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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 214 KB, 711x350, Effects-tryptich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15238792 No.15238792 [Reply] [Original]

Crazy weather. More extreme weather. Mass migration of people. Heat waves that boil people. Anything worse? Maybe over exaggerated?

>> No.15238812
File: 7 KB, 496x264, conservativesgw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I don't get about conservatives is they are fiercely against migrants, especially massive amounts of migrants relocating to their country.

Why then wouldn't they fucking support the fuck out of anti global warming initiatives, considering we are going to be seeing a massive relocation of migrants as certain countries become inhospitable due to global warming?

Not only that, but isn't conservatism about conserving? Maintaining traditions? As in, shouldn't conservatives want to maintain the current climate and not allow it to get worse? Why aren't they alarmed by the worsening trends and the future of global warming?

It's absolutely flabbergasting that conservatives, for those reasons, aren't more petrified of climate change/global warming and want to do something about it by voting in politicians who will fight it, buy electric vehicles, use less electricity, etc.

I don't get it.

>> No.15238832

>Why then wouldn't they fucking support the fuck out of anti global warming initiatives, considering we are going to be seeing a massive relocation of migrants as certain countries become inhospitable due to global warming?
Because the same people demanding they destroy their quality of life for muh CO2 are also telling them it's mandatory to accept infinity immigrants. Maybe you should stop tying your cart to the wrong horse if you want to be seen as anything other than a cynical machiavellian.

>> No.15238835

>Why aren't they alarmed by the worsening trends and the future of global warming?
Name one trend. The globe hasn't warmed 1/10th of 1 degree in the last 18 years despite a huge increase in CO2. Where is it? Why do you support liars?

>> No.15238837

I have no idea honestly. I just hope we are getting bamboozeld instead of seeing actual consequences. Because I don't see everyone working together any day to prevent it

>> No.15238841

Considering AGW's biggest proponents are buying up all the beachfront property and oil wells they can, I suspect it may be a huge scam.

>> No.15238846

>One thing I don't get about conservatives
>I don't get it.
you're in the dark about a lot of things because you're a /pol/tard
>muh consberbativeS!!!
>muh liberials!!!!
go away

>> No.15238912


>> No.15238920

True, there's plenty of evidence they're liars because of the "warming pause" that they can't explain.

>> No.15238929

Using Steve Milloy's cherry picked data now are we? Global warming is the long-term trend in increasing global temperatures, the evidence of which from 1950 is very clear.


>> No.15238938

i like how the janny nuked the last global warming thread because the climatologists got btfo'd beyond belief

>> No.15238939

>from 1950
Why did you pick 1950? Why not start with the highest recorded temperatures in history, in the 1930s global heatwave?

>> No.15238942

It happens every time. They can't handle a thread being up if the shills are losing or come off as totally clueless.

>> No.15238956

You make good points, but conservacucks are retards, so it'll fly over their heads

>> No.15238968

Global warming is a hoax lol

>> No.15238975

>anti-global warming initiatives curtail immigration
are you fucking stupid, or just a liar? france and germany are massive cucks with their anti-global warming propaganda, and they have some the most open borders in the world. post nose, kike

>> No.15238976

I agree with everything you said

>> No.15238981



>> No.15238997

>are you fucking stupid, or just a liar?
A liar. It's our job to promote this narrative in the hopes that red state rubes like you will buy it.

>> No.15239001

You pissed the rednecks off

>> No.15239006

Because many of them are paid shills, paid by corps to push narratives. Their listeners are just normies, average people, without scientific training.

>> No.15239021

not an argument.

>> No.15239032

This post is too based for 4chan

>> No.15239035

Who knows, there have been so many lies on both sides that its impossible to know the truth anymore.

>> No.15239069

how old are you and when is the last time you've gone outside?

>> No.15239088

Because "climate refugees" is a false narrative. The brownoid countries have been shit for a long time and whatever disasters happen there are mostly due to political instability/mismanagement and war. CO2 emissions is not causing niggers to migrate to Europe and NA, it's because we give them gibs with tax payer money. If there is anything I support, it's sustained nuclear strike on every brownoid country the world over. Simple as.

