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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 250x201, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15238922 No.15238922 [Reply] [Original]

If there's so many stem grads here, why can't a single person post proof of diploma. Not a SINGLE person that browses /sci/ has even an associates degree. Prove me wrong (you won't.)

Inb4 cope about mommy and daddy having your diploma, or it doesn't matter so you threw it away upon arrival.

>> No.15238928

Can't or won't? People aren't obligated to self-dox on an imageboard.

>> No.15238950

No one cares about your opinion of them. Certainly not enough to go dig out a diploma and take a picture

>> No.15238957

>Inb4 cope about mommy and daddy having your diploma,
your mommy has my diploma, she demanded to see it before fucking because she desperately wanted to have one non-retarded kid

>> No.15238958

What would be the point? Its not magic to get a degree and /sci/ shows that most STEM faggots are simply underdeveloped subhumans. Even elite universities are just for the prestige and thats it

>> No.15238962

I don't want to doxx myself.

>> No.15238979
File: 71 KB, 551x414, FafWMEzXgAoa7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Block out your name, you'd think people with college educations could figure out basic image editing software.

>> No.15238990


>> No.15238991
File: 2.53 MB, 2551x3299, National_Deans_List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15238996


>> No.15239007

I lack the nurseoid inferiority complex that compelled you to post that.

>> No.15239008

Congrats anon.

>> No.15239014

ty bro

>> No.15239092

You lack higher education.

>> No.15239094

good job

>> No.15239096

Does Economics count? The dismal science.

>> No.15239099

Nothing wrong with nursing, except you built up anticipation by saying "cope" 4 times.

>> No.15239102

I don't want to give personal information

>> No.15239106
File: 570 KB, 2560x1920, MBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as a manager at Walmart, but you'd be pretty surprised what the pay is.

>> No.15239116
File: 98 KB, 1400x1050, Spider_Man_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? There's like 400 students at that shithole huh?

>> No.15239120

200k I saw recently

>> No.15239135
File: 148 KB, 640x480, CIMG0181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tx, I won other awards aside from just this as well. Outstanding major in information science, they only give out one a year per major

>> No.15239144
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 20230228_154313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-stem and I don't use it. I'm actually going back to school now for something entirely unrelated. I wish I went down a different path to begin with.

>> No.15239157
File: 3.45 MB, 2560x1920, diploma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP on suicide watch for being a massive faggot

>> No.15239171
File: 45 KB, 480x394, Degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15239321

I'm proud of you <3

>> No.15241042

ty anon

>> No.15241046

Not science & math

>> No.15241055

I have a degree in mechanical engineering with a 4.0 GPA, but my university logo is embedded into the paper. I am scared of the elite hackers here doxing me.

>> No.15241202

I have a BSc in math and physics. I also have a good job. Not interested in proving it, I'm just here for the schizo threads.

>> No.15241335

I'm a dropout.

Eat my balls.

>> No.15241545

Dude, I was born in 2002 and I'm one of the older posters on /sci/. No way you're a literal boomer and posting on 4chan. Like, shouldn't you have grandchildren to play with instead of posting here?

>> No.15241577

>born in 2002 and I'm one of the older posters on /sci/.
lol no

>> No.15241693

>not a single stem degree

>> No.15242215

LOL. Fucking retard. Imagine going tens of thousands in debt for a shit degree. You clearly lack scientific training so why are you posting shit on sci

>> No.15242225

>be me
>BS with double major
>BA with single major
>Two minors
>Six years to finish undergrad
>Masters degree
>Masters certificate
Yeah, I'm pretty much better than all of you. No I won't prove it, because I don't care if you don't believe me. Cope and seethe. Considered a 2nd PhD before landing my TT position. Honestly considering attending some classes from my peers but I feel like that's taboo though I'd love to earn another bachelor's.

>> No.15243000

>I don't care
>posts this wall of shit

>> No.15243078

Unironically, an IQ test. Did you pass?

>> No.15243089

My degree is information science and I made more money this afternoon than you will in the next decade

>> No.15243090

>Six years to finish undergrad

>> No.15243095

People have even posted /sci/ timestamped MIT degrees.

It's just general not worth risking doxxing just to win some Anonymous internet points.

>> No.15243103

>Dude, I was born in 2002
I know, that was right after I railed your mom my freshman year. Who do you think is your Dad stupid little shit?

>> No.15243224

Getting a STEM degree is not some unattainable feat. In fact it's easier than ever, they are constantly lowering the standards in order to pump and dump ever higher numbers of students with unlimited access to loans.

