No.15242591

that's pretty absurd. you can feel the brain like any other material object.

>Since it is the image of your inner mental life, it will of course correlate with inner life in most cases.
this doesn't make much sense. if it's just an image coming FROM the mind, then manipulating the image (brain) should not affect the mind, this is like backwards causation.

>> No.15242769


>that's pretty absurd. you can feel the brain like any other material object.

Lets talk about two people Jim and Bob.

When Jim touches the brain of Bob, the consciousness of Jim interacts with the consciousness of Bob. That interaction of mental processes is registered as the sensation of touch within Jim's awareness.

That interaction of conscious processes may change the consciousness of bob in such a way to form a new image of Bob's mental state which is the indent on the part of the brain Jim touches - sorry to be graphic.

How is this absurd. It is coherent.

>this doesn't make much sense. if it's just an image coming FROM the mind, then manipulating the image (brain) should not affect the mind, this is like backwards causation.

First, I never said the image is emanating FROM another individual brain.

When two human consciousness interact, an image is formed within the awareness of one or both individuals to represent that interaction. That is to say, you don't manipulate images, you are representing the interaction of your consciousness / mental processes within your own awareness.

It is like your own icon to represent the mental world "out there".

>> No.15243097
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>we can be certain of our own consciousness
How? This is one of my problems with Idealists. They keep asserting this but I have never even see one try to demonstrate it. How do you know you or I are conscious?

This is the baseless assertion at the core of Idealist philosophy and I decline to take anything that follows from it seriously until it is demonstrated.

>> No.15243104

There’s a clear dependency on the brain for consciousness. If we alter the brain we alter consciousness.

>> No.15243115

>When Jim touches the brain of Bob, the consciousness of Jim interacts with the consciousness of Bob.
this is materialist causation. mind is supposed to cause matter according to you, so manipulating the physical should not impact the mental. also, this example you gave is not a refutation to my point that the brain is obviously material as any other object in reality.

>First, I never said the image is emanating FROM another individual brain.
you are misinterpreting my point. the claim made by idealists is that brains are images from the mind, which is my point. as mere appearances then, playing with the brain should have no effeton mind, because mind always has power over matter in idealism.

>> No.15243119
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>If we alter the brain we alter consciousness.
[Presented without comment.]

>> No.15243228

>you are misinterpreting my point. the claim made by idealists is that brains are images from the mind, which is my point. as mere appearances then, playing with the brain should have no effeton mind, because mind always has power over matter in idealism.

You are not playing with the image though (the brain in our previous example).

You are taking actions in the medium of consciousness that get rerepresented in your own consciousness as a damaged brain, altered body, etc. You use these images to make actions that result in new image representations.

Actions themselves are mental activity.

>> No.15243234

the only way to verify this idea is if we "wake up" after death. it's basically a simulation theory

>> No.15243272

> mind is supposed to cause matter according to you, so manipulating the physical should not impact the mental.
you are mentally ill

>> No.15243307

explain how.

>> No.15243315

you have a mentally ill habit to hallucinate nonsense no one said and insistently attribute it to other people

>> No.15243317

...god I hate it when people do that. Literally rewrite what I said and say it back with words like "always" or "never". Lets me know theyre not a real person on the inside, just drifting molecules.

>> No.15243330

>everyone i disagree with is always doing these bad things!
hmmm maybe the problem is you, chud

>> No.15243339
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>ignore the whole pos-
I see what you did...if only I could tag you so the other would know...

>> No.15243359
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>> No.15243362

explain how i did that.

>> No.15243364

I provided a quote of you doing that:
>mind is supposed to cause matter according to you
That's the basis of his position.

>so manipulating the physical should not impact the mental.
That's your hallucination, not anything he said or implied. It doesn't even make sense in its own right, in the context of the first statement.

>> No.15243365
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Idealism is obviously true but you need to be exceptionally smart to understand it conceptually. The reason why 99% of /sci/ doesn't get it is the same reason 99% of Earth doesn't get it, they are too stupid. Bernardo Kastrup gets it, and that's because he's smart. Most of you here will probably never get it. Because you're dumb.

>> No.15243367

all false.

>> No.15243369

You're basically the guy who 2000 years ago argued Earth was not round because everyone else said it was flat. Do your own research and make up your own mind.

>> No.15243378

i've watched at least 3 bernardo interviews, he is no genius. he is just guessing that the entire world is a dream, basically a simulation theory. there is no particular reason to think this is true, and there is only one way to verify it which would be 'waking up' after death.

>> No.15243381
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Pic related

>> No.15243382

>guessing that the entire world is a dream, basically a simulation theory.
delusion is like clockwork with you

>> No.15243384

explain how idealism is not a type of simulation theory.

>> No.15243393
File: 89 KB, 465x214, tumblr_n2r8ezRavO1r5nul9o1_1280_465_214_int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts an immature coomer

Thanks, but no thanks.

>> No.15243398

He endorses proven conmen like Deepak Chopra or Eben Alexander. Doesn't seem to be in it for the money, but is some wannabe cult leader
Idealism makes no sense, it's either materialism with different terminology to be edgy or dualism with extra steps

>> No.15243404


you can't trick yourself into thinking you're thinking

>> No.15243412

How about you listen to his arguments rather than focus on irrelevant bullshit?

>> No.15243413
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>> No.15243424

No, you explain how it is a simulation theory, retard. Protip: you literally cannot.

>> No.15243431

idealism posits that the material world is the product of, i.e. simulated by, a mind. therefore idealism is a type of simulation theory.

>> No.15243439
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>product of, i.e. simulated by
okay, going by your logic: your post is a product of, i.e. simulated by, mental retardation.

>> No.15243447

If some phenomenon is experienced exactly the same for countless conscious humans, assuming it doesn't exist is insanity.
>but but I don't know if other humans are conscious

>> No.15243451

What shared phenomenon is OP denying?

>> No.15243458


>> No.15243465

How is he "denying" matter?

>> No.15243470

Idealism is the most logically coherent position by not have impossible problems like the "Hard Problem" that Materialism does. Consciousness is accounted for. The wider universe is accounted for.

>> No.15243474


A simulation implies some physical system creating our world. You have a profound misunderstanding of Idealism if that's your take.

