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File: 62 KB, 500x500, portrait-of-leonardo-da-vinci-1452-1519-getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15219770 No.15219770 [Reply] [Original]

The more I read about Leonardo, the more I am convinced he was not of this Earth.
How can someone be so ahead of the curve in every single way?

>> No.15219774 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15219775

>the more I am convinced he was not of this Earth.
It's common to have stupid and superstitious beliefs like that when you're mentally retarded. There seems to be no cure.

>> No.15219776

He was a good painter who didn't make any scientific contributions
Pop-sci fags love to suck his dick, but all he did on the science front was make drawings of impractical inventions or rediscover things that already existed.

>> No.15219855

His ciphers contributed to the science of cryptologiy.

>> No.15219862

no matter how smart he may have been, he's still long dead, no body even know where his grave even is.

just like the most terrible child rapist/puppy killer and the mother Teresa.

in the end of the day, no matter how good or awful, smart or dumb you are, the result is the same, you'll turn into dust and fall into irrelevancy

>> No.15219893
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You must be at least 18 years old to post here

>> No.15219922

You will probably be dead in 18 years, if not there is an even greater chance of dying in the next 18 years, exponentially more so in the next 18 years and almost certainly in the 18 years after that and infinitely lucky to make it into the 18 years after that albeit with a reduced quality of life, and no way you will make it the 18 years after that.

>> No.15219929

im 36
i don't see how my age would make my post less valid

>> No.15219947

>The more I read about Leonardo, the more I am convinced he was not of this Earth.
And nuatheists still think they're smarter than christians
>He describes friars as the "fathers of the people who know all secrets by inspiration" and calls books such as the Bible "supreme truth",

Wait until you read about Leibniz

>> No.15220103

based leibniz, newton and davinci. schizo are truly the iq master race

>> No.15220120

fags on this board will hate him for one reason or another, but this guy was a fucking Ubermensch. Niggas would feel like gods if they accomplished 1/5 of what he did. He truly lived life .

>> No.15220125

Dark. Sounds like you need a hug.

>> No.15220137

That's the entire thing about the renaissance.
Rediscovering stuff the masses of goycattle npcs had forgotten

>> No.15220701

He unironically stared into the flower of life for too long and it sang back to him.

>> No.15220702

End your diseased existence ASAP.

>> No.15221036

He's considered pretty retarded on his home planet.

>> No.15221648

>if they accomplished 1/5 of what he did
Life what? Making some doodles and doing cursive backwards?

>> No.15222120
File: 181 KB, 1143x747, spirit-sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe he had antedeluvian knowledge and he just leaked it

>> No.15222234

100% Work smart.

>> No.15223471
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shitalian death

>> No.15223506

The more I read about Leotardo, the less i care for him.

>> No.15223531
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He was able to percieve reality ghrough each hemisphere at the same time, as I can,
>and is why he could write backwords, like this guy.

Theyre, we three, operate at a level higher than uou could ever hope to percieve. Simply is.

You and me are comparable to you and Leonardo. Ask...and learn, or dont...and wont.

>> No.15223536

Just wait until you read Lucretius, his works are evidence in favor of humans using time travel as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.15223540
File: 126 KB, 719x530, 2022-09-15_16.09.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask...and learn
Im on a flight, I'll check back in about 36 hours at most.

>> No.15223989
File: 358 KB, 825x333, Screenshot from 2023-02-22 21-56-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good places to start?
and yes, i will translate the latin myself