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File: 283 KB, 1300x975, 5ec40579988ee358b2424904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15171611 No.15171611 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ explain the incredible architecture of Eoropean civilizations?

>> No.15171612

What is there to explain?

>> No.15171613

Colonialism, imperialism, chauvinism, exploitation of people of color, etc.

>> No.15171614
File: 265 KB, 2100x1178, hero-bg.jpg.31cd73c3ef36f3fcc3f137e75dddbf62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity. Comapre and contrast with atheist architecture.

>> No.15171620

it's funny because gothic architecture was named gothic because it was seen by contemporaries as barbarous and ugly

>> No.15171622

Alien culture stolen by the Egyptians and rediscovered/stolen by ancient England.

>> No.15171623

>it was seen by contemporaries as barbarous and ugly
Those "contemporaries" being who?

>> No.15171625

>if only they knew how bad things were gonna be

>> No.15171631

Being some guys who lived later during the renaissance. The actual contemporaries called it the french art.

>> No.15171634

Just as the Egyptians didn't build the pyramids, medieval folks didn't build the cathedrals and palaces, they've just found it and used it.

>> No.15171637

That's why the glass, paintings, and stonework depict christianity, right?

>> No.15171638

Jesus was an alien. His miracles were alien technology.

>> No.15171639
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>> No.15171648

If stealing architecture was possible, niggers would have stolen it like they steal everything else.

>> No.15171651
File: 783 KB, 1200x900, ZB531-03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your le Christian architecture.

>> No.15171653

Your corporate narrative has no traction here. Back to preddit, child rapist.

>> No.15171654
File: 146 KB, 1023x685, depositphotos_4188777-stock-photo-africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers only know how to stack adobe. Can't even stack rocks like sand niggers in Egypt.

>> No.15171656

Stealing as in "intentionally erasing the part of history where the middle east influenced Europe"

>> No.15171658
File: 2.87 MB, 2400x3000, Sagrada_Familia_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>construction started in 1882
>still not finished
they should have used medieval technology instead

>> No.15171662
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>integrating """modern""" influences into it

>> No.15171663

>Stealing as in [not stealing]
It's all so tiresome. Why do you even bother? You can tell what political ideology the literally-who author has just from the inflammatory anti-white, anti-european title of the book.

>> No.15171666
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Temples and complex structures have always been a thing inside and outside of Europe. Grandiose structures are useful to legitimate non-democratic rulers and scare potential invaders (signals power and capability of mobilizing many people to a task).

>> No.15171674
File: 339 KB, 1439x1432, c853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grandiose structures are useful to legitimate non-democratic rulers

>> No.15171677

So what would be "intetionally exaggerating the part of history where the middle east influenced Europe" ?
Because islamic architecture didn't "shape europe".

>> No.15171678
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Where is your cathedral at, Anon?

>> No.15171679

What are you on about, you diseased NPC?

>> No.15171684
File: 711 KB, 925x900, 1668360334865072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colonialism, imperialism, chauvinism, exploitation of people of color, etc.

>> No.15171687

Catenary arches? Yes.

>> No.15171689

Literally every early Renaissance mathematician or physicist read translations of Arabic works.

>> No.15171690


>> No.15171691

>Temples and complex structures have always been a thing inside and outside of Europe. Grandiose structures are useful to legitimate non-democratic rulers and scare potential invaders (signals power and capability of mobilizing many people to a task).
Try sucking less cocks faggot

>> No.15171697

He can't. Deepthroating outsiders is the central pillar of his whole being.

>> No.15171715

So all those buildings are dedicated to revering atheism?

>> No.15171717

No, but their design is informed by atheistic culture and conforms to atheistic "values" (i.e. no values).

>> No.15171720

Yes, and how is it shaping europe ? Do you think you could make a book titled "STEALING FROM THE GREEKS - how greek architecture shaped the islamic world" because arab mathematicians read greek mathematicians ?

>> No.15171722
File: 21 KB, 250x250, EISENMAN_PORTRAITbio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their design is informed by atheistic culture
You mean jewish.

PE: I am not preaching disharmony. I am suggesting that disharmony might be part of the cosmology that we exist in. I am not saying right or wrong. My children live with an unconscious fear that they may not live out their natural lives. I am not saying that fear is good. I am trying to find a way to deal with that anxiety. An architecture that puts its head in the sand and goes back to neoclassicism, and Schinkel, Lutyens, and Ledoux, does not seem to be a way of dealing with the present anxiety. Most of what my colleagues are doing today does not seem to be the way to go. Equally, I do not believe that the way to go, as you suggest, is to put up structures to make people feel comfortable, to preclude that anxiety. What is a person to do if he cannot react against anxiety or see it pictured in his life? After all, that is what all those evil Struwwel Peter characters are for in German fairy tales.

