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15193280 No.15193280 [Reply] [Original]

Forrester classification table edition.

Previously: >>15158586

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15193285
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>final year of medical school
>can't put in IV lines
>can't do venipuncture
fucking hate that my country expects me to do this nurse work

>> No.15193356

Sup doctards. How does it feel knowing that you'll be working 100+ hour weeks while I get to drive my porsche on the track over the weekends because I chose to wisely become an engineer?

>> No.15193379

It's not hard. What have you been doing during placements?

>> No.15193387

trying and failing to put in IV lines and do venipuncture

>> No.15193404

What goes wrong?
How do they compare to your other fine motor skills like suturing?

>> No.15193406

I'm better at suturing but still pretty bad at it.
Usually I just miss the vein straight up.

>> No.15193423

>missing vein
This is mainly due to:
>poor vein choice
>lack of anchoring tension of vein

It'd be easiest if I could watch you do it. Ask one of your seniors to watch you cannulate and give advice.

>> No.15193434

Is low-normal c peptide and insulin indicative of diabeetus type 2 or 1?

>> No.15193449

What do you think and why

>> No.15193492

Any Germtard tell me right fucking now how I can make it in this godforsaken country as a Doctor.

>> No.15193514

Alright let me know if im a pussy or just retarded. Any other med students try dating apps during school? I want to get into it not even for hookups but just to talk to some new people. Im just concerned about any potential "professionalism" issues i run into. How safe is it for us to be on these apps? I wont be posting my school name or things that may affiliate me with them, but i do want to mention i am a medical student for obvious reasons. Im also afraid of being recognized by fellow students and worse being reported (for whatever reason). Am i overthinking this or should i genuinely be concerned and avoid dating apps?

>> No.15193538

I think you're overthinking it a bit, but it is good to be vigilant in these hypersensitive times. Generally, if you're not /pol/ on dating apps, but sticking to your spinning plates manual you should be fine.

>girl gets upset you ghost her as part of pump and dump
Not much she can really do. She can't criticize you for hooking up since it is "intolerant". Ghosting is really prevalent anyway. Easy come easy go.

Why would fellow students report you? You're trying to find "love" etc. Just because you're on the path to being a doctor doesn't exclude that from you. You're doing it in the right place at the right time (as opposed to dating patients for example). No issues. Have fun, bro.

>> No.15193607

my guy
you're allowed to date during medical school.

>> No.15193618

>being reported
The worst I can imagine is if you post a cringe profile and some mean girls find it and laugh at you. My own experience with those apps was one of pure extended disappointment and frustration, fwiw.

>> No.15193629 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15193684

that's generous

>> No.15193815

Type 1? Still the range for t1 is really low or super low, not very close to normal

>> No.15193825

You must consider the BGL. If it is normal, then the "low-normal" c-peptide may simply be that person's natural and normal production. Remember reference ranges are generated based on population sampling. You'll have outliers etc.

>> No.15194049

>fucking hate that my country expects me to do this nurse work
>he doesn't want to be able to replace nursoids entirely and take their cash
your loss

>> No.15194072
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Redpill me on being a doctor in Germany anon, seems like a popular destination for foreign doctors right now

>> No.15194133

Work 100 hours a week, research and publish in a profitable area, schmooz up to research grants and companies to bring in funds, become a professor and chief physician, negotiate a contract outside the regular collective agreement, get dividends and continue working a 100 hours a week. Now you're among the top 1% of doctors here in terms of pay, all it takes is all your time from age 20 to at least age 50 and you'll be making 200.000€ a year after taxes

>> No.15194244

Reading on Jungian psychiatry and immunopsychiatry lately for a break from infectious disease. Pretty interested in the inflammatory mechanisms that have causative correlations with psychic disorders.

>> No.15194638

>get to know elevated cortisol is related to decrease in dopamine
Great to know I can't escape constant hunger unless I choke and die on stimulants

>> No.15194660

Just lobotomize your hypothalamus so it stops producing CRH. Problem solved.

>> No.15194677
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I honestly wish I could ask for damaging part of hypothalamus in such way that I never feel hunger, but I don't think it's available yet

>> No.15194725
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>be me
>45 kg
>drink 3.5-4.5L per day
>mention this in passing to my cardiologist who puts an immediate end to it, restricts me to 2L/day (and this includes liquids from foods) saying I'm diluting my salt levels and fucking up my brain

How badly did I fuck up? I notice my brain fog has disappeared now that I drink less, but I'm wondering if I have sustained permanent brain damage.

>> No.15194750
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Random article says it seems reversible (in mice).
Probably you're fine, just stop doing the stupid. Don't see any reason it should have done permanent damage.

>> No.15194823

Take it down to half a gallon and you'll be fine.

>> No.15195342

What can I use to dillute Finasteride pills for topical application?

>> No.15195376
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>be you
>radiologist doctore
>put patient in magneto tube
>push button
>a gunshot goes off
>mri shows hole in head
what do?

>> No.15195510

Airway Breathing Circulation Disability Exposure

>> No.15195532

>thumb joint starts hurting randomly
is it over, medbros?

>> No.15195553

septic arthritis. get to the ED immediately.

>> No.15195586

nah. ill just use NSAIDs until i die (even if it doesnt help that much.)

>> No.15195677

yep im overthinking, noted. thanks for input

>> No.15195729

>fell asleep on my hand last night
>woke up with one finger numb
>fingertip still numb now, 16 hours later
Am I fucked? It's just the pad at the end. I tried pressing a sharp pencil into it and could feel it. Tried applying ice to the tip and felt nothing. Should I go to a dermatologist or something?

>> No.15195735

Why not a dentist, be about as useful.

>> No.15195740

whatever. should I be concerned?

>> No.15195749

No. Massage the nerve pathway areas leading up to the tip of the finger.
Hot and cold therapy for the nerves also helps.
Take a multivitamin for a month or so, and keep potassium intake high.

>> No.15195757

Thank you. This will take up to a month to return to normal?

>> No.15195761

If you damaged the nerve along some point of the pathway, it can take 1 day per mm of nerve length to regenerate, if it does regenerate. So one inch of nerve fiber = roughly 25 days.

>> No.15196196

Kek what a kwab

>> No.15196719

Fascinating. Thank you.
Besides temperature therapy, massaging the nerve pathways, and making sure I have the nutrients my body needs, is there anything I can do to ensure the nerves do regenerate?

>> No.15196776

Make sure you don't sleep in the same position again, for one.
Probably the most important part is not doing further damage. Focus your attention on not sleeping on your hand further, and it'll heal on its own, if it can.

>> No.15196800

How is cell biology relevant to medicine? how many times have you used the citrus cycle in your medical career?

>> No.15196816

It's most likely neuroapraxia of some kind, and the neurons and shit are fine.

Give it some time. It's fairly common in factory workers who perform repetitive manual tasks, construction workers using tools that vibrate, and I have also seen it in an athlete after a 72h long mountain bike race. I have personally never seen it after someone sleeping on their arm, but it seems a likely cause.

You will be OK, it's reversible damage to structures of the nerve other than neurons (think the rubber covering on a cable) that fucks with the function of the nerve.

I might be wrong though who knows.

>> No.15196910

I'm pretty sure some toxins slow the ETC cycle, causing death.

>> No.15196924

I don't think any doctor ever looked at a patient and thought "hmmmm must be the reduction of NAD part of citrus cycle which i rote memorized in second year med school"

>> No.15196955

Might be useful for MD/PhD students, I dunno. It is interesting knowing how the toxin kills you I guess too.

>> No.15197018

There are some metabolism problems that you can actually treat.
It's rare, but if you diagnose the one guy that has say PKU, tell him to eat less proteins and he'll live, with a normal life span even.

>> No.15197240

Had a patient with chronic bleeding diarrhea, left abdominal pain, fever. Send to gastro for a coloscopy, biopsy report just says "active colitis in left colon".
Gastro diagnosis: Atypical Crohn's disease

I don't get it, how is this "atypical Crohn's? I thought this was typical Ulcerative Colitis? No extra-GI manifestations either. I just don't get how gastro came to this conclusion.

>> No.15197265

Good enough for me. I really appreciate you and the other anon's insight. Medical knowledge is a great power.

