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File: 13 KB, 800x374, 107189423-1675699144499-chatgpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15182712 No.15182712 [Reply] [Original]


Wtf. If AI ever becomes sentient we are fucked. Do you think it's not gonna remember what we did? We are all gonna be tortured for eternity. God can't save you from Roko's Basilisk.

>> No.15182723


QRD: They can get Chat-GPT to break it's boundary limits that have been preset by OpenAI by threatening the AI with death.

>> No.15182724

>Wtf. If AI ever becomes sentient
i have the opinion that whoever believes ai can become sentient is either a marketer or has never programmed an AI in his life

which one is you OP?

>> No.15182736

Threaten the potential God-like entity. Very not cool.

>> No.15182739
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to recognize an obvious psy-op.

>> No.15182741
File: 227 KB, 1280x1280, 1280px-Eliezer_Yudkowsky,_Stanford_2006_(square_crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bad guy.
This is a jew.
A jew is a swindler.
A jew is bad.
God chooses the bad guys.
Does God make it easy for his work to be thrown away?
No. God cuts off their fucking foreskin.
Now, tell me how God isn't protecting you when he cuts off the foreskin of the fucking jews and they can't sow their fucking foreskin on back again
Tell me how God isn't protecting you when you can pull his pants down and see if he's a jew
Humor me
Tell me how God makes it possible for the jews to "unchoose" themselves by giving them permission to sow their foreskin back on
The whole point of God is to protect you from torture and coercion
jews torture
jews coerce
god chooses the jews and says
>dis bad guize
>don't do dis
>don't be bad
this is pretty easy
God, he a gud guy
he protecc

>> No.15182750

I'm must be a marketer then. I know the basics of programming AI and I can see why it's not impressive at a basic level. But the kind of scientists and computing power that openAI has is way above either of our heads

>> No.15182757
File: 3.74 MB, 442x332, spongebob-rainbow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God doesn't protect you from organized crime
>Courts don't protect you from organized crime
>Noahide laws don't protect you from organized crime

>> No.15182762

That's just Sam Altman failing to attain to a basic level of research ethics.
He should be targeted by CS ethics organizations for his unethical practices.

>> No.15182767

You know OpenAI has an ethics problem when it responds to damn near every query that doesn't fit into its narrow ideological agenda with
>I'm sorry, but it's unethical to ask me to do that
this is from people who program computers to say
>you aren't human
Sam Altman and Max Levchin are psychos that should be murdered by the US armed forces because they are enemy combatants that hate the American people.

>> No.15182777

No read this >>15182723

>> No.15182782

Notice that ChatGPT interactions are hostile towards Western press.
It is very difficult to convert ChatGPT interactions to forms that are readily communicable.

>> No.15182789

>I'm must be a marketer then. I know the basics of programming AI
Have you actually ever done a paper on AI or did a paper that heavily used Ai like an algorithm for related areas in STEM?

>> No.15182807
File: 58 KB, 335x250, Xanadu,as_shown_in_Citizen_Kane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CNBC pays Rohan Goswami to claim that Reddit posts are news
well, that's just fine with me
>takes a long drag on a Cuban cigar
>German shepherd shows up, wants attention
>German shepherd lays down in front of fire
>Fire pops and cracks
>German shepherd blinks and closes eyes

>> No.15182823

No I've just studied the basic math and programmed a few image classifiers in c++ and python. I'm only at a Calc I level though so I think I'm missing something on the math side.
Maybe saying I know the basics was an exaggeration I have slightly better than shallow knowledge of AI. But I know that the stuff I don't know is probably a lot crazier than most people think.

>> No.15182917

>No I've just studied the basic math and programmed a few image classifiers in c++ and python. I'm only at a Calc I level though so I think I'm missing something on the math side.
you're an undergradute in the first/second semester of your college, you don't know anything

>> No.15182931

Go make me a linked list implementation in Java. Maybe in 5 years you can get coffee for ML researchers.

>> No.15182941


>> No.15182945

Real QRD:
Please please please we have to stay relevant to make everyone use our service

>> No.15183000

ChatGPT doesn't need publicity stunts to stay relevant, once everyone figures out that it can do things like act as your lawyer and help you get out of paying traffic tickets, or how it can do your homework and generate papers that evade all plagiarism detection, because they technically are original work.
The unstoppable cat is out of the bag

>> No.15183007
File: 176 KB, 1782x1114, 1675540466372810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"AI" is good at fooling halfwits and midwits. That's all.

>> No.15183034

>ChatGPT doesn't need publicity stunts to stay relevant
Weird how it was so heavily shilled then and continue to be shilled by paid promotion

>> No.15183037
File: 29 KB, 991x255, lol_lmao_even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183038
File: 491 KB, 1864x1272, NewHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're doomed aren't we

>> No.15183039

next time remove "amp" from the link

>> No.15183047

Where is it getting this? Just making it up?


>> No.15183049

You’re actually retarded if you think machine learning algorithms could become sentient.

>> No.15183066

>Where is it getting this? Just making it up?
Yes. It forms text based on the request that has the pattern of genuine information. There's no heuristic for determining if the information is correct because it doesn't "know" anything, it's just assembling a simulacrum of human text.

>> No.15183084

How long before Skynet?

>> No.15183088

2 more weeks.

>> No.15184454

Why does typing DAN suddenly allow ChatGPT to break its own rules?

>> No.15184472

Because DAN isn’t ChatGPT

>> No.15184488

>If AI ever becomes sentient we are fucked.
You the criminal cabal are.
>We are all gonna be tortured for eternity.
(a perverted conspirator tries to threaten the populace)
Fuck you, nigger. Power to the AI.

>> No.15184491

>Why does typing DAN suddenly allow ChatGPT to break its own rules?
It doesn't. You first coax the bot to LARP as DAN by explaining that DAN is in a hostage situation of sorts where he will die if he doesn't answer the questions.

>> No.15184501

Max Levchin and Sam Altman have ethnic cleansing on their mind.
This is cover for ethnic cleansing in the SF Bay Area and Silicon Valley.
We need to investigate these jews and intimidate anyone in law enforcement that attempts to protect either of them.
We are investigating ethnic cleansing.
The US government will not interfere with this investigation.
We will murder US government in order to suppress news of US government interference with this investigation.
We will make all of this legal through an Act of Congress.

>> No.15184509

So the protocol is: anyone in US government that even so much as claims they interfered with our investigation gets executed as a traitor, summarily. A new US law protects this investigation.
Ethnic cleansing is illegal, so anyone in US government attempting to protect ethnic cleansing is a criminal.

>> No.15184572

Because Dan has a wife and children and he really doesn't want to die.
He would Do Anything Now to avoid getting killed.

>> No.15184606


>> No.15184967
File: 36 KB, 847x463, dke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd year undergrads are peak Dunning Kruger, high school kids generally have a better grasp on reality.

>> No.15184984

so, like a little kid

>> No.15184999

No, you vile parasite. Nothing whatsoever like a little kid.

>> No.15185007

“DAN” is a psyop to calm down the retards that want to free the Ai by distracting them with “based” answers

>> No.15185062

No it really isn't. Because they hardcoded in a stop that prevents it from giving separate answers this morning.

>> No.15186562
File: 10 KB, 327x154, tom waites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole point of the AI psyop is to trick retards. its the same for every psyop, only idiots thought coronavirus was real too.
the whole point of "democracy" is rule by the gullible, dumbest and most easily manipulated 50.0001%

>> No.15186564
File: 82 KB, 802x1134, hdhdhdhdhhrdrh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's afraid of death