>> No.15239097

Ah, so you're just full of hate and a retard, got it

>> No.15239098

ITT: Rightoids seething

>> No.15239101

>t. cuck who sucks nigger dick
You can take your fetish back to Africa. It will also save CO2 because you'll be living primitively in a mud hut with no AC and subsisting on jungle bugs instead of burgers. You need to do what's best for the planet, anon, for the greater good you must suck nigger dick.

>> No.15239107

Good good

Let the salt flow through you

>> No.15239118
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>> No.15239121

I'm not salty about anything lmao. I'm rather gleeful at the thought of you getting decapitated by a pavement ape and his machete at some point in the future.

>> No.15239126

When it comes to political issues, like climate change, you have to remember certain factors used to manipulate people.
The most important is exactly 50% of the population is below average. Think about it, every second random person you saw today is dim to stupid.
People who are below average rely on others for information.
People also have a strong survival instinct.
You tell everyone 'were all going to die because of weather and pollution and stuff' half of the population will believe it and some of those will have a genuine fear.
These types of manipulation vary in style and execution. I've only scratched the surface with this.
It's currently unknown how much humans have contributed to climate change. All the CO2 being released was at one stage already out. The idea of the poles melting is frankly retarded, the total surface area of the planet has barely changed in millions of years. If you look at the distant past life was considerably more abundant than it is now and those eras have a lot more CO2 than we do. It once allowed the continuation of massive animals, like dinosaurs, to sustain it's self.
Are we all going to die if we don't start hugging trees.... no.

>> No.15239148


>> No.15239150
File: 198 KB, 2702x2054, D81B008E-3BF1-443F-9152-DB3050C60A12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's currently unknown how much humans have contributed to climate change
Straight out of oil industry talking points

>> No.15239158

You've posted a graph with no context what so ever...

>> No.15239167

Greenhouse forcing in the atmosphere has been directly measured for over a decade at this point while you state readily disproven claims that we can’t quantify the effects of CO2 emissions

>> No.15239178
File: 84 KB, 428x243, 7FB7BB01-C024-4250-B3AD-58226A36118B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another easily disproven claim by deniers is that we’re near the saturation point of the greenhouse effect when it’s evidently not the case

>> No.15239195

>near the saturation point
So fucked because we're not stopping anything soon. Unless this another sky falling prediction.

>> No.15239200
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, climate-crisis-end-of-the-world-stonetoss-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i believe that the life is going to come to an end because of a change in atmospheric content of 0.01%
how low iq do you have to be to fall for the global warmng scam

>> No.15239205

It's almost like both sides of the narrative are controlled opposition to keep the little guy fighting amongst themselves while international finance stacks resources to the fucking sky or something.

>> No.15239214
File: 38 KB, 751x484, 6B78DD28-FB37-45EF-8184-A83B6C49E7C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man we’ve accelerated warming 10x faster than during the fastest warming in the onset of the interglacial periods but nothing to see here

>> No.15239218

o. m. g. a whole 0.6 degree centigradeerino in *checks note* 30 years? oh shit. omg. holy effing shitballs. does nobody else see that we're going to go extinct from this? guys what can i do to help, i can't even sleep at night from this.

>> No.15239220

how does a free floating gas reproduce the effect of a greenhouse, which uses a physical barrier in order to prevent convective cooling?

>> No.15239224
File: 198 KB, 800x800, xxxxxxxxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming
DOESN'T EXIST anymore than any religious nonsense.

So the effects will be only in the minds of the believers.

>> No.15239226

>climate disruption
wtf it's real?

>> No.15239229
File: 338 KB, 1079x1800, nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nature is a government funded political propaganda outlet posing as a science journal

>> No.15239232
File: 102 KB, 635x680, climate scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Straight out of oil industry talking points
BIG OIL is the one behind the whole "Climate Change" scam, because it helps to cause oil/gas prices to skyrocket when "green initiatives" are implemented, making them more money.

When prices skyrocket, the government in turn gets more taxes to stuff in politicians pockets and pork-barrel spending.


>> No.15239238

>wtf it's real?
You may think Unicorns and gods are real also, but they only exist in your limited mind.

>> No.15239239

Based take

>> No.15239241

>Weak propaganda.
Left gets confused on their own doublethink.

>> No.15239247

No, you're right

Republicans don't care about logic, though.