>> No.15243489

there is a hard problem in idealism, which is why a mind should see the material world with constraints on what we can physically do.

>> No.15243492

Because it's localized into a focal point you call your ego. You can have ego-dissolving oceanic experiences where the illusion of locality completely disappears.

>> No.15243493
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>there is a hard problem in idealism
>proceeds to spout something that has nothing to do with the Hard Problem

>> No.15243497

no, it just implies that one system is creating another, physical is not implied. a mind is a system, physical or not

>> No.15243501

you honestly sound like a broken GPT drone that has its own broken special definitions for everything. you will never have a legitimate discussion with another human

>> No.15243505

how is this achieved? furthermore, why can't i just achieve this immediately using my mind, right now?

>> No.15243508

It's achieved because the nature of mind is to split into constituent parts, like alters in a split personality. You and I behave as if we're not one, but implicitly we're one, and have always been one. We are part of the same mind, but we're localized into different focal points.

The reason you can't achieve it is the same as the reason why a split personality can't just merge their alts together.

>> No.15243524

ok, so i am bounded by some idealistic contraints. i was forced to be this particular piece of the mind, by sheer happenstance. i can respect this more than the "you can choose to experience it any time" idealists who are just denying my experience. we just have the initial problem of verifying this idea which can only be done in some afterlife, where the mind is observed to continue despite material death.

>> No.15243545

True nature of mind will be revealed when science starts to investigate it seriously. Until then, yes, this is my best guess.

You can experience the boundless ego-less consciousness on potent psychedelics like N,N-DMT and 5meo-DMT and it's a pretty potent experience when it happens.

>> No.15243550

why does a change in mind require a material substance? why can it not be done here and now by pure will?

>> No.15243555

It can, many proponents of practices such as yoga claim to be able to reach those same states. A drug is a forced mechanism to reach those states, and it's impermanent as it wears off. Yoga might be a sustained mechanism, but most people lack the discipline for it.

>> No.15243564

why does one need to practice yoga to achieve it? why can't any mind just do it at will?

>> No.15243565

>why does a change in mind require a material substance?
"Material" substance is just mind substance according to him, so your question is really just "why does something that is mental have structure" which isn't any different from asking "why does the physical have structure".

>> No.15243566

This goes back to the question of why the ego developed. The trees don't give a shit about any of this. Why do we?

>> No.15243568

Why should be mind be able to do it "at will" (for whatever arbitrary definition of "will" you're using)?

>> No.15243576

because we all have minds, and in idealism, mind is in control. so if i willed something to be true, it should come true from that alone.

the earlier suggested idea of a universal mind which is dissociated is some idealist attempt to explain why we're limited. but under such a view, it remains unclear why we're ever 'dissociated' from the universal mind

>> No.15243585

>mind is in control.
What does this babble mean?

>if i willed something to be true, it should come true from that alone.

>> No.15243590

>What does this babble mean?
that's a tenet of idealism.
because mind controls matter in idealism.

>> No.15243597

>that's a tenet of idealism.
The tenet of idealism is that the nature of reality is mental. Where did you get this "mind is in control" babble? Provide a source.

>> No.15243599

Because evolution thought such skills aren't necessary for survival and procreation.

>> No.15243603

So what does that change if matter and laws of physics exist anyway? There's nothing under materialism for you to seethe at

>> No.15243606

Still waiting for you to provide a source on your hallucinated "tenet of idealism".

>> No.15243626

if reality is mental, then it seems entailed that mind is in control.

>> No.15243630

but evolution is a material process. the question is under idealism, why is mind ever limited such that has to do x or y arbitrary activity to reach a given state? material thing cannot limit the mind in idealism, because it's more fundamental.

>> No.15243652

>it seems entailed
Why is it "entailed" and why are you pretending your own braindead conclusions are "tenets of idealism"?

>> No.15243657

it's an unavoidable entailment. like in materialism, matter is in control. something has to be nominated to control aka decide what the world is like under any worldview

>> No.15243661

>it's an unavoidable entailment

>something has to be nominated to control aka decide what the world is like
Okay. Now provide a source on idealism that claims what the world is like is decided by a person's arbitrary whims.

>> No.15243723

Not at all.

Our type of consciousness has evolved in the medium of consciousness to show us very particular things in our awareness: space, time, etc.
By the same evolutionary process, the ways in which our consciousness can change the world is also fixed.

You seem to think anything goes when the substrate of reality is mental, but that doesn't follow from idealism.

>> No.15243734

>You seem to think anything goes when the substrate of reality is mental
ummm, sweaty? it's literally the tenet of idealism because it's an unvoidable entailment because i said so

>> No.15244222

whims are part of the mind.

now you seem to have invented a new type of idealism-evolution mirroring actual evolution. this is getting pretty funny

>> No.15244881

Not op, but consider what op is saying. He's digging into the realm of russelianism. Read this and come back with an educated argument: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24475408

>> No.15244949
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>(1) The explanatory gap cuts both ways, making it as hard to get the physical out of consciousness as to get consciousness out of the physical.
I cant connect the physical reality of our world and use words like "consciousness/soul" without "muh muhterialism" when they neither understand the concrete world, nor the phenomenological experience of existence. Just knee-jerk responses of whatever theyve been subliminally brainwahsed to.

Shit shouldnt be like do but it are.

>> No.15244954

No, idealism purely states that ideas are irreducible entities. Further claims qualify a kind of idealism. Also, idealism is not a pole opposite of materialism, but part of a triad along with realism and nominalism.

>> No.15244967
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>Idealism is the most logically coherent position by not have impossible problems like the "Hard Problem" that Materialism does.
It does have much harder problems though. Many examples have been named ITT.

>Consciousness is accounted for.
By saying "it just is, okay?"

>The wider universe is accounted for.
Again by saying "it just is, okay?"

Idealism is an anti-intellectual cope masquerading as pseudo-intellectual deepity.

