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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 429 KB, 1788x2048, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15188626 No.15188626 [Reply] [Original]

I figured out the universe

>> No.15188639

you're wrong and you're a retard. I'm so sorry.
Anyways try again.

>> No.15188652

These drawings are redditarded. Looks like some attention whoring pop sci girl on youtube. Why don't you make a selfie next to that sheet and post a link to your makeup tutorial?

>> No.15188978

Any engineering view of the universe is unprovable.
Yet also any random probability based view is also not provable beyond any shadow of a doubt (something being likely doesn't mean it's true).

This leaves us at crucial point, it's neither probabilistic nor deterministic. It's fuzzy. And if you understand fuzzy concepts you can live more freely and understand deeper. So read up on fuzzy concepts in conjunction with nondualism because that makes you have a balanced understanding of everything.

>> No.15189002

good luck with your manic episode, remember to sleep well

>> No.15189021

Im pro any conclusion that supports love :)

>> No.15189026

It's closer to making sense than it should. Someone around him at least knows Penrose's views

>> No.15189061

Was posted in /lit/ . It is Logan Paul’s

>> No.15189074
File: 131 KB, 1024x636, the big boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15189135

I am anti any conclusion that supports love

>> No.15191883

Wrong. Light (photons) will be the last men standing (due to decay) and what happens "then" (I placed then between quotes) is that time and distances will be undefined, as no time elapsed an universe populated by photons only, similarly for distances. Yet energy is conserved, so you essentially return to a state where you can't tell the beginning from the end. It looks like another Big Bang state.

>> No.15192142

>love matters because… IT JUST HECKIN DOES OKAY!?

>> No.15192157

Seems like a lot of nonsense to me.

>> No.15192192

>A retard watches Interstellar once
Whoever drew this needs to be sterilized.

>> No.15192564

You are completely crazy. What psychic shit made you realize this fake junk?