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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15230551 No.15230551 [Reply] [Original]

imagine if aging is cured before the boomers are all dead

>> No.15230655

that would be good. I don't want anyone to die. They would likely become less boomer if they didn't feel existential dread from declining quality of life

>> No.15230674
File: 2.41 MB, 480x360, tenor-2599458701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seeing the negatives. Wouldn't aging the elder's backwards lead to more of favored ages? Imagine someone's great grandmother becoming 20 again in this day and age.

>> No.15230680

The experience of multiple lifespans, less dire circumstance, imagine how the following generations are impacted by this and the current social morphology.

>> No.15230691

I wish, however mindsets don't change so easily.

>> No.15230703
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>tfw 300 yr old loli dtf

>> No.15230753

Aging is not going to be cured you snake oil buying, garbage-spouting faggot, you are going to shrivel up like a ballsack and die (that's if something else doesn't kill you) and there's nothing you can do about it. Cope.

>> No.15230758 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 504x716, soys all do this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15230771

Gen z are retarded.

>> No.15230884

Who cares what you think. Working on the solutions to aging has flow on effects which result in solutions to broader health ailments. Increased quality of life in old age. Reducing all cause mortality. I think the mistake you make is in the assumption that everyone is only working on this issue for their own personal benefit. That's a boomer mindset which needs to go extinct. Along with you.

Tldr: found the boomers

>> No.15230993

I'm a zoomer, nigger, seethe more.

>> No.15231017


>> No.15231020 [DELETED] 

your fixation on immortality is a result of your acknowledgement that you plan to never attempt to pass on your defective dna to the next generation, which is an admirable goal, however don't let the one admirable goal drive you to insanity, irrationally imagining that the impossible is going to come true for you as a reward for the good deed you're doing by halting your genetic inheritance. the only reward that you'll ever get is the comfort of knowing in your dying moments that you have left no heirs.

>> No.15231032

> laughs in Turritopsis dohrnii

>> No.15231034

i agree with both of you, but i think allowing them to recover health would also allow for their bodies to purge the lead from their systems and slowly regrow the neural structures that heavy metal poisoning damages - i think their inflexibility and rage especially are partly a result of that damage accumulating past a time when their bodies were young enough to heal from it

lolibaba but real

>> No.15231040

i've said it before and i'll say it again
i intend to be immortal AND leave a lineage that would make Genghis Khan look like a virgin

>> No.15231526
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>during our lifetimes

>> No.15231535

That's even worse. Essentially you are a boomer wannabe. Tragic. I can't imagine being so foolish as to follow in the footsteps of the worst generation in history.

Ditto. No idea where that other anon pulls his arguments. It's like he wrote them for himself.

>> No.15231536 [DELETED] 

>Working on the solutions to aging has flow on effects which result in solutions to broader health ailments.
thats a ridiculous assumption, the overwhelming majority of all life expectancy growth during the 20th century was the result of alexander flemming's work and he was not working on aging. henry heimlich's was another who single handedly did more than all aging researchers did combined.

>> No.15231833
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I'm the protein folding guy. Enjoy your mRNA vaccines. They are funding many solutions.

>> No.15232118

Racism on /sci/? How unexpected. Go back to /pol/ you feral negro.

>> No.15232320

Nothing will work. Aging is nutrient deficiency that may have started with some presumably manmade disruption probably about 26ky ago. Supposedly toxic elements like mercury, cadmium and lead are cettainly involved, cadmium especially seems to be key, as it's reauired for collagen regeneration, mineral homeostasis, and complete kidney function.

>> No.15232548

Aging is just part of a reproductive strategy, you can see variants selected for it in annual killifish

>> No.15232552
File: 73 KB, 671x1024, 2cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine zoomers zooming forever

>> No.15232670

my parents abused me and really fucked up my life. i'm waiting for their death to set me free. if they live forever i'm killing myself

>> No.15232689

Why don't you like, fake your death or take your chances without them in that scenario.

>> No.15232811

Relying on such special cases doesn't seem like a good idea.

>> No.15232821

Cope harder.