>> No.15245000

the problem with most idealists is that they take the schizo leap past the cogito into deductive 'certainties'.

despite the fallacy of the inductive leap, there is at least an intuitive (though deductively wrong) instinct that it works well, and it has immense practical value in the respect that, well, pretty much all of material human advancement is predicated upon the inductive leap.

i don't have a problem with idealism, i have a problem with idealists who espouse certainties or unsupported metaphysics.

personally, with the whole materialist/idealist thing, i'm agnostic and fairly ambivalent. on one hand, materialism explains almost all of the phenomenon around us. it really is the system of belief with the most content and usefulness.

on the other hand, there are phenomenon that materialism is failing to explain, and appears to be incompatible with. these are the various hard problems: of consciousness, interpretations of quantum mechanics, the beginning of the universe, the values of natural constants, et cetera.

ultimately, i espouse a sort of epistemic pessimism. as humans trying to figure out the reality we live in, we are subject to the laws of this reality, and eventually with a reductive process you reach a point where you're essentially trying to bite your own teeth. if there were sentient automata in conway's game of life, by virtue of being constructed from the rules of the game, the deepest level of knowledge they would have access to is to eventually figure out the four rules that govern the cells. they would have absolutely zero way of gathering certain knowledge about our world, about the computer that mediates their existence.

in the same way, i believe humans are stranded on an epistemic island on which we can never leave. there is a definite limit to what we can know, assuming the analogy is correct, and whether we ever reach that limit or not, we are still damned to an incompleteness of knowledge.

>> No.15245002

also, on the flaws with idealism, there is really very little certainty with any kind of substantive idealistic belief. we need a complete ontology of thoughts, abstract ideas, and a certain judgement on whether or not there is an ontology of significant abstract/immaterial phenomenon that is NOT extensive from the material world.

any nonmaterial/idealistic belief beyond the cogito is unsupported, and in the absence of some great new evidence, most beliefs of these types can be safely ignored because of how stupid and arbitrary they are.

>> No.15245003

>i don't have a problem with idealism
>i have a problem with idealists who espouse certainties or unsupported metaphysics.
Boy are you going to hate these threads.

>i believe humans are stranded on an epistemic island on which we can never leave
That's a good thing to believe in because it happens to be the truth, whatever that means.

>> No.15245009

>your pic
I wont take a single thing you say seriously, as youre basically a historical realists arguing with the Pope...admirable...but misguided, m'lord.

>> No.15245093


>> No.15245295

>No, idealism purely states that ideas are irreducible entities
that's wrong, that isn't what principally defines idealism. the google definition will tell you this.

also nominalism is a type of materialism.

>> No.15245318

>whims are part of the mind.
So? The depths of your mental illness are staggering. You are unable to form any coherent thoughts.

>> No.15245320

meaning: whims should have power over the material.

>> No.15245323

>whims should have power over the material.
Why? I'm genuinely stumped by your inability to think. You literally just keep going back and forth between making a nonsequitur and reiterating your braindamaged claim.

>> No.15245344

>idealists who conflates vulgar and mechanical materialism with dialectical materialism is surprised that vulgar and mechanical materialism is wrong
read Lenin

>> No.15245346

because whims are part of the mind, and idealists hold that mind controls the material.

>> No.15245349

>whims are part of the mind

> idealists hold that mind controls the material.

I'm starting to doubt that you are human. You are indistinguishable from a poorly coded GPT. Show any sign of humanity in your next post.

>> No.15245351

this means that whims should be able to control the material. as they can't directly, idealist need to explain this limitation.

google definition of idealism:

"any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependent on the activity of mind."

>> No.15245352

>this means that whims should be able to control the material

>> No.15245357

because they are part of the mind, the thing which controls the material according to idealists.

>> No.15245360

>because they are part of the mind

>which controls the material according to idealists.

(You're already a confirmed nonhuman but let's watch you loop again just to be extra sure)

>> No.15245362

explain why, despite being a part of the mind, whims can't control the material absolutely.

>> No.15245363

I don't see any reason why they should be able to, and neither do you, since you loop just like a nonhuman whenever your delusion is questioned.

>> No.15245369

so you don't know why, fine.

there is a good reason to think that they should, which is that whims are part of the mind, the thing with power in idealism.

>> No.15245373

>whims are part of the mind
So what? Confirm that you're nonhuman by failing to make an argument again.

>> No.15245378

>M produces R, X is part of M, therefore X dictates R
total nonsequitur. meds needed

>> No.15245380

it still needs to be explained why X doesn't dictate R. it isn't satisfactory to say nothing. which subset of M dictates R, and why is it not X?

>> No.15245382

>chromosomes, hormones, genitalia, anatomy, innate behavior - the evidence is clear: there are only two genders and you cannot transition from male to female

>gender is an arbitrary mental construct! If I decide to be a woman then I am a woman and btw there are 123456789 genders because I say so, okay?

>> No.15245388

>it still needs to be explained why X doesn't dictate R
unless you contend that every part of a thing solely dictates the outcome of that thing (which is nonsense), it's on you to explain what's so special about whims that they must be the sole deciding factor

>> No.15245390

So why is every idealist on /sci/ also a /pol/tard?

>> No.15245396

if it's not whims, it's on you to name which other part of the mind is in control.

>> No.15245399

>it's on you
i didn't make any claims. you're the one making claims. i accept your concession

>> No.15245401

In case you haven't noticed, this drone is either a literal bot or suffers from severe mental issues and intellectual deficienties. You will never get a worthwhile thought out of him.

>> No.15245402

>i didn't make any claims
you are an idealist i presume. in subscribing to idealism, you commit to the claim that the mind dictates/controls reality.

and regardless of what your personal position is, my arguments are there to challenge any idealist reading them. it's not all about you.

>> No.15245405

>my arguments are there
you make no argument. you just keep screeching that if the mind produces reality, then desires should dictate reality. when asked to explain this nonsense, no never get any further than "desires are part of the mind", as if one thing being part of another somehow gives it dictatorial powers over the entire outcome. meds asap

>> No.15245410

you haven't explained why desires control reality or named which other part of the mind does in fact control reality.

>> No.15245412

i didn't make any claims. i'm just asking you to explain your brain fart and you can't. concession accepted

>> No.15245414

you don't need to have made any claims. you have to answer those questions, as an idealist. if you deny being an idealist then the questions still remain for other idealists out there and your posting here is questionable.

>> No.15245417

>you have to answer those questions
i don't have to answer any questions that don't pertain to the discussion about your retarded claims. you lost and you are desperately trying to find a way out

>> No.15245491

>because whims are part of the mind, and idealists hold that mind controls the material.
My whims are part of physical reality, and materialists hold that physical reality controls the material. Why can't I control matter? Materialism BTFO.