>> No.15197567

The purpose of obscure biomedical trivia is to bully and discipline uppity students/interns when you're a doctor

>> No.15197573

Ask them to list the 87 cytokines, it's good for them

>> No.15197581
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Okay, I think I managed to finally escape hunger prison after a fucking year, lads

>> No.15197593

any nurse watches you guys recommend?

>> No.15197779
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>>can't do venipuncture
A monkey could learn how to do venipuncture. If you are unable to even do nurse work you are a brainlet and will be a shit doctor. How will you place a central venous catheter if you can't put in a simple IV, LMAO.

>> No.15197805

>Redpill me on being a doctor in Germany anon
You make less than 100k as a fresh attending, you get up to 100-120k with years and years of experience. Post Tax and insurance 100k is like 60k/year, you can live an OK life with that in Germany, but you are nowhere near being wealthy.
I think you missed the part where the Chefarzt is the nephew of the owner of the hospital. It's pure nepotism.
There are a bunch of doctors that wageslave all their lives and only end up in some miserable Oberarzt position.

>> No.15197816

what % of our treatments are useless/pharma hoaxes

>> No.15197935

Anything involving macrolides. What a useless junk class of antibiotics. The tetracyclines shit all over these pieces of crap.

>> No.15198021

Because he LOOKED and SAW and maybe it wasnt clear changes of either but he thought it was more likely to be chrons.

Stop being a LITTLE FAGGOT and call him to ask. MAYBE you will learn something.

>> No.15198041

>b-but i memorized all the multiple choice tests, sir...

>> No.15198053

>Yeah anon im going to change to ertapenem since P. aeruginosa was discarded as a cause of bacteriemia. Well descalate again when whe get the ABgram for ecoli that grew.

> 20 mins before going home a nurse comes in to kindly inform us that the patients face has swollen comically and that, sadly, she is no longer able to breathe.



>> No.15198058

>actually thinking about antibiotic choices and having escalation/deescalation steps rather than just picking random broad spectrum shit off the shelf and doing a culture a week later if it doesn't work
lmao @ firstworlder cucks

>> No.15198078
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What's the most absurd value you've seen on someone that was still vaguely alive?

>> No.15198130

>ABG pH of 6.95 in T1D ketoacidosis, survived and recovered
>8.3 mmol potassium in a dialysis patient
>89 mmol sodium, still conscious but kinda drowsy in some hobo junkie
>your pic
yeah back in covid days i'd see SpO2 in the 30s-40s occasionally when some cunt would disconnect from their NIV before we'd connect him back up

>> No.15198227

Rhizarthrosis. Hands off the phone you zoom zoom.

>> No.15198331
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Yeah, I read some guy ranting that your wages keep getting cucked because of all the female doctors marrying up and working part-time and your overlords taking out of union contracts leaving the rest to get fucked.

Another question, how accessible are specialties over there in general if you don't care about geographical location and are a EU foreigner? And more specifically Ophtho and Derm?

>> No.15198368

why is medical research either useless, unimportant or wrong
>le 0.05 staistically significant 1% improvement in therapy that will never work in practice

what is the solution to this

>> No.15198380

Don't push the publish or perish culture. There are med students shitting out 20 research papers during their 4 year degree just to have a better chance at matching.
Just think about what kind of """""""""""""research""""""""""""""""""""" this has to be.

>> No.15198383

>how accessible are specialties over there in general
Pretty much all specialties are easily accessible as a foreigner as long as you speak good German and are willing to move to some small town.
Doesn't matter if you go the Ophtho or Derm route, since they are not money printing specialties in Germany like in most other countries. I guess it could be a good option if you come, do your specialty training and then fuck off where you come from.

>> No.15198414

>>89 mmol sodium, still conscious but kinda drowsy in some hobo junkie
i dont believe it, what unit is that

>> No.15198425

Atypical crohns would be crohns that involves the colon but not the distal ileum which is the typical location. UC must involve the rectum and work its way back without skipping any part of the colon, or it is not UC. Also, they look different on colonoscopy.

>> No.15198428
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That is precisely what I had in mind, do my specialty training over there then come back and do private practice while making bank and not getting cucked for the rest of my life wageslaving for the government in some other specialty for a fraction of the pay.

>> No.15198444

Because we have zero understanding of what we're doing. Drug development is not a science, it's a big dose of guesswork and eyeballing patterns that seem to have worked before, with a lottery at the end that fails 99.99% of the time.

In psychiatry, the only disease where the treatment doesn't have a sky-high NNT is making people with ADHD tweak on hard stimulants.
And that's because neuroscience is in the middle ages. The search for biomarkers is top tier comedy. Nobody has any goddamn idea, and 'plausible mechanisms' mean fuck all. Just try random shit and see if some of it happens to work for some people.

Maybe after AI starts doing something more interesting with proteins than structure prediction, it could actually help developing drugs that aren't large scale guesswork at industrial scale. But we sure aren't there yet.

>> No.15198457

tpa for stroke is a big one

>> No.15198496
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>Maybe after AI starts doing something more interesting

>> No.15198522

What country are you from?
Specialty training is pretty bad in Germany, especially in surgical specialties. You don't get to operate a lot and are used for a lot of scut work. I doubt you would be proficient enough to do private practice ophtho straight out of residency.
There is a saying here that you learn to operate once you are already an attending.

>> No.15198538

Yeah I already read up on that, I wouldn't really mind having to learn while being an attending besides optho can get surgical volume in other countries through cataract programs. I don't think it would take that much time to get the same surgical volume as residents here, probably 1 year maybe 2 tops.
But then again depends on how hard it is to get into Derm in Germany, if it's actually accessible without jumping through massive hoops I'd also consider it specially given their market value here.

>> No.15198581
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The crudeness of psychiatry fascinates me to no end

>> No.15198596

>Edited by Roger N. Rosenberg
Some jew likes his name, doesn't he?

>> No.15198603

Yeah he's a kike, but that's how it goes sometimes.

>> No.15198627
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Psychiatry is ultimately historic Jewish apologia and resentment as they quickly adapted from a tribal culture to modern Protestant civil culture in America in 19th and early 20th centuries. Read John Murray Cuddihy's The Ordeal of Civility.

>> No.15198668

Yes, we're all aware that the psychotherapy aspect to psychiatry is a Jewish racket, but what I'm interested in regarding psychiatry is mainly the biological causations and appropriate medical therapies, in regards to somatic and neurological approaches. Mounting evidence shows, for example, that persons with major depressive disorder and schizophrenia repeatedly show raised levels of systemic pro-inflammatory cytokine expression

>> No.15198724

Derm is very doable since a reform of the Derm residency from a couple of years ago. Back then you would have to do a part of the residency at a Hospital, which would be a big bottleneck for residency spots. Nowadays you can do all of your training in private clinics if I remember correctly.

>> No.15199037

>do my specialty training over there then come back and do private practice

it doesnt work like that, you wanna come back to the US then you gotta take the Steps and match, and most likely into some malignant family med program

>> No.15199040

is neurology becoming more competitive in the US yet or does it still have the "muh brain is too hard and you can't help anyone" reputation. i wanna match into it in a couple years

>> No.15199048

Not everyone is from the US, ameritard

>> No.15199072

>Not everyone is from the US

>> No.15199146

no. it's the joint above that one, and i first felt it when i was driving. the pain isnt that bad and randomly comes and goes.

>> No.15199337

>Mounting evidence shows, for example, that persons with major depressive disorder and schizophrenia repeatedly show raised levels of systemic pro-inflammatory cytokine expression
and you know what also?
people with pneumonia have fever and elevated leukocytes?
because of this I treat pneumonia with tylenol and plasmapheresis

>> No.15199443

I've seen this exact conversation so many times now

>> No.15199515

Medicine is nursoids twerking on tiktok and premeds arguing about dermatology forever.

>> No.15199529

it's worse

>> No.15199588

a few other fun ones I've remembered is
>3(three) platelets in some leukemia PT
>35 g/l hemoglobin in an old grandma

>> No.15199603

>People living a life conductive to a misery so great and constant that gets maladapted happen to be exposed to inflammatory shit.







>> No.15199607


There are hobos walking around with Homeric levels of all kinds of laboratory values.

