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File: 311 KB, 1024x1024, spicy sausages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15216489 No.15216489 [Reply] [Original]

Why is JWST so expensive? People have been building telescopes since forever, you'd think the tech to build them inexpensively would've been invented by now

>> No.15216497

Too many fatties in America. I'd rather not have my tax dollars go to treating people who refuse to take care of themselves.
There is infrastructure throughout the United States.
>Public transport
There is public transport throughout the United States
More like indoctrination. Throwing money at the problem won't fix it.
>Renewable energy
It's not viable
>Clean environment
Stop buying the new iPhone
>Feeding the poor
They choose to spend any money they get on drugs instead.
>Public elections

>> No.15216501

>>Public elections
Presidents just get appointed now, it's too expensive to have public elections.

>> No.15216669 [DELETED] 

jwst 4-6 trillion $ ? That doesn't sound right. I read it's about 12 billion and that includes ruining costs

>> No.15216673

jwst 4-6 trillion $ ? That doesn't sound right. I read it's about 12 billion and that includes running costs

>> No.15216677

to much edge

>> No.15216751

It cost as much as 400 years of the NASA budget? That's crazy.

>> No.15216798

Now explain why you're happy to fund the bailouts, the oil subsidies and the F35s.

>> No.15216800

>Now explain why you're happy to fund the bailouts, the oil subsidies and the F35s.
As soon as you show me where I said that.

>> No.15216819

Big oil is the source of all wealth. Big oil isn't subsidized, big oil subsidizes you. You are breathing thanks to big oil's kindness. The alleged subsidies are always "taxes not paid" in the libral brain that imagines taxes are not what the laws say they are.
95% of the expenses is 85 year olds heroically trying to live to make it to 86.

>> No.15216825

lmao no matter what you learn you won't going to be smart

>> No.15216843

>the oil subsidies
I like cheap gas

>> No.15216850

All gas is free. You dont pay for gas, gas is why you even have money.
$1 in gas equal $100 in your pocket so you get free money by buying gas

>> No.15216853

>Why is JWST so expensive?
NASA is just one big diversity programme now.

>> No.15216860

>Stop buying the new iPhone
Now you're just being downright unamerican.

>> No.15216863

imagine spending all that money on a telescope to get pretty space pictures for people who can't tell the difference between a picture of a star and a picture of sausage. they could've just bought a nice variety of sausages and saved a fortune on telescope expenses.

>> No.15216867

its not, it's a money laundering scheme like everything else in the national budget. businesses use this trick all the time, and the us government is nothing more than a big business at this point.
>get a certain amount of money each year
>be told to use it or lose it
>make a deal with vendors to inflate the prices on the receipts of everything you buy
>split the difference between everyone involved in the scheme
>keep the budget high for next year
>rinse repeat

>> No.15216873

>I like cheap gas
Fine. But wouldn't you prefer cheaper, cleaner energy that isn't controlled by a tiny cabal? If so, you should ask how to get from here to there. If not, why not?

>> No.15216882

>i don't know the difference between federally funded organizations and locally funded organizations

>> No.15216891

>I like cheap gas
i'll fart in your mouth for 50 cents

>> No.15216903
File: 124 KB, 726x750, soi_seethe_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now explain why you're happy to fund the bailouts, the oil subsidies and the F35s.
All government programs should be defunded. There is no difference between your "socialist" scams and any of the shit on the bottom of OP's pic.

>> No.15216914
File: 44 KB, 600x672, 1676854681020355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All government programs should be defunded

>> No.15216915

This, OP image is garbage.

>> No.15216919

Why are you losing your mind with rage? Both top and bottom are cancer, and so is your left-right ZOG narrative.

>> No.15216921
File: 30 KB, 630x435, movie_projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15216922

JWST cost $9.7 billion over fifteen years, including development and ancillaries.

$4-$6 trillion is more than a hundred times NASA's total budget.

>> No.15216925

Notice how your impotent rage compels you to keep posting, even though you have no actual criticism that could stand scrutiny. :^)

>> No.15216941 [DELETED] 

>JWST cost $9.7 billion over fifteen years
the project was started in 1995, how much did JWST cost for the other 13 years? when it was started in 1995, the astronomers in charge of the project estimated it was going to cost $500 million. they ended up being off massively, why? do they just suck at math or are they low iq in general? why do they even still have jobs after making a multi billion dollar mistake? how shitty is the science they produce if they can't even estimate the cost of building a telescope accurately?