>> No.15233539

It may be more practical to combat the consequences until the causes are better understood. For sure some "toxic" elements are essential to biological functions.

Can relate. Lots of boomers are against ageing reversal because they don't want to live long enough to suffer the consequences of their parasitic and abusive behaviour. "Take everything you can in your brief allotment of time" mentality.

Age reversal is necessary if only to have this toxic cultural norm reversed.

>> No.15233579

>Aging is not going to be cured you snake oil buying, garbage-spouting faggot

ok retard

>lifespans are literally increasing
>people used to die at the ripe old age of 45
>now people live well over 100

at the current rate zoomers should live to be around 150.

Aging isn't even real, anyway, it's just a jewish scam.

We've all been here forever. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15234301

but the fact it is a displayed genotype, with a corresponding phenotype we can measure in annual killifish means we can see there is a genetic controlling component. One of the nothobranchius sexually matures in 14 days and dies with 12 weeks or lives for close to 9 and matures much slower depending on its genetics. It even links to colors in males, with yellow males being shortlived and red ones living longer.

>> No.15234327 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1205x580, life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lifespans are literally increasing
you're badly out touch with reality, life expectancy
is rapidly decreasing, it will be under 65 by the end of the decade.

>> No.15234330
File: 128 KB, 682x813, 1670563329500444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will curing aging help with my chronic pain?

>> No.15234337

"This trend will continue forever"
This reminds me of the XKCD comic about how data shows a women will have 20 husbands in a year based on the getting one the prior month.

>> No.15234342

What happened in 2019 that caused a downwards trend?

>> No.15234355

I blame the shrinking and eradication of the middle class, as well as a lack of affordable health care in the US.

Alternative reasons include worsening numbers of natural disasters from global warming (Additional hurricanes and other such storms) as well as in 2022 the war in Ukraine leading to a disruption of global food chains (as well as a lot of dead russians)

>> No.15234510

I really can't tell if I am getting trolled. Could the drop in life expectancy perhaps owe to the fact that there was a global pandemic that killed off millions of old people?

>> No.15234526

Pandemic didn't "officially" started until January of 2020. It would make sense if the drop off started in 2020.

>> No.15234554

>Results—In 2019, the overall expectation of life at birth was 78.8 years, increasing from 78.7 in 2018. Between 2018 and 2019, life expectancy at birth increased by 0.1 year for males (76.2 to 76.3) and by 0.2 year for females (81.2 to 81.4)
Your chart is just off lol

>> No.15234566 [DELETED] 

how would killing old people change life expectancy stats? they have already lived long lives. lots of people far less than 76.1 years old needed to die to move the stats like that

>"This trend will continue forever"
right, life expectacy has been on the rise of a century so it's just natural that its going to continue on like that forever. a drop in life expectancy is just a temporary thing - a little bad luck or something, while an increase is permanent and expected.
how utterly deluded and disassociated from reality do you have to be to have expectations of immortality or extended longevity when your own life expectancy is measurably deceasing by over a year annually.
remember on your birthday the you're not just a year closer to the grave than the previous birthday, you're about 2.4 years closer. in 4 years of life you get a decade closer to death.
thanks, science. way to go

>> No.15234572

You must be 18 to post here faggot. Go back to plebbit fucktard.

>> No.15234633

Maybe be, but given theoretically infinite time (or at least a shitload of time) it becomes much more common that someone would eventually change their views. Then again, if we're talking about nigh-immortality, on unfathomably big scales of thousands of years, they could be changing those views back as well, going through everything many times, to the point where you can't discern someone's personality as everyone's been everyone.

>> No.15234793

Dealing with nutrient deficiencies seems like the most straightforward way of prolonging life.

>> No.15234798

Yes that's nice, but there is no good reason to believe it can tell us anything about aging of organisms that are not programmed to die.

>> No.15234800
File: 92 KB, 345x394, 35243323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if aging is cured before any of the trash currently infesting the world is dead. Imagine thinking you have a right to pollute the future indefinitely. Anti-aging copers should be rounded up and shot.

