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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1518753 No.1518753 [Reply] [Original]

Rage away, /sci/.


tl;dr humanities students get into med school without taking pre-med courses or the MCAT. They take "summer boot camps" in chem and bio, no physics or calculus.

>> No.1518772


>> No.1518779

Welcome to the new world of mass produced education.

>> No.1518820


>> No.1518851

"What? I have to actually, like, learn biocehmistry to be a doctor? But I just want to operate on people and stuff."

>> No.1518858

I think its what kind of doctors we have in the end that matters.

>> No.1518882

Jesus, medicine doesn't require much intelligence. It just requires recitation of everything you have drilled in to you.
Guy has condition A, treat with medicine 1. A trained monkey could do their job. It sickens me the kind of respect people give them.

Why the hell would they need Calculus to say "Take 1 a day for 2 weeks"

>> No.1518890


"If I don't use it, don't teach me it."

Your argument. Never mind that calculus requires a mode of critical thinking, something doctors should have.

>> No.1518917

As a biology student, I'm okay with this. As a patient I am frightened by this.

>> No.1518934

>learn biochemistry
no doctors ever LEARN biochemistry. they just memorize the shit that is on the tests.

serious pre med students make asians look like kindergarteners

they fucking chomp down on aderoll, memorize for literally days on end, and get A+ on every test.

ask them to explain something, they will give you the EXACT FUCKING ANSWER out of the text book, with no subtleties of understanding.

any time a question on a test deviates from a strict textbook answer, they complain readily.

ever taken a biochem class, had a test come back, and had the professor say: "i am changing the grading on this question"

a Pre med student complained

>> No.1518942

I've thought the same in the past, but I started dating a doctor last year, and it's really quite impressive what they're tasked with. How many lives are you directly responsible for at work?

That said, I think the humanities program is an excellent idea, my wife even says that she used her undergrad to get to med school, and hasn't needed a lick of it since.

Perhaps the doctor you go see when you have a cold (something non-westerners don't have the luxury of doing) can say "You have illness A, take pill B", but there are SO many more doctors than primary care physicians.

Who do you think developed and tested "pill B"?

>> No.1518946


(I started dating her last year, we're married now haha.)

>> No.1519011

We are all fucked.

>> No.1519025

Yeah, because I am going to trust a doctor to give me Pill B when he knows fuck all about what it does, its effects or if it is suitable for my condition.
Why the fuck are you on /sci/? Its clear that you haven't graduated high school yet. inb4 you are a faggot homosexual

>> No.1519037

Old joke: What do you call the guy graduating dead last in his med class?


>> No.1519112
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>> No.1519125


>> No.1519509

PhD > MD

>> No.1519568

Physics is a very important requisite nonetheless, and calculus helps developing critical skills and even skepticism.
This is horrible.

>> No.1519572

most nurses who work on all the machines your dying relative is plugged in to, well they don't know even know what a wavelength is.

>> No.1519584


There's a reason they are nurses, changing diapers and doing bitch work.

>> No.1519611

Med student here.

Sadly this is the way things are going. It's safer to have doctors that don't so much think on their feet but follow guidelines, leads to decreased litigation, less mavericks and an overall more stable platform.

It upsets me that we're no longer "scientists on the front line" but just techies now following a set of guidelines. Half the idiots in my class don't have a clue why you would prescribe something or the mechanism behind it, they just know what the guideline tells them and that they shouldn't give it with another drug.

Now only a 1/3 of our course is true medicine (biochemistry, histology, pharmacology, you get the picture) the rest is empathy and teaching us to work as a team and for some fucking reason the organisation of the NHS.

Such bullcrap...

>> No.1519612

That's how pseudoscience makes its way into science-based medicine. Happens with nurses, doctors, etc. Ignorance on basic physics and lack of minimal skepticism.

>> No.1519630


Pisses me off, too. PhD student in bio here. When I am sick I know more about my ailment than the doctor does.

I just need the signature to get the pills. It saddens me that doctors are nothing more than pill pushers, ignorant to the medicine they give out.

>> No.1519645


It seems the main purpose of GPs in our society is to give old people and soccer moms someone to talk to.

Specialists, of course, know their shit.

>> No.1519651


And those specialists took the MCAT, took science courses, etc. They didn't major in communications and rely on SAT scores to get into med school.

>> No.1519657

I'll never understand your american education system. Are you still learning addition at the end of your high school years? By the time we finish we've already mastered integrals and trig identities.