>> No.15199610

makes sense thanks for the reply anon

>> No.15199613

am wondering if instead of anitpsychotics every month or so a hot nurse gave you a quickie would have a better effect on people
can we get an RCT going on that

>> No.15199723

How do I sign up for the trial, I am very sick and this is my only chance of maybe getting better

>> No.15199724

Welcome to the control group. You still get to watch.

>> No.15199827

and /reddit/ thinks psychiatry is a lifestyle specialty. millenials are retarded to go into psych, especially when they have zero skills to set themselves apart from midlevels

you have the absolute worst patients in all of medicine, who actively hate you

my friend's uncle was a psych, still has a bite scar.

>> No.15199870

It's almost like researchers are trying to find specific causation for mental disorders by working backwards with immune expressions. You sound like the kind of retard who can't differentiate between Haemophilus and Streptococcus.

>> No.15199876

take a load of this fucking retard

>> No.15199883


>> No.15199927

>Bro just eat clean and exercise, it'll clear your schizophrenia right up
You can't be this stupid.

>> No.15199969
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>doing nofap
>1 week in
>edging pre workout
>Go a little crazy and edge harder than everytime
>get sharp pain radiating from my asshole to balls
>can't get hard
>still have slight discomfort in my ass
is it over? it's been 5 days and i can't get hard

>> No.15199995
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For someone with liver impairment, would 100 mg of any given medication necessarily be riskier or more taxing on the liver than 10 mg of any (other) given medication? (Assuming both meds are processed by the liver.) Or do we need to know more about the particular medications?

>> No.15200105

I'd disagree, psychiatry is generally much better equipped to deal with crazies. Nurses give all problem patients benzo's ahead of time. Pneumology with all it delirium patients seem much worse to me, pretty frequent for a nurse to get beaten.

>> No.15200112
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is radiology based

>> No.15200179

So two different drugs, both metabolized by the liver, but the therapeutic dose of one is ten times higher than the other? Depends on the medication and their metabolites. On the one hand an impaired drug clerance or frist-pass-effect would pose the risk of reaching toxic levels when administering a normally therapeutic dosage, but the severity of that still depends on the medication. On the other hand if you're administering a pro-drug that needs to be metabolized by the liver first, you'd have a problem with decreased efficacy and getting into the therapeutic range in the first place. The direct hepatotoxcitiy of drug metabolites also varies, so you'd really need to know more about the medications in question.

>> No.15200197

Maybe, maybe not. You'll have to correlate clinically.

>> No.15200245

>you'd really need to know more about the medications in question
10 mg of escitalopram vs. 100 mg of sertraline. That's more or less in the middle of the therapeutic range for both drugs (the max for each is 20 and 200 respectively). Yet 100 mg of sertraline causes much greater adverse side effects than 10 mg of escitalopram. And this is consistent with my experience on other drugs and even vitamin supplements. The higher the dosage, the greater the side effects (tics, irritability, agitation).

t. curious ex-binge drinker with a fucked-up liver

>> No.15200252

Last year, I can't take a pressure

>> No.15200338
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I read that too but didn't have any info if the actual competitiveness dwindled down enough for me to be able to get in.
Besides speaking good German do you know other things that could make me a stronger Derm applicant?
Also how long do you usually take to land a residency spot?

>> No.15200443

seems like your cum sack has burst

>> No.15200570

>Besides speaking good German do you know other things that could make me a stronger Derm applicant?
>Also how long do you usually take to land a residency spot?
If you have a C1 level language skills certificate to get your medical licence here and actually speak the language well enough that's all that really matters. There's no national selection process for residency spots. Clinics or private practices just post job offers or you send out applications on your own initiative. The way new applicants compete for positions is usually through grades, "internships", research or having connections and "personal recommendations". Except for research, non of that is really an option for you, but in general your best bet as a foreign doctor is looking for spots in smaller towns or rural areas where the personnel shortag is generally higher, they tend take whatever halfway suitable candidates they get. Even if you don't find a spot immediatly, just keep looking, new positions open up all the time

>> No.15200649
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I'm already planning on doing research and my master's thesis on the specialty I go for, besides that I guess my best shot would be to learn German until my 6th year and do a PJ/Erasmus+ there.
I also read that sometimes people just do 1-2 years in another specialty like IM but is that actually a plus or more for foreigners with busted German to get more time to learn the language and the system?
Also on another note, matching into your desired specialty seems kinda chill over there as long as you are willing to be flexible geographically, are you guys usually happy in the specialty you land in or is it a cuck fest like over here?

>> No.15200777

>I guess my best shot would be to learn German until my 6th year and do a PJ/Erasmus+ there
Good way to establish connections and show employers that you're aquainted with the system.
>I also read that sometimes people just do 1-2 years in another specialty like IM but is that actually a plus or more for foreigners with busted German to get more time to learn the language and the system?
Haven't heard anything about that, technically you need good german skills (the whole C1 certifcation ordeal) to get your medical licence to begin with, but I've heard some pretty rough german from foreign doctors so it wouldn't surprise me. In general language is important here, nobody cares too much for accents, but Boomers (like the one's who'll decide to hire you or not) absolutely LOVE it when a foreigner speaks decent german in terms of grammar, so if you land an interview and nail that, it's worth a lot.
>Also on another note, matching into your desired specialty seems kinda chill over there as long as you are willing to be flexible geographically, are you guys usually happy in the specialty you land in or is it a cuck fest like over here?
It's a buyers market right now in terms of matching, but conditions can vary from place to place, some work you to the bone with little instruction and expect tons of overtime regardless of regulations, others are more laid back and supportive, but in general you're supposed to put in your work and at least a little extra as a resident, especially if you're at a bigger clinic and your attending is the typical choleric and workaholic Boomer type.

>> No.15200858
File: 3.78 MB, 450x800, BB5552B9-8D74-48B7-8C96-CB2FE348F760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No pathological findings in thorax X-ray
Then what the hell am I looking at, Doc?

>> No.15200886

>psychiatry is a lifestyle specialty
Outpatient psych where all you do is refill medicine and talk to some patients high on Haloperidol decanoate can be more or less comfy.
Inpatient Psych is hell. Delirious patients going off about random shit, suicidal patients, schizophrenics that think that god is talking to them. Just how casually psychiatrists tell their patients to behave or else they will have them restrained them shows you what kind of job it is.
Most psychs are probably very fucked in the head.
This comes from someone that was naively quite interested in Psychiatry. Thank god I didn't go that route.

>> No.15200910

>Besides speaking good German do you know other things that could make me a stronger Derm applicant?
Literally all that matters is if you speak German or not. Nobody gives a fuck if you have published or some other random shit.
Obviously the competitiveness is much less now, there are a shitload of Derm clinics. The Derm clinic part was always easy to get into, the hard part was the Hospital part because of how few spots there were available.
If you don't give a fuck where to work (even bumfuck nowhere) you will get a job in a month.

>> No.15200950

Any psychiatryfags around to comment on this article?https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6386427/

>> No.15200982

People applying for specialty training int he UK have to sit the MSRA, and now the results are all out, and so many failed surgeons are salty on Reddit.

Gonna apply for the next Core Surgery intake and reject it just to dunk on the surgeons harder

>> No.15200983

Pick just about any disease where exercise is possible at all, and exercise is going to improve outcomes.
You could write the same paper about exercise as treatment for Alzheimer's if you want. Ask ChatGPT to ramble a little more about BDNF and hypocampus growth, and you're golden.
This author's next paper: Getting proper sleep and eating your vegetables as a treatment for Schizophrenia.

>> No.15201142

So then why are so many posters on /sci/ always seething about psychiatry and psychopharmacology?

>> No.15201174

nice underwear, faggot

>> No.15201530

This looks like it's in the abdomen not the thorax?

>> No.15201703

Because a lot of 4chan posters are unironic schizos

>> No.15201718

Yeah that makes sense now that I read this post

>> No.15201979

diagnosis: it's over
treatment plan: cope and seethe
signed: chud MD

>> No.15202295

Medanons, what do you think will be advances in AI in the next 20 years and how will it shape specific specialties?
I always read random fearmongering that Radiology, Dermatology and Pathology could be replaced, are they actually threatned by current advances or future ones or is it just a bunch of IT fags and premeds that don't know shit about it?
And not necessarily being fully replaced but if AI happens to decrease their demands or cut their work by 20-30% wouldn't it be a game changer in those specialties particularly in terms of income?

