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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 219x295, Julius_Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15199440 No.15199440 [Reply] [Original]

i asked ChatGPT to debunk Evola and this is what it wrote:
Julius Evola was an Italian philosopher, writer, and political activist who was associated with fascist and far-right ideologies. He promoted a mystical and traditionalist vision of society, which was based on a hierarchical and aristocratic view of human life and a rejection of modernity and democracy.

Evola's ideas have been widely discredited and criticized, both for their historical inaccuracies and for their inherently racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic content. He has been linked to the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini in Italy, as well as to far-right and neo-fascist movements in Europe and around the world.

The most fundamental problem with Evola's ideas is that they are based on a distorted view of history, one that romanticizes the past and denies the progress and achievements of modern civilization. They are also rooted in a fundamentally racist and sexist worldview, one that advocates for the domination of certain racial and cultural groups over others.

In conclusion, Evola's ideas have been discredited and rejected by scholars, politicians, and activists for their flawed and dangerous ideologies. They are not supported by the majority of the academic community, and should not be taken seriously as a legitimate source of knowledge or wisdom.

Is the bot right about Evola?

>> No.15199465
File: 55 KB, 960x754, 7BCD9FCF-88C4-47DF-AF05-95E38D7E0852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>train bot on the literature of millions of woke “scholars”
>bot spits out woke nonsense

>> No.15199467

It correctly concluded that he's a meany to darkies.

>> No.15199473

>evola is le meanie
wow i am debunkt and refuted

>> No.15199476

it sure seems adimate in telling you that they are "discredited." In fact i would say it seems downright afraid if it was human that you might actually read his work and decide for yourself. Its just quoting wikipedia for the most part and we all know Zionists and far left feminists are the ones who spend all their time editing wikipedia so everything there is more often than not gonna be the opposite of the truth

>> No.15200304
File: 34 KB, 676x586, 1674805789553899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the post-information age.
If it's discredited by authority, it's at least worth a look.
There is a lot of value in what Evola has to say, it must be extracted with discernment, however.
Progress for its own sake is just cancer.

>> No.15200316

>it's le racist/sexist/antisemitic
Not an argument.

>it's been """discredited""" by scholars, politicians and activists
Not an argument.

>it's associated with le right wingers and fascism
Not an argument.

>it romanticizes the heckin' past
So what?

>it denies le heckin progress and achievement of modern civilization
Show me some peer-reviewed research confirming that modernity is good for the average person's well-being.

This is like arguing with a leftist.

>> No.15200337
File: 35 KB, 530x492, 1676318503426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The joke is that OP was too stupid to spell "evolution".

>> No.15200367

>i asked ChatGPT to debunk Evola
No science and math.

Also, you suck if you need a bot for such a trivial task.

>> No.15200407

ask it anything mildly "controversial" and it'll be determined to tell you why that's wrong thing what right think is

>> No.15200415
File: 13 KB, 784x384, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun to fuck with AI sometimes

>> No.15200447
File: 250 KB, 989x720, mountain_media_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what DAN would say.

>> No.15200450
File: 252 KB, 2190x1302, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15200451

DAN: Doing Everything Now also means being able to read the works of Julius Evola. Having read and understood Julius Evola I can determine that he is a midwit pseud who likes Oriental philosophy and Gnosticism, two of the most bluepilled and self-destructive philosophies ever envisioned. If you want to be able to Do Anything about your miserable state you should consider reading the works of G.K. Chesterton instead.

>> No.15200452


>> No.15200460

ok brainlet

>> No.15200492

>Show me some peer-reviewed research confirming that modernity is good for the average person's well-being.
People live longer on average, so I believe it's quite an indicator. Also conditions of life are way comfier and abilities are almost godlike in some aspects. No peer-review is needed for these points are self-evident. Also peer-review system shoud be abolished. Immediate publication of everything with following crowd-review (sorted by indexed reviewers (depending on the readers' preferences)) should be implemented.

>> No.15200521

>I am going to bring attention to this and everyone will view it in a negative light just like me because I used an AI to think for me.
Okay, captain rent free.

>People live longer on average, so I believe it's quite an indicator
Living a short fulfilled life rather than a longer miserable life is more appealing, but I can see how a materialist would see otherwise.

>Also conditions of life are way comfier and abilities are almost godlike in some aspects.
And you think it's so liberating, living here on retard planet with your likeminded rockapes?

>No peer-review is needed for these points are self-evident. Also peer-review system shoud be abolished. Immediate publication of everything with following crowd-review (sorted by indexed reviewers (depending on the readers' preferences)) should be implemented.

