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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 480x600, 480px-Francis_Collins_official_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1521869 No.1521869 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we recognise the great religious folk, present and past that contributed greatly to science.

I'll start


>American physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes
>leader of the Human Genome Project (HGP)
>described by the Endocrine Society as "one of the most accomplished scientists of our time"
>He currently serves as Director of the National Institutes of Health
>B.S. in Chemistry in 1970
>Ph.D. in physical chemistry at Yale University in 1974
>enrolled in medical school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, earning there an M.D. in 1977.
>Professor of Internal Medicine and Human Genetics

>by graduate school he considered himself an atheist. However, dealing with dying patients led him to question his religious views
>re-examined his religious views. He eventually came to a conclusion, and finally became an evangelical Christian during a hike on a fall afternoon.

>> No.1521874
File: 36 KB, 410x600, 410px-Lemaitre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georges Lemaître

>Roman Catholic priest, honorary prelate, professor of physics and astronomer at the Catholic University of Louvain

thought up the big bang theory

>> No.1521878
File: 54 KB, 330x405, Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galileo Galilei

>an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. His achievements include improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations, and support for Copernicanism. Galileo has been called the "father of modern observational astronomy," the "father of modern physics," the "father of science," and "the Father of Modern Science." Stephen Hawking says, "Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science."

"Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe"
- Galileo Galilei

>> No.1521879

Mendel was a priest.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't need introductions.

>> No.1521883

>implying they don't used the scientific method, a REASON method based , not in faith

>> No.1521892
File: 138 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaac Newton

>English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian who is considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be one of the most influential people in human history

>thought up the theory of gravity as well as too many discoveries to ligt here regarding how light works and prisms/telescopes/mechanics etc.

>Newton saw God as the masterful creator whose existence could not be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation

>> No.1521905

Nobody is implying that other than you.

>> No.1521908

"In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence. "
- Sir Isaac Newton

>implying that was implied

of course they all used the scientific method, but they did so with God in their hearts. a long shot from the know-it-all kids on these imageboards that equate a belief in God with stupidity.

you can have faith in your life, and still apply scientific reason to your research. these men are proof of that and they are a damn sight more clever than anyone on 4chan.

>> No.1521926


they still deluded

>> No.1521936

sup OP,

Nicholas Copernicus
>Polish astronomer who put forward the first mathematically based system of planets going around the sun
Sir Francis Bacon
>Bacon was a philosopher who is known for establishing the scientific method of inquiry based on experimentation and inductive reasoning
Johannes Kepler
>mathematician and astronomer. He did early work on light, and established the laws of planetary motion about the sun
Galileo Galilei
(see other post ITT)
Rene Descartes
>French mathematician, scientist and philosopher who has been called the father of modern philosophy
Isaac Newton
(see other post ITT)
Robert Boyle
>One of the founders and key early members of the Royal Society, Boyle gave his name to "Boyle's Law" for gases, and also wrote an important work on chemistry
Michael Faraday
>one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century. His work on electricity and magnetism not only revolutionized physics, but led to much of our lifestyles today
Gregor Mendel
>Mendel was the first to lay the mathematical foundations of genetics, in what came to be called "Mendelianism"
William Thomson Kelvin
>helped to lay the foundations of modern physics
Max Planck
>best known for quantum theory, which revolutionized our understanding of the atomic and sub-atomic worlds

Albert Einstein (inb4 asspain, he didn't believe in a personal God but he recognized the impossibility of a non-created universe. he once remarked to a young physicist: "I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details.")

>> No.1521942

>You can apply the scientific method to some parts of your life, while leaving it out of other parts.
Yeah, that's still stupidity. They're good in their fields, just like an autistic kid can recite pi to 120 places, but the fact that they apply the scientific method to their work and not their religious beliefs shows their stupidity.

>> No.1521955


>some of the cleverest people the world has ever seen
>being called deluded by a fucking punkass chantard in 2010 sitting at his computer that is able to function partially due to the findings of michael faraday who was "a devoutly Christian member of the Sandemanians, which significantly influenced him and strongly affected the way in which he approached and interpreted nature"

also, nice angry sage fag. you will never be remembered like these guys. enjoy your stupidity

>> No.1521958


>> No.1521964

even dawkins doesn't bash successful religious scientists

just pointing that out to the fanboys, don't mind me

>> No.1521972
File: 25 KB, 512x384, 1235088424807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows their stupidity.

i thought you guys were clever. but you are just as neckbearded and bitter towards things that don't fit into your narrow minded world view as all the other assholes on this site.

>calling some of the greatest scientists ever stupid on a board dedicated to science.

you are in no position to call any of these guys stupid you little fag. you think you know more about how the way the world works than they do? you think that you have a greater understanding of things and some sort of enlightenment that these guys, histories greatest scientists don't have?

nigga please.

>> No.1521977


>> No.1521981
File: 10 KB, 288x306, 1257334289238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for what?

science? on a board dedicated to science?

good luck with that.

goddamn, the atheist asspain ITT is reaching critical mass.

