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15187562 No.15187562 [Reply] [Original]

I have been drinking water bottles for years because the tax money doesn't go toward making the towns water drinkable I guess. Am I really fucked?

>> No.15187584

if you're vaxxed thats a lot worse and you don't have anything to worry about with respect to microplastics because the vaxxx will kill you first

>> No.15187585

Micropenis is a serious concern

>> No.15187641

Why don't those particles just come out inside your poop?

>> No.15187782

>Am I really fucked?
Our generation and the next are really fuck up. We have suffered and continue to suffer the pollution caused by capitalism and its political allies in full force. Respiratory diseases, allergies, hormonal disorders, cancers, all these are on the rise and pollution (capitalism) is the cause.

And since people are still voting for right-wing idiots in the majority, it's not going to stop.

>> No.15187937

>Are microplastics a serious conern?
Concern, yes.
They affect hormones and your endrocrine system.

>> No.15187938

>We have suffered and continue to suffer the pollution caused by China.

>> No.15188020

Same reason plastics are so useful, they're biologically inert. They don't get broken down by organisms in the same way your body doesn't have a mechanism for isolating and removing them, they just build up and get in the way of other processes.

>> No.15188185

>your body doesn't have a mechanism for isolating and removing them, they just build up and get in the way of other processes.
Is there anyway to fix this? Sounds like a trillion dollar business but I'm sure it's a problem the juice doesn't want to fix.

>> No.15188204

>Same reason plastics are so useful, they're biologically inert.
Uh, what rock you been living under the last two decades?
Plastics are hormone disruptors and mimicers.

>> No.15188212

>And since people are still voting for right-wing idiots in the majority, it's not going to stop.
I agree. Fuck capitalism. There's only one party which could've stopped its bloodthirsty march that is killing the planet.
Sieg heil, brother!

>> No.15188249
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Lmao, something that evolution will fix, goyim.

>> No.15188310

I somehow don't think that voting for democrats is going to result in replacing plastics with something safer and absolving everyone of exposure.

>> No.15188314

KYS before someone else catches you and doesn't allow you to die quickly.

>> No.15188333

What about edible gold which you can eat in a fancy restaurant. That doesn't get broken down either but surely it comes out inside the poop right? Why is it not the same with plastic particles?

>> No.15188335

Plastic particles actually are somewhat bioavailable, unlike gold which is totally inert. It can mimic hormones and cause severe dysfunction.

>> No.15188367

Are you upset that I'm drawing inspiration from Israel? Yikes, antisemitic much?

>> No.15188377

mRNA vaccines can fix the issue assuming there is a protein that can degrade plastic without causing autoimmune issues, nervous system issues, cancer, or sudden death like the other attempts.

>> No.15188762

i went to my kid's school a few days ago and all of the boys were lispy little faggots. maybe it's microplastics, maybe something else, but something is fucking with hormones.

>> No.15188803
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>Our generation and the next are really fuck up. We have suffered and continue to suffer the pollution caused by capitalism and its political allies in full force. Respiratory diseases, allergies, hormonal disorders, cancers, all these are on the rise and pollution (capitalism) is the cause.
Isn't it strage how the people responsible for the pollution in the first place are promoting your narrative? :^)

>> No.15188977

It's not the plastics I think. Watched a doco many years ago and the chemicals added to plastics to make them flexible, UV resistant, etc leech into food and drink. Water is probably meh, but anything containing fats or oils in contact with plastic for extended periods (like a packet of crisps or a tin of soup) is going straight into your brain probably.

Microplastics might end up blocking tiny tubules in your kidneys though for example. This may progress to something like cancer.

>> No.15188979

Yea. Women piss their contraceptive pill metabolites into our drinking supply.

>> No.15189038

The sexual revolution has been quite literally a disaster for the planet.

>> No.15189241
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>Yeees... FUCK capitalism and FUCK these greedy pieces of shit selling out humanity in the name of their megalomania! Eat the rich!
lmao, always get a laugh out of braindead retards who think entities aligning with him on superficial, retarded bathroom matters of social justice are somehow in the clear. Because those bigoted, transphobic chuds are literally the only reason pic related exists. No leftists has ever bought an iPhone or a pair of Nikes.

>> No.15189255
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>collectivistic logic
>our generation
>right wing idiots

Why don't you name them?
Why do you cry for collecive punishment and blame, when there is clear as day cause and effect and responsibility?
Why not point to Nestle, Google, Doc Morris, procter and gamble, exxon mobile and all their foundations and subsidiaries?

Why demand collectivd punishment for the commen men?
Why not call out their names?
Why use abstract concepts and collective punishment logic:
>the capitalists
Why not identifying the thieves of land and resources and exploiters of nature?
Why pretend it is a homogene,monolithic group, that mostly consists of harmless idiots?
Are you afraid, to directly point at a certain as death enemy of nature, humanity and life itself?

>> No.15189672

i dont care
i eat plastic bottle caps

>> No.15189824

No idea. I'm pretty sure though that there will be "microplastic is good for you" guys posting here like we have with lead now.

>> No.15189883

Explain to me how voting for democrats will reduce plastic use and how you will convince people to buy glass bottles that are more expensive than plastic bottles. Capitalist market is a response to consumers. If you choose to buy cheaper products, companies will continue to produce cheap products.

Funny enough it would be more realistic to get plastic banned in a right wing world because microplastic has estrogen effects on the body and right wingers would definitely be against that (makes men weak, feminine, gay, reduces sperm count), while left wingers would support making men more like women and reducing sperm count? leftists love that because of "overpopulation".

>> No.15190023

Because Republicans love money, and they love businesses, but more than that they love cheap supplies and will place profit margins over health.
It's not a solution your standard politician is going to give a damn about or even be likely to try to touch because of how much it will uproot the way that everything is done.

>> No.15190037

If these republicans are shrewd capitalists who pander to all leftwing ideology to make more money off useless idiots while not supporting any conservative values, what is it exactly that makes them "republican"?

>> No.15190061

Politicians aren't people.

>> No.15190074

That didn't answer his question.

>> No.15190088

He asked you to explain how voting for democrats will reduce plastic use. Why didn't you explain it?

>> No.15190095

Because it won't and he knows that. You all are falling for the bait.

>> No.15190114

Why did you avoid the question?

>> No.15190550

In a separate post up the thread >>15188310, I made a similar point. I'm not arguing that democrats would do anything about it either. It would uproot entire industries and completely restructure how we do manufacturing and production, storage, medical suppkies, literally fucking everything anymore. All of these things have plasticizer agents. No politicians, ZERO politicians are going to touch that because they would be done away with for disrupting incomes of other politicians and businesses that benefit.
We are Fucked, capital F.

>> No.15190682
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>No politicians, ZERO politicians are going to touch that because they would be done away with for disrupting incomes of other politicians and businesses that benefit.
WHY do idiots look for "government" to solve problems?

Government/politicians/politics/etc. IS THE PROBLEM. 99% of problems are either caused by them or aggravated by them.

>> No.15190691
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>And since people are still voting for right-wing idiots in the majority, it's not going to stop.
Biden won, deal with it

>> No.15190699 [DELETED] 
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It wasn't like that until less than 15 years ago.

>> No.15190707
File: 183 KB, 685x1024, SE201-1129_1999_081505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the turn of the century the environmentalists were militantly anti-globalism because they knew that pollution as well as labor abuse which was illegal locally, would be committed off shore if the globalists were allowed to get away with it.