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15216296 No.15216296 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15216301

Brain worms and viral infections that inflame the CNS.

>> No.15216302 [DELETED] 
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anime, porno and jews

>> No.15216312


>> No.15216319

A female brain being born inside a biological male, kind of like when someone is born with gyno, etc.

>> No.15216323

Gender dysphoria is homosexuality on steroids, while homosexuality is liking prostate orgasms. It's just incels or boys who are obsessed with sex that go down this lane.

>> No.15216325

Then how do you explain the vast majority of transsexuals actually preferring women?

>> No.15216326

There is no such thing as gender dysphoria. There is autogynephilia, where a man gets sexually aroused dressing like a woman. Then there are those duped by jewish pharma and surgeons into believing an unrelated mental illness can be cured with hormone therapy or genital mutilation.

>> No.15216335 [DELETED] 

Antisemitism is not /sci/. Fuck off

>> No.15216345

culture, tradition, religion, etc. all function to tell people who they are and endow them with a sense belonging and meaning
gender roles are a part of these social scripts/programming, obviously this is the case because we can observe the total collapse of traditional gender roles among younger generations.
however gender roles were originally decided wisely, with consideration to biological and psychological differences between men and women.
In any case, as we witness the collapse of every institution of society starting from family all the way to nation state, self identity including gender identity has similarly collapsed, especially in susceptible individuals.
gender dysphoria is more aptly described as identity dysphoria (read: living in clown world) with gender features.
the only known treatment is world war and genocide on a global scale followed by a mass overhaul of society by a handful of intellectual elites.

>> No.15216372

Insufficient lead.

>> No.15216378

Kill yourself retarded fucking /poltard

>> No.15216404

mainstream liberalism simultaneously believes this and that women and men are mentally equal

>> No.15216421

>and that women and men are mentally equal
Almost nobody believes that.

>> No.15216424

I'm attracted to other men, and I would never do butt stuff ever.

>> No.15216437

People telling others the cause of their problems could be that they are actually the opposite gender and positive reinforcement when people say they are actually the opposite gender.

>> No.15216453

the same thing that makes people think they are Jesús or the emperor of America. Antipsycotics work on it

>> No.15216455 [DELETED] 

Kys plebbit retard

>> No.15216459

Can we talk? Maybe on SC or something.

>> No.15216460
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liberal policies pushed by a group that has a long and proud tradition of engaging in such social justice movements.

>> No.15216465

>thinly veiled antisemitism
Pure pseudoscience, take that psued shit elsewhere my guy

>> No.15216468

>thinly veiled
how the fuck was that thinly veiled

>> No.15216469

its anti-rodentism if anything

>> No.15216470

Fuck off fascist, your ideas about the world were discredited by actual scientists centuries ago

>> No.15216471

Jesus was one of us and your people still worship him to this day. We are better than you always remember that.

>> No.15216473

The goy have realized that christcuckery is a jewish hoax and psyop. We worship Odin now.

>> No.15216474

Jesus wasn't an Ashkenazi Jew

>> No.15216475

Wouldn't it be weird if all your women got riced to create omega Chews?

>> No.15216476

lmao nice falseflag
christianity makes jews seethe like nothing else
Christ is King

>> No.15216477

>he doesn't know the semetic influence on nordic religions
Praise Saturn or GTFO

>> No.15216479

Kek this is exactly what I was talking about

>> No.15216480

>christianity makes jews seethe like nothing else
OK Schlomo

Let's consult the new testament
1) Jews are God's chosen people
2) Israel and Jerusalem belongs to the Jews
3) You must give your life for Israel

>> No.15216483

Holy samefag

>> No.15216485
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>> No.15216492

sorry, the Lord's Word is the Word
"debate" it all you want have fun burning in Hell for all Eternity

>> No.15216510
File: 90 KB, 814x596, tumblr_pca3aoIFLp1rtntdlo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for an answer that isn't sperging about Jews, liberalism or some other third thing that's making the west fall this month:

We don't get to choose the bodies we're born in. We only get so many options to change or augment our bodies in any direction we personally want, or what we're told to want. When someone is unable to meet the sexual characteristics they'd prefer to be associated with causes a disconnect. You don't have to be trans to have this btw. That's why you see guys freaking out about the size of their chins or body hair or muscles or whatever.

>> No.15216532

>lord's word
>"die for israel filthy goy"

>> No.15216535

>We don't get to choose the bodies we're born in.
Go back

>> No.15216543

Seethe jew

>> No.15216551
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Make me, hoe.

>> No.15216557

>That's why you see guys freaking out about the size of their chins or body hair or muscles or whatever.
We call those "roidtrannies", same concept

>> No.15216641
File: 463 KB, 240x135, F76FA51B-307B-4E78-9FE0-B832F52D7D94.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jerking off to the thought of having boobs and being a girl is just like being concerned/nervous about your haircut
Lol there are retards who are ACTUALLY swayed by this kind of argument

>> No.15216681

attention seeking behaviour

>> No.15216739

Very low self esteem.

>> No.15216771

That picture really is something. The contrast could hardly be any more striking.