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15174710 No.15174710 [Reply] [Original]

I waste a sizable chunk of my time talking to certified cretins on /sci/ because the aggression it generates is more stimulating than anything else modern life has to offer and I have a constant need for stimulation. Scientifically speaking, are there any fixes for this besides stimulants and suicide?

>> No.15174745

sex is better. you should try it some time

>> No.15174747

No cope the rope is only hope dope

>> No.15174748

Sex with a stable partner gets boring. Constantly chasing after new women is also tedious and boring.

>> No.15174775

Sex is for fags

>> No.15174795
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>walk into police station
>punch first person you see
>freedom from internet distractions achieved
If afterward you find your vacation was too short, repeat the procedure but replace "punch" with "shoot".

>> No.15174799

>freedom from internet distractions achieved
Don't they have wi-fi in prison? That's inhumane. Anyway, that's not really the point. I don't blame internet distractions for my situation.

>> No.15174809

Try to have a bullfight with an oncoming train.

>> No.15174856
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It’s only going to get worse.

>> No.15174867

Try sports that involve competition

>> No.15174895
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>Scientifically speaking, are there any fixes for this besides stimulants and suicide?
Scientifically? Probably not, maybe some dopamine detoxing might help in short term. But if you want any meaningful change, you either need religion or philosophy in your life for that, depending on your beliefs.

It's hard to not become nihilistic if you view your existence only via a scientific lense. Our lifes are insignificant and the universe doesn't care, everything happens just because it happens. Some people find meaning in love, but not everyone is fortunate enough to experience it during their lifetime. And it sounds very naive for someone who didn't.

>> No.15174930

This is a good idea I've considered it, but I don't have any friends who are into it. :(

>> No.15174932
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>besides stimulants and suicide

>> No.15174947

Then don't do team sports, go down to the Y or rec center or whatever and start playing ping pong or find the schedule and sign up or whatever individual sport you want to get into.

>> No.15174949

Get an ever rotating harem of polywhatevers, play them against each other, and watch the drama unfold if that is your thing.

>> No.15174950

I'm not a nihilist and I don't think science has much to say about life in the broad sense, but at the end of the day, being burdened by counter-productive cravings looks to me more like a... uh... technical issue? than a philosophical one.

>> No.15174952

Good idea. Any tips on how to be reborn as Chad?

>> No.15174953

>go down to the Y or rec center or whatever and start playing ping pong
Hm... Yeah, maybe I'll do that.

>> No.15174964

Watch a bunch of documentaries about sociopaths like cult leaders, seek out their indoctrination propaganda and pick up lines, and learn to spout a bunch of feel good mumbo jumbo about love and energy and power to attract ambitious naive emotionally subservient people with insecurities you can use against each other like they do.

>> No.15174965

Its all in the wrist.

>> No.15174968

Ah I see, I didn't fully grasp what you were talking about. I suffer from similar issues, I'm addicted to YouTube and constantly getting distracted whenever I try to do anything at home.

Do you have any hobbies?

>> No.15175024

you should troon