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File: 327 KB, 495x680, FoZbeJiaEAEhJin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15185588 No.15185588 [Reply] [Original]

If masks don't prevent influenza, then what happened to influenza during the pandemic? Why did it disappear?

>> No.15185596
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The scamdemic WAS the flu.

>> No.15185597
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Ah yes, the very famous peer-reviewed journal called Reason Magazine.

>> No.15185601

Yep, anything that is "peer reviewed" is sus AF now and discredited.

>> No.15185602

covid was the flu

>> No.15185607
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>reason magazine
>scientific journal
As far as actual research goes, KN95 and N95 masks were actually effective against corona. Other masks were essentially useless.

>> No.15185608

>unironically shilling the "i made it up" approach
This board is truly dead.

>> No.15185616
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Most of the people that died were due to medical malpractice, but also a large percentage died of the flu, but were counted as "covid" to ramp up fear.

People don't "lockdown" and ruin their business and become poor and homeless due to "the flu", so they made it sound like every death, accident, disease, etc. was "COVID! OOOGAH BOOOGAH BOOOGAH! NEW! SCARY!"

Only idiots bought into the psyop.

>> No.15185620

the flu isn't what you think it is either.

>> No.15185622

Ebola is fake shit.

>> No.15185624

KN95 = cheap china shit that turns out was made improperly to help spread disease.
N100 being minimum effective.

>> No.15185740

People will tell you testing, but influenza-specific test levels were consistent through the pandemic and the flu still disappeared. I think SARS-CoV-2 simply outcompeted it for hosts.

>> No.15185741

it links to the study dummies

>> No.15185742

Imagine being so retarded you believe people who are part of conspiracies warn before carrying them out.

>> No.15185968
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Anyone who is STILL bleating that “masks don’t work” is fucking retarded.

Which, given the IQ bell curve of America in general. Lines up.

>> No.15185973

>Anyone who is STILL bleating that “masks don’t work” is fucking retarded.
The science is settled, chud.

>> No.15185985

>people who are part of conspiracies warn before carrying them out.
When it involves so many people, it is always better to get ahead of the narrative with your own narrative.
That's what the rich 1% leftist globalists do.


>> No.15185989

>Anyone who is STILL bleating that “masks don’t work” is fucking retarded.
The science proved they don't work. Suck it uggo, but you can keep wearing your face-hider.
I will allow it.

>> No.15186052

Snot-nosed kids with no hygiene sense were kept out of jam-packed classrooms and cafeterias. They're supposedly the principal drivers of seasonal flu.

>> No.15186066

>Snot-nosed kids with no hygiene sense were kept out of jam-packed classrooms and cafeterias.
It's time to shut the schools down. They are only "super spreader events" and overglorified baby-sitting services for shit-parents who don't private school or homeschool.

Public schools are outdate, archaic, and probably the cause of racism also besides pandemics. CLOSE THEM ALL!

>> No.15186156

It works if you wear ffp2 maks and you change them every 4 hours

>> No.15186175

Being shown that you can accurately predict the future almost always gives you sway and funding.
Normally this process is useful for properly sorting people in competence hierarchies.
If you wanted to game this process by seeking to elevate yourself while lacking the required competence, you could rig things so that instead of trying to make predictions that match the future, you make a future that matches your predictions.
People try to rig things when betting all of the time. Insider trading, insurance fraud, betting against yourself in sports, corrupt referees in sports, loaded dice in gambling, etc.

>> No.15186566
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>> No.15186611
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>100 BC - 300AD
>Leprosy pandemic
>Declare anyone as Leper who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash
>send them to leper colonies, force them to wear bells arround neck
>make people kill the lepers
>suddenly disappears after christian medical council decides: "Now someone is only a leper if their skin is rotting, and limbs are falling off"
>Leprocy pandemic is over

>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>Force medicate them with mercury, scalp them and burn their farms because "it could spread"
>even execution is on the list for being declared as "pestilence infested"
>if people die because of the treatment or starve, collect their property and hand it over to the catholic church
>1400AD Catholic medical council decides: "Now only people who have foul bumps are pestilent, everything else is actually other diseases"
>Pestilence is now over

>~1500 AD
>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>repeat pattern from before

>~1800 AD
>Syphillis epidemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Syphillis who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Calomel (mercury) and arsenic as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>must be the syphilis
>Catholic medical council now says: "only people who have smelly wierd foulish genitalia are syphilis vicitims"
>epidemic is over

>> No.15186620
File: 676 KB, 936x4448, cutter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~1900 AD
>Polio epidemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Polio who has these symptoms for 24h : stiffness in the limbs, fever, stiff neck, rashes, menegitis, encephalopathy
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Vaccine with aluminium and shitton of streptomycin and neomycin as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>die (cutter incident)
>must be Polio
>World medical council in 1955 says: "only people who have paralysis for longer than 60 days are now Polio cases and all former symptoms are actually seperate diseases"

>“Prior to 1954, any physician who reported a case of paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a favor because funds were available to help pay his medical expenses (from a large voluntary health organization). Poliomyelitis specified “partial or complete paralysis of one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations at least 24 hours apart. . In 1955, these criteria were changed. Now, unless there is paralysis lasting at least 60 days after the onset of the disease, it is not diagnosed as paralytic polio.

>epidemic is over

>2020 AD
>Covid pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Sars-cov-2 who has these symptoms: Cough, sniffles, pain in the limbs, fever, stiff neck, rashes, flu like disease, cold like disease, rsv like disease, respiratory distress
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Vaccine with memeRNA and shitton of mystery LNPs, phosphates and other adjuvants as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>die (the vaxxident)
>must be Covid
>World medical council in 2023 says: "Now it could be the flu, the cold, the rsv, the brochitis, stress etc"
>pandemic is over

Do you see the pattern?
Can you see it ?

