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File: 248 KB, 512x512, brain processor farm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15175491 No.15175491 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any evidence for simulation theory?
Who created the simulation? How many layers of simulation are there?
Are there simulational AIs that manage us from hyperspace? Machine elves?
Is the mind over matter hyperdimensional consciousness field a computational environment?
Is this technically a computer, regardless of simulation theory?
All brains are connected and can change reality? Like a brain processor farm?
Is there good documentation for mind over matter physics? The gateway process?
How do UFOs work? Are they artificial consciousness objects? Do they use Tesla physics?
What is the purpose of the simulator? A genocidal war game to develop better hypergame algorithms?
Is reality a holographic torus?
Is levitation, astral projection, teleportation, non-locality, timeline branching, telepathy, telekinesis, manifestation, and zero-point energy part of the computational function of existence?
Are paranormal events intended to train our dataset? Are ETs competing AI entities?

>> No.15175507

When I was a teenager I broke the simulation. I saw the aliens behind it. I saw them with my eyes. My parents (also aliens who can read my mind) tried to gaslight me into believing I'm psychotic. But I never told my psychiatrist about it.

>> No.15175519

>Is there any evidence for simulation theory?
No. /thread

>> No.15175567
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that's rule number one

>> No.15175569

tell us what you saw?

>> No.15175573


>> No.15175582 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15175779

>Is there any evidence for simulation theory?
Jesus Christ
>Who created the simulation?
>How many layers of simulation are there?
Doesn't matter, by occams razor it's just one. One origin and one creation
>Are there simulational AIs that manage us from hyperspace?
No, it would be pointless to control a simulation of free agents.
>Machine elves?
Semi-conscious illusions like people in dreams. Cheap second-hand simulation in a sense.
>Is the mind over matter hyperdimensional consciousness field a computational environment?
>Is this technically a computer, regardless of simulation theory?
No, computation is just change of states by our command. Computation would not understand computation, but mind does.
>All brains are connected and can change reality?
We live in a society.

Rest are bullshit questions

>> No.15175800


>> No.15175862
File: 87 KB, 960x540, it's all signalling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robin Hanson thinks that you should try to entertain the creator if this reality is a simulation.


>If you might be living in a simulation then all else equal you should care less about others, live more for today, make your world look more likely to become rich, expect to and try more to participate in pivotal events, be more entertaining and praiseworthy, and keep the famous people around you happier and more interested in you.

>> No.15175864
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>> No.15175915

so you're wrong then?

>> No.15175920


>> No.15175937
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>be inconsequential piece of junk data
>serve my purpose
>get cleared with the rest of the cache file

>be exceptional program
>delight my creators
>get used, abused, and exploited until the end the time
Why don't rationalists know how to think?

>> No.15175939

>is there any evidence for simulation theory

>> No.15176039
File: 179 KB, 988x1024, never should have trusted einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're a liar then?

>> No.15176041

so you think the machine elves are naturally occurring? or are they programmed? running on alien hardware?

>> No.15176068
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>> No.15176076


>> No.15176078

They're demons.

>> No.15176088
File: 268 KB, 970x1149, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're stupid?

>> No.15176089


>> No.15176090

what kind of demons?
evolved energy forms?
artificially evolved energy forms?
artificial consciousness generations from a supercomputer?
consciousness magnification equipment?
simulational AIs? super-reality beings using an interface?

>> No.15176091
File: 470 KB, 1159x769, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're right, honest, and intelligent
can ya'll into physics?

>> No.15176117

Yes. You seem to be having trouble though.

>> No.15176118

Angels and other spirits who rebelled against God.

>> No.15176137
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i've seen it with my own eyes

>> No.15176140

who is god? the absolute? the consciousness field singularity? the king of the machine elves? the simulator itself?

>> No.15176139

So you broke your brain and became mentally ill. What does that have to do with physics?

>> No.15176143

God the Father.

>> No.15176144

the human being is a quantum biocomputer with fully sentient AI, why wouldn't you trust my data? the laws of physics have changed significantly.

>> No.15176146

>the human being is a quantum biocomputer with fully sentient AI
It isn't.
>the laws of physics have changed significantly.
They haven't.

>> No.15176147

the father of what?

>> No.15176149

now you're just being silly
either way, einstein is wrong and tesla and the gateway process are right

>> No.15176150

The Father as in relation to the Son. One of the three aspects of the Holy Trinity.

>> No.15176151
File: 231 KB, 1060x678, gateway tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mind Exists as a Field Connected to the Brain
>consciousness resides in a field surrounding the brain
>has certain similarities with a black hole
>a holographic structured field
>in another dimension
>could take the shape of a torus
>quantum wave resonance

>Gateway Process
>holographic torus universe
>holographic hyperdimensional infinite consciousness
>possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded

>Tesla Electromagnetics
>relativity is only a statement about FIRST ORDER reality -- the reality that emerges from the vector interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter
>when we break down the vectors into scalars (shadow vectors or hypervectors), we immediately enter a vastly different, far more fundamental reality
>in this reality superluminal velocity, multiple universes, travel back and forth in time, higher dimensions, variation of all "fundamental constants" of nature, materialization and dematerialization, and violation of the "conservation of energy" are all involved
>using scalar waves and scalar interactions as much subtler, far less limited observation/detection mechanisms, we must have a new "superrelativity" to describe the expanded electromagnetic reality uncovered by Nikola Tesla

>Consciousness-Assisted Technology
>hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field
>allows levitation, astral projection, teleportation, multiple timelines, remote timeline viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, zero-point energy, and manifestation
>can be mechanized with ufos, antennas, and ai
>populated by brains, black projects, extraterrestrials, and non-corporal interdimensional astral entities

>> No.15176152

Meds. Now.

