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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 86 KB, 610x448, 1280312935521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1518590 No.1518590 [Reply] [Original]

why does /sci/ dislike engineers? is it because they get more jobs or something else?

>> No.1518594

inb4: -------> /k/, pic unrelated

>> No.1518596
File: 155 KB, 1024x686, kamagom120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineers you say ?

>> No.1518603

Marrocan sandnigger?

>> No.1518604

ffs lets not post disgusting porn images or we will get mods

>> No.1518609

no srsly me either why so hate on engineers?

>> No.1518618
File: 105 KB, 500x326, 148_guys_go_crazy_gay_orgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SWEET, Engie thread


uncut 6 inches looking for anything, no blacks pls.

>> No.1518619

its because most of /sci/fags are either mathematicians (aka cunts who get jobs as teachers) or physicians (also teachers) or astro (insert bullshit term here) who also work at walmart. therefore engineers earn more but they are far less intelligent

>> No.1518626

cause I'm homophobic

>> No.1518634

>claiming there is, among ppl with a degree, far less intelligent than teachers

>> No.1518639

teachers are intelligent but you dont get as much as engies.

>> No.1518641
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>> No.1518645


>> No.1518657

They don't hate Engineers.
It's just a force meme, probably by the same 2 or 3 people.

>> No.1518664

Because engineers tend to be extremely smug even though they have little reason to be. It's fun to cut them down to size.

>> No.1518675

Cut them down to size? By calling them gay?
Do you really think that works at all?

Fuck, /sci/ is overrun by 13 year old trolls.

>> No.1518688

I'm not one of the people who post stuff about engineers being gay, but I do hate engineers because they are arrogant douchebags. They are semi-skilled workers yet act like they know everything.

>> No.1518961

concur. they're a plague and they make /sci/ unbearable.

>> No.1518979
File: 458 KB, 1024x768, realsoldiers5_ib4f_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1518989

Teachers get full benefits, good pay for half a day of work

Depending on what teacher you're speaking of they only work for half a year..

Take everything into consideration morons.

>> No.1518998

engineers believe they know more physics than chemists, and know more application based physics than physicists.

in reality, engineers just think they are hardcore because they took an engineering lab in which they modeled heat flow through a metal rod using the heat equation and think that their stress mechanics classes are hard.

incredibly few engineers ever take quantum mechanics or advanced classical mechanics.

engineers believe that complex analysis (EEs), fluid and stress mechanics (MEs), and statistical and thermodynamics (ChemEs) are hard and relegated only to their fields of interest.

they rejoice at a B in their classes, and quote the "a B is like an A in a normal physics class" myth.

may know about stress tensors, but they cant derive them from first principles.

they may know how to use the grand canonical ensemble to derive thermodynamic relations, but they cannot derive a statistical weight function to an arbitratry constrained system (which is a basic fundamental part of statistical physics education common to chemists and physicists)

>> No.1519012
File: 29 KB, 252x264, 1280114977550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone slightly understands me
>proceeds to delete my other thread

>> No.1519035

>implying the post he was referring to wasn't an instance of samefaggotry.

>> No.1519038

I don't know any engineers that think they are anything because they are really quiet nerds that don't talk at all besides giving really short, one-word answers to the professor who is getting frustrated by his majority sperglord students that can't do anything but stare at their shoes.

>> No.1519049

>good pay

>> No.1519053


are you kidding? read my post faggot. who else types their shit with tons of spaces in the text. I have only (now) posted in this thread 2 times. This post, and the suuuper long ass post that absolutely defines the mindset of the average engineering student.

nothing pisses me off more than having my threads incorrectly labeled as someone else's samefaggotry

>> No.1519056

Any retard can become an engineer. There are engineers out there who believe in god, or even worse, who believe in creationism (THEY EXIST).

>> No.1519067


where the fuck are you?

at my school (all UC campuses) most engineers (in other words, mechanical engineers) are like "frat boy" equivalents of the science students.

the EEs and some of the Chem Es are similar to what you described.

however, in my experience the Chem Es are actually the most level headed normal students

way the fuck more non-hideous chicks are ChemE than ME, EE, or Computer/software E

>> No.1519075

Ah yes, the additional use of the spacebar clearly distinguishes your posts from the other posts. All posts which don't contain this security measure clearly didn't come from you. Goodwork samefag.

