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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15173900 No.15173900 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by that, and should I stop now? I'd rather keep my mind than know the full truth.

How can investigating metaphysics make you go crazy? Is it the context switching that happens when you drop one metaphysics for another?

>> No.15173907

Simply put, it's when you lose faith in the standard assumptions about reality that you were relying on for sanity, perhaps even without realizing it

>> No.15173910

>How can investigating metaphysics make you go crazy? Is it the context switching that happens when you drop one metaphysics for another?
Most /sci/ midwits who "investigate consciousness" get led down the garden path and become gnostics. Because gnosticism is a dead gay religion it often leads to existential despair and coping or schizotypal insanity. A youtuber who gets shilled here sometimes fell down the rabbit-hole and an heroed because he thought that he would be reincarnated if he did.

>> No.15174040

Yeah it is bad for normies because they can't into paradox

>> No.15174239

The scariest thing about investing consciousness is you end up with too many scenarios that end in eternal torture. If you can handle that, its no big deal. If you can't, well...

I think we all feel, deep down, that suffering never ends for conscious beings. It may be that even the stars suffer.

>> No.15174241

>I'd rather keep my mind than know the full truth.
Meaning you prefer to remain in the normie bubble than to have an actually life-changing insight. Eating the cake and having it and all that... you can't have knowledge without its consequences and yes, proper study of consciousness will shatter a lot of self-evident truths that make one functional in normieworld

>> No.15174262

You can't just chastise normal people for not wanting to uproot everything. If you told them food will taste different, the sun will be different, everything will change, plus you have to derealize, they would never even begin this shit.

I'm not even talking about /x/ numbfuck horseshit. I'm talking about those of us who worked from first principles only to be left with some absolutely incomprehensible conclusions, if you can call them conclusions. More like limits.

>> No.15174304


>> No.15174307

Share some examples of the incomprehensible conclusions?

>> No.15174310

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” — Zen Kōan

>> No.15174311
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>> No.15174315
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>The scariest thing about investing consciousness is you end up with too many scenarios that end in eternal torture.

Yeah but these are entirely delusional. Problem being, one who lacks the strength and clarity to see them as such might simply get stuck in a hell of his own making.

>> No.15174318

He means you are going to end up shitposting about hegel on /lit/ and made fun of, nothing really related to science.

>> No.15174322


>> No.15174328

Maybe it sounded too aggressive, but I'm not chastising anyone, just making the logical point that you can't have an insight and deny it at the same time. Sort of like people having horror trips on acid, who go in for ego death and then desperately try to hold on to ego. An acute double-bind situation. If you want to keep your roots intact don't investigate them too deeply.

>> No.15175195


It can make you insane. That is why many cultures throughout history regarded these matters as sacred.

If you can't handle the possibility that you may not have a grounding in anything, stop now. Cope with Materialism.

>> No.15175197

It means he's a tard from /x/ whose idea of "investigating consciousness" is navel gazing and read wikipedia articles on thought experiments.

>> No.15175399
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Try answering the vertiginous question without going insane.


>> No.15175416
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Nobody needs this philosobullshit. Consciousness is a question of science. Quantum mechanics to be precise. Pic rel is where philosoplebs end up.

>> No.15175458


How consciousnesd behaves is a problem of science. What consciousness is a problem of Philosophy.

Secondly, quantum mechanics runs into the hard problem of consciousness, so it can not address emergence in any way.

>> No.15175469

It doesn't really work like that. Its more the reaching of the conclusions. The thought circles you begin to inhabit. The way what everyone considers "real life" begins to take a back seat.
You start killing a lot of mental Santa Claus. Too much taken for granted and not enough to build on. I'm talking about the amorphous "bedrock" on which is built all of our assumptions.

>> No.15175489


>> No.15175494

>Try answering the vertiginous question without going insane.
I'm a Christian, I have no problem doing this while retaining my sanity.

>> No.15175496
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Emergence is a bullshit concept.


>> No.15175499


>> No.15175535

Incompleteness, uncertainty, indetermination, infinite regression, and other ideas that prove ignorance is necessary.

>> No.15175547
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>Quantum mechanics


>> No.15175549

What about true enlightenment, nirvana or whatever you want to call it that is the realization that both self and god are illusions?

>> No.15175551

>getting triggered by QM
Local realism has been thoroughly disproved. Deal with it, einsteinfag.

>> No.15175552

>have an insight and deny it at the same time.
The word for that is doubt.

>> No.15175555

That's not what that thought experiment was even designed to prove. It just means one of the assumptions in Bell's theory is wrong, it doesn't say which one.

>> No.15175557
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I would have accepted quite literally ANYTHING somehow based in biochemistry, neurology or even some fuzzy statistical patternist approach ... but quantum mechanics?! On a macromolecular and cellular level? Srsly, I wanna know what kinda drugs you're on because damn, that shit must kick like a wild horse! :D

>> No.15175560

Its answered by basic logic via The Law of Identity.

>> No.15175591

>Bell's theory
I didn't mention Bell's theorem. There are sufficiently many other results destroying local realism equally well.
>it doesn't say which one
But it does show you can't have locality and realism simultaneously. You're just confirming what I said, retard.

>biochemistry isn't based on molecules
>molecules aren't based on atoms
>atoms arent based on subatomic particles
Which one of these is your antiscientific belief? Please don't answer, it's a rhetorical question. We are not genuinely interested in your cringeworthy ignorance.

