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File: 256 KB, 590x396, megachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15239657 No.15239657 [Reply] [Original]

Greater than 150 nerds only

>> No.15239669
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>> No.15239670 [DELETED] 

what about the JQ

>> No.15239699

What iq am I if I got a bs in geophysics?

>> No.15239706

At the individual level you should not care about IQ.

>> No.15239772

fpbp. I'd guess your IQ is a minimum of 208.

>> No.15239775
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Everything that receives input and produces output is conscious

>> No.15239877 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15239933

Good luck with the student loan debt. IQ < 100.

>> No.15239942
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>> No.15239944
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>> No.15240034


>> No.15240038

Am getting hardcore filtered by AP Bio and it's the first class I got a D quarter grade in, in my entire life. My UW GPA is besides that is like 3.74, 3.92 W. (Yes, I'm 18). Guess my IQ? 100?

>> No.15240041

got a full ride for 6 years of college & spent 90% of it on 4chan

>> No.15240045

Bio tries to shove too many things under an umbrella. Why do you think you're struggling?

>> No.15240051

Extra deductive reasoning and forgetting specific details. Never studying effectively due to this being one of this being the only few courses that genuinely had me not half-ass things. And the FRQs are uber-high in critical thinking.

>> No.15240057

>And the FRQs are uber-high in critical thinking.
Do you have examples?

>> No.15240062

Nope. Can't remember, but they connect different attributes of each chapter and make like a massive narrative out of it that seems tangentally related if you don't think hard. My teahcer has a really high pass rate from making the tests hard as fuck it seems from what I deduce.

>> No.15240113

I guess your mom's butthole is approaching singularity, then.

>> No.15240372

I'm Jewish.

>> No.15240391


>> No.15240485

I piss in the sink

>> No.15240488


>> No.15240493
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>> No.15240495

>sephardic == ashkenazi
cope more

>> No.15240497

Minimum 300 IQ

40 IQ at best

>> No.15240498

Israelis arent jews

>> No.15240505
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>> No.15240530

Legs > Ass > Boobs

>> No.15240532

Here is a great video that looks into the studies that make up the claim of high jewish IQ and how those studies have been manipulated and misrepresented. Its a pretty interesting watch.

>> No.15240535

keep coping /pol/tard. ashkenazi jews are smarter than you. :)

>> No.15240540
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>keep coping
>proceeds to cope
Interest projection you have there, Moshe.

>> No.15240553

I read a whole book on undergrad electrical engineering (electrical machines) 6 hours before the final and got a B (my cumulative grade prior to that was C)

>> No.15240555

I am the biggest anti-semite on this board, and it should have happened, but it didn't; he was too kind. But that video is cope. Ubersoy's (fair warning he is 1/3 kike, and his partner in the video is a kike) response pretty thoroughly debunked it.
If you prefer a non-Jew who just covers the genetic evidence
Let's not cope like the liberals about browns (blanket term for various races) and blacks being less intelligent and more prone to violent crime.

>> No.15240649

I’d prefer not to.

>> No.15240828
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>> No.15240833
File: 169 KB, 1530x1170, 95800BC3-9E07-47ED-A3DA-DD697D0C3ED2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*slurp slurp slurp* AwAH AwAH AwAH!!!!!

>> No.15240981
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>> No.15241056

TLDR but posting anyway
This anon is the smartest in this thread.

>> No.15241119

I have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

>> No.15241127

I have sex on my side because gravity is pushing down on my gf's leg and this increases friction due to the added compression. It feels tighter for my dick and it's way easier to cum.

>> No.15241141

I'm glad that Snopes debunked these heckin fascists once and for all

>> No.15241170

intelligence can't be compressed to an unsigned char

>> No.15241345

I intentionally host communist meetups in shady parks are never show. I may be responsible for many of them getting robbed.

>> No.15241348


>> No.15241493

Cells are cool

>> No.15241504

cryptocurrency is a production of function, our labor will be AI and our CPU's will be capital and interest-bearing. i had only came to this conclusion after i made a production function of my favorite NFT's since they actually have scarcity

>> No.15241511

crypto is a function of production*

>> No.15241533

I like computers

>> No.15241586

deciding for PhD in physics instead of chilling with a bachelors in computer science because the latter sounds boring and im not in it for the money but to use my actual god given high iq brain

>> No.15241593

just to add,

got contacted by my country's intelligence agency and interviewed (being one of their youngest applicants also with highest score on their military iq test) without even having studied for their admission. it was computer security related

>> No.15241651

The Mittag-Lefler function is entire.

