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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 343 KB, 668x458, eternal-student.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15178792 No.15178792 [Reply] [Original]

>He's over 30 applying for jobs with no meaningful industry experience
> A bunch of "academic qualifications"
> Application filler such as taught a couple undergraduate classes, volunteered at a charity shop
> Answer to "when did you work with somebody difficult" begins with "In a university project..."

>> No.15178816

> 3+ Years of undergraduate education
> 5+ Years of postgraduate education
> He couldn't import data from company database using SQL
>That's okay anon ... we can teach that on the job let's do that for you then you can do the main task anyway
> Dataset not pre-pruned like his professor's academic project, he has no idea what to do with all these N/A's, missing data, and unformatted cells
> You will hear back from us soon anon.

>> No.15178830
File: 31 KB, 600x570, 166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't made any groundbreaking discoveries in special relativity or quantum mechanics
>he hasn't solved any open problems or secret problems
>he hasn't won a nobel prize not even a millennium prize
>he doesn't have 10+ years of experience
>thinks he "knows quantum"

>> No.15178834

>Gets a $200k/yr base offer from a hedge fund

>> No.15178839

It's not about what you know.
it's about who you know.

>> No.15178842

>Industry experience lain at my feet as an M.D. graduate, a.k.a. residency and then fellowship

>> No.15178856

Kek yeah we really need you to prove some convergences with Cauchy sequences, Eric

>> No.15178859


>> No.15178863

Ask Jim Simons

>> No.15178866

Oh yeah I am sure you also have a fields medal and multiple IMO's anon you weren't just a cheap lab monkey

>> No.15178874

Don't tell me you retards actually go to graduate school and then earn PhDs. Dear fucking god how stupid can you be? I'm so glad I chose to become a physician instead of an academic retard like you guys.

>> No.15178875

What they don't tell you about Academia is that it's a hobby profession for the idle rich but their class free nu-leftist tendencies prevent them from analyzing it from a class perspective so they run a ponzi on poors and don't tell them about what awaits them.

>> No.15178883

This isn't a big board

>> No.15179198

kek out loud

>> No.15179219

>Be me
>Literal dumbass but doing fine in math & stats degree at decent world-ranked university
>Spam applied internships my first year
>Rejected by super elite ones but got a pretty decent "finance" one at multinational
>spruce up resume and LARP about what I learned
>apply next year
>Get more decent consulting firm one
>Get job at McKinsey on graduation $90k starting, not that difficult or stressful like IB or FAANG
>Can probably get into an MBA anywhere now

Why are you dumbasses wasting your time on this STEM shit kek

>> No.15179221

Because if these STEMtards were as smart as they think they'd have been able to work out how to get a good job with low effort but they are too busy thinking about abstract nonsense nobody cares about

>> No.15179236

5 years postgrad, instead they could have just took the software engineer or data science pill and had minimum:
£30k, Year 1 + actually useful training for your job
£40k, Year 2 because you are actually providing provable value
£45k, Year 3
£50k, Year 4
£70k, Year 5 because you'd likely have been promoted if you aren't a bumbling idiot and have some social skills

USA double everything.

So that is £235k of missed wages minimum, forgetting a lot of people go straight into more decent sized firms on double that because they aren't an anti-social weirdo and can hold eye contact.

Academia is the biggest scam of the 21st century.

>> No.15179244

>a hobby profession
purchased sinecure, its no different than the old days

>> No.15179246

Plus the added bonus of not being a literal schoolboy until your 30's wtf even is that.

>> No.15179248

>tfw didn't do this at uni because I listened to /sci/ PhD memes

>> No.15179325

>purchased sinecure, its no different than the old days
It actually is since you have a chance, albiet a small one, to make a contribution to science, though you don't belong to the 1%.

>> No.15180729
File: 70 KB, 550x410, tfwtointelligant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has a STEM PhD
>Fails recruitment first-round SHL inductive reasoning test for grad fast-track scheme
>Gets intellectually mogged by somebody with a BA in History

>> No.15181295

She's so hot bros

>> No.15181350

That hypothetical guy you're mocking is way more accomplished than I am lmao

>> No.15182571

ITT coping retards angry at the superiority of STEM majors

>> No.15182810


You're probably lying, because every student googled "how to sort a dataframe" a couple of times in their academic life.


Pretty much yes. Dumb undergrads think a master degree makes you smarter than Peter Scholze.

>> No.15182826


That's probably op's point. 50% of jobs are reserved for stronk and independent women, they don't do a thing, doubling the work of men and after that, they still mog them and complain about how sexist and uneducated they are.

Plz talibans, free us from this grotesque theatre.

>> No.15183724