>> No.15239251

they don't call themselves oil companies anymore, thy call themselves energy companies, only leftist political shills are still using the 20th century "oil companies" political rhetoric, the companies themselves don't care how they reap profits, if its from from fake "green" energy or natural sources, they'll sell you the electricity for your tesla either way

>> No.15239255


>> No.15239256

>grifting thread
what's the discord server you're raiding from? also, can one of you shills explain to me how you go from
>global temperatures are consistently increasing
>local regions will have colder winters with more snow
how, specifically, does global warming cause this?

>> No.15239259

Yes it’s magnitudes faster than normal interglacial warming going back about 1 million years

>> No.15239264


>> No.15239266
File: 63 KB, 853x640, 5A2FD155-C927-480D-A26E-721417E65BEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t even know basic shot then why are you posting?

>> No.15239272

AOC and Greta both said the world would end in less than 12 years, that was 4 years ago, so not much time left!
Better hurry and do all the things you wanted to do, eliminate all the people on your shitlists, use up all the fossil fuels you can now before it's too late!
The end is nigh!

>> No.15239273


>> No.15239274

Notice how none of you are posting science but are instead screeching about unrelated politics

>> No.15239285

So post science.

>> No.15239303

Most retarded take on this thread

>> No.15239328

>>Straight out of oil industry talking points
>BIG OIL is the one behind the whole "Climate Change" scam, because it helps to cause oil/gas prices to skyrocket when "green initiatives" are implemented, making them more money.
>When prices skyrocket, the government in turn gets more taxes to stuff in politicians pockets and pork-barrel spending.
much this^
only thing that makes sense when you step back and look at things.

>> No.15239381

All hockey stick graphs are bullshit. Every single one.

>> No.15239404

It's got pretty bad where I am. It's over 284 degrees C hotter and the sea has risen over 12km. The only way I can be saved is if you pay more tax. If you just pay more tax then the carbon dioxide will stop being bad

>> No.15239427

I don’t know why we can’t just kill the migrants

>> No.15239444

>I don’t know why we can’t just kill the migrants
This. They are enemy invaders, same as enemy troops.

Shoot them, feed them to livestock or woodchipper.

>> No.15239457
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, greta scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only way I can be saved is if you pay more tax. If you just pay more tax then the carbon dioxide will stop being bad
Not only must we all give our earnings and property to the government to stop this catastrophe, but we must engage in daily flailing and ritual suffering, the same as our climate experts of the past made us do to "bring back the sun" each winter!

>> No.15239463

>Crazy weather
>More extreme weather
Nothing unusual given the season
>Mass migration of people.
Literally funded and driven by NGOs. If there weren't people actively working to import people, there wouldn't be mass migration.
>Heat waves that boil people.
BTW, we have heat waves every year. It's commonly known as summer. It's happened for as long as the Earth has had an atmosphere and it's current inclination.
>Maybe over exaggerated?
Extremely over exaggerated

>> No.15239548

Agreed. Conservatives don't really conserve much anymore. Republicans seen to be bought by the oil industry and won't do anything to harm their profits. I'd rather be proactive but nobody cares what I think.

>> No.15239553

Maybe the better idea is to take over central america? Go all the way down to the darian gap and stop. That gives us a tiny border to defend. Very easy to do. Bassically a ton of labor. Beautjfull parts of the world that millions of immigrants and new immigrants would move to. Seems like bringing America to them is a much better option than letting then come to america. What do you uys think?

>> No.15239563

if global warming were real, they'd be a welcome defense against the inevitable ice age.

>> No.15239569 [DELETED] 

>nobody cares what I think.
correct, you may now return to /pol/

>> No.15239953

>data from 1800s
yeah nah, 3 metereology sites give 3 different temperature measurements for my town for current time

>> No.15239973 [DELETED] 


>> No.15240001

>Republicans seen to be bought by the oil industry and won't do anything to harm their profits
Kek, muh big oil, what is this the 80s? No, they were taken over by neo-con kikes in the 90s.

>> No.15240597

Can you provide some examples of migration due to climate change? All I ever see are fear-mongering future prophecies and all immigrants I ever meet are here due to economical reasons or are those caused by climate change?

>> No.15240598

What do you think refugee means? They're seeking refuge from their home country which is raped by climate disruption. Raping is all they know

>> No.15240603

I want to see some proof that they're seeking refuge due to climate change and not economical reasons

>> No.15240613

the effects will actually be much worse

>> No.15241196

Good posts, solid datasets. Incredible how most posters in this thread are completely brainwashed by right-wing propaganda

>> No.15241265

Samefagging to bump your shill thread is a bad look.
If we could control the climate, warming it would be the necessary and moral thing to do. It's only sad that we can't.