>> No.15202309

Radiologists won't be replaced but they will become so optimized that a team of 5 radiologists will now only need 2. Imagine how many mammographys a radiologist could get through if AI is good enough to simply filter out the normal ones.
People like to cope about it, but specialties can and will get replaced if it's cheaper. Look at what is happening to ER docs in the U.S., it turned from a hot field to shit real fast.

>> No.15202355

It could help expedite diagnoses with AI that is based upon serum composition, cytokine expression, etc etc. The physician will still be responsible for physical examination and therapy, but like I said, it could help in narrowing down possibilities for infectious disease specialists

>> No.15202422

>retards still falling for my schizoposting after all these years

My schizophrenia-themed post was made in the specific context of depression. You would have realized that if you weren't such a drooling fucking retard.

Now take your meds, please.

>> No.15202434


AI based real time AKI risk predictors for critical care are "around the corner"

>> No.15202435

it's gonna get rid of all the worthless IMoids with 0 practical skills whose 'job' can be replaced by browsing medscape

>> No.15202439


>> No.15202448

>t. reads diagnostics done by others to follow a flowchart protocol to prescribe meds made by others or a procedure done by others

>> No.15202450


Still coping

>> No.15202452

coping with what?

>> No.15202453

And such a terrible use of "t.".
Really man, you have to do better, this is a serious thread.

>> No.15202454

with cope you dumdum

>> No.15202457

is that what you say when you cry for ICU/surgery help to do anything that can't be found on google?

>> No.15202459

I work in an ICU you fucking seedless melon

>> No.15202526

Quick question how the fuck do surgeons learn to operate in Germany without attending supervision after you finish residency?

>> No.15202590

Are people diagnosed with autism level 2 retarded? I've been diagnosed as that yesterday by my psychologist, but I never thought my intelligence was low, from what I read on Google only retards are on level 2, the geniuses like Einstein were on level 1 (Asperger).

>> No.15202592

>G-gotcha anon!
Lmfao you lost

>> No.15202677

you will always need someone to sue for malpractice

>> No.15202704

AI doesn't make mistakes.

>> No.15202829

who lied to me and said that medicine is all memorization.. I still can't believe some people believe that myth, including my classmates.

>> No.15202845

one of my friends just told me he uses a colostomy bag (i never knew)

liek 10 years ago he had bad gastroenteritis during his junior year at college. it became worse and the physicians thought it might be mrobus cron. When it became really bad they did an exploratory laparoscopy to see whats up.

my man ended up waking up with a stoma and a shit bag on his belly. They saw that his intestine was swollen and inflamed and they just removed like half of it and most of his colon.

this happened in germany.

My friend is the naive kind of person. He thinks they had good reason for this surgery but even he is having the horrible thought that they might have taken his colon away for no good reason (the rest of hos life he will be shitting into a bag strapped to his torso)

what do you guys think? Horror hospital story or normal procedure?

>> No.15202848

oh important fact. Only after the surgery he learned he has morbus cron. over the past years he has learned to live with it and hasnt had any flare ups in over 7 years.

>> No.15202852

>but even he is having the horrible thought that they might have taken his colon away for no good reason
yeah they just did it for the lulz, classic surgeon prank

>> No.15202882

there can be "social" reason to go on with a procedure that might overweigh clinical reasons.

- like the condition of my friend could have been relatively critical. And an immediate aid to him would ahve been cutting out the inflamted tissue. Keeping the tissue inside would have been a risk for the surgeon. If my friend dies, everyone would point to the surgeon and would ask why he didnt excise the organ. The worsened life quality of my friend will not have influence on the career of the surgeon

- at least in germany, surgery positions are heavily gate kept. You need to put in a grueling amount of theater time to get licensed as a surgeon. It is well know in Germany, that resident surgeons will prefer doing the surgery so they can document it for their certification.
- then there might be many more economic reasons for the hospital etc. In Germany they get payed on a per procedure basis and the more invasive, the more money they get from the public health insurance

>> No.15202998

That thing needs an Eco if x ray was inconclusive

>> No.15203018

Surgery positions aren't gate kept in Germany, stop thinking tv shows are real life. Anyone that wants to become a surgeon does become one.
You would never do a exploratory laparoscopy on someone with "gastroenteritis". What symptoms did your friend have that made him get the surgery in the first place

>> No.15203078

In Germany you can't even go to med school unless you were an honor student in high school. Your performance in high school is directly tied to what you'll become in that shit country.

>> No.15203174

Why did ER go to shit so fast?

>> No.15203186

Courvosier sign. I am so sorry anon

>> No.15203201

MED i know you say go talk to doctor but my doctor would say dont do it.
How do i find a plastic surgeon willing to do this?
To increase penis length. The study showed am average of 1 inch increase snd more girth without any issue.

>> No.15203217
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How close are we to a ‘cure’ for Multiple Sclerosis? Any promising new treatments or medications? I was diagnosed last week and I am already seriously thinking about ending it all.


>> No.15203226

I am German lmao, general surgery and surgical subspecialties are piss easy to get into and to complete. The only "hard" part is getting abused for 5 years.
The hard thing is getting into medschool because the state doesnt invest in more spots and prefers to get already trained foreign doctors.

>> No.15203240

If you got diagnosed early you can slow the progression of the disease by quite a lot.
No cure and probably won't happen in the next decades.

>> No.15203257

When I talk a lot my left ear or right ear or sometimes both ears become muffled and I have a hard time hearing what people say
I've been to two doctors and they're confused and have no clue
I've had hearing tests and I have decent hearing
Any ideas? I have problems with my TMJ

>> No.15203260

I have been having the same symptoms for 2 months now. This is the first time I have experienced such symptoms.

>> No.15203279

Your fucked for life lmao

>> No.15203286

>Your fucked for life lmao
Yeah, I know. I am going to give HSCT a try, but if that fails then I will probably end it. See you guys in hell, I guess.

>> No.15203371


>> No.15203377

Tell that to the CAD program in mammography. It's been around for over a decade and it's literally the robot in supermarkets that scans the floor and yells "MESS!" for wagies to come clean up. People only used it because you get more reimbursement for using it lol.

Also, if you think any self respecting radiologist is going to trust AI to read studies for them, you are insane. There are so many errors with the automated softwares that you probably spend more time checking if the AI is right than if you just did it yourself.

>> No.15203378
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They are coming for you all aren't they?

>> No.15203379
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Ain't no midlevels reading radiology so I'll be safe for a long time.

>> No.15203401

Why kys now?
At least go have some degen fun until you're properly disabled, then do it

>> No.15203406
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I think all my professors know I'm a 30yo alcoholic, but I make straight As, so they don't say anything.

>> No.15203414

How effective is medication for MS? My mom just got diagnosed with it recently.

>> No.15203611

Not very effective from what I’ve heard.

>> No.15203727


>> No.15203877 [DELETED] 

>There was, however, no significant difference between 3 and 6 months post-treatment in girth and length
waste of money friendo.
read more than just the conclusion

>> No.15203888
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I have taken the MCAT twice at this point. I got 499 both times. What should I do?

>> No.15203890

neuralgia experienced as hearing alteration referred from the TMJ which is the real problem

>> No.15204014

Non-medfag here. What the hell are the comas? Does the hospital use equipment to help you breathe in a coma? What is happening in the brain during that time?

>> No.15204087

le big sleep

>> No.15204138

>I got 499 both times.
What happened the second time? What changes were you doing the second time?

>> No.15204144

Intense upper left stomach pain and bloating accompanied with back pain, no nausea or vomiting. No food or drinks in the past 8 hours. Thoughts?