>> No.15234877

The biggest issue with the boomers is they changed the economic system without even realizing. They voted in parties pushing neoliberalism and didn't vote in parties trying to reverse it.
If you described two countries, one with the economic system of the west in the 60s and another with economic system of the 2020s they would understand there is a difference but without having it spelled out to them they never think of it.

>> No.15234881

>zoomers who don't listen to the parents that are genuinely good will get to open their eyes while those parents are still alive
>children/generation younger than them gets to benefit from the double testimony of what is wise
It would have its upsides. Not to ignore those who would just use the extra life to try and mislead others.

>> No.15235136
File: 40 KB, 318x246, 1611833462685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how would killing old people change life expectancy stats? they have already lived long lives. lots of people far less than 76.1 years old needed to die to move the stats like that
Do you at all understand how the averages work? How someone that hypothetically would have lived to 90 and who now dies at 87 from corona also drags down the average life expectancy? What the fuck am I reading lmao

>> No.15235420

I'm done talking to you as you are clearly too dumb to see the potential for understanding.

Its a vertebrate with genetic structures that are very close to our own who's aging is controlled by genes that we also have and has distinct populations with different aging rates where we can play with thew genes controlling the aging process to better understand the mechanism at work.

>> No.15235456

Hypothesis : Old people are stuck in their ways of thinking because they've got so few years left to live. They don't want to risk making a mistake and not having enough time to fix it. Increasing their lifespan would fix that.

I wonder if anyone ever researched the link between being open to new ideas and life expectancy to test my hypothesis.

>> No.15235463

well studies have shown that careers that maintain neural plasticity lead to increased rates of braincancer

>> No.15235490

Safetyism would be even more extreme. When you risk losing 1000+ years of life then everyone would be super paranoid of the smallest chances of death.

Though it's hard to imagine humanity continuing in its current form when AGI is increasingly likely.

>> No.15235507

What if aging could be slowed down but not stopped, much less reversed? People born today could live to 1000 but because everyone is aging at 1% of the normal rate. Someone who is 75 now would get 250 years of being at that aging or older.

>> No.15235515

>people used to die at the ripe old age of 45
Life expectancy is pulled down by child mortality. If you didn't die before 5, it was easy to live to 60+.

>> No.15235529

Sorry, I meant 10% but 1% would be even crazier. You'd spend 2500 years in a condition similar to that of someone 75+.

>> No.15235534

>""""""""""""curing"""""""""""" a natural mechanism of biology that is impossible to stop and necessary for function

>> No.15235536

They better find a cure soon. I don't want to be 75 forever.

>> No.15235559
File: 28 KB, 671x264, 1677431566785171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen, no cap, the rizz I've witnessed
>"These moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain, no cap fr."

>> No.15235658

New trash would be born. The trashiness is one of the symptoms, the cure cures it.

>> No.15235667

> the cure cures it
The cure is a shot to the back of the head of anti-aging copers for a start, and everyone else who shares the system of values that gives rise to the anti-aging psychosis thereafter.

>> No.15235704

Why would you want to die?

>> No.15236105

This is the level of intelligence of people that don't think curing aging is possible. Fucking kek

>> No.15236112 [DELETED] 

It makes no difference whether you live for 80 years or 800. What does make a difference is how miserable and pointless your disgusting system of values makes life for everyone. It needs to die and that means you need to die.

>> No.15236117

It makes no difference to me if I live for 80 years or 800. What does make a difference is how miserable and pointless your disgusting system of values makes life for everyone. It needs to die and that means you need to die, the sooner the better.

>> No.15236120

Diet is a very good place to start. I'm throwing much of my momentum behind a push to create a clean environment in a rotating orbital habitat. If everything going in and out is thoroughly analysed it can be kept free of toxins. Then we can learn just how much of stuff like lead and molybdenum are necessary for biological processes in plants, animals and humans.

>> No.15236152

You are mentally ill.

>> No.15236164

Agreed. I think he has two devices and posts just the most random arguments with no relation to anything anyone has said. It's truly bizarre. He's just possessed by hatred.