>> No.15245532
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>it's another abhorrent platonist thread

>> No.15245545

>made abhorrent by religious materialtards

>> No.15245554

strawman. materialists don't say that whims are material, they just say that the material dictates whims.

>> No.15245557

That is, indeed, the nature of your "argument". Glad you can finally see it.

>> No.15245558

>material dictates whims
The body desires salt...you vill eat ze chips.

>> No.15245572

Threadly reminer that materialism has been conclusively refuted: materialists claim that the world is physical. My desires are part of the world. Therefore my desires should control physics.

>> No.15245686
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Imagine getting BTFO by chatGPT

>> No.15245690

>be a troon-idolizing woke rhetoric simulator
>regurgitate midwit talking points against idealism
Nice self-own.

>> No.15245701

/pol/tards are the trooniest troons

>> No.15245703

You can't refute the arguments. You may seethe. You may cope. You may dilate. But you have absolutely no counterargument.

>> No.15245706

I don't care about what your little petite bourgeois pseudo intellectual ideology says. Marxism wins, LOL!

>> No.15245709

A statistical regurgitator can't make arguments. You are a mentally ill troon.

>> No.15245730

Imagine getting BTFO by a statistical regurgitator. Pretty embarrassing for idealist cucks.

>> No.15245740

Unironically take your meds.

>> No.15245745

I did. I took IQ reduction pills in order to descend to your intellectual level. Fortunately their effect are only temporary.

>> No.15245746

>I took IQ reduction pills

>> No.15245994
File: 28 KB, 400x396, 1421814779233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /pol/tards aren't very smart.

You're dealing with people that didn't figure out till their twenties that niggers are dumb, women are shit, and jews control everything. Anybody who has to get "redpilled" to see the most obvious shit are probably not a fantastic authority on anything.

>> No.15246000

>t. broken language model

>> No.15246008

Election tourists BTFO.

>> No.15246015

Agreed. Idealism isn't schizo. Idealism is only low IQ.

>> No.15247528


I'll start with the first part of this garbage from mainstream narrative bot.

Other minds are mental processes that have become isolated within the universal mind. Like a whirlpool in the universal consciousness.

There is good reason to believe this can happen because there is a known process for this: dissociative identity disorder (DID).

DID patients report multiple minds within a single mind. These minds can interact within a single mental context.

External objects are what mental activity of the universal consciousness look like.

Why can't a mental world have regularties and patterns? There is no reason why the universal mind can not behave according to regularties. No justification is given by the bot, and it just proclaims it is unlikely.

>> No.15247624

I can refute the arguments very easily. They are like from a child. If you can't see the glaring logical flaw it shows very clearly how stupid you are. If you make me dunk you by pointing it out the embarrassment should cause you to never want to post here again

>> No.15247640

DID is not evidence for the universe being fundamentally mental.

>> No.15247649
File: 38 KB, 333x499, 51Fv6E4+EzL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the universe being fundamentally mental
Those unable to recocile these seemingly contradictory truths (because of definitions and "commonly felt beliefs of society"-so-you-feel-the-same-way) then one will be forever stuck between two absolute "truths".

No, its condensing several fields of study ibto one so the unilluminated have a chance to "get it".
SEE; >>15247637

Read the thread, watch the video, be humbled, this is deeper into STEM then you will EVER go, EVER.

>> No.15247662
File: 17 KB, 400x225, 1677924427729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other minds are mental processes that have become isolated within the universal mind.
How? Still missing an explanation.
>Like a whirlpool in the universal consciousness.
Nonsensical analogy.
>There is good reason to believe this can happen because there is a known process for this: dissociative identity disorder (DID).
>DID patients report multiple minds within a single mind. These minds can interact within a single mental context.
DID is a known fake diagnosis like ADHD or BPD. There has never been a confirmed case of it. It's basically just women making up shit ad hoc for attention.
>External objects are what mental activity of the universal consciousness look like.
Useless dogmatic platitude without explanatory value.
>Why can't a mental world have regularties and patterns? There is no reason why the universal mind can not behave according to regularties.
"It just is, okay?"

>> No.15247751
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1574742683565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which literally tens of millions of people who are representative of the population as a whole who have had NDEs have already done and come back to tell us about it. But since it goes against what academia _WANTS_ to believe - that materialism _MUST_ be true and NDEs _MUST_ be hallucinations - they refuse to listen. But NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife, and are the strongest empirical confirmation of idealism the world has ever seen.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you have an NDE you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs. So so would anyone reading this be too if they had an NDE themselves.

>> No.15247757

only certain kinds of NDEs would suggest idealism. the kinds in which the 'real' world is discovered to be pure mind without material forms. NDEs could easily suggest a 'real' world which is creating this world via some materialistic mechanism.

>> No.15247771

How does gravity bend spacetime?

>> No.15247775

>words words words

go back to /lit/ you wordcel

>> No.15247780

>Why can't a mental world have regularties and patterns? There is no reason why the universal mind can not behave according to regularties
This line of argumentation is unintelligent hypocrisy. You could ask all the same rhetorical questions about the supposed "material" world. Why does it have structure and regularities? Any answer you could receive will boil down to "it just does, okay??". Nonsentients are simply trained to treat "material" and "structured" as synonymous so they take it for granted.

>> No.15247791

I don't claim to know how gravity bends spacetime. You however claim that idealism is a legitimate stance. It's your burden of proof, and so far it doesn't look good for you.

>> No.15247797

You claim that materialism is a legitimate stance. It's your burden of proof. How does gravity bend spacetime?

>> No.15247798
File: 151 KB, 558x593, 1677933108351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you believe in solipsism then why can't you change the world purely by power of your own mind? Checkmate.

>> No.15247801

I believe you haven't taken your meds oday.

>> No.15247803

>You claim that materialism is a legitimate stance.
I never did. You are too braindead to think outside of that infantile dichotomy.

>> No.15247804

they can't answer this lmfao

>> No.15247805 [DELETED] 

You however claim that idealism is a legitimate stance
I never did. You are too braindead to think outside of that infantile dichotomy.

>> No.15247807

>You however claim that idealism is a legitimate stance
I never did. You are too braindead to think outside of that infantile dichotomy.

