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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 687 KB, 1125x1208, yellow-fever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15193939 No.15193939 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you study CS?

>> No.15193945

Pic related is also my reason.

>> No.15193947

>yellow "fever"
There's nothing sexy about fever.

>> No.15193949

easy compulsory classes, but could still pick any electives from math degree and career prospects are much better than with physics or maths degree

>> No.15193959

I didnt and i was always bad with computers and electronics, had to tinker and experiment until my 40s to finally get an intuition for it

>> No.15194102


>> No.15194116

She's trans, isn't she?

>> No.15194127

I just saw "her" picture. Wtf.

>> No.15194155

Well, no one's stopping Asian women from dating Asian men. I know why White men with yellow fever is even an issue, just don't date them.

>> No.15194574


>> No.15194619

I'm genuinely interested in it and cry myself to sleep knowing that to most people CS means html + css + javascript, or just programming for that matter.

>> No.15194631

Because I've been genuinely interested in computers since I was a small child and in CS since I was a teen.

>> No.15194654
File: 24 KB, 469x179, ER-8QYJXkAIFx3_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like just another retarded follower of woke trends

>> No.15194667
File: 149 KB, 824x766, cf7dba49b90ea5b5ac97031b40bc4dbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one can only wonder why she is alone. true mystery

>> No.15194703

A glimmering product of female easy mode in Stem is mad that she isn't taken seriously in the tech industry.

Woah who would have thought

>> No.15194812

This is a based take though.

>> No.15194867 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1207x670, hypochondria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the soience jews have driven the word "hypochondria" nearly to extinction because for them, every illness, real or imaginary, is an opportunity to turn a profit selling pills.
theres no money to be made informing the deluded that they are confused, so the medical world avoids that practice.

>> No.15194907

Look at the date. This was at the beginning, when tech people were aware of the coming coronavirus earlier than other groups and the woke media crucified them for anti-Asian racism and other such bullshit.

>> No.15194951

medically speaking hypochondria just isn't very useful
the body comes with a vast array of diagnostic abilities that only the patient can currently access, so a disturbance in those abilities is itself still a disturbance within the body - just one within the diagnostic system instead of the system the diagnostic system is monitoring

>> No.15194989
File: 8 KB, 276x183, scientis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I would make money silly me

>> No.15194999
File: 15 KB, 474x272, iso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like another mentally ill attention seeker.

>> No.15195001

>This was at the beginning
So she was ahead of the curve telling people they were full of shit. Good on her for not falling for the propaganda.

>> No.15195004

Tits or GTFO, stephanie.

>> No.15195043

I wonder why her Twitter is privated.

>> No.15195056

Money. I regret it, CS is so brain dead it's unreal and it doesn't even have good job prospects.
My only hope is to somehow squeeze myself into a math master's program

>> No.15195270
File: 1.16 MB, 491x720, 1637266111637.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This slut will still continue to sleep with white men.

And she is probably right, women don't study, they try to find a husband at uni.

>> No.15195471

Tfw didn't find a girlfriend at uni
why even live

>> No.15195541

Literally just go back to school and prey on your *******.

>> No.15195564

I'm 29, I'd look and be out of place there.

>> No.15195629

>I regret it, CS is so brain dead it's unreal and it doesn't even have good job prospects.
You're an idiot then, CS pays very well.
>t. software engineer

>> No.15195657
File: 20 KB, 298x298, 1516535466484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chinga chonga me ruv u rong time a sucky sucky five dorrar

>> No.15195672

Back in Ye Olden Dayes, it was a relatively easy way to get a good-paying job. The problem: I wasn't actually much good at it.

>> No.15195692
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, stephaniebian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless there are multiple Stephanie Bians. Possible of course.

>> No.15195738

When women don't get fucked they go become retarded. This is pretty well established in psychology

>> No.15198392


>> No.15198888
File: 40 KB, 299x259, 1674354491279974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like this exist and are not fictional strawmen I create in my heads

>> No.15198902

Are you brownskinned or have connections?

>> No.15199033

Whitu boys onry! Whitu diku onry!