>> No.15236490

Speaking of mental illness, how come societies afflicted with your disgusting system of values have soaring rates of mental illness?

>> No.15236495

You're clearly a nonhuman drone if you don't see the relationship between what I'm pointing out and OP's own post. I guess nonsentients like you are incapable of abstract thought, so they don't see any connection between OP worrying about boomers shitting up the future, and my worrying about your kind shitting up the future.

>> No.15236533

To answer that question we would need to agree upon what constitutes mental illness and we do not. You're obviously a parasitic boomer who thinks everyone should adhere to your toxic value system. We are crossing the threshold of when the older generations were allowed to prey on the younger generations. Submit to the new order or perish.

>> No.15236550

>To answer that question we would need to agree upon what constitutes mental illness and we do not
And here we go with the vilest and most desperate kind of cope. You need to be shot. No question about it.

>> No.15236554

The 6th Great extinction includes humans

>> No.15236557

Global warming is not real.

>> No.15236771

the pain part is probably damaged neural structures and the chronic part probably comes from age-related shutdown of neurogenesis preventing the damage from being healed

>> No.15236782

> zoomers have the delusion they will live forever

you will die like cockroaches before even "1%" more is known about "deaging".

>> No.15236783

>We've all been here forever. Prove me wrong.
you idiot
we've only been here since last thursday

>> No.15237268

You're like a shit flinging monkey who is so uncoordinated that when you throw shit, it only gets all over you.

>> No.15237352

First, it's true that boomers are brain damaged, but
1. it never got better, it got much worse in younger generations
2. it's probably impossible to cure aging without also curing the mental illness.

>> No.15237499

I don't want to die bros... I want another chance and to start over... God help me

>> No.15237665

You're retarded if you think the cure for aging will be available to more than just a small fraction of the wealthiest people

>> No.15237695

There won't be any cure for aging because that will become unnecessary. What's the point of keeping a meatbag body around when you can directly hook a brain up to an interface, which is indistinguishable from the "real" world? You don't even need some Matrix esque simulated reality, we can just get reduced to brains in vats with no sensory input, just fed pure bliss.

>> No.15239240

You're stupid if you believe the market would pass up the opportunity to maximise the number of available conzoomers. It's simple economics my dear Watson.

The issue here is that by entering a simulated digital reality you are no longer supporting the economy which would be required to sustain you. Any large-scale effort to escape reality by fleeing into a digital realm is doomed.

>> No.15239260
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I just want my hair to grow back

>> No.15240032
File: 36 KB, 464x577, 1613458643615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is being done to "cure aging"? I want to have hope they will come up with enough breakthroughs to finally have some... thing that keeps you healthier for longer periods of time. Is there ANY promising leads for actually artificially extending your lifetime or are we still in the "false hope" stage?

>> No.15241802

Does anyone else fear that those in power will continue to grow their influence indefinitely? You could argue that's the only reason social progress has been. Imagine if Stalin or Kublai Khan would never die?

>> No.15241816
File: 41 KB, 425x300, old-man-drinking-whiskey-and-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free

>> No.15241826
File: 1.56 MB, 346x195, dna-replication.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't looked into it in a while, but most current efforts are focused on mitigating the effects of aging. I spruik le folded proteins meme as the best hope of reversing most, if not all, aging related problems. I strongly suspect that this technology will become the core of age reversal treatments. Yes, age reversal. Not only can folded proteins be developed to clear plaques from the brain or induce apoptosis in cancer cells or restore telomere... Folded proteins can be developed (in time) which will rewrite DNA and reconstruct cells throughout the entire body. Age reversal, gender change, becoming partially reptilian or growing organic structures for the specific purpose of connecting our brains with computers.

It's a hugely complex and broad field which is currently very poorly understood. I believe that the mRNA vaccine push has been little more than a fundraiser for development of this technology. If you have any interest in this field there is going to be a job for you. Big pharma can afford it now.

