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File: 190 KB, 588x513, musk tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15174377 No.15174377 [Reply] [Original]

elon musk, the reigning king of science, just told overpopulation hysterics to go kys and then die some more and fuck off forever. is musk being unfair to the overpopulationfags?

>> No.15174380

To the ones saying we lack space yeah, but the ones saying we lack resources MAY have a point if we don't manage to develop new ways to use them (we are doing it with nuclear fusion at the moment, so their point is very unstable)

>> No.15174393

Hopefully they put the designated shitting floor in the basement and not the second floor.

>> No.15174414

He's just saying that everyone should feel free to immigrate to New York City

>> No.15175110
File: 1.25 MB, 800x4266, comics-earthexplodes-future-people-820059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can do better

>> No.15175133

We're all in the depository right now btw

>> No.15175141

Its not about space. I don't think anybody was EVER arguing it was but people like this will use that as a hurr durr im so smart retort. Despite it being obvious.

It's about resources. Can you fairly ensure that every person on this planet right now can be fed well enough to survive, every day, with the land we have?

>> No.15175160

Musk is too much of a coward to just come out and say there aren't enough children being born to intelligent people and too many being born to morons. He has to push it as everyone should have more children in order to squeeze out a few more intelligent children, even if it means hundreds of millions more stupid children.

>> No.15175182

If overpopulation is not an issue, why is he shilling electric cars on environmental grounds?

>> No.15175187

Fed? Yes. We have globally have a massive overabundance of food production. It actually IS space that's the problem, since people don't like other people. If Musk wants to move back to South Africa and live in a tower block with 3000 illiterate aids ridden Africans, he can.

>> No.15175191

Yeah But what about the average consooming habits of each of those individuals. it's overpopulation by overconsumption

>> No.15175384
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

urbanites are the only global demographic who have a net positive carbon footprint, the filthy urbanites are incessantly trying to cast blame for their own pollution on "everybody" but the truth is that only urbanites pollute.

>> No.15175396
File: 471 KB, 613x1569, 92C6AE6C-8229-4160-AA2D-AE0D98249D92.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15175400

Earth's population is not 7.3 billion. It's 8 billion. Musk doesn't even know that lmao

>> No.15175412

How do you know that? Where are all those people living?

>> No.15175435

Is this a call for concentration camps?

>> No.15175459

Mankind is mad I pray the giant meteorite wipes is out

>> No.15175481

Doesn't matter how smart the baby is, if they're born into a dirt-poor family in bum-fuck nowhere.

>> No.15175485

Untrue. Some of the best mathematicians and inventors in history were born to peasant farmers and were only discovered through military conscription and IQ testing.

>> No.15175510

We only have food overabundance because the farming methods are insanely unsustainable. The vast majority of farmland soil is basically ruined and without a constant stream of phosphorous, nitrogen and other fertilizers (sources of which are running out real fast) the yields would plummet to fuck all.

>> No.15175562

You're basically just supporting their point by implying it was lucky their potential was discovered at all. Like think of all the kids that don't get an IQ test or drafted.

>> No.15175564

>in history
Intelligence is punished in public school settings.

>> No.15175566

this was true before internet maybe, now with internet you have enough possibilites to get out of poverty if you have enough IQ

>> No.15175570
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, climate-crisis-end-of-the-world-stonetoss-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farming methods are insanely unsustainable
thats why they produce bountiful crops very year going back to the 1930s with no end in sight. you clearly have other motives hidden behind the false premise of your irrational agricultural collapse fantasy, what are they?

>> No.15175606
File: 85 KB, 850x565, Indicative-peak-phosphorus-curve-illustrating-that-global-phosphorus-reserves-are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With no end in s...

>> No.15175607

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.15175618

the modeled section of that starts 15 years ago, so whatever data and science it's based on was superseded at least a decade ago. must've been a tiny simulation to begin with if it was run so long in the past

>> No.15175619

>with no end in sigh

Assuming an unlimited amount of fertilizer and that you ignore the catastrophic damage being done to waterways and aquifers, yeah I suppose.

>> No.15175626
File: 19 KB, 916x705, World-Population-Arable-land-1960-2020-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the person asserting ""produce bountiful crops very year going back to the 1930s == it will continue forever""

>> No.15175629

I didn't say that, I just also hate your insane anti-human ideology.

>> No.15175661

>projecting ideologies onto people who disagree with you

Take your meds

>> No.15175673

More people.
More competition.
More customers.
Cheaper wages.
Higher prices because more demand for products.

People who are already rich want more people because it is benefitial to them.

>> No.15175676

>People who are already rich want more people because it is benefitial to them.
So why is every rich person a Malthusian? Why is there so much funding dedicated to anti-White anti-natalist propaganda?

>> No.15175683
File: 362 KB, 1920x1394, 0-2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part about believing infinite population growth on a single planet is sane to you? Do you think Elon Musk will land on Mars tomorrow, wave a magic wand and turn it in Earth 2.0?

>> No.15175686

There is no such thing as infinite growth. Birthrates rise and fall and rise again, so long as you don't import a gorillion foreigners to prop up your population size.

>> No.15175695

Then teach us the ways of acquireing this aforementioned money/wealth.

>> No.15175697

Learn to code.

>> No.15175790

Stop sending food to Africa.
Stop sending excess Africa to Europe.

>> No.15175843

It also benefits everyone in having your $20 smartphone mass produced and shipped all the way from China, for just 1-2 hour of human labor that you normally do, aka flip your burgers.

>> No.15175964
File: 60 KB, 760x570, GenesisDevice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He found the plans for the Genesis Device and debugged the code.

>> No.15175976

>reeeee muh burger flippers
people who flip burgers are involved in producing something of legitimate value that people want, how is it that accusing performing decent honest labor like that has come to be an insult?

>> No.15175984

Shit posting is a value to people. So is having a way to communicate to someone across the entire world with a touch of a button in your hand that you can take anywhere in the world. Also having access to the entire repository of human knowledge at the touch of your finger. Also, being able to record moments of your life that you treasure at the touch of your finger. Etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

For fucking $20.