>> No.1519681

Most people don't even know trig.

>> No.1519689


Non-maths majors in university generally don't know trig. Engineers know which button to press on their TIs, but that's it.

>> No.1519702

Senior year of high school math typically maxes out at an introduction to calculus: derivatives and integrals (nothing partial). The minimum requirement is some intermediate algebra class.

>> No.1519779

Liberal arts teaches you the same shit. Did anyone even read the goddamn article?

They produced the equivalent result. You fucking autistics.

>> No.1519788

Fuck yeah for advanced math track in HS.
AP Calculus BC

>> No.1519792


The article clearly said that the liberal arts students went into bullshit fields like psychiatry, whereas REAL doctors took the MCAT tests. Autistic yourself.

>> No.1519795

Pre-med is for retards who think they're the shit. It's a degree you can do absolutely nothing with on it's own and it's hardly different than a liberal arts degree. Med schools even dissuade people from doing it.

>> No.1519798

How is psychiatry bullshit?

>> No.1519806

Except for the fact that most nurses know more (and do more) than the doctors...

>> No.1519809


Because it doesn't work. All they do is prescribe narcotics.

>> No.1519816

why is taking a "summer bootcamp" in organic chemistry necessarily different than taking a course in organic chemistry?

this plan (which is only currently being run in ONE medical school) is based on a study that showed that humanities and social science students enrolled in the program achieved equivalent grades in med school. at the moment, the program is extremely small, but if the evidence continues to show that these students are equivalently competent (and the average SAT score of these students is almost a 1500, so t's not as if they're "dumb" humanities students), then i see no reason why we should condemn this.


no, dipshit, they had a higher probabiltiy of going into psychiatry. the majority of them still went into traditional medical fields.

how about you fuckers actually just take the time to READ the article?

>> No.1519822

It's American; the land of the retarded.

In other /sci/ vs. USA related news:

>What's Wrong With the American University System
>" To their minds, little of what takes place on college campuses today can be considered either "higher" or "education." They blame a system that favors research and vocational training over liberal arts. Tenure, they argue, does anything but protect intellectual freedom. And they'd like to see graduates worrying less about their careers, even if it means spending a year behind the cash register at Old Navy.
>every student should major in liberal arts.
>The second way to look at it is that liberal arts, properly conceived, means wrestling with issues and ideas, putting the mind to work in a way these young people will only be able to do for these four years. And we'd like this for everyone. They can always learn vocational things later, on the job. They can even get an engineering degree later—by the way, in two years rather than four.

>> No.1519823

>The Atlantic
Fucking liberals.

>> No.1519824

I thought people on /sci/ were supposed to be intelligent and not make retarded assumptions based on common stereotypes. Have you ever seen a psychiatrist? Have you ever had a friend or family member be treated by one? They are trained for both medicating and psychoanalyzing patients. How do you think we have schizophrenics and people with BPD functioning normally in their lives? If psychiatrists just "hand out pills" don't be so quick to point the finger at them. 99% of the time the insurance companies push them to have shorter visits with patients due to their coverage systems, otherwise they risk losing their jobs or going out of business. Take that issue up with companies who care more about the money in their pockets than the treatment of people with mental disorders that prevent them from being contributing members of society.

>> No.1519825

Shut the fuck up, lolberal.

>> No.1519826

I like how they assume people who go into psychiatry are more sympathetic.

Fucking laughable.

>> No.1519831


You expect me to accept sloppy statistics as science? Fuck off.

>> No.1519833

What I read: "hur dur I'm butthurt and can't think of a comeback that uses logic so I'm just going to throw the word liberal around even though I have no idea how that affects what you said"

Conservative here btw ;)

>> No.1519834


>> No.1519835


I agree with them about tenure and the career bit, but the rest is a bit off.

Yes, every university student should study the liberal arts.

Yes, every university student should study the hard sciences.

>> No.1519838


A well rounded student is a well prepared student imho

>> No.1519840


The entire field of Psychology is an exercise in getting statistics to tell you what you want to hear. It's not science.

>> No.1519853

I know two doctors and a nurse quite well. Both doctors say all their pre-med bio and chem classes were utterly worthless. Nothing in them at all was ever used for what they went into (radiology and GP).

There's absolutely no need for most of what biochem teaches you, UNLESS you plan on researching pharma.

>> No.1519857

How do you explain the vast medical discoveries over the past 2 decades in psychiatric treatment then? Apparently it's not all bullshit if it's working. Why is helping people who suffer from mental disorders such a hated profession?