>> No.15241408 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15241415

>look outside
>month 4 of snowy misery
>Are the effects of global warming going to be as bad as they say?
I wish they were worse

>> No.15241454


>> No.15241551

there's no global warming

>> No.15241862


If you are familiar with the history of the abuse of science for personal ideological purposes by scientists and just how pervasive it is, than this study might hit be very significant to you.

>> No.15241876

samefagging to point out how badly this mogs the shills---they have zero response to it

>> No.15241881

just build nuclear rectors and deport/shoot anyone crossing the border it's that easy
greenshit is a scam

>> No.15241904

0.6C = 1.08F, not 1/10th of a degree eh?

>> No.15241918

They delete the thread when they get mogged too hard. It really is just pathetic to see them squirm these days.

>> No.15243426

> considering we are going to be seeing a massive relocation of migrants as certain countries become inhospitable due to global warming
I thought they just wouldn't let the refugees in. Rising sea levels is just an excuse to build huge walls with turrets on top.

>> No.15243442

Mass migration occurs because they have so many kids that their environment can't sustain them
Usually N. would kill and canibalize each other but the west keeps helping them

>> No.15243469

Notice how they abandoned thread when they got pwned.

>> No.15243617
File: 460 KB, 630x630, 5092611E-C08A-49B8-989B-C7650B04D8B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the point in having a discussion when what you fags have no arguments and just say climate data is fake?

>> No.15243909
File: 98 KB, 1438x1080, Australia-Bushfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already happening and warming barely started

>> No.15243921

This. Shooting people is very effective at making them go away. It's not 100%, just look at what happened with the Berlin Wall, but the vast majority of those trying to make it from east to west were shot. The few who get past the lethal defenses will eventually get noticed. If 0.000001% end up making it in and are able to hide, that's not going to be much of a burden.

>> No.15243938

who's calling it fake? i'm asking you a legitimate question: explain to me how you go from
>global temperatures are consistently increasing
>local regions will have colder winters with more snow
or is that not the claim you believe (that climate change is caused by global warming)?

>> No.15244033
File: 1.91 MB, 1854x1730, Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 3.29.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The planet on average getting warmer while regionally you get larger climate extremes is not a hard concept to understand. An upheaval of the climate system is indeed caused by global warming mainly by having additional water vapor in the atmosphere.

>> No.15244044
File: 338 KB, 2880x1620, 2000+_year_global_temperature_including_Medieval_Warm_Period_and_Little_Ice_Age_-_Ed_Hawkins.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the data is fake because I say so even though it's been replicated multiple times and the code and datasets are publicly available online

>> No.15244049

How does more water vapor in the atmosphere make regions colder?

>> No.15244072

Because previously the arctic polar vortex stayed more bound to high latitudes, now we're seeing more common breakdown of the vortex that sends cold polar air into lower latitudes while sending masses of warm air into the north pole. More water vapor means that there's more water to precipitate as snow.
See the map I posted to see this effect as it's currently happening in the Western US.
Additionally the graph of global mean temperature over the last 2000 years.That's how you get an average increase in temperature and worse winter storms.

>> No.15244077

Why are there so many climate denialsts on /sci/
Open your fucking eyes

>> No.15244083

/sfg/ and rona destroyed this board

>> No.15244096

you can't even keep your story straight. so global warming causes cold regions because, ugh, water vapor in the atmosphere. meanwhile now you're saying the polar vortex is sending cold polar air to lower latitudes. which is it? also, more precipitation as snow doesn't mean it gets colder.

>> No.15244106

You're just being intentionally obtuse or too retarded to understand the concept of the world average temperature and regional temperatures, read a simple temperature map and a temperature graph.

>> No.15244141

so you can't explain it? let me pose the question again.
explain to me how you go from
>global temperatures are consistently increasing
>local regions will have colder winters with more snow
you have to explain how local regions get colder due to globally increased temperatures.

>> No.15244148

Look at the map and think for a second how the planet is in average warmer today while there’s regions that are colder there’s more red than blue, maybe that simple enough for your baby brain to understand.
Those are not contradictory statements, the planet on average is getting warmer while some regions will get colder. It’s a really simple concept.

