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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 963 KB, 1680x1104, 1676832445562957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15219046 No.15219046 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/bros, what went wrong? why dont we have a 21st century equivalent of this image?

>> No.15219053
File: 151 KB, 500x566, this-is-what-computer-scientists-look-like-a-spelman-college-21602377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do.

>> No.15219055

I only know eight of these people.

>> No.15219056

>literally every single name except curie is a germanic

seriously wtf do non-germanics do? what is their contribution to humanity?

>> No.15219057

Whites and Jews and only one women, geez nice diversity you got there!

>> No.15219058

We civilized the planet.
t. Anglo

>> No.15219062

kek I was going to search for something like this with a bunch of diversity hires and also reply "We do." but you beat me to it.
It's because heccin diversity is more important than meritocracy in the west these days, OP.

>> No.15219064


>> No.15219076

>blah blah blah decolonizing science blah blah blah science from scratch, from a decolonized african perspective
Why don't these people start by going to Africa and studying from there then?

>> No.15219085

I think these are actually South Africans. They just flap their gums about decolonizing science and then go back to using the very products produced by the whites they resent.

>> No.15219091

Perhaps we need specialized institutions that primarily focus on mathematics and physical sciences and perhaps on some secondary skill such as electronics or programming. Germany had reputable gymnasiums that specialised in a rigorous mathematical education before Hitler came into power. Superfluous subjects such as History or Geography should be discarded from the curricula or kept to a minimum. What you need basically, is a rigorous math education.

>> No.15219107

When you use the word literally but you're wrong, it makes you sound like a big gay fag

>> No.15219143

the answer is in the very centre of your image

>> No.15219144

Who as the highest and lowest IQ here?

>> No.15219149

Because it's impossible to destroy the USA from Africa.

>> No.15219181

ever heard of "Greece" and "Rome"?

>> No.15219188

We do, many conferences.

>> No.15219190

>what is their contribution to humanity?
We Wuzing dead cultures with Steppe DNA.

>> No.15219191

You guys are demoralising yourselves like retards. Conferences like OP's pic are still happening. Maybe slightly more women, that's the only difference.

>> No.15219192

They make money through parasitism Anon. The bullshit they promote have no innate value. They were wrong about everything and destroyed their countries after yt stopped uplifting them.

>> No.15219194

If the British tax paying public were fully away of what their money is being pissed away on by destructive subversives then you would have a full scale revolt tomorrow. Normies genuinely aren't aware how much is being stolen from them to destroy their own culture.

>> No.15219239

Did you or did you not make this thread fully aware it would quickly become a worthless /pol/tard thread, OP!? Do your research, there are plenty of conferences where big brains go to meet up. Talent is simply more diversified among the many new fields of study now - not to mention there is less need for physical meet-ups.

>> No.15219243

That this stupid post was the first reply, nor was it condemned, gives every explanation as to the low quality of the board (and perhaps even answers OPs question).

The average quality of white men has gone down.

>> No.15219617 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1001x1000, 1674722467718227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15219937

We have plenty, but every time you see them you throw a tantrum because there are women and black people there.

>> No.15219961

Why is there not a single black person?

>> No.15219968

Why is there not a single prototaxites fungal tower? This photo is kingdomist.

>> No.15219974 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 540x431, 1676626538794071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are all ethnically part african, thats why jews have dark eyes, fat lips, curly hair, lactose intolerance, poor impulse control and are fertile with chimpanzees just like the africans

>> No.15219994

French are mostly germanic gaul mix, retard

>> No.15220016

What went "wrong" was that you were dropped on your head as a child, don't invent or participate in any of the higher scientific academic learning communities and are too stupid to realize there are scientific conferences of the equivalent to this held every month as well as a billion other newly invented forums and formats where intellectual science matters are discussed and presented.

>> No.15220020

You are too stupid to post on here.

