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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1519635 No.1519635 [Reply] [Original]

Theorem: God does not exist

proof: Assume God exists. Since God is all powerful, pose the question
"Could God create a boulder so heavy that he, himself cannot lift".
Assume that this is true, then he is not all powerful and the idea of God cannot exist.
Assume that this is false, then then he is not all powerful and the idea of God cannot exist.
Thus a contradiction.

>Reductio ad absurdem.

>> No.1519640


>> No.1519672

Proof by 'duh'.
God doesn't exist.

>Quod erat demonstrandum

>> No.1519682

Assume God exists.
Assume this God is all powerful, yet bound by the law of non-contradiction.
God can create unlifitable boulder.
God can lift all boulders.
Therefore not all powerful or not bound by the law of non-contradiction.

This says nothing about existence.

>> No.1519695

Assume God exists
Found religion
Wait, what?

>> No.1519705

if god is all powerful, he would have the power to violate your paradoxes in such a way that if you saw it, your mind would explode

God: 1
Atheists: 0

sage in all fields

>> No.1519708

Assume God exits.
Be unconcerned with the truth of your assumption.

>> No.1519711

>First post
>Derpism vs Derpanity thread
>Immediately think, why the fuck am I in /sci/
>sage thread, on to the next board

>> No.1519717

Nobody fucking cares, OP. Go back to fapping to animal porn, or whatever you faggots do.

>> No.1519718

Whats wroung with talking about science and math while having sex seriously shot would be so cash.

>> No.1519723


>> No.1519735
