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File: 273 KB, 880x880, 820D4870-84F5-4091-B2BF-E3F3147E7F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15225430 No.15225430 [Reply] [Original]

Is color blindness really as pronounced as this? If so that’s insane

>> No.15225462

Imagine seeing the word in kino

>> No.15225468

I just shit my pants, just wanted you to know

>> No.15225486
File: 317 KB, 449x425, 1644745292209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the first 2 are more or less indistinguishable
If it were a duller shade it be more or less the same

>> No.15225579
File: 136 KB, 700x356, human-vs-bird-vision-5da475ccbf216__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes post about color blindness
>uses bird as example

Anon, from a birds perspective, humans are color blind.

>> No.15225591

Stupid image. What's the difference between normal vision and protanopia? They look pretty much the same to me

>> No.15225730

I hate to tell you anon but you have color blindness

>> No.15225743

Anon I..

>> No.15225815

Imagine being a bird and dropping some acid lmao

>> No.15225822

I think this settles "is my red the same as your red"

>> No.15226626

Ya wait wtf these are like a brighter/duller version of one another. Am I colorblind?

>> No.15226631

Doesn't have any bearing on it at all.

>> No.15226645

Doesn't look like anything to me.

>> No.15226868


>> No.15227164


>> No.15227176

It's one of those epic bait pictures. You have nothing to worry about

>> No.15227188

Suppose Bob is color-blind, but Bob and I can both see red just fine. I can still wonder if Bob's red is "the same" as my red. Now suppose Bob can't distinguish orange from red. I can't ask if his orange is the same as my orange, but assuming the red he sees for orange is the same red he sees for red, I can still ask if that red is the same as my red. Color blindness has no bearing on any of this.

>> No.15227223

>if these two things weren't different then they'd be the same
wew you're fucking retarded

>> No.15227246

He's not a retard. I get what he's saying. The three basic colors are all there, but the green is duller for some reason.

>> No.15227251

It's unknown if color blindness really exists because of the hard problem of consciousness

>> No.15227253

It's unknown if consciousness spergs have qualia because of the hard problem of mongoloidism.

>> No.15227263

>but the green is duller for some reason.
>for some reason
It says the reason. Deuteranomaly. A kind of color blindness. Are you actually retarded?

>but they look similar
So what? They're not the same are they? The difference is the disorder.

>> No.15227265

Your mother should have been forcibly sterilized. The duller the intellect, the more needlessly aggressive the insecure midwit nigger.

>> No.15227266
File: 75 KB, 750x891, wm4u10q7t8b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you think he would just look at everything in the same tone of red? Bob sees orange as red and different tones of red as the same red?
And you wonder about what the tone of red is?
Tell you what, in almost no cases it will be the same as your red. You have hundreds of variations of red and orange, whatever single red bob sees might only be casually what you see.
Its like seeing in black and white. Sometimes its the same when the world is black and white, the rest of the time isnt.
Its easy to test, just show people samples of variations of colors and ask them if they see a difference

>> No.15227268
File: 175 KB, 1000x498, 1654512399484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb nigger.

>> No.15227270

You are legitimately retarded. Moderation should seriously include perma-banning people so obviously and indisputably stupid.

>> No.15227272

Excuse me, how did you get this chart when the hard problem of consciousness still remains unsolved?

>> No.15227274

The meat of the matter is "qualia", which science cannot address. It's a "philosophical" matter, which is your hint that the answer doesn't even matter in the first place.

>> No.15227277

Why are you such a mentally ill and aggressive animal? What are you trying to argue and prove?

>> No.15227278

Sensitivity to color can easily be empirically measured. Subjective perception of color cannot, but that is irrelevant to color blindness.

>> No.15227279

Now just think, we're all color blind compared to those birds because we can't see ultraviolet light.

>> No.15227280

So please replace the colors in that image with the wavelengths used in the experiment, thanks.

>> No.15227281

Why are you such a dumb nigger?

>These two images look kind of similar but not precisely the same, what gives???


>> No.15227283

they all look the same to me

>> No.15227284


>> No.15227286

Ultraviolent perception is kind of cool but not very useful. It would be much more useful if we could see in the IR band like pit vipers.

>> No.15227288

My uncle has true color blindness. His world is literally shades of gray. He gets through it because this is the only life he's got and it's worth living even seeing the world in shades of gray.

>> No.15227292

I can't tell if you guys are joking...it really wouldn't be a bad idea to take a color blind test.