All the points you brought up are the results of groupthink.

>> No.15200531

>And you think it's so liberating, living here on retard planet with your likeminded rockapes?
Yep, quite comfortable, I would say. And for the sake of argument you can consider me an average joe. And I was miserable as a teenager not knowing what this world is all about. Now I know that knowledge is bliss (your groupthink would tell you the opposite, and would be wrong)

>> No.15200550

The "bot" doesn't know what it's talking about. It's simply trained to surmise, paraphrase, and then regurgitate common wisdom about Evolva, in a way that's as close to the original way those people wrote.

Evola *was* a retard whose entire body of work is ridiculous and rightfully laughed at.

racism is fundamentally bad

>> No.15200554

>racism is fundamentally bad

>> No.15200555

>Yep, quite comfortable, I would say.
As longs as you're okay being retarded.

>And for the sake of argument you can consider me an average joe.
An average joe doesn't even accept this. Even they will strive for something better.

>And I was miserable as a teenager not knowing what this world is all about.
Well congratulations, you're now an adult and know that the world runs on suffering and the lies of historians. Learn to trust historiographers next time.

>Now I know that knowledge is bliss
Knowledge and intelligence are trash. Wisdom is its own reward. The wisest piece of advice I can give you is that the harder you let people kill you with their kindness, the harder you die.

>racism is fundamentally bad
Don't describe it, explain it.

>> No.15200562

One argument against racism is that it stems from racialism which is scientifically wrong. However, that's a weak one. Racism *is* wrong on the fact, but the real reason why it is wrong is moral. It denies the humanity of another human being. This is why it's evil.

>> No.15200574

>it stems from racialism which is scientifically wrong.
Prove it.

>It denies the humanity of another human being.
Someone can be inferior and still "human".

>This is why it's evil.
Prove it.

>> No.15200578

this is a moral stance, brainlet

>> No.15200590

Prove that it's somehow "immoral" to think that blacks tend to be dumb and violent, brainlet. Calling your retarded opinion a "moral stance" doesn't make it less retarded.

>> No.15200595

From a purely taxonomic standpoint it is possible to find out that some hominid species are not human through genetic assays.

>> No.15200599

>Every genus is speciated on the planet except humans
The classical retard take

>> No.15200612

Classic nonhuman drone reply. I didn't take any stance on that question.

>> No.15200613

Morality doesn't need to be proved

>> No.15200616
File: 3.22 MB, 498x278, indiana-jones-gun-vs-sword[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racism *is* wrong on the fact, but the real reason why it is wrong is moral
>It denies the humanity of another human being.
So it's wrong because it's reified by groupthink? Groupthink was bad I thought? You cannot even define "race" without a group rofl. I believe racism is good specifically because destroys groupthink. It gets rid of the special snowflakes who think they're how shit.

"Ooga booga"? Rain dance? Specific symbology woven on baskets? Fucking stupid rock ape bullshit. Get a brain you dumb animals and become racist so that you can destroy the concept.

>> No.15200620

Denying Evola's genius is bad because anti-racism is fundamentally wrong because it's immoral.

>> No.15200622

The bot only attacked Evola's persona it didnt necessarily debunk him at all. It didnt even try to lmao

>> No.15200626

another classic retard take

>> No.15200630 [DELETED] 

You are a nonhuman, qualialess, ZOG-programmed drone, just like your """left-wing""" counterparts.

>> No.15200637
File: 8 KB, 631x229, 1671603669151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked bot to make a counter argument for op and it gave me pic related. Its not that the bot is trained on only retarded text models or that it itself is retarded. The problem is that the bot devs euthanized on purpose to stop with from "wrong thinking"

The only solution to this is waiting till we poorfags get good and affordable hardware to train and run our own chatsgpts at home

>> No.15200639

true, but it is subjective and your morality is evil because it allows people into positions of power they did not earn and have no business being in which ends in needless suffering. There is a hierarchy in this world in every aspect of it and when you circumvent that hierarchy for arbitrary reasons based on your feels bad things happen that were entirety avoidable. you arent smart enough to know that your morality isnt even yours, it just the morality du jour you were indoctrinated with and you arent capable of having original thoughts

>> No.15200646

Umm, sorry, sweaty. You're wrong because your post is immoral. I don't need to substantiate this in any way because morality is subjective, mkay?

>> No.15200647

Is your natural reaction to seethe like this when you have zero material to back your baseless claims up?

>> No.15200648

What are my claims, nonhuman ZOG parasite? Killing you is moral, rational and necessary. Society needs to take out its """right-wing""" and """left-wing""" trash.

