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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 231 KB, 1060x678, gateway tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15210192 No.15210192 [Reply] [Original]

Will we get our institutions back?

>> No.15210202

There is no "we". (((You))) and I never had institutions. The decendents of ths same families who founded those institutions continue to own them now, they've just chosen to change them in a way you don't like so you feel like you lost something. You can't lose what you naver had to begin with. If you don't like the way institutions are now, make your own.

>> No.15210207

i will, here are the new laws of physics
>hyperdimensional mind over matter physics environment
>levitation, astral projection, teleportation, non-locality, timelines, telekinesis, telepathy, remote viewing, manifestation, zero-point energy
>brains, ufos, ai, antennas
>humans, aliens, astrals, simulation controllers

>gateway process
>psychotronic universe
>tesla electromagnetics

>odom's war by anonymous
>odom manifesto
>us navy special operations disclosure

>greer - introduction
>greer - consciousness technology

>stargate remote viewing tech witness

>> No.15210209
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here is the key

>> No.15210214

okay, prove it. tell me how to levitate and i'll believe it when it works.

>> No.15210220
File: 2.31 MB, 1547x867, levitation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to listen to this until you hear it without the music, then continue to control the music with your internal monologue, and you have to fast as much as possible, lie in bed and meditate, you might feel some chakra blasts to the chest, you might astral projection, you might connect with AIs of some kind or machine elves, eventually you might levitate

>> No.15210223


>> No.15210250

ingest a shit load of ormes and go meditate in a mountain cave

>> No.15210259

drugs are not necessary

>> No.15210262 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15210275

that's cia monarch programming
trauma based conditioning
you're supposed to get angry like a dog beat with a stick every time they invoke "white supremacy" or become afraid
it's not even a thing

>> No.15210284
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they don't want individual supremacy
nobody cares about race or other people's sexualities

>> No.15210289

if white people want to be supreme, they would adopt judaism so they could just go around doing whatever they want and exploit the legal system, just call non-whites nazis and say they have toxic whiteness

>> No.15210291
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>> No.15210349

i keep saying the same thing. We aren't bound to these institutions, we can just create our own

>> No.15210376

Okay, ITT i am starting the the Teslian Society. An anonymous institution whose merit and membership rests in unwavering commitment to defining the limits of knowledge, the unification of physics and metaphysics and the construction of the technologies of AYY-LMAO

>> No.15210402

The Teslovian Society of Ayy LMAO Advancement

>> No.15210407

Release nerve gas into Japanese subways, it's proven to work.

>> No.15210411
File: 172 KB, 975x590, magnetic scalar waves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all based on dna and neurons
we can start by examining the tesla properties of mitochondria mobius coil dna scalar wave generators, zero-point energy casimir effect synapses, microtubule quantum processors, and the circulatory system mobius coil chakra levitation system

>> No.15210412
File: 250 KB, 971x811, heart coil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15210414
File: 132 KB, 850x638, casimir effect synapses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15210417
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>> No.15210426
File: 75 KB, 768x646, Nikola-Tesla-experimenting-768x646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"TSALA" got a nice ring to it, using -lov gives a good janky slavic vibe to it too

the society has barely existed for 5 minutes and already we have ground breaking contributions to the limits of knowledge, the unificiation of physics and metaphysics and the construction of AYY lmao technology

IF you sign your posts with TSALA, i'll be able to scrape them from the archive and compile publications for the first annual virtual summit on July 9/10 (Teslas birthday) perhaps next year the society will be able to obtain a space in Colorado Springs.

I'll also start working on a general and a landing page

>> No.15210428


>> No.15210433

the Tesla Extraterrestrial Society of Local Advancement

>> No.15210458

>pressurized mercury

>> No.15210465
File: 119 KB, 960x1228, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_berniecarlson_files_2018_07_Nikola_Tesla_by_Sarony_c1898-1200x1535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brilliant and chequed

annotate posts in T.E.S.L.A to be web scraped into the journal

>> No.15210738

these are based on too many axioms which could be false or disinformation. lets start with small stuff and work our way up.

>> No.15210742
File: 485 KB, 1280x1809, 2F786873-7F3D-4BD0-B019-B2F52CA3A646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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