>> No.15241834

>all the BS boomers did to fuck up their kids, and now that they're starting to die off the average is falling
lmao even

>> No.15241837

>almost 8 billion people on this planet
no, dipshit, they still made it to their 70s and 80s anyway

>> No.15241888
File: 1.06 MB, 844x1080, This was written in 1992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to get old and die. Seethe and cope.

>> No.15241898
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>8 billion on the planet
Doesn't matter when we're looking just at US numbers, you dumbfuck. If we did look at a global trend, the avg life expectancy would be going up drastically

>no, dipshit, they still made it to their 70s and 80s anyway
Again another retard who doesn't understand how something as simple as averages work. The 2 year avg lifespan drop between covid's start and now seems pretty congruent with the 1.3 or so million that have died in that time to corona, along with its pressure on the health sector as a whole, people's mental etc

>> No.15241923

Logic stands, dipshit.
They did not.
Go back to school, dipshit.

>> No.15241928

350 million*
I typo'd, so the numbers are far worse against you.

>> No.15241962
File: 31 KB, 813x416, 1485734215295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There only dies about 2,7 a year in America. Do you not think 1,3 million extra deaths over a 2 year period is going to have a real, measurable impact on the mortality rate? You don't even need to look at the papers out there analysing this (and there are a few of them), you don't even need to trust le science, it's literally just basic, human intuition

You don't understand how averages are calculated. Again, if someone who, under normal circumstances, would have lived to 90 now dies at 88 from covid, then the average still goes down. You seem to believe that only deaths below the current average life expectancy can lower it, which is completely fucking inane. Holy fuck get off /sci/

>> No.15241969

Real? Measurable? Sure.
20 year reduction in life expectancy? LOL NO

Just stop fucking posting, retard.

>> No.15241973

There is no fucking 20 year reduction in life expectancy. It's gone down by 2 or so years. What the fuck are you talking about man

>> No.15241975

>he thinks there would even be a 2 year reduction
lmao even

>> No.15241982

You're in full backpedalling cope mode. I can't believe there are actually people that don't even understand basic averages that are posting on /sci/. Fucking lmao gl anon

>> No.15241986

>you're backpedaling
>if you say they both wouldn't
lmao evens't

>> No.15241994

Are you a literal bot or just a malfunctioning NPC?

>> No.15241998

You accuse others of, "Not understanding," but stand unceremoniously on being this wrong. Not only is there simply not enough numbers of deaths to even start skewing the data by 20 years OR 2, the spread of deaths wouldn't even be concentrated enough to do it either.
You're just a dipshit. Just stop posting. Save me the second-hand embarrassment of witnessing your stupidity.

>> No.15242010
File: 94 KB, 960x720, debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more legal retirement
>no more social security
> no more oldfags hogging our healthcare systems
Imagine how much money we would save, and how much money we could repurpose to spend on shit that actually matters like space and infrastructure

>> No.15242021

> is there simply not enough numbers of deaths to even start skewing the data by 20 years OR 2
Of course there fucking is. It's fucking 1.3 million excess deaths. That is going to have a huge impact no matter what. You can literally go and find plenty of papers right now if you're not too disabled to use google too, all of which attribute the reduced life expectancy entirely to corona. Ofc you're going to say you don't trust scientists, but I know that inside, you know you're fucking retarded for not being able to apply your basic intuition

>the spread of deaths wouldn't even be concentrated enough to do it either
What did you mean by this? Seriously, try and spell out what you mean by this

>> No.15242053

alright that was unecessarily rude of me but god damn. I blame the adhd. take care and good night anon

>> No.15242055

I am ok with this. As with any new tech there is always a few hiccups out the gate so might as well test on the boomers.

>> No.15242056

Yeah, good night, but I suggest you do the math and see how wrong you are before snapping again.

>> No.15242079

Any death that happens over the average will increase the average.
There is nothing more to say about it.