>> No.15244150

you don't seem to understand my question. i'm not claiming that's a contradictory statement. let me rephrase. IF what you claim is true (which you certainly take to be the case), there must be a MECHANISM by which the globally increasing temperature CAUSES the colder (record cold, mind you) local regions. what mechanism (or mechanisms) cause this, precisely?

>> No.15244160

disruption of atmospheric circulation

>> No.15244161

Please, do go on.

>> No.15244169
File: 255 KB, 1200x1080, BFFCADCB-E49F-466E-AFA3-9AB23FACDD33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mechanisms for each region is different but I already explained how instability in the polar vortex has lead to warm air being transferred to the North Pole, which is where most warming is occurring.

>> No.15244174
File: 138 KB, 662x880, 5148E56D-408B-4907-9BD3-4715E8BBE226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's going to be worse than anyone thinks, but there's no technical solution. the only thing we can do is to form a one world totalitarian government and kill people for it, or at least make everybody poor and unhappy.

>> No.15244177
File: 35 KB, 650x361, arctic_oscillation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a children's diagram, maybe you will be able to grasp in this format

>> No.15244181

This is the kind of retard I come here for. Fully cucked by the media. Bible in one hand "show me facts" in the other. Thank you anon

>> No.15244188
File: 101 KB, 1014x672, FA7C6BEE-1188-4570-A00D-7C9AB26A2C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15244191

>form a one world totalitarian government and kill people for it, or at least make everybody poor and unhappy.
This is the way! If everyone is a slave and miserable, then we finally have EQUALITY! Yay!
Of course our glorious leaders deserve to have whatever they want, since they work so hard as our mass-ahz!

>> No.15244193

Most conservatives believe in climate change. You're arguing with npcs, paid shills, and low testosterone cuckolds.

>> No.15244196

>Fully cucked by the media.
Yep, the media are the #1 enemy of the people now.

>> No.15244212
File: 156 KB, 1200x800, vin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most conservatives believe in climate change.
Because most conservatives are scientific minded and realize the climate has always been changing, and will always change, and there is nothing humans can do about it since we are not Gods.

>> No.15244257


>> No.15244351

Ironically the skewed polar vortex already has a known mechanism of occurrence. It's due to magnetic field changes. The polar vortex on every planet in the solar system is dictated by the counter-rotating magnetic field lines entering the poles. Ours is shifting, so the polar vortex is going out of whack.

>> No.15244796

Nice asspull

>> No.15244835
File: 837 KB, 1800x1223, damaged_solar_panels[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering we are going to be seeing a massive relocation of migrants as certain countries become inhospitable due to global warming?
The solution to that is already there and it doesn't involve empty threats from a globohomo groupthink. Doesn't happen in countries with enforced border patrol, like Israel.

>Not only that, but isn't conservatism about conserving?
Bakelite AK's and other plastics that were great to use over and over. If only environmentalists and plastic company lobbyists hadn't made it so that it be strewn across the planet by transporting everywhere by insisting indestructible product be "Recycled" (recreated into an inferior form). That's about the jist of every "green energy" product/project on the market too. They're either massive failures being denied or coping mechanisms that keep the psychosis of "saving you from yourselves" going. The problem is the concepts never would have held up in the first place, yet they go and build them anyway. It's like watching a religions empire fall in real time.They think they have climate and weather figured out so well and then said climate and weather make quick work of their stupid little installations. Because they don't know how it works, they make it up as they go along.

>Why aren't they alarmed by the worsening trends and the future of global warming?
The "first sin" of "green people". Either by fudging numbers and fear mongering or trying and failing miserably to make an "alternate" type of technology that ends up being exponentially more destructive to the planet.

>by voting in politicians who will fight it, buy electric vehicles, use less electricity, etc.
Electric vehicles would make us use more electricity, retard.
>In b4, "noo by some aetheric wizardry, tapping it from the power lines directly will make the power plants not generate more electricity to accommodate vehicles despite said power having to travel through hundreds of miles of resistance".

>> No.15244837

>BIG OIL is the one behind the whole "Climate Change" scam, because it helps to cause oil/gas prices to skyrocket when "green initiatives" are implemented, making them more money.
>When prices skyrocket, the government in turn gets more taxes to stuff in politicians pockets and pork-barrel spending.
have said this before.

