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File: 59 KB, 600x600, evolution-why-am-i-still-here-meme-35069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15211695 No.15211695 [Reply] [Original]

Have you geeks debunked this yet or are you still wasting everyone's time?

>> No.15211712

Why would monkeys not be here? They're highly evolved. I don't get your premise.

>> No.15211718

Why would they change? Evolution doesn't have a set goal it's aiming towards. Once an animal finds its niche it stays there.

>> No.15211721
File: 733 KB, 1500x1004, 1660278838249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make the "Why is X still here?" argument against evolution, you should pick an animal that is actually ancient and out of time, like the horseshoe crab. In the grand scheme of animal life, monkeys are basically brand new. There's no reason to think they'd be gone already.

>> No.15211725

So we evolved from monkey but monkeys still exist? Evolutsioon just leaves its previous stage behind like shedding skin? This is such a retarded theory

>> No.15211728

modern monkeys and modern men both evolved from ancient primates.

>> No.15211735

The last common ancestor of humans and apes was around 10-20 million years ago. That population then split and one branch became humans while the other remained as apes.

>> No.15211748

Both "remained as apes". In reality they each became different kinds of apes than they were before.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Animals don't just go extinct simply "because". Why do you think the monkeys should be dead? What do you think should have killed them off? Humans? We probably could, but have chosen not to. What else then?

>> No.15211758

Ah yes the classic "it happened 105235262 gorillion years ago" so it must be true, just like the big bang. Saying an implausible thing happened ages ago, doesn't add credibility to it.
What kind of a living being as ever "branched" into something so completely different as Humans and monkeys and yet it also exists in its original form of a monkey still?

>> No.15211774

Unicellular life, vs everything else. Lichen and moss, vs every other more sophisticated plant. Fish vs all four-limbed land animals.

Old things don't go extinct just because new things come along. Things only go extinct if something makes them go extinct. So, why do you think monkeys should be extinct? What would have killed them?

>> No.15211776

> Saying an implausible thing happened ages ago, doesn't add credibility to it.
Having physical evidence does which you conveniently ignore / forget to mention.

>> No.15211807

I'm not saying that. I'm saying monkeys are monkeys. You people are saying they should have digivolved into human beings, yet they remain.

"physical evidence" locked inside museums, "dug out" by some people somewhere with impessive degrees they supposedly have. Yeah, that's not easy to fake at all

>> No.15211809
File: 18 KB, 320x240, everyone else is wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's all a conspiracy!!!

>> No.15211813

>using "conspiracy" in a disparaging manner
Your likes don't belong on this website, normaldrone. Go back to the corporate-controlled platform you crawled here from.

>> No.15211817

> Yeah, that's not easy to fake at all
> Saying an implausible thing happened doesn't add credibility to it.
oh the irony

>> No.15211822

Probability is relative, a human getting hit twice by lightning is miraculous, but if you lived for millions of years it would become normal, like somone getting hit by a car etc.., I.e. your subjective sense of probability isnt usefull when considering events that took place on time scales beyond your comprehension.

>> No.15211824

I thought it was more like 5-6 million years.

>> No.15211825
File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1676724073113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkeys will soon go extinct thanks to climate change.

>> No.15211831

Last I read the error bars are huge since the evidence is based upon one or two fragmented fossils. The only consensus seems to be no earlier that 3m and no later than 25m

>> No.15211841

kek editing my post to change the point it was conveying just to dunk on me in your own mind. Is this the standard of /sci/entists on here or is that just modern day Science™

>> No.15211888

Get better bait

>> No.15211899

You lost, stay mad.

>> No.15211905

Trips of truth

>> No.15211908

>I can't argue this so I'll call it bait
Getting our 9th booster shot today, are we?

>> No.15211916

>I can't argue
I can and it’s as simple as saying we didn’t evolve from monkeys the way you think

>> No.15211925

You're saying a lot of words just to present the pathetic "you're wrong" argument that brainlets use

>> No.15211936

Just because they are words you either don't understand or refuse to accept does not make them wrong. But then it is totally your right to stay wilfully ignorant.

>> No.15211939

Well if you want me to spell it out then sure. If people evolved from a now extinct primate in Africa, why would you think the existence of an entirely different species of monkey that is still alive in South America has any relevance?

>> No.15211951

He's very inbred, so he doesn't understand how your grandfather could be different from your cousin.

>> No.15211960

So that primate digievolved to humans but at the same time it went extinct?
A. That's convenient for your theory
B. How can something evolve into something else but stay existing at the same time?

For your evolution theory to be true, there would be no monkeys in existence because they'd evolved into different humans by now.

>> No.15211963

For the same reason that fish and amphibeans still exist just because a population diverge for another it doesnt mean said population has to disappear specially when you considerate that humans were not on the same niche that monkeys

>> No.15211971

> there would be no monkeys in existence because they'd evolved into different humans by now.
Evolution isn't a character creator trying to select for "human". See >>15211718

You can have two physically separated groups of the same animal but because one is under evolutionary pressure (different climate, lack of food, predators etc) they will change while the other remains static.

>> No.15211995

I don't care what fish and frogs do, they're not as complex as humans. If you're basing your theory off of what a cod does, you might as well start claiming we should have wings because birds fly

You know there's a reason why there are no elephants in Europe? They stay in Africa. Why would the same monkey both stay in africa and go to Europe as well and somehow he becomes a superape when in colder weather lmao. I can see why you're so into Marvel movies, redditor, you think it's based on Science™ and you'll develop powers of your own one day

>> No.15212000

>why there are no elephants in Europe?
Ever heard of mammoths?