>> No.1519858

>They take "summer boot camps" in chem and bio, no physics or calculus.

To be fair, General Physics and the premed calculus courses are complete bullshit compared to the real ones we take and they really don't need to learn biology of animals & plants or thorough synthetic Organic chem because they wont use it. (They not making the drugs they using.) The little calc and physics they need can be better learned in applications in their bio/chem classes.

>> No.1519860


>> Implying you know anything about a science you have never practised.

>> No.1519863

You can't tell me that physicists other scientists don't make up data. I know they do (not all of them), I know professionals who do it. People always will skew numbers to help their case. That's human nature. That doesn't stop it from being science.

>> No.1519870




>> No.1519872


I love all of the self-righteousness filling this thread

>> No.1519879

You serious?

Pre-Professional Molecular and Microbiology Major here. By the time I finish this pre-med degree I'll be able to SUPERVISE any sort of company medicinal research. Not to mention find work in hospitals as tech jobs making upwards of 60k a year with only a 4 year degree.

Pre-med is one of the most potential career grossing path you can take, so don't talk out of your ass.

>> No.1519882

I'm not that upset.

Every pre-med student I've ever known or taught didn't know shit about bio, chem, physics, or calc even if they had taken the courses.

>> No.1519886

Shouldn't require shit they don't need to know. That way they can get medical degrees faster and easier, decreasing the costs of healthcare prices.

>> No.1519889


I'm currently enrolled as a microbiology major btw Awesome choice in profession

>> No.1519892


Right. And bankers should only get two year degrees so home loan interest rates go down.

>> No.1519895

Quantity over quality?

>this is what capitalists actually believe

>> No.1519899

"It's a great game to look at the past, at an unscientific era, look at something there, and say have we got the same thing now, and where is it? So I would like to amuse myself with this game. First, we take witch doctors. The witch doctor says he knows how to cure. There are spirits inside which are trying to get out. ... Put a snakeskin on and take quinine from the bark of a tree. The quinine works. He doesn't know he's got the wrong theory of what happens. If I'm in the tribe and I'm sick, I go to the witch doctor. He knows more about it than anyone else. But I keep trying to tell him he doesn't know what he's doing and that someday when people investigate the thing freely and get free of all his complicated ideas they'll learn much better ways of doing it. Who are the witch doctors? Psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, of course." ~ Richard Feynman

>> No.1519904

Who the fuck wants to be a doctor anyway? Just become a Nurse-Practitioner. Half the work for over half the pay with no malpractice insurance to worry about.

>> No.1519912


richard feynman was a famous and influential physicist. richard feynman had a negative opinion of a field in which he had absolutely no expertise or involvement. thus this opinion is true.

cool logical fallacy bro.

>> No.1519913

Shit they don't need for their trade is shit they don't need for their trade, doesn't effect their quality as a medical doctor. It's not efficient.

>> No.1519916

Because learning the workings of the human mind is exactly equivalent to believing in spirits...

>> No.1519921


>> No.1519927

That wouldn't effect interest rates. Try some basic economics sometime. More doctors would effect prices. If people can get medical degrees faster and easier yet still getting all the education required for their trade it will open the gates for more medical practitioners. More medical practitioners = more competition = lower prices for their service.

>> No.1519932
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>> No.1519934

Wooo why take the tougher course and take sciences when I can just bullshit my way through.

>> No.1519937


We should go back to the days when bankers had liberal arts degrees. Business School is an even bigger joke than that.

>> No.1519942


>Richard Feynman was not a psychologist, hence can't have an opinion about it
>Argument from authority
>An actual logical fallacy

>> No.1519951


>implying "i'm a physicist, don't listen to psychologists" isn't an argument from authority.

>> No.1519952

being a practitioner of a certain profession=/=being knowledgeable about the inner workings of the profession


>> No.1519956

Why indeed. Would you consider it necessary for someone taking classes to be a certified welder to study quantum mechanics so they can understand the finer points of how arc welders work? No, of course not. That would be fucking stupid. Same goes for doctors. They don't need to understand all the minute details about physics and biology, they need to know how to treat diseases. They're nothing more than highly trained technicians.

I am opposed to the mentality that "I don't need it, so I shouldn't have to learn it," but most of you aspie nitwits are applying the exact same argument to insulate yourselves from the humanities and social sciences. Med school is a trade school, bottom line. It teaches everything you need to know to be a doctor. It should be accessible to anyone with a liberal arts education, not just the fields you happen to have a personal affinity for.