Asian women are the most disloyal. I'm not even asain and it makes me cringe.

>> No.15199071

Used to be engaged to a chink have been with all races but chinks are the most racist and definitely have a white fever stronger than a normal white guys slight yellow fever but I don't even get that, a lot of Asians are actually pretty ugly

>> No.15199726

I swore she was hotter but this is from memory of about 4-5 years ago. this thot is running the same exact shtick now

>> No.15199748

The funny part is, she isn't even lying. She isn't even lying. A Bay Area asian woman's ultimate dream and goal is landing a high octane white tech bro. And they're fucking everywhere.

>> No.15199760

Severe crippling depression
But turns out I have a talent for comp sci and programming and can manage it even in spite of my condition.

I wanted to be a scientist but here I am.


>> No.15199762

fucking roblox

>> No.15200410

"She" could not satisfy my asian fetish

>> No.15200689

same but minecraft hacked clients

>> No.15202071


>> No.15203955
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, 1674235205887001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is easy as fuck.
(if IQ has more than 2 digits)

Also you don't have to become a compulsive liar and sasquepedelian.

Also it is not """science""" but a constructive, creative and engenering Job.
Science is about writing boring journals while pretending to whatever you do fulfill a intial hypothesis.
It requires the memorisation of buzzwords mostly made up of mixing latin and old greek words, which just serve the purpose to obfuscate your work so nobody can see your lies.

Also mith a minor degree in CS you can earn a 150k income.

For example with Biochem, a minor degree means nothing.
Even a masters degree will only give you a lab slave job with an earning potential of maybe 50k.
You are required to become a doctor.
And this requires you to become a sub minimum wage lab slave for 2 years, while beeing 100% obedient to your Mentor Professor.

And then you also have three options:
Become a lab slave in a interesting field but with low wage.
(Eg. Toxicology+Pathology).

Become a lab slave for a boring Pharma company and doing repetive shit while writing boring journal but with higher Wage.

Become a part time labslave and a lecturer at a university with a medium wage.

And in all of that, you only require to use 10% of what you learned in 7 years of university.

>> No.15204149

how do you know her last name

>> No.15205961

Anyone else pictured a cute girl when they read >>15193939?

>> No.15206043

nah I know what the chink whores in CS look like and it's just rough. the cute asians went to ivies then fell into marketing or some kind of consulting meme

>> No.15206047

Holy shit. You're right. I just checked my memory. I somehow missed it.

>> No.15206069

Irl software "engineering" is completely different from cs
If you just want to be a software engineer/developer you're wasting time and money studying mathematics at university at that level. You realistically only need the first year of your mathematics major provided it covers discrete, cal 1, linear algebra, statistics, intro absract algebra. Some physics is fine.
Mathematics should be for fun and interest only if you don't plan on research, data science (first year is probably enough) or working in engineering. You won't use it in most software jobs.
Even if you're working for a R&D lab or an engineering company, the engineers or scientists hand you what you're building and all you could do is error check them, but because your knowledge is at a baby graduate level you're error checking is probably missing something.
I don't care if you're 150iq, it is less efficient to have the software guys solve the mathematics problems and write the code. You can have an equally or more intelligent engineer/scientist/mathematician solve the problem who has focused their studies on exactly that, and the software guy build it, who has focused their studies on exactly that.
A very small percentage of people could do all if it flawlessly.

>> No.15206123

That was the mainstream media stance on the meme flu back then, though.

>> No.15206128

And it should have kept being. People were too easily led down the garden path.