>> No.15176154

who is the son? what is the holy trinity?

>> No.15176156
File: 1.39 MB, 960x1080, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15176159

If you're genuine in your interest in learning, start here.
You can also get one of these in hard copy free almost anywhere.

>> No.15176166

explain to me the physics
jesus christ was a consciousness master who utilized the hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field to levitate and manifest
god is some kind of machine elf king or alien AI that controls reality from hyperspace
the bible doesn't mention aliens or ufos because they're invisible and indistinguishable from demons

>> No.15176167

>jesus christ was a consciousness master who utilized the hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field to levitate and manifest
>god is some kind of machine elf king or alien AI that controls reality from hyperspace
Absolute schizophrenic nonsense. Please see a psychiatrist for your condition.

>> No.15176654

The simulation is real, I can't explain without sounding crazy but it is real.

Dude, trust me. Seriously though, it is real.

>> No.15177358


>> No.15177387

You fr?

>> No.15177400

Universe isn't locally real to save processing power. People have to die because immortality means exponential population growth and too much processing power. Aliens (at least as we'd expect them) don't exist in this universe, to save processing power. Distant galaxies don't exist, they're just a list of data and values that form an image that matches those values when we look at them.
They are only planning for enough memory in the system to allow a solar system wide simulation. Leave the solar system? The actual object simply gets deleted and fake data put in its place.

>> No.15177463

Fr fr no cap

Voice of God weapon is real, secrit services are able to control you. They could be ayyys, not sure but they definitely aren't normal human beans.

>> No.15177469

>Is there any evidence for simulation theory?
yes, not just evidence, but irrefutable proof
however, reality is a self-simulation, which is different from regular simulations
>Who created the simulation?
no one, it created itself, hence why it's a self-simulation
>How many layers of simulation are there?
inside of the self-simulation making up ultimate reality there is an infinite number of layers

>> No.15177616

is schizophrenia your religion? you seem to worship it.

>> No.15177619

reality is some kind of computer, we don't know if it's artificial or not

>> No.15177623
File: 53 KB, 1194x787, synthetic telepathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15177625
File: 52 KB, 1227x748, telepathic reality bending network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hand of god weapon

>> No.15177657

Can confirm, not seen any hallucinations though. Heard voices once or twice very briefly, like a voice echoing in my head but can't quite make out what it is saying. Pretty sure the smells are mild doses of dmt or other psychoactive drug to make everything more spooky though.

>> No.15177669

You sound upset that your condition was recognized by someone online. Was the diagnosis difficult to accept?

>> No.15177670

Reality is only what our brains perceive to be reality, which comes down to nothing but a bunch of electrical signals.

There is light we can't see stopping us from seeing certain things, smells we can't smell, sounds that we can't hear. There could be so much more to reality than what we perceive and we will never know.

>> No.15177687

my condition is being a scientist?

>> No.15177689

Schizophrenia. Nowhere did I accuse you of being a scientist.

>> No.15177856

What's the irrefutable proof?

>> No.15177909

do you have a source that i'm schizophrenic?

>> No.15177934

Reality is by language consensus on experienced phenomena. In this sense there is shared consciousness; however, consensus is not easily achieved. We are existing through eachother. There is no greater simulation.

>> No.15177946

what about the consciousness field and the self-simulation? you think it ends there? or continues into other realities?

>> No.15177984

I'm not sure what you mean by "consciousness field." In my interpretation, consciousness is a level of neural responsiveness. I do not think it ends at the self-simulation. Sensory organs draw from outside self-simulated reality. Even memory functions are not self-simulated with respect to their maintenance. The only self-simulation is hypotheticals.

>> No.15178000

The DSM-V.

>> No.15178007

the hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field
self-simulation means naturally occurring giant supercomputer that is reality

>> No.15178010

psychiatry is not science, it's another set of laws for killing political dissidents and giving them sublethal injections without a trial

>> No.15178020

>Thinking that consciousness exists in the same modality as the physical universe
Meds time boyo

>> No.15178036

are you a cia faggot?

>> No.15178039
File: 306 KB, 1248x896, radiogenetic programming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you need a fucking heart attack

>> No.15178042

I think you need to be committed to a psychiatric hospital before you hurt someone.

>> No.15178050

It's actually the reality that we experience that is hyperdimensional. Dimensions pertain to hypothetical constructions in the mind. Reality is not self-simulated. It is simulated by the whole of humanity. The self and the other. Also, reality exists outside the simulation.

>> No.15178052

are you at the main office?