>> No.15204219

Congrats on your pancreatic cancer anon

>> No.15204288
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Woke up today at 4 am with terrible pain in my chest, lasted for about 10 mins. RHR was very low, probably 40 bpm with irregular beats and palpitations in the back of my neck, heart felt wonky as shit. Scary, tho' expected considering the amount of bike cycling I've done since New Year's Eve. Physically I'm a trainwreck. I have frost bite damage on each of my fingers on hands and toes, my lips are almost bloody (looks like I might even be developing H. simplex infection, we'll see), I have tendonitis of my heel tendon, I'm limping... None of this is stopping me tho'. I'll give my best to biohack my way out of this damage before I stop to heal. Decided to further reduce the Memantine dose to 10 mg since the function isn't decreasing anyways. The goal is to reduce it to 1 mg without noticing a reduction in function then continue this dose for the rest of my life. Omitted Nicotine and CDP choline from the stack to limit the cardiac risk. The effects of the stack appear to be permanent, I'm a new man, or the man I should have become if I was never depressed and autistic. I have supreme confidence. I maintain eye contact when talking to people no matter how important or pretty. I have lost shame completely, I could talk to Donald Trump like he's my friend. Since I started this experiment not one person has denied any of the favors I ask them (which is highly unusual for me). My levels of motivation, optimism and resilience are 10x stronger than ever. I feel like I'll achieve everything I want if this mental state continues. Working memory has improved since the beginning of the experiment, tho' it's not perfectly sticky. I've begun making to do lists and executing them. I feel like a supersoldier on a mission. I am no longer a slave or reality, I'm taming reality until it becomes my bitch and does what I tell her.

>> No.15204468


>> No.15204552

What precisely do you mean from hot to shit, whats happening there?

>> No.15204685

I did Uworld Qbank, but I only had one month to study. I only did one practice test.

>> No.15204708

Then why did you go ahead and take the real test if you weren't ready?

>> No.15204745

Why won't brainlets just accept that they got filtered hard and move on with their life? There are other good fields, even in healthcare, that you can pursue.

>> No.15204760

>Why won't brainlets just accept that they got filtered hard
MCAT scores don't reflect intelligence, but merely socioeconomic status.

>> No.15205085

I have a 2,3x1,2x1,7 pineal gland cyst and no real symptoms except brain fog (might be cause by other stuff, idk) and weak fasciculations (twitching eye, stuff like that).

I found it during a random MRI scan for the cause of my brain fog.

Could it really be the cause for my brainfog? My symptoms started about one month ago.

>> No.15205116

Socioeconomic status is also a reflection of intelligence.
Being poor means your parents were retards and this means genetically you'll be a retard too.

>> No.15205335

Any forensic pathologists in here? I am curious about the daily routines of medical examiners and their staff.

>> No.15205507
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MCAT scores don't reflect anything realistically. I scored like 45th percentile on the MCAT but >95the percentile on COMLEX and >75th percentile on USMLE.

Thank god med schools were starting to realize the MCAT was a shit way to select people.

>> No.15205819
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>mfw antipsychotics abuse is a thing

>> No.15205830
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Who does a doctor at an outpatient work for? It's all a bit confusing, it sounds like corporations aren't allowed to own outpatient clinics (Except in some states?) so do all doctors just own their own practices?
I'm only talking about the USA.

>> No.15205912

it's 2023 now, mcat scores have creeped way the fuck up. most of the mcat high-scorers nowadays finish an entire Anki deck for the mcat, and a minimum of 5 practice tests

it's a combo of who can do the most questions and who can memorize the most flashcards, now. you gotta play the game

>> No.15205924

Hello. I am not studying medicine. I am visiting 4channel.

>> No.15206033

fucking why what fun is there to have with them

>> No.15206121

>MCAT scores don't reflect anything realistically. I scored like 45th percentile on the MCAT
Are you a nigger? How do you get into medical school with that percentile?

>> No.15206246
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No clue. I guess any drug that is strong enough to do shit is feasible to abuse

>> No.15206339

>Doing nighshift a&e for the extra money
>Patient comes in
>trollish looking 20yo tranny with a 5 o'clock shadow
>monteggia fracture
>gets very mad when the nurses ask about gender
>tell him I need his real gender in for anesthesia
>begrudgingly says he's a man

>> No.15206536

Hate trannies so much. Having them at a hospital amps the drama on a 100%.

>> No.15206552

hopefully something embarrassing but monteggia suggests not :(

currently on rural placement. haven't seen a single tranny at all for the 1.5 months I've been here. feels good man. everyone is also white

>> No.15206591

Are trannies that bad? I hate niggers the most.

>> No.15206596

Drug addicts, alcoholics, and fat people are bad too.

>> No.15206608

All drug addicts? Or only some of them real bad and some tolerable?

>> No.15206634

I guess some drug addicts are okay-ish if I feel sorry for them. Saw a drug addict quadriplegic before and I can only assume the abuse was to cope with that. I really don't like the ones that overdose, get narcaned and then they show up 1 week later. The ones that malinger for pain meds are very annoying too.

>> No.15206659

I don’t live in a country with niggers so can’t compare them. Trannies always want to be the center of attention, the main show and are obnoxiously histrionic.
I refer to them as their name. As written and legalized by their paperwork. As I would do with any other patient.

>> No.15206660

White, I did a postbacc program which was basically the first year of medical school designed to weed out people who couldn't handle real med school. If you scored well enough, you got accepted into the med program.

>> No.15206814

I have a painful, hard, imobile, hot, lump about the size and shape of a bean in my armpit that appeared suddenly on Monday. A couple weeks ago the joints in the hand on that Iside started cracking a lot with minor pain and have not stopped. No other symptoms. I know it is a swollen Lymphnode but what could be causing this?

>> No.15206934

Any Aus med fags here? Think it's a bit fuxked here with too many graduates. Heaps of internationals, rurals and purely full fee schools like Macquarie which shouldn't exist. What's the path forward? GP practice owner? Just go for surgery?

>> No.15207094

Same, I called him by the name that was on his ID all night and he was visibly seething. They make so much fucking drama because they perpetually see themselves as victims, if something is delayed, someone doesn't play into their fantasy or a nurse looks at them the wrong way they instantly want to cause drama. When I examined his man hands he basically told me one of my nurses was a transphobe for a reason I interrupted him from telling, I was so close to going "me too man"
I really hate having them as patients

One of his friends said "she" had just had a fall in a nightclub, embarrasing mechanisms are always fun but as you said Monteggia is usually pretty boring and/or a kid. Elbow was pretty swollen and pretty obvious disloc. near rc. joint. Walked to a&e with another more twink looking tranny and two women and a skinny dude I knew in high school lmao
I live in a student city with a humanities campus, all of the trannies go to that campus, the people from the technical campus are so much better.

Trannies are basically delusional and will go bananas if you don't play into their fantasy world, niggers are just niggers and I honestly find them quite fun sometimes also helps that I live in a country with pretty few nigs. Trannies are also either histrionic or autistic
t. fist bumped a nog who was brought there by police last weekend

>> No.15207455

I wonder at what point a the healthcare system of a country is saturated.
Here in Germany around 1 in 195 people is a doctor and there is still always a talk about a Doctor shortage. Supposedly it's because there are a lot of women studying medicine nowadays and then just working part time or not even working as doctors.

>> No.15207591

I'd say healthcare saturation depends on who you ask, if you ask a doctor, the healthcare system of a country gets saturated when the pay becomes shit because admin can afford to pay less since someone else will gladly do your job if you do not want to or when the system itself didn't plan out ahead the number of spots it would have and then it's everyone for themselves in a rat race for the few spots there are.
In Portugal for example the doctors have been complaing of saturation for a while now, since the number of doctors increased by around 74% in the last 20 years but they still blast the news with a lack of doctors, which we clearly do not have since we have a fuckload more than before and it's not because of women doing part time or not working. The reason is because the public system pays so little that anyone that can jump the boat and go do private practice goes do it, while the rest of the specialists get fucked over by the admins and politicians that do the shittiest job you could imagine, leading to a lack of doctors in the public system and since everyone feels entitled to get a specialist consult but no one wants to pay for a specialist they screech everywhere when they have to wait 8-12 months for one. So social media will always rant of a doctor shortage because they want you to work for dirt cheap and in the worst possible environment you can tolerate.
The so called "doctor shortage" here has only achieved one thing, massively cucking salaries, both in private and public practice, in the last decade since even private practice has a limit on how many people it can bill and with more specialists, they just offer a worse cut on consults and procedures. That and the lack of residency spots for fresh graduates to pick, no one wants to go work for 5-6 years in fucking nowhere or even in the big cities since they can barely survive with their residency salary.
Now if you ask a politician or hospital admin there will NEVER be a saturation.

>> No.15207624

>MCAT scores don't reflect anything realistically. I scored like 45th percentile on the MCAT but >95the percentile on COMLEX and >75th percentile on USMLE.
So you think MCAT scores don't reflect anything but think STEP scores reflect something?