>> No.15242161

ok now look at average deaths please

>> No.15242172
File: 795 KB, 1822x1306, 1607812233150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously how do you think life expectancy is calculated? It's based on a probability of death at each age, rather than just a flat average taken from the total number of deaths without ever weighing this group against the total population of which it is a subset. Otherwise, the life expectancy would seem to increase in the event of an event that kills off old people. Thus a death happening above the average life expectancy will not necessarily increase it. Fucking hell man

>> No.15242230

Imagine how prosperous society could be if you removed

-21% Net Interest (physically remove central bank, use sound money)
-31% Social security (physically remove boomers and niggers)
-23% Medicare (gas the medical industry full of outrageously corrupt faggots)

Even the gorillions of dollars spent on defense with $10,000 lightbulbs and shit pales in comparison to these abominations. Man we could have been colonising the fucking moons of Jupiter with this kind of capital, nothing but rage fills me.

>> No.15242420

If boomers can't solve it then it certainly won't be figured out by the retarded generations we have currently.

>> No.15243046

This sounds really nice and all but is such a thing ever going to be done in a feasible amount of time? It sounds like it's still only at the tip of the iceberg from what you're saying.

>> No.15243167

is glynac still the best anti aging meme currently?

>> No.15243168

I've heard you can do that by giving your scalp really rough massages

>> No.15243169

That depends almost entirely upon whether or not the right minds emerge to work in the relevant fields from biology to AI. There is still some high level resistance against the concept but the balance has shifted in our favour within the last few years. It's going to be difficult for middle aged people like myself to last long enough but not impossible. However there is a generation which will, for the most part, be excluded. Such is the fate they have earned for themselves. Let's not be like them.

>> No.15244271
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To add further, while the full range of capabilities of folded protein technology may not be immediately realised, meaningful advances are already being made. Technology derived from mRNA vaccines has already been expanded to enable immunotherapy treatment of certain cancers. These treatments are much more affordable and faster to develop in a form tailored to an individual's immune system. This is still early days, but expect to see further advances emerging slowly at first and then more rapidly.

>> No.15244276

the matrix farming all of us is a bigger issue

>> No.15246101

Hoping this gains serious traction before the last of the boomers shrivel up. I doubt it will survive if they don't.

>> No.15246409

We have very different opinions of the boomers it seems. If they were so capable they would have achieved something already by now. Then again the zoomers have been manufactured into a product which is dependant upon the boomers, by the boomers. Once the boomers are gone the zoomers will have to grow up and most likely it will be the generations which follow who will be most capable of pushing the boundaries. Unlimited by the boomers selfish greed and self importance, unrestricted by the bindings of narcissism and consumption which afflict the zoomers.

Watching the whole scene unfold from between these two groups the future looks grim. Yet every new day begins with another rising sun.

>> No.15246461

Perhaps "boomer" was too broad of a term. I agree with you on those points for the most part but there ARE good boomers that want to improve the situation for us all only to be held back by the greedy and selfish majority of boomers. My current fear with the proceeding generations (specifically zoomers) is they will lack the initiative to not only maintain what we HAVE created/discovered but also breaking through to create NEW technology and information. It's not to say there aren't a portion of them that are already in the workforce helping drive the advances of science and medicine but are there ENOUGH doing it to shoulder the future of humanity?

>> No.15246503

Conservation of energy is a dominant factor in many things. Human nature no less so. Arguably without the world wars we would have much less heritage upon which to build further advances. I'm definitely not arguing for another war and I will do everything in my power to prevent another world war. My preference is that if we take people and put them into challenging circumstances THEN we will drive them to achieve their full potential.

Space colonisation is the answer.

>> No.15246523

You can't. Sure, rubbing thescalp and exposing it to cold water may lead to thicker hair, it can't grow it.

>> No.15246666

I want them to have to live with their mistakes.

>> No.15247391

you first faggot

>> No.15247400

Imagine aging is cured forever. You're going to wish that it never was. Mark my words.

>> No.15249029

Based retard

>> No.15249224
File: 3.59 MB, 344x499, 1676682777482313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aging is cured
Never ever
You are delusional

>> No.15249356

>which will rewrite DNA
I take it you didn't see the trials in vivo showing how "accurate" the changes were lmao

>> No.15249373

Nobody is claiming that the technology has been perfected yet.