>> No.15227293

Why are you such an aggressive ape? You still haven't explained what you're arguing for (or against) in your tiny, shallow animal mind. That anon observed correctly that deuteranomaly is the odd one out because all the photoreceptor cells appear to be functioning.

>> No.15227294

This. Light is on a spectrum... Black and white exceed our limitations

>> No.15227296

Why are you such a dumb nigger? What are YOU trying to argue? That this particular kind of color blindness isn't real because it only dulls some colors? Fucking RETARD NIGGER.

>> No.15227300

Lol two images look the same, >colorblindness detected

>> No.15227301

>It would be much more useful if we could see in the IR band like pit vipers.
That would be really cool too. I'm basically jelly of any animal that has a sense beyond mine. Hell, there's some women that are tetrachromats, they can distinguish between colors that the normal person can't, so I guess in a way most of us are color blind compared to them.

>> No.15227302

You are color blind.

>> No.15227308

I'm not trying to argue anything, animal. What makes you think anyone was trying to argue anything? You are definitely American and there is undoubtedly some inbreeding and negro miscegenation in your family tree. Why aren't they sterilizing animals like you?

>> No.15227414

i left 4chan because 95% of the population is retarded, but i still miss this comedy

>> No.15227417
File: 50 KB, 600x894, 3524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i left 4chan

>> No.15227459

They look absolutely identical to me and I am colorblind
I am missing out some brightness and that's it?

>> No.15227570

The right side is less far less saturated and the greens look very yellow instead of green. Sorry bro you'll never know what green looks like lol

>> No.15227850

Second picture the greens might as well be yellow, it's hard to distinguish between the right bird's fluff and the middle's feathers.
First picture, the middle bird has bright green plumage

>> No.15228631
File: 28 KB, 720x117, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair i got perfect scores on these two tests from here >>15227292
and the deuteranomaly pic still looks like you can distinguish basically all of the different major colours, the green is much closer to yellow but you can still barely make out that it's actually green.
as a side note, i know a guy who got a pair of enchroma glasses for his colour blindness and he wouldn't stop raving about how amazing they were for weeks. if you are colour blind and dont mind dropping a few hundred bucks on some glasses maybe that's worth doing

>> No.15228976

It isn't possible to simulate deuteranomaly solely from an RGB image. They see three colors like everyone else, but their green is different from normal green. No normal camera has the deuteranomaly green.

>> No.15228998

It really do be like that

>> No.15229037

All of the reds go towards a rust color orange with the plumage or more brown on the foliage. The greens have all lost vibrancy. The blues are much more muted and lean more of a lighter blue purple with some plumage. In the normal vision image, the teals on the feathers end up losing the green and are just blue. Some of the colors are still very vibrant, just not in the same way as in the first image.

>> No.15229511
File: 105 KB, 1054x898, 150109696884055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we know normal vision is normal vision?

>> No.15231521

If you can distinguish between them you're not colourblind

>> No.15231538

You study the anatomy of an eye, stupid. Genuinely go research vision of other animals compared to humans.

>> No.15231570

>as a side note, i know a guy who got a pair of enchroma glasses for his colour blindness and he wouldn't stop raving about how amazing they were for weeks.
My dad is color blind and I'd considered these, but some of the reviews I read weren't as positive. Maybe it depends on the type of color blindness? I'll have to consider them again.

>> No.15231651

The red is completely fucked. It's like you left that leftmost parrot out in the sun for twenty years.
The greens are also fucked up, all the foliage looks sickly and yellow, like it's in need of fertilizer.
But yeah the major loss the the red.

>> No.15231753

I think you're on the spectrum, my guy.

>> No.15231765

>How do we know normal vision is normal vision

it comes from normies. if talk to normies, listen to normies, care about normies and walk with groups of normies; then you start seeing things like a normie. it's what they call ((normal vision)).
they need sunglasses to see true things, such as hook noses are evil monsters that run the world

>> No.15231767

>It really do be like that

sorry, i don't speak orc. zugzug

>> No.15231814

>Is color blindness really as pronounced as this?
Maybe. I have slight colour blindness, and I can't really tell the difference between the first three pictures. I can see that the red bird in the third picture has duller colours.

>> No.15231839


>> No.15231895

It's all a big meme, all four pictures are identical.

>> No.15231941

Sorry anon, I don't see color

>> No.15231961

Nobody does. Color is a spook (a qualia). It doesn't exist.

>> No.15231965

Why is achromatopsia (the most based form of colourblindness) so rare?

>> No.15232110

Wew, having deuteranomaly or protanopia. You literally see the world through a filter made up of dehydrated piss. Tritanopia looks kind of rad though.

>> No.15232111