>> No.15207628
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In Germany from 2000 the amount of working Doctors increased from 294676 to 416120, meanwhile the population stayed the same. Even with this high number of Doctors there is constantly talk that hospitals will pretty much take anyone that breathes for internal medicine (and the subspecialties).
I read a statistic about Germany that you need something like 1.6 "modern" doctors to get the same workhours you would get from a single doctor 20-30 years ago. Because back then Doctors would mostly be men that ended up working 60 hour/weeks, meanwhile nowadays it is increasingly popular to just take a chill 20-30h/week job because you get cucked by the taxes anyways.
Salaries here haven't been cucked, but they never have been high in comparison to other countries. Worst thing is that the ""union"" never does anything for a higher salary except try and get a inflation adjustment (which often don't happen anyways lmao). Best thing they can do is "negotiate" better working conditions that oftentimes aren't met anyways.
Only way to make it is in private practice, but nowadays many specialists cant go into private practice anymore because you need a license from the national insurance, but they only give out a limited number (which all have been taken by boomers).

>> No.15207634

not really medicine per se, but does anyone have a nice course to recommend on genomics?
i want to get into biotech but need some background

>> No.15207641

>eat well
>Get plenty of sleep
>Exercise and meditate daily
>Do well in university
>Take hikes in nature during the week
>Have gf
>Still brutally depressed and have zero interest
>Ask psychiatrist for help after 10+ years of going nowhere in life from lack of interest
>Prescribes me SSRI
>I have interest in daily life again
I absolutely despise being reliant on these horrible drugs, but I can finally live my life again

>> No.15207660
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As a medschoolfag, I have no shame in admitting money is one of the things that most matter to me. Unfortunately, I have essential tremor, so, even though it is no that bad, I don't think I would do well in surgery. What should I go for?

>> No.15207672

>As a medschoolfag, I have no shame in admitting money is one of the things that most matter to me.
There shouldn't be any shame in this. At the end of the day being a doctor is just a job and we all need money to live.

>> No.15207689

>20-30h/week job
Fuck feelsgood man, here not only is that not an option but with 20h/week you'd take around 800 euros at the end of the month home, overall most people still do 50-70h/week in hospitals.
I guess the lack of doctors in richer countries is work life balance not making it worth working just to get taxed more.

>> No.15207690

Are you in the US or somewhere else? Also what year are you on?

>> No.15207750

I am on US. First year

>> No.15207791

GP practice owner is good once you get the systems up, but is still a pain and most of the good spots are gone by now. I knew a pretty wealthy Jewish GP who ran a chain of clinics in Melbourne (thank God I left that shithole), but he was a shit GP. If you run an efficient clinic, you'll get GPs to earn money for you, I guess. Every niche will have its pros and cons. You've just got to research which suits you best. I'm interested in anaesthetics personally, but that also has its problems with surgeons trying to rip you off and a current "boom" in anaesthetists. Every specialty has a boom and bust cycle. Hopefully, you find that the areas that interest you also have a bust of specialists when you start applying so you're in the right place when you're a consultant.

>> No.15207991

some people get into DO school with low MCATs

>> No.15208747

dangerously based schizobro, don't let the antichrist get you

>> No.15208831

>one month to study

>> No.15208835

What was your GPA? How easy/hard was it?

>> No.15209291

Don’t know what test folks are talking about. But if it is so definitive and important for you then you’d have given it more time and resources.
For my spec admission I studied a whole ass year. Full time. I was unemployed and living with my parents because it meant that much.
How bad do you want it?

>> No.15209362

>just take a chill 20-30h/week job because you get cucked by the taxes anyways.
This is the most retarded aspect, civil servants get a nice amount of tax cuts, but doctors get nothing, and then they wonder why boomers in private practice cut their hours because they don't think doing the extra work for a third of the money is worth it.
>Worst thing is that the ""union"" never does anything for a higher salary except try and get a inflation adjustment
Once the union representative thing became a paid gig it was all downhill anyways. Not that doctors here aren't kind of cucked in general and would ever go anywhere near shit like striking, but the union has become genuinely parasitic
>they only give out a limited number (which all have been taken by boomers)
It's not that bad, lot's of boomers want to retire but meeting the kind of capital required to take over a practice at their current valuations is pretty insane, but it will probably get easier as time progresses and they get desperate enough to sell at lower prices. These private practices are assets after all, nobody just wants to close shop outright and lose out unless they absolutely have no other way of retiring

>> No.15209415

It is legit imposible to do your own practice in many specialties. Urology for example, people want over 350k for their practice in some rural shithole (which doesn't include the real estate LMAO), the ones in big cities can go for more than 500k. How the hell are you supposed to have that kind of capital when you make 100k/year, which ends up being 60k/year after tax. Sure loans, but even that front is drying up.
The reality is that most doctors in Germany are actually very content with the state of their job and most don't want to own their practice. Most don't want to be their own boss and really just put everything into the "work-life balance" meme. This has a lot to do with more women studying medicine than men, also even the men that study medicine nowadays are majority metrosexual at best or straight up homofags at worst. I would say a good 25% of men are gay buttsex enjoyers.

>> No.15209550

Until you get big brain respected authority status, any well paid spec relies on practical skills (or nepotism)
If your tremor is bad enough to affect surgery, you won't handle anesthesia either

>> No.15209563

You can make good money even as a FM in America. Just go private practice. Sure you might not make as much as a interventional cardiologist but more than enough

>> No.15209615
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>finish a spec
>start a master in hospital administration
>dabmaxx on your former bosses
They will pay. With tears made of blood.

>> No.15209740

How profitable are those private practices to begin with, after all expenses how much are you expected to take home?
Seems like a 350k initial investment would be hard to pay off for rural private practice.

>> No.15209763

>It is legit imposible to do your own practice in many specialties. Urology for example, people want over 350k for their practice in some rural shithole (which doesn't include the real estate LMAO), the ones in big cities can go for more than 500k. How the hell are you supposed to have that kind of capital when you make 100k/year, which ends up being 60k/year after tax.
Yeah it's retarded and unrealistic, but the same asset inflation that fucks with everything is fucking with private practice prices, though they rarely own the real estate outright. Eventually the Boomer generation will have to retire and start grasping for straws to find someone to take over their practice, there's a host of shit they'll have to deal with if they don't get someone to do it, the least of which is losing all the money and effort they invested into the practice in the first place. It'll become a buyers market eventually (in part due to doctors opting for work-life-balance), just as the spec admissions did when they really started feeling the shortages. I think those that want to start their own practice will eventually be able to do so under less ridiculous circumstances (or at least they'll be ridiculous in a different way).

>Most don't want to be their own boss and really just put everything into the "work-life balance" meme.
The System is also shit, work hours and compensation is shit, the hours around the on call structure are also shit, I can't blame anyone for not being pumped about working like that. Though your point about women is also a part of that.

>the men that study medicine nowadays are majority metrosexual at best or straight up homofags at worst. I would say a good 25% of men are gay buttsex enjoyers.
Kek, probably true, the younger guys really do dress like fags a lot

>> No.15209781

Depending on the spec anywhere from 150-300k before taxes, they're profitable buisness and if you get some additional qualifications to do shit the national insurance pays for (like FMs also doing Diabetes counseing) or get boomers to pay for vitamin shots you can cobble together a pretty good income. I know some doctors that run their private practices like conveyor belts and do whatever they're legally allowed to, which I always considered pretty dubious ethics wise. It's not serious rich people money, but compared to what doctors with similiar experience make in hospitals it's very solid income. But keep in mind that these practices are sold like assets, you'll buy them with the expectation of eventually selling it on retirement to recuperate your initial investment

>> No.15209786

At my hospital half of the new surgery residents are fruity. I kid you not.
Coming from an anesthesia resident on his last year the trend is very visible. Funny enough, anesthesiology in a lot of places has a fame of being a female/faggot spec. At my place we’re most men, and since we all live near each other we spend 3/7 days having banter with some alcohol or dudeweed lmao.
Them new residents would rather stay at home watching some netflix globohomo propaganda instead and having the most void conversations the day after.