>> No.15241659 [DELETED] 

jews shilling jews, all day errrryday, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365days a year for over a decade. inescapable, nonstop, lifetime presence of jews shilling their racial comrades on everyone else. technology has allowed jewish shilling to become as prevalent on earth as air is

>> No.15241661

Extended warranties are always a good idea.

>> No.15241668

I love black women and I’m white

>> No.15241675

use it for good m8, gl

>> No.15241680

I got full points in my math classes for saying "clearly <statement>" in proofs when I didn't feel like fleshing out the details. My prof was smarter than me and particularly anal.

>> No.15241689


>> No.15241701


>> No.15241707

People that have wouldent bother posting in this thread.

>> No.15241710

he looks jewish

>> No.15241748

that's because he is

>> No.15242112

No degree
No job
Live off free money
Come on her to laugh at people who work for a living
What's my IQ?

>> No.15242189

i have always struggled with math operatoria in my mind and been smoking pot since 14

>> No.15242249

10 dildillion

>> No.15242256
File: 872 KB, 1482x1097, GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a fucking idiot aims for the highest score. You are fucked now, for life.

>> No.15242466

And yet here you are on 4chan.

>> No.15242471

Not funny, didn't laugh.

>> No.15242578

>an integer is a char

>> No.15242584

Witten claims he is only “culturally Jewish” but that he has no real belief in god.

just for the record in case anyone was wondering

>> No.15242598

Secular jews exist. In fact I think most ashkenazi Jews are secular, they were around in Europe during the enlightenment and age of revolutions and so absorbed the increasing secularism of European society. I think religiosity did undergo a bit of a revival in the late 19th early 20th century but for the most part ashkenazis are more secular and liberal in Israel than the Sephardic or other Jews. Notable exceptions being the hasidic Jews of course

>> No.15242684 [DELETED] 

it begs the question though, whether is goys should start being “secular protestants” or “secular catholics” or etc just in the name of having some cultural identity to hang on to. US christian males (without some sexual deviancy going on) seem to be undergoing an identity crisis and maybe emulating something like what the “cultural jews” have might be a good anchor against the flood of intersectional feminist nihilist longhouse shit

>> No.15242693


it begs the question though, whether us goys should start being “secular protestants” or “secular catholics” or etc just in the name of having some cultural identity to hang on to. US christian males (without some sexual deviancy going on) seem to be undergoing an identity crisis and maybe emulating something like what the “cultural jews” have might be a good anchor against the flood of intersectional feminist nihilist longhouse shit

>> No.15242896

>Tell me your IQ without telling me your IQ

>> No.15242910 [DELETED] 

every jew has an excuse for why his individual flavor of kikeness is different from the rest of the jews and not besmirched with their reputation. every last one is wrong, but they all seem away that each other's horrid reputation reflects on each other and they all blame "everyone but me" for that reputation

>> No.15242954
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>> No.15242976


>> No.15242977

You already know their IQ is greater than 150 if they post ITT though

>> No.15244936

This nerd wins. \thread

op here. i can barely figure out the Capthas; i shouldn't be posting here.

>> No.15244981

peepee stayed out of pants of mine today, very proud moment for me and my mommy :DDDDD

>> No.15246066

I want to kill myself even though I realize that death would be scary and I don't even have any good reason for feeling this way, making me loathe myself even more

>> No.15246074

I fucked like 10ish women but never with a woman who has higher IQ than me.

>> No.15246162
File: 163 KB, 1280x1024, 209209_1697546314335_4346285_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this: I watch Rick and Morty... AND I understand all the references ;)

>> No.15246434
File: 70 KB, 700x875, FpisPlUXoAAUSYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think iq is real then you're retarded

>> No.15246439
File: 262 KB, 500x689, consume-they-live-hefner-2015-obey-the-internet-of-false-30383203-850685964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sexfag
this is why america is falling apart anon. sexfags think they have high iq

>> No.15247459

I jacked off 5 times a day back in college, i like anime and motorbikes.