>> No.15220057
File: 170 KB, 500x624, 1612195064203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutting edge of science has moved away from things people can do in a shed in the garden. Most discoveries these days come from people using billions of dollars of equipment or supercomputers trawling through vast datasets. They're made by a team, not a single gifted individual.

>> No.15220074
File: 998 KB, 498x367, tenor-1584724246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though not absolute, there does appear to be a strong correlation between scientific achievement and facial hair.

>> No.15220076

kek good reply anon

>> No.15220083

Fine. Name some names. Who are the bright minds of the 21st century?

>> No.15220109

Worthless science retards produced nothing worthy. Just brain farts to chew.

>> No.15220183

Stupidest post in this thread.

>> No.15220184

lubos Motl before he was cancelled

>> No.15220185

Words for the sake of words.

>> No.15220193

Lubos hasn't published a paper in 15 years or more. If he were a bright mind he could do something in his home country without the help of coauthors from elite universities

>> No.15220273 [DELETED] 

>The cutting edge of science has moved away from things people can do in a shed in the garden.
People who do things in a shed in the garden have never been considered newsworthy because they're only people doing things in a shed in a garden. The Wright Brothers' invention of the airplane was considered a "crazy country bumpkin" rumor by the national press for five years after the first flight. When European celebrities started playing with airplanes they became real in the eyes of the American national press.
>Most discoveries these days come from people using billions of dollars of equipment or supercomputers trawling through vast datasets. They're made by a team, not a single gifted individual.
That stuff is considered noteworthy because its expensive, not because its valuable

>> No.15220290

You don't realize who the brightest minds are in their time. It takes decades for new ideas to gain broad approval.

>> No.15220296

>Fine. Name some names. Who are the bright minds of the 21st century?
Neil Tyson, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk

>> No.15220305

I know 16.

>> No.15220309

all of them are midwits

>> No.15220311

Pauli? Curie? Picard? Guye? Langevin? Brillouin? Dirac? Henriot?

>> No.15220328

All CIA plants not real people

>> No.15220368

Lex Fridman and Veritasium would clown all these mfs fr

>> No.15220403

That very photo proves you wrong. Most of those guys became famous scientists in their 20s, with their ideas very much accepted

>> No.15220503

>with their ideas very much accepted
Yes, accepted within the science community. It took decades for them to become popular in pop culture.

>> No.15220745


>> No.15220749

Cause we're not at war so we all just faded into the background to save everyone from themselves...

>> No.15220754

Literally Hitler on the far-left, middle row.

>> No.15220760

>They didn't have twitter
>They didn't have facebook
>They didn't have tiktok
>They didn't have a fabricated culture war
>They didn't have mass manipulation via news that arrives to you when you press a button

This will never exist again. You cannot have an intelligent population when those in power want you to be stupid. The internet was meant to empower us and instead it was used to rot our minds and convince us to do irrational things.

>> No.15220765

How embarrassing for our generation if this is true.

>> No.15220787

Anglo-Saxon is a germanic ethnicity and English is a West Germanic language. Idiot.

>> No.15220788
File: 1.81 MB, 1000x1000, Awoo_Old_Time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dont we have a 21st century equivalent of this image?

Because people do not have to travel around the world to meet ion one place to discuss issues anymore. They all chat online.

>> No.15220796


>> No.15220808

>How embarrassing for our generation if this is true.
Agreed. Fuck all of them.

>> No.15220815
File: 83 KB, 640x735, spotem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15220836

Because the current generation of physicists is full of frauds.

>> No.15220838

The French are descended from German tribes who settled in France. You might have heard of them. They were the Franks. The Visigoths also had some holdings in France.

>> No.15220862
File: 135 KB, 220x279, 1675689995398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because no one has come up with anything new since them

>> No.15220872

>he posted on his computer connected to trillion dollars of wires and servers entirely based on their physics

>> No.15220873

>We civilized the planet.
>t. Anglo
We reunited mankind
t. iberians

>> No.15221001

natural selection

>> No.15221029

Doesn't even include Alex Jones or Joe Rogan, the two most important voices of our time.