CA: Don't you think there is enough anxiety at present? Do you really think we need to manufacture more anxiety in the form of buildings?

PE: Let me see if I can get it to you another way. Tolstoy wrote about the man who had so many modern conveniences in Russia that when he was adjusting the chair and the furniture, etc., that he was so comfortable and so nice and so pleasant that he didn't know -- he lost all control of his physical and mental reality. There was nothing. What I'm suggesting is that if we make people so comfortable in these nice little structures of yours, that we might lull them into thinking that everything's all right, Jack, which it isn't. And so the role of art or architecture might be just to remind people that everything wasn't all right. And I'm not convinced, by the way, that it is all right.

>> No.15171724
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Ummm no, sweaty. This kind of reasoning only applies when I feel like it, and I only feel like applying it to trivialize and question European culture.

>> No.15171727

>You mean jewish.
It's literally the same thing.

>> No.15171740

>Do you think you could make a book titled "STEALING FROM THE GREEKS - how greek architecture shaped the islamic world" because arab mathematicians read greek mathematicians ?
No Islamic author denies they were using Greeks as a start point of their philosophical inquiries. In fact they had great respect for them.

>> No.15171763

Why didn't you answer his question as stated, filthby kike?

>> No.15171769

Gothic often cathedrals took centuries to be built, and that's without the confines of labour rights and safety restrictions.

>> No.15171772

I wasn't aware Egypt was in Europe

>> No.15171778

I wasn't aware reddit was in 4chan.

>> No.15171826
File: 846 KB, 1600x1266, st-peters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is st. peter's basilica.
each letter in the inscriptions is 2 meters tall
construction started in 1505 and it continued for 120 years

i am so fucking proud of being european

>> No.15171828

Stay on >>>/his/

>> No.15171831

I hope the rest of your temples burn to the ground like notre dame for raping and pillaging my people during the crusades.

>> No.15171837
File: 179 KB, 1024x861, MUSLIMS_are_not_the_problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the west has been spending trillions of dollars in fucking the middles east over for centuries now

i am even more proud now

>> No.15171840
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>I hope the rest of your temples burn to the ground like notre dame for raping and pillaging my people during the crusades.
Who are "your people"?

>> No.15171841

Cope. We have integrated into your population centres. Your governments actively promote our wellfare and welcome us in. You will all burn.

>> No.15171864

Why are you astroturfing so poorly polack?

>> No.15172131

do you even know what happens when you piss off Europeans just a bit?

>> No.15172137

dutton says christianity selected for genius

>> No.15172265

high intelligence and ambition.

>> No.15172269
File: 11 KB, 280x180, temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egypt did big temples first

>> No.15172273

they file a complaint?

>> No.15172277
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>> No.15172284

So what? They were not in europe

>> No.15172285

>So what?
So OP's question remains valid.

>> No.15172289

OP talks abut european civilizations, not about whites in general, that also exist in the middle east and north africa and central asia

>> No.15172292

Filthy kike fuck off.

>> No.15172293

Why are you reneging?

>> No.15172298
File: 34 KB, 500x375, bf3c218d6caaafe48e4d1ccd3b133ebf--happy-dogs-so-happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I fucking love being white

>> No.15172299

Sorry, I'm completely immune to your loxism-driven pilpul. Back go /pol/ with this shit.

>> No.15172328

Your personal attacks only prove you have no argument. Egypt is not in europe and the OP talked about european civilization, you have lost the argument

>> No.15172338

I don't know if you're trolling or mentally ill or jewish or what. This board is beyond hope.

>> No.15172367
File: 170 KB, 1280x836, EgliseSaintPierreLeCorbusierFirminy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIY Le Corbusier was antisemite and fascist party co-founder

>> No.15172375
File: 129 KB, 640x988, oyvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kike chimp out thread lolololol

>> No.15172376

I'm Israeli and I still kek'd.

>> No.15172379
File: 387 KB, 1080x1620, Karla_caves_Chaitya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More examples of european artitecture. All this carved into a moutain in stone so basically a man made cave.

>> No.15172382 [DELETED] 

looks dirty like something filthy white apes would do. why does whitey hate nature so much?

>> No.15172387 [DELETED] 

Just paints decayed over time not actually dirty. The whole thing was once pajnted

>> No.15172388 [DELETED] 

whites and their low quality paints. real cultures make paint that lasts

>> No.15172390

Gee another arch who would have thought?

>> No.15172421

if it ain't broke

>> No.15173428

There's no way they could have built these things with the tools they had available at the time

>> No.15173483
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