>> No.15247808

Then make me take my meds. As an idealist you should just need to think hard enough. Maybe imagine me taking my meds and then it becomes real by telepathy and magic? That's what you believe.

>> No.15247810

>As an idealist you should just need ...
The mental patient is lashing out against imaginary characters again.

>> No.15247813

>imaginary characters
Better than an entire imaginary world. Because that's where idealism cucks claim to live.

>> No.15247814

>the mental patient continues to argue with imaginary characters in his head
How come you and your buddies are all overtly psychotic?

>> No.15247816
File: 610 KB, 1078x1610, 1677933914308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to an idealist our world is equally real as Hogwarts or the Star Wars universe
Let that sink in.

>> No.15247818

>to an idealist our world is equally real as Hogwarts or the Star Wars universe
The mental patient mumbles to itself in the corner.

>> No.15247830
File: 47 KB, 483x424, 5324324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. retards fail to grasp that materialist metaphysics is as helpless as any other metaphysics at explaining why reality is the way it is. meanwhile actual physics simply tries to descibe what there is in terms of structure and remains ambivalent about the "true nature" or "substance" of reality

>> No.15247852
File: 28 KB, 319x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, we've never met but I know you better than you know yourself. I'll stomp you in physics THEN cement metaphysics as Kang, because I can...See, your approach to Physics is a philosophical one, so I know I can stomp you easily there.

Philosophy is as natural to me as a fish is to swimming, as I was reading up on this shit at age 12, skipping school and smoking weed.

Lets dance, m'Lady.

>> No.15247853


>> No.15247854
File: 67 KB, 460x791, a0Zz90Q_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing we can just ignore the intelligence beatings, unlike physical ones.

Lol, ammI right fellow mid?

>> No.15247858


>> No.15247863
File: 1.90 MB, 1440x2560, 2022-10-23_14.18.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a contender for the worlds greatest number theorist IN ALL OF HISTORY.

Imagine what you could have learned...meeting Pythagoras, Euclid, Leonardo...Newton, name it.

>Swing and a miss, he's still carrying so much unearned pride.
SAD. Many such cases.

>> No.15247866

how come namefags are almost always literally schizophrenic?

>> No.15247874
File: 56 KB, 500x500, artworks-3mBJEe0ZZjEOszJg-xJN07g-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Schizophrenia is a physiological seperation of youre brains hemispheres (if theure smart, they become hyper-savants, if not they become hyper-confused.) One hemisphere for each eye, hint...one is "virtual" like on a hard drive, you know...where you porn is stored.
>dont believe you
My work is verified, I love doing it, I travel the world stomping ant with tenure all day 'ery day. WHAT DO YOU DO?

t.Developmental Psychologist

>> No.15247876

i wasn't talking to you, schizo

>> No.15247882
File: 893 KB, 720x711, 1627619517699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you dont underatand because youre a retarded normie.

Schizophrenia is a super power IF you can find the way out of the hyper-dimensional maze.




Shit must suck...knowing others live in aethereal realms of experience...

>> No.15247900

all schizos are just failed normies

>> No.15247907
File: 2.57 MB, 1440x2560, 2022-07-14_21.20.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am one with the Universe."
>lmao schizo envies me!


>> No.15247922

you're not one with anything, schizo. you are losing your mind trying to prove yourself

>> No.15247925
File: 153 KB, 720x720, 2017-12-05_15.39.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say "Keep it STEM, this is /sci/." but theyre not *really* into science here.

Case in point is you.

>> No.15247934
File: 37 KB, 600x246, 1677938991926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back pedaling
Lmao, you lost, kiddo

>> No.15247952

>By sticking to what we know for certain, the Idealist is clearly not the schizo here.
That's a bait and switch. You don't know for certain that consciousness is fundamental. You do however ignore the complete lack of successful predictions produced by idealist theories. You are creating a model of reality just like everyone else, except your model is incredibly vague and baseless compared to materialist models.

>It is like a kid who is very good at playing a video game predicting the movements within it with his theories, kudos to him, but knowing how the game behaves tells you nothing about what the game is (electricity, binary, logic gates, hardware, ...)
The theories do tell you what the video game is though. They rely on the game being ultimately material. Where is your theory?

>> No.15247954

What am I backpedaling on? Quote it. You literally can't. Are you starting to grasp that you are delusional?

>> No.15247960

>You do however ignore the complete lack of successful predictions produced by idealist theories
Daily reminder that so-called "materialist theories" that make successful predictions are completely agnostic to whether or not matter is "fundamental" and don't care about what the true substance of reality is. Materialism plays no functional role in science.

>> No.15247963

>When Jim touches the brain of Bob, the consciousness of Jim interacts with the consciousness of Bob.

>> No.15247974

>Idealism is the most logically coherent position by not have impossible problems like the "Hard Problem"
The "hard problem" is just question begging by idealists.

>> No.15247981

You are clearly mentally ill.

>> No.15247983

You admit I'm right whenever you fail to argue like an adult and instead resort to insults. Thanks.

>> No.15247990

>Daily reminder that so-called "materialist theories" that make successful predictions are completely agnostic to whether or not matter is "fundamental" and don't care about what the true substance of reality is.
But that's wrong. They describe literal material and nothing idealist. Why is that? Why are there no successful idealist theories that are just as good if not better?

>Materialism plays no functional role in science.
Right, except for the fact that every subtle successful theory so far has been materialist. LOL.

>> No.15247997

>Daily reminder that so-called "materialist theories" that make successful predictions are completely agnostic to whether or not matter is "fundamental" and don't care about what the true substance of reality is
The standard model doesn't exist? OK schizo.

>> No.15247999

>They describe literal material
So? Are you capable of basic reading comprehension?

>> No.15248002

So if all successful theories only rely on material existing, how can you say they are agnostic on materialism? You're just ignoring what's right in front of your face, as I pointed out.

>> No.15248005

Why is that? Why are there no successful idealist theories that are just as good if not better?

>> No.15248006

>muh standard model
You could use it to simulate particles on a computer and the model would perfectly predict these completely imaginary particles, giving absolutely no indication of the fact that the "particles" in question aren't real or that this simulated reality is running on a computer. The standard model doesn't care what the true nature of reality is.

>> No.15248011

>all successful theories only rely on material existing
Not even that.