>> No.15244340

Damn /sci/ I thought we could do better than this.

>> No.15244438
File: 2.34 MB, 1500x1211, diploma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15244627
File: 360 KB, 1056x810, 1676103043522738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me but had to keep it alive

>> No.15244960


>> No.15245036
File: 3.54 MB, 1798x1376, foccault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15245085

I double minored in Anthropology and business. There was no reason to take 2 more classes for a bs when it wasnt gonna help me make any more money. I dont have a vanity problem, I am a pragmatist

>> No.15246877

Uhuh sure.

>> No.15246887

Bachelor of biological sciences.
The diploma is in the uni because you have give it to them to study for master's and my official copy is at my job. Really don't think I want to bother any of them to borrow it.

>> No.15246891

My diploma is from a state school with 60,000 students and doesn't say anything on it except "Bachelor of Science". No one, including myself, cares about it. I skipped my college graduation.

>> No.15246910

people with nursing degrees post on here? no wonder there are so many /x/-tier takes

>> No.15246913

Bud I graduated with a 3.7 or some shit. What do you think getting two more A's in classes I don't need would prove to anyone and who do you think would care outside of some undergrad who has no other metric of success than some nonsense that means nothing? Adults in the real world don't care about the frivolous shit college students do. When you get in the real world adults care about your proven abilities. After your first job literally no one gives a shit about any of the college bullshit you think is so important. They dont care what degree you have, where it came from or your GPA, they care about your resume, references and track record. Sorry you had to learn this the hard way

>> No.15246975

>why can't a single person post proof of diploma
Why does no one disclose personally identifiable information to a bunch of nazis and pedophiles on the internet? Hmm

>> No.15246999

Nurses are pretty based, they literally take shit all day and still go to work.
Didn't read, cope.

>> No.15247003

I have a BEng first class honours with an 85% average and a distinction MSc with a 75% average. UK to American grade conversion: anything over 70% is equivalent to a 4.0 GPA. I was an alcoholic the entire time and almost never went to classes.

>> No.15247222

>Nurses are pretty based, they literally take shit all day and still go to work.
I've yet to meet a nurse who isn't a lazy cunt

>> No.15247228 [DELETED] 

The only thing more dangerous than a female doctor is an industrious nurse. Their laziness prevents them from harming too many patients in a single workday.

>> No.15247722

After reading this thread in very disappointed in /sci/. Most posters are midwits or retards and most aren't even stem. You're losing IQ points just staying here.

>> No.15247731
File: 1.49 MB, 3000x2028, 334890337_719898066285766_6402385785393019042_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my BSc last year, now i'm in the masters program. I also got a job in one of the profs labs.
Honestly, i don't think this place is void of people with diploma, i just think it is also flooded by idiots. But i have spoken to some educated people here.

>> No.15247733

>college of liberal arts
>bachelor of arts
Lmao, not science. I want /lit/ to leave.

>> No.15247734
File: 304 KB, 2400x1256, Butt+Chugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a SINGLE person that browses /sci/ has even an associates degree.

IIRC Ive only met one in Physics here, worked for the gov. on "mid-range lasers". One is some sort of "sociology meme" and was female.

But yeah...basically no one. Extremely rare.

>> No.15247736

Anon, that's not a word. You made that up.

>> No.15247738

Hello OP.

>Not a SINGLE person that browses /sci/ has even an associates degree
You've refuted yourself retard
fucking nurse

>> No.15247739

Appart from me (>>15247731), does anyone actually have anything science related?
Where is that immunologist bro from 2 years ago? Where is the physics bro from like 5 years ago who helped me build my home lab? Where is the chemist bro?
This place really has gone to shit hasn't it... Why is anyone here with a diploma some fag doing econ or arts?!

>> No.15247745
File: 67 KB, 421x500, 11153_x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hungarian. The duede was the president of the national academy of sciences, and he redesigned and rebuilt our university 200 years after it's founding (1635). So it was renamed after him.

>> No.15247755
File: 95 KB, 822x653, 1664455358802589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a savant, attending university would be like spending 8 years learning how to drive a car before every getting in one.

All I do is PhD level research, dunk'n on them tenured dunces.

>> No.15247770

Show research or this is cope.

>> No.15247772

I already told you morons more than once my degree is information science. Are you people too stupid to even be able to read a thread on anime forum? Apparently at least 3 of you are

>> No.15247778
File: 285 KB, 709x916, 2022-10-07_03.02.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show research
You first, bot. You're not qualified to evaluate my work anyway.

