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15224548 No.15224548 [Reply] [Original]

Quantum mechanics is actually implying math it self doesn't exist, and is in fact just a construct used to describe macro-level interactions.

Quantum mechanics implies that rational numbers don't exist, just probabilities. As a side-effect of this, quantum mechanics can also explain qualia. How? Quantum mechanics indicates that a quantum measurement of a system is dependent on the reference frame of an observer. A measurement in quantum mechanics is generally represented as a probability distribution. Classically one would believe that this probability distribution approaches one answer that is the correct answer, but what it's really indicating is that there are multiple correct answer depending on ones frame of reference.

The location of an atom can never really be defined because "location" is just a concept with no real meaning. When a macro level object moves around, the probability function representing the location of the entangled atoms approaches finity, but will never reach it. Things only appear to have finite structure, but quantum mechanics is indicating that an objects mass/energy is neither finite or infinite, nor can it be represented as a rational number.

Even calculus tried to tell us that true curves don't exist and that "curvature" is just something we perceive.

>> No.15224563

Schrodinger's equation for a single nonrelativistic particle in one dimension
[eqn]i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi(x, t) = \left[-\frac{\hbar ^2}{2m}\frac{\partial ^2}{\partial x^2} + V(x, t)\right ]\Psi(x,t)[/eqn]

>> No.15224572

Time-dependent Schrodinger's equation (general)
[eqn]i \hbar \frac{d}{dt}|\Psi(t)\rangle = \hat H |\Psi(t)\rangle[/eqn]

>> No.15224579

Time independent Schrodinger's equation
\hat H | \Psi\rangle = E|\Psi\rangle

[math]\hat H[/math] - Hamiltonian operator
[math]E[/math] - Energy of the system

>> No.15224587

He's indirectly indicating that math is valid from an n-dimensional standpoint, which is indirectly indicating that one can perceive a valid version of reality from an any-dimensional standpoint. This indirectly supports the idea of qualia and subjective experience.

You could be experiencing the world from a 4 dimensional perspective and I could be experiencing the world from a 3 dimensional perspective and neither of us would be able to tell a difference in what we were experiencing.

>> No.15224590

Properties of the solutions to the Schrodinger's equation

Linear combination of solutions is also a solution where [math]a,b\in\mathbb{C}[/math]
[eqn]|\psi\rangle = a|\psi_1\rangle + b|\psi_2\rangle[/eqn]
Or generally
[eqn]|\Psi(t)\rangle = \sum_nA_ne^{-iE_nt/\hbar}|\psi_{E_n}\rangle[/eqn]

If Hamiltonian [math]\hat H[/math] is constant the solution is
[eqn]|\Psi(t)\rangle = e^{-i\hat Ht/\hbar}|\Psi(0)\rangle [/eqn]

>> No.15224596

pseud garbage. leave physics to intelligent people.

>> No.15224598
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What did you ask chatGPT to receive this gibberish answer?

>> No.15224601

>he actually believes Schrodingers cat is both alive and dead at the same time
No honey, it's either alive or dead, quantum mechanics is just indicating that it's position can't be defined

Tell me where im wrong

>> No.15224603
File: 190 KB, 467x460, guraSmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subjective experience operator over qualia Hilbert space

>> No.15224613

>Tell me where I'm wrong
It's less of a waste of time to point out where you're right.

>Quantum mechanics indicates that a quantum measurement is dependent on the reference frame of an observer.
This is the only correct sentence in the OP, although very trivial.

>> No.15224616

>>he actually believes Schrodingers cat is both alive and dead at the same time
nope. superdeterminism is the correct approach. the cat is in a definite unknown state. superpositions aren't real.

>> No.15224621

Irrational (and rational) numbers can represent probability distributions. If we concede that that's all reality is, we may have better luck focusing on the idea that numbers *should* represent a probability distribution, and that numbers that don't represent probability distributions are too "perfect" to yield meaningful answers.

In fact, we should create a distinction between these two sets of numbers: "ideal numbers", which are numbers that don't represent a probability distribution, and "ontic numbers", which contain probability distributions.

>> No.15224640
File: 19 KB, 433x336, 1677160424706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is a beautiful work of art. It requires effort and knowledge to produce so many false statements about many different branches of math. In a postmodern self-referential sense OP succeeded in proving that in xir own reference frame "math doesn't exist".

>> No.15224651

What we perceive as "reality", is only a high definition approximation of the quantum state of the system, the sum of the probabilities of billions of probabilities, converging to approach finity, but never reaching it.

In fact, the perception of time should indicate that reality is always approaching something, it never "stops", and so nothing can be defined in terms of rational numbers and especially whole numbers.

Qualia is the rationalization of the quantum state.

>> No.15224663


>> No.15224671

You're just mad because you didn't figure it out first

>> No.15224683

Does the curly d thing mean partial differentiation?

>> No.15224687

>As a side-effect of this, quantum mechanics can also explain qualia.
Garbage. Stopped reading here.

>> No.15224741

Nice image, though I don't agree with your interpretations.

I think that QM is trying to emphasize the importance of checking assumptions. If I could put it succinctly. There's a difference between assuming that the far side of a barn is painted the same color as the side you can see, and actually seeing it with your own eyes.

This may seem trivial, but upon deeper delving into the nature of reality, becomes more important. If you're discussing time travel causing movies to have different scenes, or to alter other historical events, it takes re-watching those movies, or equivalent, to even be aware of it happening.

>> No.15225409


>> No.15225427

The Æther. It's all just an Æther theory.

>> No.15225746

A lot of fatherless chuds on shrooms are making up the majority of sci posters in 2023. The real ones have moved to other chans and niche corners on the internet.

>> No.15225751
File: 565 KB, 800x450, 1642877656374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm goooonaa quantttuuuuuuuummmm!!!!