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15237155 No.15237155 [Reply] [Original]

What's the scientific explanation of the underwater cities at the coast of cuba, japan and india?

>> No.15237156

the what now

>> No.15237160


>> No.15237164


>> No.15237184

did the land just sink?

i mean, i assume your post is some coded climate change / jeebus thing . and sure everyone talks about sea level change. but it is also geologically true that land level can change. i wouldn’t be surprised if these examples were just natural land level change

>> No.15237193

the cities are dated to be at least 9-10k years old.

>> No.15237201


>> No.15237205

oh, okay.

These are "rocks in interesting shapes"

>> No.15237208
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I dont think they're mere rocks.

>> No.15237210

if you're asking why there's no "scientific" explanation for why they are cities, that's because scientists all believe they are rocks in interesting shapes instead

>> No.15237216

But why have they made those declarations without subjecting the sites to any study?

>> No.15237218

Pretty sure they've established them as ancient aliens

>> No.15237351

>scientist sees a rock
>"it's a rock"
>nooooooooooo it can't be a rock, it must be something else and the evidence is that you didn't waste your time studying the rock to confirm it was a rock!!! Do it myself? NOOOOOOOOOOO that's antisemitic!!!

>> No.15237881

a bunch of rocks that look identically to human settlements.

but yeah, maybe erosion maggically make them acquire the shape of ancient buildings and stairs and shit.

>> No.15237886

Sea level rise after the end of the ice age?
Or very advanced crabs

>> No.15237889

the issue is their dating using our current dating methods, put them at 9-12k years old.

this breaks every historical official story we have, at least by 5-7k years.

Sumeria is basically 5-6k years old.

>> No.15237999

Giant tsunamis? It is said in indian scriptures that cities were flooded, might be a historical record

>> No.15238008

You are wrong.

>> No.15238231
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Sea level used to be lower than it is now. There ya go, I solved it. Was a hell of a lot of water locked up in glaciers during the ice age(s) - we're talking continents worth of ice a couple miles thick.

I think in the South Pacific alone (think from like India, through all the current islands, down to Australia) there was an entire Europe's worth of exposed land there during the last ice age that is now under ze sea. India and Sri Lanka used to not have ocean separating them, I think they've found signs of a road/of civilization underwater there - not sure if that is any of the India stuff you were referencing or if you were meaning some of other the city ruins they've found elsewhere off the coast.

Also, another fun thing with that all this - the only source for the basalt moai statues on Easter Island is a basalt quarry that is now underwater. I have a feeling they weren't doing underwater rock quarrying... just a hunch.

Plenty of good stuff to be found a little off the coasts of the Mediterranean, too. Hell, even in the middle of Lake Huron we've found evidence of Native American hunting back before the lake existed, which is pretty crazy.

>> No.15238355

there are a fuckton of rocks on the planet so some of them are bound to be in interesting shapes

>> No.15238519
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I never get why the idea of a lost city is so crazy, Like people 20000 ago were just as smart as people are today just because it was 20k years ago it doesnt mean they were some kind of super advanced society that was lost through tragedy, they could be literally San Francisco tier and just have sunk in the ocean for natural causes, nothing special about it

>> No.15238523
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what if there was an advanced lost civilization lost in the biblical flood?

>> No.15238543
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They were regular people just like us them getting REKT by earthquakes doesnt make them special at all
>Be me
>Just average Atlantis citizen
>Have average life
>World gets warmer
>Earthquakes and flood destroy my nation so we have to start over
>Be 2016+7
>Everyone thinks I was some 1000+ IQ ancient ayy lmao god, for some reason
It makes no sense to me

>> No.15238548

Humans aren't amazing, what is amazing are our libraries where a normal human can acquire centuries of knowledge in a couple days.

>> No.15238668

earth crust displacement theory, Charles Hapagood, look it up

>> No.15238678

Rock slide

>> No.15238699


>> No.15239127
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