If we're going to start with your illiteracy then Im not going to start at all, DO BETTER, DUNCE.

>> No.15247781
File: 27 KB, 800x450, IKIFEEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...lol, as I was saying.

>> No.15248598

There's a nursing degree in here.

>> No.15248639

>information science
So this is watered down CS for business/communications/sociology brainlets?

>> No.15248873
File: 1.16 MB, 2954x2186, redacted_diploma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ has always been full of retards.

>> No.15248987

dog ate it.. excuse me i have to go check on my bitcoin investments good sirs.

>> No.15249002

Wouldn't transcripts make more sense?

This is lulzy for me because I transfered during undergrad and did an abroad program with a different university. Then I went back for some classes at CC when considering med school. Then I went to another CC later and did 8 credits at another undergrad place.

Then I got a master's. Work paid for me to get a second master's. Then I taught at a CC as a hobby project and took a class there for fun. Then I did a grad cert online in philosophy and later took phil classes at two other universities.

So I have transcripts from 11 institutions. I'm considering going back for a PhD but my application will look ridiculous lol.

>> No.15249009

Never even heard of that place and I lived in NC. Of my many credits some are from UNC, Duke, and the community college in Durham.

>> No.15249041

If there's so many shitters here, why can't a single person post proof of a log in a bowl. Not a SINGLE person that browses /sci/ has even an anus. Prove me wrong (you won't.)

Inb4 cope about mommy and daddy having your soiled diapers, or it doesn't matter so you flushed it down upon arrival.

>> No.15249064

information science is one of the hardest degrees in the world you moron. It isnt watered down anything and has nothing to do with business/communications/sociology. It has to do with networks, cryptography, security

>> No.15249070

you are thinking of the business degree information management or management systems or w/e because you are an idiot

>> No.15249572

>It has to do with networks, cryptography, security
As I said, watered down CS. You're a glorified network admin. Something any NEET from /g/ can do.

>> No.15250598
File: 368 KB, 768x1024, ACS Certificate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have my degree degree on me, but I do have a neat slip from the ACS.

Spoiler Alert, I majored in Chem.

>> No.15250630

i too can find an image of a diploma and blur out the name

>> No.15250636

Guess I should have said scan. I never scanned my degree

>> No.15250637
File: 25 KB, 500x377, tickle-h-christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? These cowards dont even show their name OR smoke crack.

>> No.15250649

the CCNA is literally in the top 10 hardest tests in the world to pass. you are a moron that would fail out as a freshman

>> No.15250653

Sure thing, pajeet. You're totally special and smart for knowing what an IP address is.

>> No.15250658
File: 1.98 MB, 4000x2250, 6E3548BF-D6D8-4ED9-8E5F-463A73808C11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why I’d lie about a basic chem degree, but okay.jpg

>> No.15250664

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH holy fuck this gave me my daily laughs
>my god nobody here has degrees because you won’t post them!
>posts a picture that anyone could’ve taken of anyone else’s degree
>for fucking nursing of all thingsXD
>thinks this proves anything on an anonymous image board
>the actual state of cumdrunk nurses
Clean it up! My poopy butthole I mean, I need wiped again.

>> No.15250670

CS has 0 to do with Information Science. You studied fucking biology guy, literally drooler tier major, you are a bufffon and shouldn't even posting on this board

1. LNAT - Law Admission Test

2. Master Sommelier Diploma Exam

3. Mensa IQ Test

4. Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE)
The CCIE certification is CISCO's most prestigious certification for network engineers.

5. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)

6. GRE Exam

7. MCAT Exam - Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)

8. USMLE Exam - The United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE)

9. California Bar Examination (CBE)

10. Gaokao

>> No.15250673

^ Top 10 Toughest Exams in the World. You dont belong here

>> No.15250707

Damn yo...you freebasing at an industrial level?! You gone hard af brah

>> No.15251111

>you studied biology
I didn't. I studied math, physics and CS.

>muh exams are le hard
Kindergarten bullshit. Exams are only hard for midwits. If your IQ was above average you'd know that there is nothing hard about "here's a list of contents we want you to regurgitate". It's merely a tedious exercise in obedience.

>> No.15251248

Glowie boiz

>> No.15252152

His degree is in STEM and yours is in biology. You should stfu now

>> No.15252457

Cope harder. You have been BTFO.

>> No.15252509

I would consider it but my diploma is in box somehmwhere too lazy to get it.