>how can you say they are agnostic on materialism?
Even if they relied on "material existing" (which they don't), it would still tell you nothing about what matter is, and wherther or not it's fundamental, so materialism is still bunk. Kill yourself.

>> No.15248016

Here: >>15247807

>> No.15248020

You are legit too psychotic for even the most basic reading comprehension. lol

>> No.15248027

a simulated reality could be materialist or idealist.

>> No.15248029

>You could use it to simulate particles on a computer and the model would perfectly predict these completely imaginary particles
Right, that's just tautological.

>giving absolutely no indication of the fact that the "particles" in question aren't real
What gives indication that they are real is that they make correct predictions in real life. There is no tautology there. You keep proving my point, you need to ignore data just to give idealism equal footing.

>The standard model doesn't care what the true nature of reality is.
It says subatomic particles are fundamental. If there is some better theory that says otherwise, please share it. But you won't. All you can do is deny reality.

>> No.15248032

Your reply is completely incongruent and my point still stands.

>> No.15248035

>that's just tautological.
Not an argument. You have no compehension of what "tautological" means and I accept your full concession.

>> No.15248038

just making sure you are aware.

>> No.15248042

>Not even that.
How so?

>it would still tell you nothing about what matter is
But that's wrong, we keep learning more and more about what matter is. Again, ignoring data doesn't make it nonexistent.

>and wherther or not it's fundamental
How exactly would you determine that something is fundamental, if all successful theories relying only on material existing isn't good enough? You seem to reject the entire idea of determining what's true via testing models. How do you determine what's true?

>> No.15248043

Aware or what? You didn't say anything relevant or rational. This "discussion" is just depressing. This must be what talking to a 70 IQ nigger from the Congo feels like. Makes you realize some "people" are little more than animals on a very fundamental level.

>> No.15248047

>Not an argument.
It is a description of what you just argued. If you code a program to follow certain rules then that program will follow those rules. You argued a tautology that shows nothing. Thanks for conceding on all other points.

>> No.15248048

>How so?
See >>15248006
Modeling and predicting something tells you nothing about what it really is and what makes it behave that way. You are a lower life form if you still fail to grasp it after this example.

>> No.15248053

You don't understand what a tautology is. You are truly on the margins of sentience and my point stands completely unchallenged. Autohiding all further nonhuman regurgitations from you. Be sure to shit out another post that no one will read.

>> No.15248056

>Aware or what?
that a simulated reality could be materialist or idealist.

>> No.15248067

What does your incoherent drivel have to do with anything?

>> No.15248068

>See >>15248006 #
That doesn't answer my question. See >>15248029. A theory making correct predictions for a simulation coded to conform to the theory is not a successful scientific theory. How are successful theories that describe matter and make correct predictions *in reality* not materialist?

>> No.15248071

>Modeling and predicting something tells you nothing about what it really is and what makes it behave that way.
It's the only thing that can. The only way to determine anything about reality is to model it and test it repeatedly. I asked you how else you would determine "what it really is" and you deflected again. I guess you're just a solipsist.

>> No.15248074

>mental illness

>> No.15248075

>You don't understand what a tautology is.
How so? A simulation you code to conform to a theory will make predictions that conform to that theory. That's a tautology. You are again failing to make an argument and resorting to insults. Thanks for admitting I'm right.

>> No.15248077

See >>15247983

>> No.15248078

You are too low IQ to provide arguments for your own (factually wrong) position.

>> No.15248105

nailed it. science proper is about the structure behind observations. what gives rise to the most fundamental structures science can uncover is beyond the (s)cope of science simply because there's an infinite number of empirically indistinguishable possibilities

>> No.15248121

Ummmmmmm sweaty? That's a tautology.

>> No.15248486

You beg the question by assuming there is something behind fundamental structures without any data that tells you that. It must be just a weird coincidence that all successful theories are materialist and never uncover the supposed immaterialist backbone. What method do you have to uncover it?

>> No.15248492

You still haven't explained how what you wrote isn't a tautology. What's stopping you?

>> No.15248493

>You beg the question by assuming there is something behind fundamental structures
why are you lying? i didn't assume anything. your material religion, on the other hand, assumes matter is behind it

>> No.15248496

Information isn't material but it exists. Really this comes down to naming conventions and its dumb. Idealism, materialism, sneedism, whatever.

>> No.15248498

Information doesn't exist. Your retarded neo-religion is by far the most insane.

>> No.15248508

>DID is a known fake diagnosis like ADHD or BPD. There has never been a confirmed case of it. It's basically just women making up shit ad hoc for attention.

Wrong. There are scientific studies of patients with DID who report that one of the minds within them can not see. When this mind has control, the brain imaging showed that the parts associated with vision had now activity.

You can't fake that. It is a real condition.

DID provides evidence for a mechanism of dissociation within a wider mental contex.

>> No.15248513

*Had no activity

>> No.15248518

it says nothing about what is fundamental between mind and matter.

>> No.15248525

>i didn't assume anything.
>what gives rise to the most fundamental structures science can uncover is beyond the (s)cope of science

>your material religion, on the other hand, assumes matter is behind it
I'm not assuming anything. The only successful theories rely on matter. Nothing else. You can ignore the data all you want to preserve your religion but it's still there.

>> No.15248534

>Information isn't material but it exists
Information is completely material, unless you're talking about some kind of abstraction that doesn't exist. Please show me Information independent from material.

>> No.15248537

looking at your other posts i see that you are:
1. obsessed
2. an utter cretin
i guess we can call it a day, especially since you insist to continue lying after gettnig called out

>> No.15248541

See >>15248077
Thanks for admitting I'm right.

>> No.15248549

thanks for associating your sort of behavior and rhetoric with materialism. does a better job undermining it than any kind of debate

>> No.15248550

Agreed. That's not the point.

The arguement made above is thst Idealism has no way of explaining how other minds can come about. We do, and it the comes from a known psychological disorder DID.

>> No.15248553

Ditto. No sense talking to that animal.

>> No.15248556

>thanks for associating your sort of behavior and rhetoric with materialism.
What behavior? You're the one throwing a tantrum with childish insults whenever you have no argument left. LOL

Materialism just keeps winning and you can't handle it.