>> No.1519087

UCI student here
I honestly can't tell who's an engineering major as opposed to physics or math or computer science* by looking at or interacting with them unless I look at whatever book they happen to be reading or just ask them upfront.

* sometimes the CS people wear nerdy ass t-shirts like that one about people who understand binary

>> No.1519107
File: 53 KB, 550x367, guess this guy's major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess this guy's major

>> No.1519134

Japanese or computer information systems or digital art or something

>> No.1519154

the real question is 'why do all the supposed scientists on /sci/ only produce homosex pictures in support of their argument?' See, collecting homosex pictures on your hdd is a bit gay, googling for them is also a bit gay. Now if you're searching for homosex pictures while at work, chances are you're not an actual scientist. Very few workplaces would allow the googling of homosex pictures during worktime. And if you are a scientist and you're spending your spare time at home googling for homosex pictures, well that sort of says something about your sexual orientation now doesn't it?

inb4 accusations of supporting the engineering side of this argument, or accusations of me being a homosexual or any other high school science kid faggotry. I'm just wondering why you guys collect the homosex pictures, and whether you've stopped to think about the repercussions of doing so.

tl;dr: why so many homosex pictures from the so-called scientists of /sci/

>> No.1519162

1. They're not real scientists.

2. They have a tendency (note: tendency) to be total conservative dicks. And they always wear baseball caps for some fucking reason. Absolutely everywhere. Not universal of course, but it's pretty damn common.

3. Do engineers really get more jobs? I was under the impression the market's totally oversaturated with dumbasses with engineering degrees, and they're having a hell of a time with unemployment.

>> No.1519163

because PS3 has no gaemz

>> No.1519176


the fact that you did not notice my extremely obvious posting style and compared it to the other post (incorrectly) proves that you are new here.

many many people have commented on the posting style, I fill up many threads with overly long and excessively spaced posts.

I am not a samefag but there are definitely people on this board that can recognize my posts.

obviously, since there are only like 5 people posting on /sci/ right now, none of those people may even be present at the moment.

but you are still an obvious newfag to the entire 4chan posting scene.

>> No.1519204


The fact that you deny your samefaggotry citing extra spacing as your only proof is quite a weak argument. Face it, you were caught out samefagging your own useless post and now you're butthurt. It's ok, as a troll you will find this happens to you from time to time. Get used to it.

>> No.1519207
File: 97 KB, 504x1004, 20100219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butthurt in this thread is overwhelming.

>> No.1519228

Funny how people who say engineers are gay actually have gay porn on their computers.

>> No.1519237
File: 206 KB, 504x1004, engineering conferences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1519239

if collecting CP makes you a pedophile?, what does collecting homosex pictures mean?

>> No.1519252


I lol'd. U still mad tho.

>> No.1519382

and most are sexually confused wanna be alphas.

>> No.1519739

OP is clearly french and butthurt because the french education system made him an engineer just like all the other french sheep.

Stay away from france, engineers are highly regarded there.

>> No.1519756

The accuracy of that image is both great and comical. If a bunch of engineers threw a party no women would show up and they wouldn't care. They would be to busy playing Madden with their broskis.

>> No.1519765

If engineers are "broskis" then some of you have never left your department building

>> No.1519767

everybody say hello to Mr Troll, "hello mr trooooll"

>> No.1519776

/sci/tards are just mad because engineers do 99% of work that's actually useful in the real world.

>> No.1519775


>>implying EEs learn "complex analysis" and not just that

<span class="math"> 10 \angle 90^\circ = 10i [/spoiler]

>> No.1519782

i forgot also

<span class="math">10e^{j\frac{\pi}{2}}[/spoiler]


>> No.1519787

that and the fact that they haven't finished high school yet.

>> No.1519794


Engineers build the LHC

>> No.1519803


engineers are intelligent and useful.

also gay and socially challenged.
its not that we hate them, its just that is the way it is! :)

>> No.1519815

>implying scientists have better social skills than engineers
i see that you did where.

>> No.1519819


well, we have to insult them for something! who care's if we are hypocrites.

>> No.1519844

umad faggot?

>> No.1519862

ITT people make the same joke. Let's all be unique by samefagging the same gay jokes over and over. LOL i post penis I R FUNNEH

>> No.1519876

OH SHIT the told is overwhelming.

>> No.1519887




>> No.1521349
File: 24 KB, 204x227, pft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521416

engineering tendencies?

>> No.1521419

because CERN

>> No.1521424


>> No.1521434

lmao oh god