>> No.15216946

your idempotent rage is funny to see. go ahead and google the new word, it won't help you understand how scathingly i just mocked you.
>verification not required

>> No.15216975

See >>15216925

>> No.15216980

Based and oilpilled

>> No.15216983

I think its initial budget was $1b. But even at $10b it's still 1/400th of what op is claiming

>> No.15217022

We can't afford any of those things. Bottom is all funded by national debt.

>> No.15217023

Kek like pottery

>> No.15217036

The reason Americans can't afford healthcare is directly due government trying to make it affordable and controlled

>> No.15217038

And before anyone tries to use Europe as a counterargument

>> No.15217041

>Fine. But wouldn't you prefer cheaper, cleaner energy that isn't controlled by a tiny cabal?
Solar is not reliable and most certainly isn't cheaper. Wind is the same thing. Hydro is not "cleaner". Since oil is abiogenic, it's renewable, since plants love CO2, it's clean energy in my book.

"Cleaner" energy is also very much controlled by a "tiny cabal". Fully electric cars can be shut off and controlled much more easily than combustion cars, for example.

>> No.15217045

Gas means gasoline in American.

>> No.15217048

why would I trust a libertarian site on economic issues?

>> No.15217084

when youre open minded

>> No.15217098

You don't need to, read all their sources

>> No.15217102

cause it's the only thing libertarians are good at?

>> No.15217348

Bailouts are good in sense that they prevent even bigger crisis and many more people losing even more money, f35 is an investment in defense and new technologies, usa would be irrelevant in the world if it did not have military power, and that would be even bigger loss.
Don't know about oil subsidies. Also its beyond me why country like usa can't just build a fuckton of solar panels in the dessert state and produce power that way, it won't even be cheap or clean but there will be no reliance on foreign oil.

>> No.15217468

We are already taxed too much and get too little in return. Healthcare adds an automatic AT LEAST 50 percent on top of what it already is. So for a lot of people outside of retarded places like NY that'd be 80% of your paycheck. Add even more free education and that's another 30% at least. So, now you owe the gov't money to pay for all the other free shit on your stupid list.

Also, can't have sensible social programs with an open border. Even Bernie said so. "Because it isn't fair to have the workers paying for people from all over the world."

>> No.15218153

Why this libshit doesn't include aid for Israel in his pic ?

>> No.15218232

Why does the pic only have spending for 'capitalist' policies and not spending amounts or estimated for 'socialist' policies? Does anyone notice that bias?
Pic, disregarded.

>> No.15218236

imagine being this much of a simp for uncle sam

>> No.15218911
File: 67 KB, 768x1024, James Ebinezer Webb J.E.W..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its implied
>things we can afford:
>bailouts for (jews on) wall street
>military budget (to protect israel)
>subsidies for corporations (owned by jews on wall street)
>Webb space telescope

>> No.15219762 [DELETED] 

6 trillion dollars for a stupid telescope is way too much

>> No.15219822

>95% of the expenses is 85 year olds heroically trying to live to make it to 86.
it's also the wages of all those "service workers" wiping their arses 24/7

Late stage capitalism is all about keeping people we don't actually need occupied so they won't try and upset the social order people at the helm built for themselves and their families over thousands of years.

>> No.15219889

Good thing it only cost $10 billion then.

>> No.15219918 [DELETED] 

everything is a bargain when you're spending other people's money. how much of your own money have you voluntarily donated to the construction of research telescopes? not a penny? why are you such a cheapskate? they only cost $10 trillion dollars each, gibes me dat fo free