>> No.15248560

>You can't fake that.
Of course I can. If you read the DSM you can easily trick a psychiatrist into giving you any diagnosis you want.

>> No.15248562

You have no argument. Thanks for admitting I'm right.

>> No.15248563

If information were material universal computation wouldn't be possible.
Information is not material. Patterns are not material, literally electromagnetic radiation isn't even material

>> No.15248565

Math, idiot. I'm not the guy you're responding to but this is obvious

>> No.15248569

>What behavior?
obsessive and nonsensical rambling, persistent lying, repeatedly screeching "i won" etc.

>> No.15248581

>If information were material universal computation wouldn't be possible.
How so? All computers are material.

>Patterns are not material
Please show me a pattern that exists independently from material. You're confusing abstractions with things that exist.

>literally electromagnetic radiation isn't even material
Wrong again, it consists of photons.

>> No.15248582

it hasn't been shown that the dissociation seen in DID is the same as the idealist dissociation.

if anything, i would say that the fact that DID patients can recover, means that their dissociation takes place completely in the material realm, i.e. it's entirely material. the dissociation of idealism is never recoverable until after death. otherwise, one would be conceding the premise of idealism, which is that everything that we see is an appearance from a dissociated mind.

>> No.15248585

>Math, idiot.
Math only exists in your brain, on paper, in electronics, etc. You're obviously confusing abstractions with things that exist.

>> No.15248587
File: 128 KB, 600x562, 463534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: the cult of nothing-worship loses its mind over idealism 24/7

>> No.15248595

>How so? All computers are material.
Computation is not substrate dependent which proves it is not material.

>Please show me a pattern that exists independently from material. You're confusing abstractions with things that exist.
No, you're confusing substrate independence for substrate dependence.

>Wrong again, it consists of photons.
Light and electromagnetic radiation is literally not considered material in modern physics

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15248596

>obsessive and nonsensical rambling, persistent lying, repeatedly screeching "i won" etc.
Where? I am simply pointing out that your failure to argue like an adult indicates that you have no argument. And you're proving me right every time you deflect with insults instead of making an argument. Thanks.

>> No.15248605

all over this thread. your posts are easy to recognize just by their combination of stupidity, irrelevance, narcissism and obsession

>> No.15248606

Lmao, rent free. Post more wojaks, monkey, that'll show em when you can't even explain what would make idealism coherent while actual science is materialist

>> No.15248610
File: 666 KB, 785x1000, wqrqewew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao, rent free. Post more wojaks, monkey, that'll show em when you can't even explain what would make idealism coherent while actual science is materialist
Angry and deranged.

>> No.15248622

/qa/ lost. Get over it.

>> No.15248636
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i heckin' hate the /qa/ boogeyman
More confirmation that the cult of nothing-worship comes /lgbt/ pseuds.

>> No.15248647

But I'm worshipping tits and ass.

>> No.15248652

>Computation is not substrate dependent which proves it is not material.
You're very confused. Substrate independence doesn't mean material is unnecessary for computation (it is necessary since all computations are performed on material). It just means that the properties of that matter besides being able to form logic gates is are irrelevant.

Your argument is like saying that because sound can propagate through any vibrating material, sound doesn't require material to propagate. Nonsense.

>No, you're confusing substrate independence for substrate dependence.
No. You're confusing substrate independence with being substrate-free. LOL

>Light and electromagnetic radiation is literally not considered material in modern physics
You're confusing material with matter. This is about material vs. mind, not matter vs. light. Do you actually believe materialists deny light exists or is this just a dishonest semantic ploy?

>You don't know what you're talking about.
Major projection.

>> No.15248655

>all over this thread
So you can't point to a single example. Thanks.

>> No.15248657 [DELETED] 

just take your meds

>> No.15248659

See >>15248596
Thanks for proving my point, again.

>> No.15248660

>i heckin' won
see >>15248569

>> No.15248662

I didn't say I won, I said you're failing to argue.

>> No.15248664

This is the cancer killing /sci/.

>> No.15248666

agreed. materialtroons should be banned

>> No.15248668

I agree, failing to argue like an adult and resorting to insults is a cancer. Posts that aren't contributing to the discussion should be removed.

>> No.15248678

show me one instance of this back-and-forth pattern that doesn't involve a member of your cult. lol. you are ALWAYS a part of it, and wherever you show up, it ALWAYS happens

>> No.15248684

Hegel understood everything, while we understood nothing.

>> No.15248685

>show me one instance of this back-and-forth pattern that doesn't involve a member of your cult.
I don't know what "cult" you're referring to. I'm trying to have a substantive discussion here but unfortunately there's an institute individual who wants to derail the thread with insults. I suggest you report them so that the mods can remove them.

>> No.15248689

hegel was a pseud.

>> No.15248692

show me a thread you participated in that hasn't devolved into it. you can't and you will deflect. lol

>> No.15248693

Don't fool my mind

>> No.15248697

The last thread I was in: >>/sci/thread/S15246775

Anyway, why are you blaming me for some other poster responding to my substantive posts with insults?

>> No.15248703

why did you lie? half of that thread is an exchange of ad homs between you (the dumbest pro-vaxxer in the thread) and others

>> No.15248707

>half of that thread is an exchange of ad homs between you
No it's not. You're the one lying.

>> No.15248711

then how did i know you're the loudest and dumbest pro-vaxxer?

>> No.15248717

haha you cant even make this up. materialtroons are vaxcattle.

>> No.15248757

Keep hallucinating wins while you listen to Kastrup cultist interviews on loop, schizo

>> No.15248764

>it hasn't been shown that the dissociation seen in DID is the same as the idealist dissociation.
DID is a the emergence of new centers of consciousness within a single consciousness. What is it other than that? Tell us. This is how it is experientially reported by the patients.

Since we have a known phenomena of new centers of consciousness arising within a single consciousness, Idealism does have a known mechanism to point to.

>> No.15248773


How do you fake MRI scans of brain regions associated with vision becoming inactive when the patient reports that one of their personalities who is blinded is in control?

Can you control the activity of specific parts of the brain under imaging?

>> No.15248784

Just close your eyes, bro

>> No.15248786

>DID is a the emergence of new centers of consciousness within a single consciousness
not evidence of idealism.