>> No.15212009

Man moths?

>> No.15212020

>Why would the same monkey both stay in africa and go to Europe as well and somehow he becomes a superape when in colder weather lmao
Who said it was the same monkey? And who said humans evolved in Europe?

>> No.15212026

>So that primate digievolved to humans but at the same time it went extinct?
>How can something evolve into something else but stay existing at the same time?
It doesn’t still exist. Our non human ancestors are extinct
>For your evolution theory to be true, there would be no monkeys in existence because they'd evolved into different humans by now
Either bait or retardation

>> No.15212033

Infinity sorts it out

>> No.15212103

All mamals reptiles and birds come from ammphibeans that stop being dependent of water to breed yet amphibeans still exist

>> No.15212119

Okay, what's next? Frogs actually come from apple seeds and apple seeds come from atom particles? Focus on one lie at a time

>> No.15212143

No lies here buddy just the history of life on earth
Btw are you just trolling or you are some very religious person? What is your branch of faith friend?

>> No.15212165

>So that primate digievolved to humans but at the same time it went extinct?
So you come from your great great grandfather but at the same time he's dead? How can this be???

>> No.15212171

>Frogs actually come from apple seeds
No, they just share a common ancestor.

>apple seeds come from atom particles?

>> No.15212179

I'm 90% sure he's trolling.

>> No.15212208
File: 58 KB, 1036x423, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're either misunderstanding or intentionally misrepresenting the claim that is being made.
I drew up a diagram to help illustrate.
You can think of evolution as being analogous to a family tree.
The "monkey" we evolved from is not the same species as the monkeys that exist today, just like your cousin is not the same as your grandparents.
Hope this helps.

>> No.15212215

My great great grandfather was a human being, not a monkey. Also I didn't digievolve from my grandfather and he immediately became non-existence when my great grandfather was born and suddenly he had superhuman strength and could read minds.

>> No.15212230

Dog breeds

>> No.15212236

>My great great grandfather was a human being, not a monkey.
And? How can you come from him yet he's dead at the same time? That doesn't make sense.

You have to be either the dumbest retard on this board or a troll. Please explain which.

>> No.15212243

You're confusing "evolution" and lineage, mr smart /sci/entist

>> No.15212287

You forgot to mention that they are trying to say that we are all geodudes who digievolved from rocks.

>> No.15212299

I'm not confusing anything. How we came from some ancestor that no longer exists is simply a question of lineage. You can't answer the question because you know if you do, the same answer would apply to the original question.

>> No.15212302
File: 1.28 MB, 1174x881, A14AE0C2-AC2A-4927-90EC-F3A68DB671BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.15212325

You are so thick, Your argument is that parents die eventually and leave offspring behind thus 900 gorillion years ago monkeys decided to stand up right and build houses one day. fucking kek, delete your browser please

>> No.15212334 [DELETED] 

If evolution exists then then what made the black man have a superior cock to us white men if not god?

>> No.15212339


>> No.15212386

That's not my argument at all. I'm simply explaining to you how lineage works. Since you repeatedly deflect and refuse to answer the question I'll just conclude that you understaffed your own argument is retarded and you're just telling at this point. Thanks

>> No.15212412

Give me another 200 000 years and I will evolve into a mindreader so I can come back and read your fucking mind for your point because clearly you had no point in your previous posts.

>> No.15212424 [DELETED] 

Monkeys began to stand impulsively cause it was semi pleasurable and quick. They eventually set in this pose in special move. Evolutionary, this move created all the humanity of a particular ape species.

>> No.15213906

Another 200,000 years and you might not be retarded

>> No.15213909

Some Europeans left Europe to settle America. Just because America now exists doesn't mean Europe has to be destroyed. Do you understand now, brainlet-kun?

>> No.15216140

Everyone knows macroevolution hasn't been proven. The only thing that actually holds up is intelligent design

>> No.15216143
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1674029665861251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we even allow posts like this?

>> No.15216146

As a Christian pragmatist, I think this should be discussed in a forum capable of handling its content; a forum such as /lit/ or /his/ would do nicely.

>> No.15216153
File: 148 KB, 800x1092, 800px-John_Dewey_cph.3a51565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that I can shill for something like "shedding junk-DNA salting individual mutation bio-stepping theory"
>Darwin 2.0

>> No.15216154
File: 18 KB, 460x309, jg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So we evolved from blacks but blacks still exist? Evolutsioon just leaves its previous stage behind like shedding skin? This is such a retarded theory

Read it now and think about it. Whites evolved from African blacks, and wound up building modern civilzation, while African blacks still live in huts for the most part. Things evolve.

>> No.15216168

and so I can shill for meta-evolutionary tech

>> No.15216175
File: 111 KB, 2560x855, Redis_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect that "Redis shedding evolution" or "evolutionary stage saltation data compression evolution" or "statistical evolution" could be a skeleton theory to hang some meat on.

>> No.15216502

>Why do you think the monkeys should be dead?
dear fellow autist, hear me out: he doesn't. he pretends to be retarded by regurgitating creationist talking points by people who thought 'monkey' is a single species. stop replying to trolls.

>> No.15217030

Why do cars still exist, even though helicopters exist?

>> No.15218290

Because God Wills it. Same as humanity.