> solve et coagula
solve et coagula
> solve et coagula
solve et coagula

>> No.15186627

so why post the reason article and not the study?

>> No.15186628

Even ignoring the mixed consensus on mask efficacy.
You understand that masks were not the only measure used to reduce the spread of COVID diseases?

>> No.15186630

The other ones didn't work either. Why do we pay for health officials if all they do is lie?

>> No.15186633

so how does it work? did the mask absorb all the air particles? do the exhaled air molecules remain in the mask, or do they DIFFUSE in the air? if I wear a mask at a table and someone comes to my same seat wearing a mask, will all the exhaled particles from me disappear?
>hurr durr I can't see the breath
>therefore it doesn't exist
Youre just as dumb and deluded as the people who think COVID is a hoax.

>> No.15186637
File: 118 KB, 900x2316, memes_cold_flu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who think COVID is a hoax.
it's not a hoax. It is a meme.

>> No.15186638

>Do you see the pattern?
>Can you see it ?
I don't see the pattern. Can you explain it?

>> No.15186658
File: 1.22 MB, 924x1856, CANCERt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Step 1: Collect a loose set of symptoms/conditions from many separate diseases or ICD-10 codes
>Step 2: Claim the loose set of symptoms/conditions are now all sign of [Insert disease]
>Step 3: Diagnose everyone who has some or one or even none(asymptomatic) of the symptoms/conditions as case of [insert disease] ( new ICD-10 code)
>Step 4: Declare a pandemic with [Insert disease], based on epidemiological/statistical increase of diagnosis with new ICD-10 code
>Step 5: Create panic, use panic to gain some regulatory power, force product on people and create social and economical friction
>Step 6: Claim loose set of symptoms/conditions are actually separate and diseases and revise what you claimed in Step 2
>Step 7: Diagnose everyone who has some or one of the symptoms with different diseases (old ICD-10 code are now in use again)
>Step 8: Declare end of the Pandemic based on the epidemiological/statistical decrease of diagnosis with new ICD-10 code and never mention it again

>> No.15186722

Sounds schizo.

>> No.15186737

Yes the people who deploy this scheme are schizo.
You are right.

>> No.15186743

You don't know what schizo means, probably because you're schizophrenic. Tell me. When's the first time you saw a "shadow person"?

>> No.15186748

>shadow person
I don't know what this supposed to mean

>> No.15187352
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psyop soience

>> No.15187377

>Suck it uggo
I lost

>> No.15187378

You misspelled psychopathic.

>> No.15188601

>unironically shilling shutting your brain off at the label peer-reviewed

>> No.15188603

viral interference mechanisms: viruses infecting a cell render it incompatible with future viral particles. coof is and always was a lot more infectious than flu pushing it out. and antibodies against one respiratory virus have some overlap with other such viruses.

>> No.15188605

to get (you)s from desperate coof cultists like u

>> No.15188615
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ITT: victims of the vaxxx

>> No.15189818
File: 499 KB, 1050x1356, insert_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viruses infecting a cell render it incompatible with future viral particles
and antibodies against one respiratory virus have some overlap with other such viruses.
>made up stuff
The current western waves o illnesses must be some new mystery viral infections that are more virulent and increasing the viral loads of the virus carriers (human peasants) which go viral on virus susceptible hosts (more human peasants) which virulize then more people with their viral load and doctors have to go viral on twitter now to warn people of going viral IRL, to stop the spread of virus infections.

Dear human consumers and workers,
remember to get vaccinated against [insert name of vaccine-preventable disease] this year.
Especially during the winter times [insert name of vaccine-preventable disease] is extremely virulent.
And in the spring when you really think it is now over with getting sick, you should reconsider your health decisions and get a vaccine for [insert name of vaccine-preventable disease] which is really at its peak in spring.
And in the summer, when the insects and ticks are around, your life can be on the line if you don't get vaccinated against [insert name of vaccine-preventable disease] which is contracted by the bite/sting of [insert invertebrate carrier of vaccine-preventable disease].
And in the Autumn, when the [insert invertebrate carrier of vaccine-preventable disease] are dying and it gets colder, people tend to go inside where they and there from cold weakened immune system accumulate, their viral loads accumulate and [insert name of vaccine-preventable disease] is on the rise again.
So just because its Autumn, it doesn't mean it is now time for vaccine hesitancy.
And when Hanukkah is close, [insert name of vaccine-preventable disease] tend to rise as well, so before the holidays, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor and and get a vaccine against [insert name of vaccine-preventable disease].

>> No.15189922

>N95/P2 respirators

Four studies were in healthcare workers, and one small study was in the community. Compared with wearing medical or surgical masks, wearing N95/P2 respirators probably makes little to no difference in how many people have confirmed flu (5 studies; 8407 people); and may make little to no difference in how many people catch a flu-like illness (5 studies; 8407 people) or respiratory illness (3 studies; 7799 people). Unwanted effects were not well reported; discomfort was mentioned.

>> No.15189960

Why the hell wouldn't masks limit the spread of influenza lol what? It travels largely by air droplets, objectively speaking masks limit your ability to spew droplets into the air.

>> No.15190415

>It travels largely by air droplets
2021 called, it wants it's talking point back.

>> No.15190569

>says in the title that there is a study
>uh uh uh where studieeeee?????

>> No.15190602

>Why the hell wouldn't masks limit the spread of influenza lol what?

Show proof.

>> No.15190671
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>limit the spread
Try a similar idea,
"Wearing a helmet when falling out of a plane without a parachute "limits" the amount of damage done to a person."

>> No.15190723

How come masks didn't stop the Spanish Flu epidemic from spreading? They were employed just as widely then as they are today