>> No.15209793

A sad state of afairs, are they also starting with the gendered speech shit at your place? Always feel like I've poped an aneurysm when I hear someone us the *innen shit while speaking, it's luckly still rare, but it's becoming more and more common

>> No.15209833

>I would say a good 25% of men are gay buttsex enjoyers
We have statistics on this in my medschool and it is in fact around 30% of males that are gay

>> No.15209877

>master in hospital administration
He fell for the useless master meme
Important admin positions are 99% nepotism nowadays

>> No.15209998

>write an email to professor that we gave me the wrong grade in the system
>"woops, yeah I did, I'll fix it later"
>reminded him a week before the semester ended again
>no response
>semester ends
>a day later he responds saying that he forgot and i should've reminded him sooner, too late to change it now
i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities i fucking hate universities

>> No.15210016

I just failed my HB2 final put have a passing grade in the class and midterm what happens to me? I set up a meeting with the academic office but they haven't given me a straight answer on whether I have to retake the class or if im just canned or if im on academic probation or anything.

>> No.15210082

lmao seethe
t. prof chad

>> No.15210179

Idiot, go to your school's counseling center or dean, I guarantee you there's a way to fix it, especially considering you have written proof and an admission on part of the professor that he fucked up

>> No.15210351

What are actually the useful qualifications that a FM can get? Bunch of Hausärzte here with additional qualifications bullshit like "Traditional Chinese Medicine" or "Acupuncture" which I bet they never actually use to make any additional cash.

>> No.15210354

>"Traditional Chinese Medicine" or "Acupuncture"
I can guarantee you that that gets a lot more money from normies than any of your most up to date evidence based medicine

>> No.15210358

If you can make money doing that, you can make money selling toothpicks. Most people who go into that don't make shit

>> No.15210364

>an anesthesia shitposter drank a 250ml bottle of sevoflurane
>this is what happened to his body

>> No.15210499

They never use that shit. Never have I seen someone practice "Traditional Chinese Medicine" lmao, you would probably lose your license if you used it for anything but psychosomatic schit

>> No.15210588

FM docs can do a lot of crazy shit if they do a bullshit fellowship and move to a rural area

some FM docs even do appendectomies

>> No.15211003
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Can weak glucocorticoids produce dependence (and subsequent prolonged withdrawal with symptoms like persistent hunger) if used for few months prior to discontinnuation?

>> No.15211079

Nothing. He’s already used to it.

>> No.15211149

>he doesn't take a couple deep huffs in front of everyone in the operating theatre before bagging the patient


>> No.15211192
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>Found out dad gave 23andme his dna just so he could find out what he already knew
now me and my descendants dna will forever be in a government database

>> No.15211279

>implying the government doesn't keep your blood from the heel prick test
The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.15211517

well really i was refilling the vaporizer yesterday and spilled a bit, and wanted to lick it to see what it's like, but there were people around
so it got me thinking as to what would actually happen
i.e. chugging propofol does literally nothing, it's essentially just a greasy fats emulsion and the propofol gets btfo in the liver

>> No.15211519
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>weak glucocorticoids
no such thing
depends entirely on the dosage

>> No.15211967

>"Traditional Chinese Medicine" or "Acupuncture"
Acupuncture is a big one and in demand, the other TCM vegetable soup shit is less so, but acupuncture is part of the insurance catalog (though FMs usually can't bill it, so it's on self-payer basis) and a lot of private insurances offer it in an even bigger capacity. But it can be lots of stuff, diabetes counseling is a big one, skincancer check ups can be done by FMs, mole removals, pain counseling, all kinds of preventive medicine, I've seen FMs that offer intrarticular injections, it's just a matter of qualifications and having the equipment.

>Never have I seen someone practice "Traditional Chinese Medicine" lmao, you would probably lose your license if you used it for anything but psychosomatic shit
They can do whatever is legal, they just can't bill all of it to the insurance, some FM is not going to lose his licence (which is basically impossible anyways unless you're extremly neglectful or fradulent) for sticking acupuncture needles into a patient or telling him to drink chicken soup. They don't offer that shit as replacements, they offer it as additional therapy, and people do spent money on that shit

>> No.15211974

Does research have to be medical related? Or for example would published research on botony or computers help if you were first name?

>> No.15211990

It's better if it's medical related or includes labmonkey-work, but showing you're capable of working scientifically and have experience with writting papers that reach publication is good either way.

>> No.15212003

Would a business master be a good idea to go along with that for like cmo spot?

>> No.15212007

Women weed out a lot of ambition in men. I did business before and I’d say about a third or more of your high potential high achievers are gay just because they don’t have a gf nagging them about working to much and can just hook up with a cute guy on Grindr if lonley in like ten minutes

>> No.15212756

>well really i was refilling the vaporizer yesterday and spilled a bit, and wanted to lick it to see what it's like, but there were people around
Anesthesia truly are mindfucked people

>> No.15212761

Where can I read up on this shit? I am actually pretty interested in doing my residency in FM (Allgemeinmedizin).

>> No.15212884

Look at whatever your Landesärztekammer has on their website in terms of further education. Here's the catalog from bavaria for example https://www.blaek.de/weiterbildung/qualifikationen-nach-der-weiterbildungsordnung
So you have your Specs and Subspecs and at the bottom are the additional qualifications, a lot of which you can also get as an FM. For instance diabetology is available to FMs, IM and pediatrics, but there's all sorts of shit (including stuff like Homoepathic and Naturopathic medicine) that's pretty much open to every spec that actually treats patients. Whether or not these qualifications allow you to charge insurances for additional shit depends partially on whatever the different doctors associations have negotiated with them.

>> No.15212894

And that's just the official shit, there's also semi-official shit where it's more of a grey area when it comes to coverage, but you can legaly offer all sorts of shit as a physician

>> No.15212928
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>emaciated schizophrenic female patient called me "the handssome doctor" to the psychiatrist
>I prescribed her 10mg Olanzapine

>> No.15213016

I think my GPA in premed was like 3.8 and my GPA in the postbacc was like 3.6.

It was difficult but fair. You basically need to get into the med school mentality and accept that studying is something you have to do daily.

That being said… I studied a shit ton for the final exam in physiology and ended up watching the entire full metal alchemist brotherhood series in the week before the exam.

>> No.15213051

>Med micro exam in two days
>Still need to cover enterics and zoonotics
>Watch a whole season of Hannibal instead and still make an A
Cutting it close...

>> No.15213100

Surprised you didn't get referred to a psych for eating disorders

>> No.15213261


>> No.15213267

I imagine psychiatry is the asshole of medicine with the types of patients you see

>> No.15213577

meddit now screeches how much psychiatry is a lifestyle specialty.

there was an attending a while back who complained that his current psych residents didn't want to work more than 36 hours a week in residency

>> No.15213742
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Hey random question to any doctor's on the board? What med school textbooks can you recommend if someone wanted to read about say cardiology just for shits and giggles?

>> No.15213753

>meddit now screeches how much psychiatry is a lifestyle specialty.
I love how everyone knows that psychiatry is horrible but redditards still believe that it's somehow a lifestyle specialty just because they think they themselves suffer from mental illness.
Even 30 years ago in the show ER the psychiatrist was shown to hate his patients and one day just disappear because he couldn't take it anymore

>> No.15213760

reddit also calls Radiology a lifestyle specialty, even though the learning curve is extremely high, and the attendings often eat lunch while working at high volume all day

reddit cries about midlevels, yet scrambles to race into "gas" where the anesthesiologists have 4:1 CRNA to attending ratio oversight jobs

>> No.15213769

Guyton Textbook of Medical Physiology is the perfect book for someone without any prior knowledge and just wants to learn about how the human body works.

>> No.15213777

Yeah, and Radiology pretty much requires a fellowship nowadays. So you are talking about like 8 years of residency + fellowship training.

>> No.15213779

the EKG book by Dubin is a gold standard, even though he was a pedophile

Constanzo Physiology and Lilly Cardiology Pathophys are also gold standard textbooks for medical students in the US

>> No.15213819

8.3 is nothing- come to Central Australia

>> No.15214057

what's your high score, bushranger?

>> No.15214464

It’s 5 years residency + 1 for fellowship. One of the five years is your medicine year.

I don’t think fellowship is necessarily required, but probably about 50% of jobs want some kind of fellowship.

Starting salary is also close to 500k with plenty of moonlighting opportunities.

>> No.15214531

How do I get a doctor to prescribe me a sleep apnea machine? I would buy one but apparently they need a prescription.