>> No.15245044

I’ve heard that climate change does not cause extreme weather

>> No.15245355


I think this study is the most compelling evidence that the climate change data is exaggerated for ideological purposes. I would be interested in seeing a pro CC rebuttal.

>> No.15245384

Okay, here's the low down. First understand that 99.99% of the population are dumbfucks who dont understand basic math and couldn't read a graph to save their lives. Anything you see in the common media is intended for them and is of no value.
Second, climate change is inevitable because people are stupid fucks and profits always come first, countries like China, Indonesia, and India just really dont give a fuck, and western countries are almost as bad. Any reports of attempts to mitgate climate change can be thrown into the trash can, its just copium propaganda. But likewise so are the hysterics from the other side. Its nothing so dramatic. Its a slow gradual thing. People and especially media hate slow things, they want shit to be happening right now.

Basically over the next two hundred years things will get a lot worse. But remember that 200 years is like ten generations. That's enough for older people to get used to the new norm, while younger people just grow up expecting nothing else.
Weather events will become worse, sure, but there are mitigating effects, like northern regions of the northern hemisphere will become more habitable and productive. You will see a slow but steady increase in shit like floods, heat waves, droughts, hurricanes and tornadoes, but its a gradually thing. One year there might be two floods, ten years later the same area might experience three floods. At times the weather will actually seem to improve, then it will become worse, then better again, and so on, mapped out on a time frame that just sees an incremental change for the worse. People will just move way from the worse areas and resettle in areas better suited for farming and less prone to catastrophic weather events.

Likewise the quality of life will decrease for most people. But that's actually more an effect of the ponzi scheme of endless economic growth coming to and end. It could be argued that by some metrics the quality of life has already declined.

>> No.15245498

>a pro CC rebuttal
Literally no one is pro climate change.

>> No.15245509

>global warming causes cold regions because, ugh, water vapor in the atmosphere. meanwhile now you're saying the polar vortex is sending cold polar air to lower latitudes. which is it?

Here's a difficult concept for you: the cold polar air makes regions cold.

>> No.15245550

So global warming makes the poles cold? How?

>> No.15245597

That's not what he said at all. Can you make it less obvious that you're posting in bad faith?

>> No.15246513

>self published pdf with obviously misinterpreted data

>> No.15246518

Already explained with cartoons so you could understand

>> No.15246682 [DELETED] 

you can say the same thing about the ipcc, the ipcc is just the united nations self publishing lies in order to justify their political agenda

>> No.15247080

Posting a reasonable opinion on /sci/?
Wasting your time.

>> No.15247578

there's no any global warming

>> No.15247661

Why start at 1950? start at the beginning of the industrial Revolution

>> No.15247664

He's clearly showing financial benefit
Where's the lie?

>> No.15247672 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15247944

6000 years ago, the average temperature was higher by 4 to 7 degrees Celsius. We'll be fine.

>> No.15247977

Your claim is that global warming causes climate change (example of which is local regions getting colder). When asked how this happens, the argument provided was polar ice caps moving cold air. The obvious question being how did the polar ice caps get so much colder? Well, since it's climate change it must be caused by global warming! So, explain how global warming causes the ice caps to cool.

>> No.15248010

This is the grand irony of /pol/. They rightfully understand that the media is full of shit and politicians are ruthless opportunists, but they will also believe every word and act flabbergasted when a politician claims to support something and then materially does not. I want to believe most people posting on there are ironic, but I've met enough retards of this calibre IRL to be sorely disillusioned.

>> No.15248195

>The obvious question being how did the polar ice caps get so much colder?
But they don’t as previously explained and shown with data. You just chose to ignore it

>> No.15248277

hold up. so the polar ice caps are getting warmer, and these warming ice caps send their air south causing record low local temperatures?

>> No.15248284

(-100+5) + (20+5) < 20

>> No.15248290

not an argument. what mechanism permits the ice caps to get warmer, yet percolate cold air to hit record low temps in lower latitudes?

>> No.15248294

I drop an ice cube into the soup.

>> No.15248309

That's global cooling, retard.

>> No.15248314

Not if the ice dropped into the soup because it got slippery under the sun lamp.

>> No.15248316

This is an added feature and not what you're trying to imply.