>> No.15250202

Why? You can always commit suicide if you won't like it, while we may enjoy living without you.

>> No.15250207

>try to commit suicide
>government denies you that right
>they bring you back to spend the rest of your miserable eternity as tortured slaves

>> No.15250214

just look at that fat fucking mutt... in between feedings of goyslop
this is pretty much cream of the crop in the dysgenic shithole known as the united sates

>> No.15250257

having to take medicine for a disease they don't even believe exist filters most if not all of them

>i'm killing myself
kek i abused them back in double no cap. i don't give a fuck about optics, whenever a piece of shit would appear to defend them against me they would end up their victim anyway

>> No.15250310

>This reminds me of the XKCD comic about how data shows a women will have 20 husbands in a year based on the getting one the prior month.

this is no actual joke
women are heading towards this number giver the hypergammy.

>> No.15250314

> Boomers would have to deal with the multicult globohomo hellscape they have created

This would make me extremely happy Anon.

>> No.15251274

We’re all screwed. The only humans that would benefit from anti aging technology are the ones that would be born after its inception. They’d be nurtured in the most scientifically advanced way possible and then would promptly stop aging at peak brain development which is around mid to late 20s. Although some would argue your brain continues growing well into your 30s so it’s interesting to see where you start and where you stop wrt to that.
At best you’ll still become an old man only general risks of mortality will be severely removed, and I can only hope muscle regeneration will allow retirement to be more than sitting in a beach chair in Florida

>> No.15251545

This is wrong. It is possible to reverse aging. More difficult yes. Possible yes.

>> No.15251589

>all the entitled wealth-hoarding goblins who willingly and purposefully traded their kids' futures for more and cooler plastic shit are now holding onto all the wealth into perpetuity
That sure sounds like a great time to me.

>> No.15253040


>> No.15253090

what's that film?

>> No.15253681

"Ageing" as relevant in this conversation, begins with a decline in physical and mental capabilities. Once our cellular matrix achieves its developmental peak, all structures within the body begin to degrade. There is no process in place to renew cartilage in my knees, which is why they are stiff when I wake in the morning and creak sometimes when I move. There is no process in place to restore the collagen layer beneath my skin, which is why, when I see myself in a mirror, my face is starting to resemble crumpled parchment. Here lies the easy fixes. Most people desire mobility and aesthetics. We already know that stem cells convert into whichever form they are instructed by the body. The complexity lies in teaching the body where, when and how often to stimulate stem cell production in the relevant locations throughout the body. Simply flooding the body with stem cells is likely to be problematic. This stage is relatively simple to achieve, if time consuming and expensive to develop.

The truly complex phase begins with counteracting other health issues related to ageing. How to clear plaques from the brain which lead to Alzheimer's and dementia. How to clear fatty build-up from within the vascular system. How to restore telomerase. How to tackle cancers. How to dissolve scar tissue which may have formed around the heart, or in my case the lungs. How to regain the body and mind of an adolescent instead of languishing in perpetual middle age.

There is more to conquer besides. A caramel like substance made up of fats and sugars builds up between cells and interferes with cellular replication. Other details which I have forgotten and more yet to be discovered. What you ask though is the easiest step and merely the starting point.

Eternal life is fantasy, but if you take care of yourself it is likely that if you are middle aged today, you may survive to be middle aged in 100 years or so.

Who can say what is achievable in that time given a stable society.

>> No.15253684

My fat fingers.
Was in answer to your query.

>> No.15253880

>wanting to live forever just to suffer
I pass

>> No.15256621

it wont be suffering if the olds are gone, gen x is pretty cool

>> No.15256740

"The treatment more than halved the epigenetic ages of blood, heart, and liver tissue. A less pronounced, but statistically significant, rejuvenation effect could be observed in the hypothalamus.The treatment was accompanied by progressive improvement in the function of these organs"


>> No.15256870

It's a promising if vague lead. Although, if I were a young person, I would not be donating my blood plasma to keep boomers alive. No matter how much they paid me. The question now is, what in the blood plasma is triggering the changes. A piece of the puzzle identified but where does it fit.