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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15228440 No.15228440 [Reply] [Original]

Good Night /Sci/entists.

I have been trying to get more dreams and am so far largely unsuccessful. Since last time I wrote about dreams, I only had one more. It felt like it was about fifteen minutes long.

It was a small part of an old and insignificant memory about waiting for a bus and some girl who always wore goth clothes telling me something about cars. It wasn't an interesting dream but it happened and I remember it and that is a start.

I tried thinking about things to guide the dream but usually that just turns into thinking in the dark for 15 minutes and then somehow a lot if hours went by.

I tried to get less caffeine and eat a lot of vitamins but I don't know if they are improving anything.

I get a feeling where I am falling in space and dream starts to form but then it breaks apart and I go back to awake thinking but eyes closed.

Is there any way to make dreams get longer or have more of them? I like even a random unimportant event from the past over a nothingness void and brain talking. Is it possible to instruct the dream to get maids?

Thank you /sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15229032

Some of the most vivid dreams I've ever had were when I finally slept after going cold turkey off a heavy alcohol habit.
They were not good dreams.
Also quitting weed gives people vivid dreams.

Try supplementing ZMA before bed.

>> No.15230971
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Thank you for telling me. I have never tried ZMA. I slept last night and again today and no dreams. Also wake up more tired than I went to sleep.

>> No.15231998

>Is there any way to make dreams get longer or have more of them?
Many years ago I once tried to keep a handwritten dream journal because I heard it would help remembering dreams.

I made like 3 entries, but it actually worked for remembering a lot of the details and I think by the third entry I was having more vivid dreams. They weren't very interesting dreams though. My best ones are like moderately well written films with plot twists.

Going to bed earlier might help.

>Is it possible to instruct the dream to get maids?
/x/ might know a lot about this stuff, actually, how to guide dreams, but I never browse there so good luck

>> No.15232000 [DELETED] 

Definitely don't do drugs. Please. Your dreams will be much better when your brain isn't trying to repair that kind of damage.

>> No.15232024

Escitalopram will give you insane dreams that last forever, if you want to eat the medical jew

>> No.15232148

Take 250mg of Trytophan 1 hour before laying down in bed to sleep, REM rebound will occur and you'll better remember your dreams. Supposedly increased brain blood flow anecdotes tends to help people remember their dreams, Ginko Biloba increases blood flow throughout the body, this should help you out.

>> No.15232157


>> No.15233064

Pardon me, I couldn't help but notice that you seem to have some form of mental illness. Please consider getting medical assistance. Your latex book of schizophrenic pseudo-math won't be of any benefit. Thank you for reading my post, schizo larpers.

>> No.15233320
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>schizophrenic pseudo-math
All I am doing in the book is counting and making arithmetic operators.

If I can learn to operate SKI calculus better then I might be able to make a Maid Space that represents Combinators getting used and then I can use a compiler combinators to get machine code easier at the expense of programs not being very fast to run and an unknown but possibly big amount of them never halting.

If I learn to operate SKI calculus then I will calculate all combinations of combinators in a given Maid Space and calculate Chaitin constant of a given Maid Space by exhaustion.

>> No.15233496

> incoherent schizo babble with made up mahematical jargon

Today is a good day to take your meds.

Thank you for reading my post.

>> No.15233641
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Psychiatric medication doesn't solve anything. It just makes you fat and retarded and sleep all day. It also destroys your organs so it works as a sneak extermination method. You spend all day being fat and retarded and sleeping until your liver and/or kidneys give out, then you die 20 years ahead of schedule.

No thanks. I decline to become fat and retarded and sleep all day shorten ny lifespan. I have to use a Computer and write things down.

>> No.15233644
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>> No.15234117

That's fair. The anti-psychotic meds are definitely a hard kick to the brain. Best of luck to you anon.