>> No.1519957


>Implying anywhere in his quote Feynman fell back on his physicist credentials

>> No.1519971

There is a physician in our community, an attending, who has an associates degree and an MD. I shit you not. He does not have a bachelors degree.

>> No.1519979

So? In most countries people go directly from high school to med school.

>> No.1519994

I always felt that was a more logical way to go about it. But at the same time I can't help but think that a bachelor's degree is actually pretty useful beforehand in that it acclimates one to the college environment and allows the student time and flexibility so that they aren't immediately locking themselves into a career path. The scientific experiences such as biochemistry and other science courses that aren't offered in high school are also a nice perk that make the actual medical training easier imo.

>> No.1519995

fuck you. we keep doctors from killing you.
hell yeah we do. especially the new docs, think they can save the fucking world.

>> No.1520002

>Let he who is without psychology(sin) be the one who judges psychology(sin) ~JC

>> No.1520004

just one question from a non american

what the fuck is Liberal Arts and what is it for?

captcha: Peil neoconservatism


>> No.1520012


The Humanities, is the term in the Commonwealth. Social Science and literature, essentially.

>> No.1520019

Not being in it holds no influence over whether or not he knew anything about it. I can pass judgment on people who are stockbrokers, but it would hold no significance as I have no insight on how that system works.

>> No.1520020

Liberal Arts refers to the standard western university program. General knowledge of the sciences, arts, and humanities as opposed to technical trades like engineering or medicine.

One factor that is often overlooked by students but not by med school faculty is the rise in maturity that goes along with students who are older and have already had some life experience. That connects with one of the arguments in favor of humanities majors in med school- they often have more experience with the world outside of the lab and tend to be better at relating to people initially.

butthurt LPN detected. Go back to community college you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.1520036


so it is just a hipsters, liberals, douches, bigots and near useless people den ?

>> No.1520053


I disagree with this attitude. There's nothing, in principle, that prevents it from being a respectable degree. The weak link is that it's taught to Americans.

>> No.1520055


>so it is just a hipsters, liberals, douches, bigots and near useless people den ?

i actually sighed. like, a legitimate deep-breath sigh. good job.

>> No.1520064

Not at all actually. It's just a degree for people who want to be well rounded and keep their options somewhat open. It actually could debatably prepare them more for grad school considering that it goes in depth in several areas thus opening the student to the possibility of employing new techniques based on their wide knowledge which in turn could aid in breakthroughs in research. Most researchers who get published and become well known do so by having a strong background in writing and language studies. It's all connected really.

>> No.1520077

Hey, I have a friend who got a liberal arts degree and is now doing research with a leading cancer research center and I'm American. Please don't mistake a few idiots for the whole of America's educational community.

>> No.1520106


>>1520004 here

my mom is a pedagogy, painting&arts and art history (former) teacher

I usually see that as humanities rather than liberal arts.

but the fact that hard sciences and exact sciences are the last option and often seen as "too hard" and "lol what is that for?" by many people still amazes me, and ironically most people who said that are in said liberal arts courses

>> No.1520132

First of all, the sciences are generally part of the liberal arts. Physics, geology, biology, etc are all liberal arts degrees when they're taught in the classical, generalized way. They only leave the liberal arts sphere when they become applied: applied physics, geological engineering, etc.

Second, why is it so hard to believe that some people just aren't interested in the physical sciences and don't want to spend their time and energy studying them? Only masochists do something just because it's hard. Everybody else puts up with the difficulty of the physical sciences because that's what they really want to do. Surprise surprise, some people just don't care about that. Probably the same way you don't care about art history, sociology, or whatever.

>> No.1520193


I find comp /sci/ hard as fuck, but I want to finish it and get my degree, but I try to have a pragmatical view of different areas, even if my specific subject is focused in math and logic doesn't mean having sociology and artistic base for your knowledge is something unnecessary

>why is it so hard to believe that some people just aren't interested in the physical sciences and don't want to spend their time and energy studying them?

in my case I think this reaction comes most from other people reactions about doing something related with applied and hard science, I usually hear "that must be like too hard", "are you crazy, why would you major in that?" and "damn you must be a genius to do that kind of stuff, it is way too hard" ← (not really)

>First of all, the sciences are generally part of the liberal arts. Physics, geology, biology, etc are all liberal arts degrees when they're taught in the classical, generalized way. They only leave the liberal arts sphere when they become applied: applied physics, geological engineering, etc.

and thanks for making this clear for me

>> No.1520196

Pfffff chemistry isn't a science. It's just a bunch of fags guessing about things. Look at Democritus and his bullshit about "atoms." Hey Democritus, if there are atoms show them to us. You can't so you're a fag.