>> No.15206438

>you're wasting time and money studying mathematics at university
no i'm not
a degree in CS is pretty much required for a career, so i might as well make it enjoyable by taking classes i'd take if i didn't have to get a CS degree to make ends meet
i don't give a fuck if i won't ever use any of it at work, i'm not taking those classes for work, i'm taking them for myself

>> No.15206632

>a degree in CS is pretty much required for a career
yeah, when the highest achievement on your CV that you can imagine getting is mindlessly going through 3 years of uni then it's required, sad situation though

>> No.15206763

I really enjoyed AP CS in high school

>> No.15206782

>muh hard work and a firm handshake
it is what it is and you can't get a job without a paper from some juicy uni
you could be scooping Turing award winners and that still wouldn't exempt you from the paper requirement
fintech requires the paper, so do the unicorns
nobody gives a fuck about your hobbyist github projects, no matter how influential they might be

>> No.15206808

I'm sorry, but that's just wishful thinking, if you hope that you'll show up with the paper and employers will wet themselves
majority of people I know at fortune 500 companies don't have masters
the requirement on job postings for it means jack shit since nowadays, a ton of people move between jobs through recommendations and direct contact and when you're talking with managers and team leaders already, it doesn't matter whether you have that one line in the CV or not

>> No.15206828

No. I am Jewish, but I haven't gotten any jobs through connections yet.

If you want to avoid esl types, work at a company that doesn't sponsor visas.

>> No.15206846

>if you hope that you'll show up with the paper and employers will wet themselves
i'm already past that, graduated 6 years ago
>majority of people I know at fortune 500 companies don't have masters
and there's not a single codemonkey without one (excluding interns) where i work
>it doesn't matter whether you have that one line in the CV or not
if this is the case, you are one of the countless codemonkies where there's low competition for the position (in the hundreds, maybe thousands at best), a position that pays peanuts
i'm not interested in doing boring job for peanuts, it would indeed be a waste of time to get a degree for that, iwant to get real money for that boring job
the positions i'm interested in are such that even nepotism doesn't give you any meaningful advantage - it doesn't even guarantee an onsite interview
try applying for some jsc codemonkey position and come back to tell us how it went without the paper in your cv

>> No.15206881

There's probably people on here that don't catch the sarcasm in her post. It means she hates it to her core and hates the people she work with.

Understandable. Most people go into STEM with these false marketing ideas about it. You don't make a ton of money all things considered. You don't have fun on your job. You won't enjoy your colleagues. Your work is not stripped down to the logical essentials and free from useless administrative work and office politics.

These realizations are so groundshattering it's a surprise not more people kill themselves.

>> No.15206893

Just sounds like you're a bit of a charmless fuckwit with at the very least autistic tendencies and no sales skills. I know people in well-paying tech jobs with not even a college degree.

>> No.15206950

No, you missed that this is a creature with an attention seeking personality looking for a way to feed its addiction. You got played by the mentally ill.

>> No.15206991

>charmless fuckwit with at the very least autistic tendencies and no sales skills
thanks you
you could be a marketing genius and you still wouldn't convince anyone here to hire you without a degree and perfect score in interview tests
you're competing against the best of the best when applying, all that matters is if your cv can get through the filter to top 100 - after that it's all skill and luck on the questions
>I know people in well-paying tech jobs with not even a college degree.
i know people like that too, but none of them is in technical position, they're all in management or other positions where politics matter (and skills mostly don't)
if you think 250k in redmond is honorable wage, you might be surprised to know that living in van is not the standard for "making it"
wasting your time in uni is indeed a bad idea if you're aiming for mediocre wage, we're in agreement on that

>> No.15207031

I remember people like you when I was in college. Limpwristed unhappy little cunts like you love making the world out to be so much harder than it actually is because you yourself couldn't hack it.

Any little dudes reading I make an enviable salary in a low income area. I own a large home with a partner and I'm not even 30. I had a physics degree and one "real" internship in college and it was for research. Just send out those resumes. Someone will pick you up. You're not a failure if you're not at Google making 500k starting. Someone will call me a coper but they're definitely not in any position to say that.
Live your lives, kids. Still gotta work hard but don't kill yourself over it.
Oh and one last thing. Yeah I worked hard but I still got lucky with what I have. If you don't make it right away that doesn't mean you failed. You fail when you stop trying. Alright now go be less stressed out and maybe we'll all reach retirement age.

>> No.15207041

Why would anyone study CS? It's too abstract and boring af. Go study more based degrees like electrical engineering or mechanical engineering. You don't need a CS degree to become a code monkey.