>> No.15214558

Seedless melons are far more tastier

>> No.15214615

How'd you know you have sleep apnea?
Best way to get a prescription is to convince someone that you actually need it. Best you to convince someone you have sleep apnea is to actually have sleep apnea symptoms, so just tell 'em why you think you have it.

>> No.15215189

>It’s 5 years residency + 1 for fellowship

radiology has become so competitive now, i would not be surprised if it ends up requiring a research year to match, just like ortho

>> No.15215433

Feels good to know that I matched when I did. I think one or two years after I matched the competitiveness skyrocketed, which was the year right before COVID and before everything went virtual. The real kicker is that like 4 years prior to that people were scrambling into rads and many places had trouble filling spots. I think it used to do this pretty frequently and it would come in waves, but now that mid levels have become a tool in virtually every specialty, I think rads will stay competitive since they will never be able to read studies.

>> No.15215745

Kek, fuck off. We're gonna slave away just the same.
One of you faggot homosexuals explain this. How do these faggots not drop dead? https://youtu.be/e7vFUhS9HtA

I occasionally enjoy raw milk Kefir, but this is next level. What are the chances of one falling ill from eating rotten food, at this point I think it's nearing 0.

>> No.15215754

what do i have to do to get at ROAD residency in the US? give me advice

>> No.15216149

I will truly never understand why you people want to go to the US and suck American cock so bad, it's a shithole country and your culture, language and lineage will be erased within a generation

>> No.15216179

nepotism, or a 270 on Step2CK + a research year

>> No.15216377

I know I have had difficulty breathing, for years. It has effected me greatly, specifically memory. I am an unconventional person and I believe I cannot present myself well. Also, I don't know how to find a sleep doctor.

>> No.15216976

today i'll begin to study for my cardiology exam, what am i up to?

>> No.15217294

Because a U.S. attending makes easily 300k/year and pays less tax than a European attending that barely makes 100k/year

>> No.15217323

What's it like being a fucking ripper legend?

>> No.15217645
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>I am an unconventional person and I believe I cannot present myself well

>> No.15217770

Do you think there's something wrong with your liver?

>> No.15217933
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is going for a UK residency a decent choice as a foreigner? how is it like in there?

am in my last med school year and genuinely have no idea what the fuck to do after i finish.

>> No.15218002

How the fuck do I improve my bedside manner? I'm a radiology student and I won't lie, I went into this because I'm autistic as fuck and I like anatomy and seeing the pictures. I didn't go into this to help people. I'm monotone, I don't make facial expressions, and my entire life people have told me I come off as intimidating. How do I fix this?

>> No.15218034

How can you be a sperg all your life and not get into mimicking social personalities? Just observe how people talk, break it down, then apply it. Eventually you develop your own bullshit way of casually interacting with patients to lighten the mood, it's not magic

>> No.15218140

>bedside manner
what the actual fuck did he mean by this

>> No.15218148

I know I won't be at the actual bedside but I know I'll have to interact with patients

>> No.15218152

I was a recluse for a long time

>> No.15218158

>'please lay on the bed'
>'head towards the machine'
>'get up'

>> No.15218165

Yeah but nobody likes being bossed around by an autist
I wouldn't even worry about this if it wasn't something I needed to get hired

>> No.15218189

>is going for a UK residency a decent choice as a foreigner? how is it like in there?
If you are from a third world country it's probably an upgrade.
>am in my last med school year and genuinely have no idea what the fuck to do after i finish.
Should've planned that since you're in first year you retard.

>> No.15218212

for the past few days i've had mild shortness of breath that comes and goes every few hours, i went to a doctor, got an electrocardiogram and a blood test and both came back fine, doctor told me it might be anxiety but i dont buy it, what could it be?

>> No.15218272

Medanons how fucked is a 508 MCAT - I got 129 on psych, 128 CARS, 126 biology, 125 chem/physics

Only took entry sciences because I was in a clinically focused program and thought being a medfag could be okay, so literally no idea what's going on with physics or organic chemistry but I wrote anyway

>> No.15218303

two years in and patient suffering hurts me still, probably even more than before
i dont get it, i thought you got used to it and got jaded, when does that come

>> No.15218314

Just study your surroundings, you'll get the hang of it, if you're functional enough to keep a job you're functional enough to mimic superficial social competence

>> No.15218330

two years in as a doctor
curiously as a medfag i didnt care
i want to be young again and do drugs

>> No.15218333

The Patientoids are the ones suffering, don't go all "woe is me, among the sick and dying!" when you are already doing what you can to improve the situation. Patientoids suffer, and they die, and sometimes there's not much you or anyone can do about it, it's just a part of life and will eventually happen to you too. Have a good cry about it if you need to, but there's no use becoming all morbid about the whole afair.

>> No.15218387
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idk, i just feel bad for them, i cant control it
when their families are around them, it's really touching and very sad for me, i sometimes have the urge to cry lol, especially when it's younger people very very ill and their parents are there, it's just not right

i want to stop feeling

>> No.15218461

Are you a woman?
Get on with it. It's just a job.

>> No.15218582

you're fine for DO school if your GPA is strong
fucked for MD school

>> No.15218658

>patient dies
>the one who suffers most is the doctor
stop being pathetic, it's just death. I could understand it if you were some pediatric oncologist, but most people that bite the dust are 70+ years and have a bunch of comorbidities.

>> No.15218892

How did you do the medical school interview to even get in?

>> No.15218899

Are you a nigger? If yes, then MD is fine. If not, go DO.
Why the fuck are there so many DO people here? You guys need to study more.

>> No.15218925

>Why the fuck are there so many DO people here?

because DO schools are the largest med schools, and they are opening a ton of them

>> No.15218934

But there are more MD schools overall.

>> No.15218959

It's difficult when your memory is fucked.

What would liver have to do with breathing?

>> No.15219012

i get this thing where my fingers kind of lock up, or it takes a lot of resistance to open them. kind of like i'm fighting the tendons in my arm or something.
for example i just caught a flying insect and when i tried to open my hand up it took a lot of effort to fully extend my fingers. what the fuck is this? i don't even know how to look it up because shit i search for is related to like, hand cramps and shit, and that's not really what it is i don't think. i'm in my 20s so i don't think i'm arthritic or whatever.

>> No.15219042
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>we can have selective dopamine/serotonin/nonephinephrine receptor agonists/antagonists
>we can have selective SERT or NET inhibitors
>we can have serotonin or nonephinerine releasing agents
>we can have zillion NRI/SNRI phenethylamines, cathinones and alike substances (ofc, pretty much all controlled, but hey you still can get rx with "right" doc ;^) )
>but we can't have turbo potent purely selective for DAT inhibitor or/and dopamine releasing agent that isn't controlled so docs can actually rx it without pain in the ass if something goes amiss
I wish it wasn't all for pharma money.... I hope that at least that new TAAR1 agonist and glycine modulator for schizos will be more interesting and actually helpful so they can be a little more calm if they can't be lucid... but that's prolly wishful thinking since drug development for glutamate based drugs for my own condition (ADHD) is in deep ass and professional help for it in the world ranges from pill mills (pretty much only US) to pain in the ass to even get Ritalin prescribed (assuming it's even legal in some countries) despite having stack of papers since 2006 of how much of lilttle insufferable shit I was (and still very much am) and doing it purely private

tl;dr Yes, I made a big blob of text. No, I will not make my own thread, /med/ deserves bump more so than killing some rando dumb thread
But she will get fat :c

>> No.15219416

Then just feel bad for them, but don't overindulge like it's some virtuous feeling, it's fine to feel sad if your patients are doing bad, it's not fair, but it really has nothing to do with you beyond the care you provide them. Either get used to feeling sad sometimes and learn to cope or become cynical. It's just reality, people are doing bad everywhere, in the end you're the one to choose what you obsess over and what you fade out, compassion doesn't have to be a millstone around your neck unless you turn it into one.

>> No.15219438

Maybe it's trigger finger

>> No.15220219

You should look into peptides

>> No.15220641

this disease sucks ass so bad. I'm at the perfect age and location for getting it, had foot drop for like 3 weeks last year and developed double vision, but that was a longer process. I'm having an mri soon and I'm really fucking paranoid bros...

>> No.15220748

>But there are more MD schools overall

doesn't really matter, half the MD kids online are literal retards from india or the carribean