-If /sci/ existed in ancient times.


Psychologists are part of an emerging field. The scientifically inclined have been studying the world for thousands of years but the tools for studying the mind have remained the same until just the past few decades. Psychologists use the same scientific method any other scientists use and they're doing their best, given the extreme difficulty of the field. Cut them a break. Imagine the mountains of information possessed by chemists, physicists, etc hadn't been handed to you on a silver fucking platter.

No I not mad, just making sure you've been told.

>> No.1520215


So that's why linguistics as a science only took off when they realised psychology is bullshit and started from scratch?

Psychology is one of the soft sciences that has *not* yet embraced the scientific method. What are the falsity conditions on trait theory?

>> No.1520245


Linguistics has branched off as its own discipline as psychology has grown in scope. In ancient times the rich, intelligent, etc studied "science" instead of math, chem, biochem, bio, physics, etc etc

>> No.1520248
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>> No.1520257

I'm 2/14.

>> No.1520260
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< original

>> No.1520269

shit, 14/14

>> No.1520281



man this is bad, I need professional help

>> No.1520352

What the fuck? That describes me! Do I have Autism?

>> No.1520370

all the required courses for med school are available at community colleges. My experience is that CC is better for learning as well. Don't be hatin' because you had to pay more.

>> No.1520395

I'm a 'Clinical Biochemistry' (technically CLS) Major, and this is bad.

I mean, I've been interning over a year, and the doctors we have now don't know shit. I do most of the tests, and we're even supposed to do recommendations of what the cause of whatever is. The resident at my lab is always complaining how the Fellowship doctors don't even know most of the causes of high levels of Calcium in the blood, so WE have to explain all this shit to them. To add to that, we (well I'm not paid yet), CLSs get paid like 10 times less than doctors. It is bullshit, it will make things worse. Every year, there are less and less CLSs and Lab Biochemists, and doctors aer going to need to make more conclusions themselves. At least, tats how it is in the states. Pisses me off..

>> No.1520407


How much will you be paid when you aren't an intern anymore?

>> No.1520419


CLS is a 3+1, so its like 3 years of class, then 1-2 years of Internship and shadowing. I'm still in school, so I can't be paid. When I do, and I will, It'll be like 35,000-40,000USD. I don't care about pay that much, but there is a crazy workload of samples to test. I'm the only one in my lab under 45, so most of these guys are getting older, and soon doctors can't rely on the young workforce, and will have to use that easy school track thing OP linked in the first post to come up with some diagnoses.

>> No.1520475

Take that up with the medical board who gave them their licenses, not the program they went through. The undergrad degree you get doesn't affect your ability to learn what you need to know for your boards.

>> No.1520502

ITT: Science nerds who dont have a social life, watch too much House M.D., have probably never worked in a hospital, rarely leaves their study tables, and making accusations based on a very minimal experience and most of all uneducated about how medicine has changed over the past 50 years.

>> No.1520613

If GPs are going to be idiots that don't understand shit, why have them?

Let nurses prescribe pills and do the things a GP would.

Let medical school be for those who actually know their shit and specialize in a field.

At this rate, the term "medical scientist" won't mean anything anymore.

>> No.1520667

>>1520613 At this rate, the term "medical scientist" won't mean anything anymore.
It doesn't fucking mean anything now. You just made that shit up.

>If GPs are going to be idiots that don't understand shit, why have them? Let nurses prescribe pills and do the things a GP would.
That's what nurse practitioners and physicians assistants are.

>> No.1520682
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First, medical scientist is a legit term.

Second, I am aware of PAs and NP. I think we should
train more of them.

Also, reCAPTCHA is "her tamps" pic related.

It does not take a medical school degree to push pills.

>> No.1520701


hey, I'm a Medical Lab Scientist. well?

>> No.1520725


There is no such thing as a "pre-med" degree.

>> No.1522953
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That theory implies that all doctors will work in healing the sick. I'm planing on becoming a medical examiner. If I cared about everyone I'd say everyone died of natural causes because no one is mean enough to kill someone.
THIS VERY NOTION REQUIRES ALL OF MY ANGER AND HATRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1523158

I never said there was. I just said pre-med is useless and you have nothing to show for it if you don't get into med school.