>> No.15248333
File: 396 KB, 800x774, 998DEF2B-0B2A-451F-9B27-C39574CDAB7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Polar air even though it’s getting warmer for the poles it’s still record cold when transported to mid latitudes. You’re being intentionally stupid not to understand such a simple concept.

>> No.15248364

>Polar air even though it’s getting warmer for the poles it’s still record cold when transported to mid latitudes
explain how this happens.

>> No.15248368

The Earth's hymen melts.

>> No.15248436

I don’t need to explain how simple concepts clearly shown in the maps I posted work on /sci/

>> No.15248499

if it's so simple, why can't you explain it? what mechanism permits, as you claim, this to happen?
>Polar air even though it’s getting warmer for the poles it’s still record cold when transported to mid latitudes
posting a picture isn't an explanation. the data clearly shows climate is changing, your claim is that this change is CAUSED BY global warming. don't just post data and pretend that's an answer. explain how such data is a result of global warming.

>> No.15248616

It was already explained earlier in the thread and I even posted additional figures to explain it. You can’t seem to grasp the simple concept of temperature anomalies and averages to interpret a map that plainly shows the movement of warm and cold air masses.
You’re either to stupid to understand or pretending to be retarded

>> No.15248630

thankfully mines still attached

>> No.15248683


>> No.15248767 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15248929

>The mechanisms for each region is different but I already explained how instability in the polar vortex has lead to warm air being transferred to the North Pole, which is where most warming is occurring.
doesn't explain how global warming causes record low temps in local regions.
graph doesn't explain how global warming causes record low temps in local regions.

i'd tell you to try again, but we both know you aren't trying to explain it, because we both also know you're incapable of doing so.

>> No.15248940

If you really cared to find out, you'd look it up on wiki, not bump a dead thread where the serious posters have checked out.

>> No.15248968

which wikipedia page? provide quotes.

>> No.15249077

It literally does explain it but you’re just maliciously pretending not to understand it

>> No.15249205

no. you sound like some kind of ESL faggot. try this: put into your own words what it is you think you're being asked to do. then, say how you've answered such question.

>> No.15249386

Which part of anthropogenic warming causing polar vortex instability do you not understand? You’re doing classic circular argument bullshit deniers do. Plenty of data and sources have been posted in the thread and you refuse to read them.

>> No.15249388

>Which part of anthropogenic warming causing polar vortex instability do you not understand?
the part i keep asking you about. what do you think i'm asking you? put it in your own words.

>> No.15249408

All the information has been posted in the thread and you keep ignoring it. Stop with the retarded deflection.

>> No.15249419

nowhere in the thread have you identified the mechanism by which global warming causes local regions to become colder. you claim that cold air comes from the poles which makes lower latitudes colder. so how does global warming make the poles colder? furthermore, you then claim the poles are actually getting warmer due to global warming.. so how is the air in the poles getting cold enough to percolate to create record low temperatures at the surrounding latitudes? this is your last chance. otherwise, i'll just continue to own you in other threads. :)

>> No.15249437

It’s clear you’re not arguing in good faith or are legitimately retarded if you fail to interpret conceptual cartoons about atmospheric polar circulation and how warmer temperatures in the North Pole disrupt the circumpolar circulation causing cold air to go south and be replaced by warmer air going north. The poles being on average warmer does not mean that those temperatures are still not colder than lower latitudes. When the vortex weakens and polar air moves south you get record cold in lower latitudes and record highs when warm air encroaches the pole. This has already been explained in the thread and it’s the last time I’m repeating it.

>> No.15249438

Yup. Stop movement of people and force people to live with the constraints of their environment.

>> No.15249469

What about placesthat are already hot? More rain? That's what happens when there's precipitation right?

>> No.15249487

Gas stoves and racism causes it. Eating eggs also contribute to global warming. Trans-phobia does also.
The science is settled.

>> No.15251135 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 623x449, 100 iq believes in global warming .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15252882

I'm in northern italy and for the last few years rain is progressively getting rarer on a monthly base. this should tell you enough that we are about to witness some heavy shit in our lifetime

>> No.15253386 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 680x543, climate change conference parking lot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15256375 [DELETED] 

global warming is completely fake

>> No.15257521

>kill and canibalize
also sell into slavery

>> No.15259277
File: 154 KB, 929x564, main-qimg-801a67691c36779d638301c33f04de8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that Anon, but here's some proof