>> No.1521984


>Sir John Brian Pendry, FRS FInstP (born 4 July 1943[1][2]) is an English theoretical physicist known for his research into refractive indexes and creation of the first practical "Invisibility Cloak".

>> No.1521989


what are you talking about? it's one kid who doesn't like that good scientists can have strange delusions

personally, I'm okay with that, they did good science

>> No.1521994
File: 14 KB, 300x170, 1263242200496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get told the truth
>doesnt sync up with what you believe
>"all religious people are stupid"
>cry troll and sage the thread becuase you don't like it
>this thread is the most science related on the front page

>> No.1521997

So what are you trying to say, OP? That faith is intrinsically related to intelligence or success in a scientific field? Because if that's your angle, you're really, really dumb, I'm sorry.

>> No.1522003

>casually calling beliefs that aren't his own 'strange delusions'

cool story, it's a shame that all the science in the world can't teach you to be a nice tolerent person.

>> No.1522013

The rules clearly state that atheist vs. christian threads are prohibited. I don't give a shit that you're a christian or a muslim or worship fucking Zeus. I don't give a shit about whether or not historical scientists were religious.

I do, however, give a shit about the fact that you faggots are ruining a perfectly good board by flooding it with bullshit bickering about a subject with no resolution. If it makes you feel any better, I report threads about atheism too.

Now get the fuck out

>> No.1522011

>ITT we recognise the great religious folk

>> No.1522012


I'm perfectly tolerant, just not really into the acceptance of strange delusions

it's nice to see you don't tolerate my difference of opinion from you to the degree that you must try to make a mockery of it though

>> No.1522028

OP here, i think there is some samefagging going on ITT, not that i am complaining lol.

all I am trying to show people is that you can be religious and clever at the same time. and you shouldn't make sweeping generalizations and say that all religious people are stupid. that's no differnet from saying all black people are stupid whilst ignoring the fact that we have black judges and professors. on a board dedicated to a feild of intelligence and academia, you would have thought that the posters would be clever enough to figure out that you can believe in God and still be an intelligent person.

>> No.1522035


it's really just one person who can't, and made like 2-3 posts, and then some other guy who took that as a sign that persecution from masses of atheists was occurring and went on a crusade

don't worry, it's not widespread in this thread

pretty much everyone gets it, mission was a success

>> No.1522037
File: 53 KB, 234x316, 1264766356753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surgesting that people should be tolerent of intolerence

>> No.1522042

not all religious are retarded, but is true statistically that most of them are sillier

>> No.1522049

Nobody worth anything has ever made that claim.

>> No.1522050


to not be so would be intolerant

your basic assumption that tolerance must be across the board is inane and ridiculous

>> No.1522058

>implying the op didn't make the thread just to start a theism vs atheism shitstorm

>> No.1522059

if it's only 120 places they aren't a vos savant. I know at least 100 places and I'm perfectly normal.

>> No.1522060

Intolerance of intolerance isn't intolerance, it's progress.

>> No.1522066

Not true at all.

Why else do we not tolerate racism and sexism?

Why else do people cry "Nazi" whenever one air's one's personal opinions?

Why else can one get sued for calling a female employee a nice piece of ass?

>> No.1522068

Neil deGrasse Tyson on "Intelligent Design"

Tyson asserts that the religiosity of some of history's greatest scientists and their willingness to invoke the philosophy of intelligent design limited the scope of their inquiry into the natural world, to the detriment of scientific progress in general.

>> No.1522072

>I know 100 decimal places

I lol'd.

>> No.1522077

you're taking his words out of context.

>> No.1522083

you should still take everyone at individual metrit instead of grouping them all together, make judgements based on what is around you, not based on a table or graph you saw or what you hear on the news. otherwise you end up thinking that all blacks are criminals, all religious people are stupid, all liberals are whiney pussies, all mexicans are in gangs, all conservatives are racist, all gun owners are psychos, all atheists are narcassistic internet warriors etc. and its just not true. go out into the world and make your own opinions.

>> No.1522085


>implying he did

Grow up and accept that not every thread with religion and science has to turn in to trolls Vs. High school students kthxbai.

>> No.1522086

Memorizing decimals of Pi is seriously the second most useless thing you can do with your time, right after farting on mice.

>> No.1522090

math classes were not fun at my school.

>> No.1522094


it's probably not your fault, but I honestly have no clue what you just said

I was honest, I feel theistic beliefs are delusional (which are religious beliefs, theism = religion)

and regardless of those beliefs they're good scientists

someone got butthurt and whined about my beliefs

>> No.1522104

I don't know, I'm sure you could find some scientific justification for farting on a mouse if you tried hard enough.

>> No.1522109

you could have just said you didn't agree with them and left it at that. but calling theist beliefs "delusional" is taking a clear stab.

>> No.1522132

Lasers were invented by a christian

>> No.1522139

Yup, Charles Hard Townes.

>> No.1522166


I don't get it