>> No.15220003

We can afford it. Atleast i can maybe not you because you are a poor fag
We invest in infrastructure. A lot of infrastructure is up to local goverments. They are the ones that fuck it up usually. The federal goverment doesnt control whether they fill a pothole on your street.
Local goverment is not the federal goverment and they have different pools of money.
>renewable energy
We invest in it a lot. Renewable energy isnt a silver bullet. You need some means of storage. This being very expensive. 20 years cost of storage per MWH vs 20 years cost of per MW renewables isnt even close. It is like 100 times multiplier on cost of course depending on the number of MWhs you need to store probably need more then 9 MWhs of storage for solar. Nuclear can work but thats not renewable or have rewnables then gas backup. This is what most states are going for.
>clean enviroment
Enviroment is pretty clean. We have improved greatly there is also tax methods to fix garbage getting into the enviroment. Tax on bottles so you need to return it to get the money back. Taxing the use of plastic bags etc. This needs to be implemented on a state level.
Oil rig experiencing a mechanical fault and releasing oil in the water is not caused by the fact we couldnt afford clean enviroment.
>public transportation
We have public transportation also its funded locally typically. Almost ever city has buses. Trains are meh the lower the populstion density the more of money drain it is and less useful. America isnt like europoor land which is a lot more densly packed.
>feeding the poor
We do feed the poor. Food stamps.
We can afford education. You probably went to a public school. Also public schools are locally funded. Maybe ask your local goverment to raise taxes?
>public elections
We have public elections. Also how your state votes depends on your state. They control it. Not the fed.

>> No.15220018
File: 51 KB, 938x811, 03-federal-spending-2019_450-2304873097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using 2019 because once the pandemic started, everything went crazy as far as the budget is concerned. The trick that leftist use is they exclude all social spending since that's mandatory by law and only show you data for discretionary spending, of which much is the military budget.

>> No.15220101
File: 61 KB, 640x645, 91EACAA8-9E13-4F12-B830-4C955F310568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US government literally spends trillions each year on every single thing listed on the top, OP is just mad that he doesn’t get a free house for eating cheetos & smoking weed all day

>> No.15220111

Gotta protect the tax rates of the rich am I right?
I'ts insane that peoepl still defend Reagan's destruction of the middle class at the behest of corpo deregulation.

>> No.15220115

The middle class grew during the 1980s.

>> No.15220320

Money is just imaginary numbers in some databases and a microscopic part of it physical paper with again imaginary value. It's effort that matters. The budget for the pyramids was a couple of whips.

>> No.15221504
File: 58 KB, 538x420, uzidude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much to the chagrin of george bush and his family's amateur assassin

>> No.15222591 [DELETED] 

graft, corruption, payola, embezzlement, etc are why nasa spent trillions to build a fold up toy telescope

>> No.15222753

>wall street bailouts
TARP netted the government a profit. A lot of it was loans, not free money. The 2008 crisis was 15 years ago. When will this meme finally be put to rest?

>> No.15222778

The poor should get a job so they can stop being poor.

>> No.15222832

>thousands of years
The current world order is only a few centuries old at best, it's really not as old and established as you think.

>> No.15222842

All of the things on the bottom are unironically better uses of money than the things on the top, and the top things would also cost way more than the bottom things do.

>> No.15222843

Actually it was a lot of beer and grain, which was the equivalent of paying workers money in that era

>> No.15223246

We have the opportunity to build, for ourselves, and for future generations, a new world order.

>> No.15223768 [DELETED] 

they used slaves to grow and process all the food, they didn't have "money"
"money" is an invention of the roman empire, its name originates with the temple of juno moneta, which became the mint for ancient rome. before the juno moneta's cult turned their trickery on the world, metals had always been traded weight denominated rather than minted with an arbitrary sum stamped on them

>> No.15224153

You are wrong. Slaves are unpaid workers. Egyptian corvee system was not slavery as they were paid with unmilled grain. This was used as a free market barter currency which offered unlimited liberties for workers to purchase everthing from clothes, to animals, to consumer luxury goods to food, housing and drink. The building of the pyramids happened only during flooding season as a way to make use of the hours that they were getting paid for.

Money is not a factor. Many free Europeans used barter systems too.

Slaves, by contrast, are not allowed to own property nevermind by their own clothes.

>> No.15225150

>Fully electric cars can be shut off and controlled much more easily than combustion cars
That's only because electric cars are on average more modern than combustion cars. It's not about what engine you use, it's about the integration of electrical systems into the car for driver comfort. If your car has cruise control your engine is controlled by a central computer.

>> No.15225161

>Trains are meh the lower the populstion density the more of money drain it is and less useful. America isnt like europoor land which is a lot more densly packed.
Trains are exactly for going from one high population center to another high population center through vasts amounts of nothing. Otherwise cars would be better as they are quicker at regularly stopping and starting again.

>> No.15225163

Try more like 80 years, the previous world order was destroyed by germany during WW2.

>> No.15225165

Shut the fuck up already about the temple of moneta.