>> No.15248788

>you are the boogeyman in my deranged fantasy
legit mentally ill

>> No.15248792
File: 52 KB, 648x694, 352424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not evidence of idealism.

>> No.15248798


Actually it does provide more reason to believe in Idealism.

If the point in contention is that "Idealism has no way of explaining the emergence of new centers of consciousness", I've provided a KNOWN phenomena of new centers of awareness emerging within a single consciousness.

>> No.15248803

>look mom, I posted le annoying face again

>> No.15248804

All of that can be explained materialistically like every single phenomenon ever. Stop clinging to the last gods of the gaps.

>> No.15248807

The only thing we can know for sure exists is the qualia, which is ironic as they are wholly unexplainable by scientific methods.

>> No.15248812

/x/ is that way sweaty, this is (at least pretending to be) a science board

>> No.15248821

>t. never heard of quantum mechanics

>> No.15248862

You didn't, that's the lie.

>> No.15248870

So which poster do you claim to be?

>> No.15248880


>> No.15248883

>but knowing how the game behaves tells you nothing about what the game is (electricity, binary, logic gates, hardware, ...)
You must be old as a fuck.
If you've been paying attention to speedrunning in recent years, they've figured out those aspects of some games better than the devs had.

Which makes you think.

>> No.15248884 [DELETED] 

So you don't even know? Then why did you lie?

>> No.15248885

The bot is broken now.

>> No.15248888

Sorry, the technically term is "retard". My mistake.

>> No.15248906

>You didn't
of course. you will prove me wrong by denouncing the clotshot in your next post :^)

>> No.15248922


>> No.15248924

So you don't even know? Then why did you lie?

>> No.15248946

Fixed the bot? >>15248885
You clotshot shills aren't smart enough to be in a STEM subreddit.

>> No.15248948

because i'm obviously wrong and you're not the pro-vaxxer retard that behaves identically to you, so you will have no trouble denouncing the clot shot, which you don't rabidly support :^)

>> No.15248958

It's definitely him. You'll also notice his putrid presence in climate scam threads, where he is especially prone to losing his mind with rage and looping like a bot.

>> No.15248960

I was about to say the same thing. He's the most prolific shillposter on the site and it's blindingly obvious. No-one else talks like that.

>> No.15248965

Has this become the minority opinion on /sci/?
What happened?

>> No.15248967

>Has this become the minority opinion on /sci/?
It always was.

>> No.15248971

It's funny how you keep trying to save face by refusing to confirm that you're the vaxxoid, but you're too programmed to say anything bad about your corporate injection even if it's just to keep up your lie.

>> No.15248983

So you believe that a global pharmaceutical cabal is poisoning humanity and this is how you act on this information? If I believed how you niggers believe I would have done something about it.

>> No.15248988

>If I believed how you niggers believe I would have done something about it.
What would you have done, anon? Make sure to talk loudly into the microphone.

>> No.15248992

Yeah, all that shit.

I mean, if you really think that the pharmacy down the street is now sterilizing and killing little innocent children, and you remain glued to your piss bottle throne, you're essentially the right hand of the devil in the scenario.

>> No.15248996

Woah, calm down there schizo. Just because you get humiliated constantly on 4chan doesn't mean we all feel the same powerlessness in our lives.

>> No.15249000

>because i'm obviously wrong and you're not the pro-vaxxer retard that behaves identically to you
You said that my posts took up half the thread and were full of ad hominid. That's a lie. Why did you lie?

>> No.15249003

>ad hominid
>That's a lie. Why did you lie?
Seething rage in text form. At least you admit he was right about you though. Thank you for conceding.

>> No.15249007

That's the point, do you feel powerless against these forces perpetrating what can only be defined as crimes against humanity? Or do you remain complacent out of cowardice?

>> No.15249008


scientific "facts" and universal truths
but theres always an exception to the rule
we develop models
but it isnt reality
the map is not the territory
the book is not the story

an origin of man
in the dichotomy of symbols
was 1 discovered or was 1 created?

>> No.15249015

>do you feel powerless
No. Hence why you're projecting your insecurities so hard.
The humiliation you and your masters receive on 4chan is for comedic purposes. It's fun.

>> No.15249020

Why are you deflecting?

If I'm correct, you believe a scam with possible genocidal consequences is being perpetrated across the globe powered by corporate greed or just plain evil, and this information serves little else than to motivate you to shitpost. What does that make you, really? If Fauci is the devil, then you're some sort of castrated helper demon from a lower level.

>> No.15249023

>and this information serves little else than to motivate you to shitpost.
This is your mistake. I shitpost because humiliating you is fun. Like a hobby. People can have hobbies.

>> No.15249027

Yeah, but really, what have you done to help people? What have you done to prevent small children from developing bloodclots? What sacrifice was just too great?

>> No.15249030

Cope more please. It only makes me laugh harder when you come back for more.

>> No.15249045

You haven't really thought through your position, have you?

>> No.15249053

My "position" is that humiliating you on the internet brings me enjoyment while I'm on the shitter or taking breaks. Sort of like playing Candy Crush or watching short-form comedy videos.

>> No.15249100

/pol/ won

>> No.15249138


people with simple minds can't understand complex information therefore they call everyone talking about things they can't understand "stupid." Schizo have broken minds therefore everyone who doesn't have a broken mind like theirs is a "schizo" to them. If you are color blind and everything green looks grey to you obviously you are to think everyone saying something is green that you is grey is "broken." "look at this crazy fucktard trying to tell me this gray thingamabob is green. I know what fucking color is I see it with my own eyes!" etc. That is this guy is retarded beyond belief >>15247662
Saying BPD is a "fake diagnosis." The way they perceive the world is fundamentally broken they cannot correctly perceive objective reality anymore than a schizophrenic which makes them very maladpative and often dangerous. Never take anyone like this serious. You can clearly see they have strong opinions on things they know absolutely nothing about. This is the hallmark of a fool

>> No.15249153

sorry for the typos on my phone on the shitter. If you need me to clarify I will clean it up when I get back to my laptop. Here is an article on BPD btw. I suggest everyone here read it, one of the most important article you will ever read

>> No.15249568

BPD is arbitrary bullshit you ass clown. It's literally just a fake description sufficiently broad to describe the average woman.

>> No.15249834

Nah you are a retarded nigger and a joke

>> No.15249847