>> No.15175597

In my own case I became telepathic, and that is a big can of worms in terms of the troubles in can bring to ones life. But I get to talk with cool alien telepaths about how to alter the consciousness of humanity to help prepare us for interdimensional disclosure.

>> No.15175598

>But it does show you can't have locality and realism simultaneously.
There are 3 terms bucko. The third one is the most likely to be false.

>> No.15175601

How many fingers am I thinking of holding up?

>> No.15175617
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>There are sufficiently many other results destroying local realism equally well
True. There are even theorems ruling out
There are even theorems ruling out entire classes of NOE LOCAL hidden variable theories. See picrel

>> No.15175623

Telepathy doesn't imply arbitrary levels of omniscience. Its more that I my brain can sense the electrogmanetic field surrounding me, and simulate a vision of the world as if my neurons are sensors capable of resonating with some of the waves and processing that into my visual field of activity. In that sense, telepathy is more about interacting with waves and bouncing them off various objects, than it is about picking up on thoughts and words from hundreds of thousands of miles away from people I don't even know.
If I had to guess you are thinking of one hand holding up 1 finger and the other 3 fingers, but that is an arbitrary guess it has nothing to do with telepathic insight.
Telepathy is like using my brain as a low resolution microwave radar transceiver. Sometimes it can pick up on direct thoughts from several of the available extradimensional telepaths, but regular humans hardly put out any signal worth investigating.

>> No.15175624

No, doubt is contemplating that one might plausibly deny something one is currently accepting. You cannot both perceive an idea as true and deny it at the same time, unless you're literally schizophrenic

>> No.15175635
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Here is some more ammo against macro realism as well. That is to say, some ammo against those who say QM applies only to the micro world.

>> No.15175637

You just explained how to accept an idea and deny it at the same time, cognitive dissonance is another example, people contradict themselves all the time without being literally schizophrenic.

>> No.15175643

Basically you inevitably encounter solipsism and then you have to decide whether or not to take it seriously and it breaks your mind. Just don't conceptualize, that's how you get to the true truth

>> No.15175647

>If I had to guess you are thinking of one hand holding up 1 finger and the other 3 fingers,
Nope, I was thinking of holding up 69 fingers, sorry, good luck on your future telepathetic attempts.

>> No.15175650

Also baseline of experience is I am

>> No.15175657
File: 348 KB, 1197x1617, A Stronger Theorem Against Macro-realism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has been strengthened and generalized by the way. And so macro objects don't have to possess defined values in spacetime unless measured observed anymore than micro objects do. This is another obvious clue abut the brain not possibly being the seat of consciousness. It doesn't even have to be rendered until observation/measurement, the same as with all matter. Render on demand, and only to the resolution demanded by the specs of the observer or the instruments of the observer.

>> No.15175662

Simulation theorists need to unplug themselves.

>> No.15175675

>Simulation theorists need to unplug themselves
This is to log off from a particular (virtual/information based) body/avatar. This happens at death. You log on to other data streams in other consciousness based VRs in dreams and day dreams as well. Those are not as persistent as the waking VR though, and generally not as immersive. But yes, at death I will cease interfacing with this particular data stream and avatar and log on to another, as will you, and just as you logged on to your current avatar with a fresh experience packet at birth in this particular iteration.

>> No.15175678

You're an actual schizophrenic. You need to be medicated.

>> No.15175689

Maybe i should have spelled it out more for slow kids but no, contemplating that x might be false while believing x is true is not the same as believing x is false and x is true. Cognitive dissonance is the stress incurred by getting information contradicting your beliefs and not changing them, it kinda proves my point that one can't accept x and not-x and stay healthy. The fact that people contradict themselves in conversation (when it suits them situationally) doesn't say anything about their inner life, the beliefs they actually hold.

>> No.15175694

>and stay healthy.
Moving the goal posts. I never said it was healthy to be filled with doubt, I just said doubt is the word for the thing you said didn't exist.

>> No.15175745

Being schizophrenic is not staying healthy. Thats why i mentioned it in >>15175624
one can believe that an idea might be false, but not that an idea is true and is false. Just some simple logic

>> No.15175758

>one can believe that an idea might be false, but not that an idea is true and is false.
That type of conclusion is called a dialetheia, a superposition is a similar example, and it isn't listed in the DSM as any symptom of schizophrenia, you are imagining things.

>> No.15175778
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>Which one of these is your antiscientific belief?

Hey come on, dude, stop bullshitting me ... :DD

>> No.15175820

No, that's just pretending that paraconsistent logic makes sense because you say so. I can *say* that I'm not writing a post on /sci/ right now but I can't really believe it, and neither could any supposed dialetheist. They might not be schizos, just common academic bullshitters.

>> No.15175958

It makes people on /sci/ go insane because they just end up reading stupid /x/ theories, or take modern philosophy of mind seriously. Just read Erwin Schrodinger's lecture on Mind and Matter, Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Arthur Schopenhauer's World as Will and Representation.
Schopenhauer influenced a lot of physicists, for example Schrodinger, Einstein, Wolfgang Pauli, and Ernst Mach. One reading of his dissertation on the Fourfold Root of Sufficient Reason, will give you more knowledge on consciousness then nearly all modern day academics.

>> No.15176349

I believe that is called the shotgun to head method of enlightenment.

>> No.15176924

>that's just pretending
You mean like you are just pretending you can speak for everyone else or are qualified to make medical diagnoses?