>> No.15234173

Look up into lucid dreaming, avoid all the new age mumbo jumbo and focus on material that works around the science of sleep. Its good material for your purposes as increasing dream recall is cornerstone to the activity

>> No.15235816

Read Freud's interpretation of dreams, introduction to psychoanalysts etc. Freud might have a set of mental relations that work for you. I mean that you can get to maids from libido, mommy and daddy issues, potty training etc. With his language you can make a bigger, well interconnected mental structure starting with your obsession which extends to important memories. It should help you to remember things including dreams.

>> No.15235896

Your brain is not very good at doing nothing, it hates it, it just can't do it.
In order to have dreams while conscious you need to think of nothing at all. Nothing. When I mean nothing I mean nothing, not swirling colours, not even the colour black, no internal monologue, no ear worm, nothing. zero.
The major obstacle is random dream like randomness, like the images you can create in your mind. If you want the interesting stuff to happen, you need to stop those images and continue focus on nothing. This is much harder than it sounds, your brain created them randomly, you need to control it and continue with nothing. Do not get distracted by the random imagery, it will take you and then this will fail.

Eventually something will happen and when it does you're going to love it. I don't want to spoil it. When you get good at it, you can do what ever you want... anything. You can do maids if you want, but you'll be more interested in exploring your own visceral thoughts in 3rd person, at first.

Don't listen to the guru like none sense "relax your mind and let the imagery take you" bullshit. This is hard to do and requires huge concentration. It's like manual sensory depravation with absolutely ruthless control over your own thoughts. This is not easy, but when it works (which is not as often as I'd like it to) it's amazing.

>Can you make it last longer than 15 minutes
Depends on your control. 10 seconds will give you a 'dream' you'll never forget. Trust me, if you're in doubt this has worked or not then it hasn't worked.

>> No.15236753
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I will look at this tomorrow.

I don't care about Freud.

I don't know if I have this ability.

Since the last dreams there have been no further dreams. Just everything is black and I try thinking about things or imagining things but nothing happens for fifteen minutes and then somehow it is 6-12 hours later.

I want to change it where when I have dreams I am in a lab using computers and I have assistants who are maids.

>> No.15236806


Keep the journal, don't use the screen before bed (over an hour, ideally)

Keep the room cooler, draw the blackout curtains, don't use drugs, don't ever take melatonin, don't use alarm clocks to wake up, and don't drink alcohol unless you plan to do so in the early mornings

It's absurdly easy to disrupt the body's natural sleep rhythms - even candlelight is not ideal.

For vivid dreaming, try spinning in circles as you become lucid, do not look at clocks, text, or have conversations as you will quickly realize they don't cohere, & consider developing a prompting habit over time which will carry over into your dreaming as a wakefulness check.

Think of tapping your forehead in a specific way, or the fidget spinner from the dream movie.

If you want to have sex in your dreams, it will help to not be a virgin.

>> No.15236808
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>> No.15236819

>Increases blood flow in brain and body
>More blood flow means more active brain
>More active brain (prefrontal cortex) means better memory retention
>Focus duration increases
>Dream retention increases
Just take 2 in the morning, and or 1 or 2 a half hour prior to laying down to sleep. I personally take 2 pills when I wake up and 1 pill an hour before laying to sleep.

>> No.15236843

>You spend all day being fat and retarded and sleeping
You're already nailing the first two and you're here looking for advise on more dreams, so I'd say you're already there. You have nothing to lose, so kindly get medicated so you can stop bothering us with your schizophrenic rambling. Your made-up math and compsci bullshit is fucking annoying and you make people want to kick the face of your stupid maids in out of pure hatred, so you're really doing them a huge disservice.

>> No.15237007

Apparently this. I always dream, and mostly they are very vivid (+ a lucid dream a month). I never internally monologue while lying in bed. Apparently wordlet monologuers and normies do this. What is the point of climbing into bed, then? I still sometimes take 40 minutes, rarely 1h+ to sleep, but when I am not having hypnagogic images and disordered impressions during this lengthened pre-sleep period, then I -- as said -- don't "think" about anything. I just (for extreme lack of a better word -- don't interpret it to mean the opposite of what I intend to communicate) "focus" on just lying comfortably in bed.