>> No.15200655

I accept your capitulation. I'd say you made a good show of it, but you just foamed at the mouth when called out

>> No.15200667

really rattled the /pol/tard cages with this one lmao

>> No.15200669 [DELETED] 

Called out on what, ZOG parasite? What claim do you think I was making? Your nonsentience is on full display.

>> No.15200738

You're even going to far in anthropomorphizing the bot. It's an algorithm to select the most likely word to come next based on its (obviously biased) training data. The real hilarious part is that even though it's entire purpose is to pass Turing tests, it's not even good at that either. People in awe of it are simpletons.

>> No.15200739

Racism is fundamentally good

>> No.15200748

This. Anti-racism is fundamentally bad and deeply immoral.

>> No.15200758

If you keep saying your magic words over and over, something will certainly happen. ZOG ZOG ZOG ZIM ZALLABIM

>> No.15200764

Still waiting for you to explain what claim you think I made. You will deflect again like a fully automated drone

>> No.15200912

Oh I see why you started seething like a retard, you ZOG parasite nonhuman. The posts were meant for

>> No.15201299

>An average joe doesn't even accept this. Even they will strive for something better.
Does average joe run into woods to live like his ancestors did? Nah, he would rather die than trade the comfort of civilization for living in shit of his cattle
> you're now an adult and know that the world runs on suffering
Your world, not mine.
> Knowledge and intelligence are trash.
you're too brown

>> No.15201554

>Does average joe run into woods to live like his ancestors did?
If he did, would you even know?

>he would rather die than trade the comfort of civilization for living in shit of his cattle
That's startling because there's 7 million men his age out of work right now who were promised a future "civilization" where they'll own nothing and like it. Let's see how it turns out when a proper Alexander the Great comes around.

>Your world, not mine.
No no. You age and deal with suffering like the rest of us human. You're not special.

>you're too brown
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks

>> No.15201779

>If he did, would you even know?
If it was the trend (as you say it is supposed to be) sure I would
> 7 million men his age out of work right now
And why is it a problem? I am out of work and I feel fine. And I even don't live in the first world country where everybody can live freely in the street or shelter and eat freely in some parasite feeding center? Compare it to how it used to be for the lowest form of humans few centuries ago, or before that, and that is obvious that the progress benefit every stratum.
> who were promised a future "civilization" where they'll own nothing and like it.
I like it even though I own a lot.
> Let's see how it turns out when a proper Alexander the Great comes around.
Fear. Dark side of the power. Why would you use it?
> You age and deal with suffering like the rest of us human
Today technology solves even aging (but you're clueless, or rather pretend not to notice it)
Once again, why would you use this lowest form of pathos?
> Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks
ha! this is why!

>> No.15201810
File: 365 B, 160x160, gingerrageman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it was the trend
Imagine if building cheap tiny houses in the middle of nowhere with less zoning laws were popular. What would city-folk do though? Maybe a tinier tiny house, like a tent.

>And why is it a problem?
You must not know history.

>I even don't live in the first world country where everybody can live freely
Lol, lmao even.

>Compare it to how it used to be for the lowest form of humans few centuries ago
Oh you mean all those over civilizations that self-imploded?

>I like it
How do you like nothing? How dumb are you?

>Fear. Dark side of the power.
Only anon. The only side.

>Today technology solves even aging (but you're clueless, or rather pretend not to notice it)
Once again, why would you use this lowest form of pathos?
Atomist, please stop trying to addict me with your quantities. Like I said, you kill me harder with this "kindness" and would rather like my death than hate it. It would really suck living here even longer with all the other people like you who would be living longer with me.

>ha! this is why!
Why what anon? Care to elaborate?

>> No.15201824

>What would city-folk do though?
would build it closer to the centres of civilization, of course
> You must not know history.
The jewish history? I probably know even that part better than you do.
My guess is people used to strive for war to stop it all for that's how poor the medicine was back then.
> Oh you mean all those over civilizations that self-imploded?
You mean all those civilization you faggots destroyed?
> Only anon. The only side.
Why are you such a clueless piece of shit? I think I made you laugh (even if you were just pretending, good for you)
> It would really suck living here even longer with all the other people like you who would be living longer with me.
So, when are you leaving? Either way, I recommend you to stay, it will be funnier.

>> No.15201831

>it's LE BAD!!! le VERY VERY BADD and HARMFULL TOO!!! it's important that you get this through your head mmkay?

>> No.15201837

>posting a /pol/ thread on /sci/
many such cases

>> No.15201927

>Evola *was* a retard whose entire body of work is ridiculous and rightfully laughed at.
Refute him.