>> No.15221123
File: 44 KB, 600x800, 202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15221128

I'd feed each of these bitches into a wood chipper to get Dirac back.

>> No.15221136

Too bad gallo-roman genes are more prevalent than Germanic

>> No.15221139

Still not Germanic last names you stupid nigger, god damn you are one stupid ass nigger

>> No.15221155


>> No.15221477
File: 227 KB, 1550x1550, greg t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Nye, Greg Thunderburp, Al Gore…

>> No.15222334

>>15219046 Holy cow... There is even a gangsta from the USA in this picture.

>> No.15222377

Your miscegenation destroyed the Americas.

>> No.15222411

>Too bad gallo-roman genes are more prevalent than Germanic
What is that supposed to mean? You do know that Germans have more Celtic and Roman genes than the French do right?

Franks i.e. the French are more genetically Germanic than the Germans. This is not important to the linguistic-cultural identity of Charlemagne's Western empire.

>> No.15223147
File: 183 KB, 1500x938, Screen-Shot-2018-07-24-at-5.43.19-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Franks i.e. the French are more genetically Germanic than the Germans. This is not important to the linguistic-cultural identity of Charlemagne's Western empire.
Genetically speaking they're the same, that is to say it's really difficult to estimate whether or not someone is German or French, based on just their genes.

>> No.15223597

Nigga on the left proved the Riemann hypothesis?

>> No.15223953

LOL, no they don't
gettting in because of diversity quotas and sitting on a bench does not make you a scientist or engineer

>> No.15223958

french people have nothing to prove to you retard

>> No.15224048

True, good pic. Btw we are also related more closely to the pre-modern humans we dig up in Swabia from than any other modern population on Earth.

Our ancestors have always been here. All the Neolithic haploautists don't understand there was a out migration before an in migrarion.

It's a /sci/ meme Anon, don't get triggered so easily.

>> No.15225087

by that logic the whole world is african....

>> No.15225315

IQ has declined since the Victorian age, as suggested by higher reaction time.

>> No.15225330

Institutions. Fusion of corporations and academia.

>> No.15225418

Nothing meaningful left to invent

>> No.15225689


>> No.15225697

Cultural differences

>> No.15225732
File: 749 KB, 1124x1331, 847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that I know these names

>> No.15225736

Somebody screencap the zoom call

>> No.15225883

The Rats are probably the closest modern day equivalent.

>> No.15225889 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 879x485, jwst-april2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWST must be important, scientist wouldn't just waste fortunes of other people's money on vanity projects, would they?

>> No.15225935

>They had wars
>They had poverty, which forced them to do shitty jobs that consumed their study time
>worker population did nothing except 12 hr shifts, drink alcohol at home and beat kids and wives
>continuous wartime propaganda via newspapers, magazines, radios, and posters

>> No.15226386

>anglo education brainshart at full display
your kind lived in swamps and rolled in disease-ridden feces just before the sixteenth century. civilization existed before the judeo-british empire you know, and it didn't start on an island.

>> No.15226396

Eat a dick, fuck nigga

>> No.15226411

Ya actually working in tech it still pretty much looks like this. But more Chinese and Indians.

The one thing that does suck about it is all the white people talk about how much they hate white people.

>> No.15226872

Because it was easy back then, not many things to make a discovery breakthrough nowadays

>> No.15226961

Tech is not some frontier of theoretical physics what the fuck do you actually compare yourself to prolific scientists?

Conference I'm talking in certain subfields are purely Germanics, Latins, Askhenazi Jews (like Witten) etc. There are slightly more women, but not much more.

>But more Chinese and Indians.
That's because tech companies became nepotism gravy trains going from 99% while males to whatever it is now in the name of diversity and AA. It is no surprise at all that they are crashing and burning now after Indians wormed their way to the manegerial positions.

>> No.15227932

You can be more specific anon.

>> No.15227950

Americans were a minority back then. We have to go back.