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15234932 No.15234932 [Reply] [Original]

are certain europeans brown

>> No.15234951

You mean nips specifically?

>> No.15234956
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>Dios mio la creatura

>> No.15234958

Southern Italians, Southern Spanish, Balkans.

>> No.15234963

non of these people are europeans

>> No.15234964

yeuro peens = small peens lololol

>> No.15234968

Peak ignorant western european stereotype. The only Balkan country that can compete with Southern Spain and Southern Italy is Greece, and not even the entire country, but mainly the islands. Serbs, Croatians, Romanians are already whiter than the Spanish and Italians as a whole.

>> No.15234975

A cursed people.

>> No.15234979

no, the brown ones in souther europe are clearly mixed and descendent of the nafri/middle eastern invaders

>> No.15234980

half of europe comes from what is now turkey. italians were always brown.

>> No.15234981

Thought I was on /his/. Indo-European speaking meds are Olivesksins, they have nothing in common with Semetic Levantines except for raping and enslaving them. Some rapebabies still have genes from Romano-Greco times.

>> No.15234989

kys retard

>> No.15234992
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>> No.15234993

I was born blond but now i'm romanian

>> No.15234998

Yes they are. Like virtually all US Americans. Consider germans: People living in the territory of todays germany have been pushed around alot and exposed to, amongst others, italians who invaded the southern regions as romans. They have then continued to mix internally and internationally which makes it a futile effort to try and differentiate southern, black and northern, whitish germans.

>> No.15235000
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This is essentially a white map of Europe.

>> No.15235010

Let me guess: IQ ?
IQ is not associated with whiteness as its non whites, south east asians, who on average, score the highest.

>> No.15235015
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>south east asians
You probably meant north east asians.
What you said makes no sense. Yes, being white IS associated with having a higher IQ as whites score over a standard deviation above the world average. That obviously is not the sole determining factor.

>> No.15235019

So you're saying interbreeding between whites with an IQ of say ~100 and asians with an IQ of ~105, suppose genetics worked like mere mixing of properties on a large scale, would make the resulting population not only white... but more white ?

>> No.15235039
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Obviously this thread was a bait thread. White is generally synonymous with being an ethnic European. I would personally just leave it at that.
Though there are clear genetic clusters, there is some overlap, and some Southern Europeans and people from the Balkans do overlap a bit with North African/Arab clusters.
What you said is retarded; just because a group also shares a positive trait with whites such as high IQ, that that makes them white. I said there is a positive relationship between "whiteness" i.e. European-ness and IQ, not that it's the sole factor.

>> No.15235051 [DELETED] 

Read >>15235000 again. Europeans are, with varying degrees of expression of the trait, negros.

>> No.15235055

lol ur an amerimutt

>> No.15235058

Read >>15234998 again. All europeans are, with varying degree of expression, negros.
I'm 'german' with prussian heritage.

>> No.15235091
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What you're arguing is a classic race-denialist point that just because humanoids share a common ancestor, and that boundaries are sometimes fuzzy (i.e. racial genetic clusters are not perfectly discrete), and that some mixing has occurred (mostly in recent times) that races don't exist. As a 'German' you are genetically far more related to other 'Germans' and generally other 'Europeans' than you are with other races.

>> No.15235109

No. Its (You) who believes the problem will go away if you only close your eyes and pretend it wasn't there.
(You) are probably posting here in denial of reality and to stroke your ego, endulging in your delusion of purity when it's likely youre part of the problem.

>> No.15235135
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>straw man
Where did I claim this? There is no such thing as a "pure race". That notion is on it's face ridiculous given that no one lives in a vacuum. The Germans are a mix of moslty Germanic but also a bit of Slavic, Roman, and Celtic blood. The English today are decendants of the indigenous Celitc tribes, and their Germanic conquerors. The Turks are decendants of Asiatic tribes that have mixed with Arabs. The Japanese are a mix of the original Ainu and subsequent East Asian colonization. And so on.
The same way there is no "pure" tiger subspecies. That does not mean tiger subspecies don't exist.

>> No.15235145

So. Literal negros. What's your problem then ?

>> No.15235153
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You're not actually saying anything meaningful. Polar bears (who can produce fertile offspring with Grizzlies, thus by most definitions are the same species, and has been observed in the wild) are then just literal Grizzlies, and the distinction made between the two is a social construct? Polar bears are all just varying levels of Grizzlies after all.

>> No.15235158

Irony being Africans are more genetically distinct from each other than Europeans are from each other.

>> No.15235165

Provide evidence that a particular polar bear does have or doesn't have and grizzly in its lineage since the species split from a common ancestor.
Suppose you were in charge of, regardless use and practicality, a breeding program for polar bears. Your success would be measured by the polar bears you breed, not grizzlies. Would you accept every polar besr into your program or would you rather want to conduct screening to ensure youre not admitting individuals that have a high amount of inter species genetic material and only the individuals expression of its genetic material fits the bill ?

>> No.15235194
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I don't understand your argument.
The analogy here is Europeans are the polar bears, with varying degrees of "non-european" blood ("Grizzly" blood in the analogy)?
What point are you trying to make?

>> No.15235219

The point is that the answer to >>15234932 is yes.

>> No.15235251

burn alive

>> No.15235264

cope high percentage negro.

>> No.15235269

i'm not italian