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15171505 No.15171505 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any drugs that improve sleep quality/efficiency and not just or not mainly sleep latency? The only one that helps with it is methylphenidate (at cost of sometimes making me feel narcoleptic)

>> No.15171507

*helps me with

>> No.15171508 [DELETED] 



>> No.15171516
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I guess I upset someone

>> No.15172018

Set an alarm in the middle of the night. Huge benefit to sleep latency, and helps control oversleep.

>> No.15173745


>> No.15173813

I wanna know this too I guess I have lots of bad habits I tried weed which I know is bad but that shit knocked me out like crazy.

I either can't sleep and when I do sleep I sleep way too much. I had a routine back in HS but even then there was at least 1 or 2 days a week where I got little or no sleep and stayed up all night then I would pull an all nighter and fall asleep for 14 hours

>> No.15173831

No matter how hard I try it just seems I will sometimes not be able to fall asleep like my brain isn't tired then I am tired the next day and fall asleep for a long time.

I have tried getting a decent sleep schedule for years and all it takes is one day to ruin it. So I kinda have given up I just stay awake till I am tired then go to sleep which is at random hours people always ask me if I got good sleep because my eyes have dark circles.

>> No.15173960 [DELETED] 

>my brain isn't tired
your body isn't tired, you lead a lazy, inactive lifestyle and at the end of the day you are not physically exhausted so you cannot sleep.

>> No.15173962

Baclofen and Xyrem (GHB) both increase stage four deep sleep. Delta sleep inducing peptide. Morning intranasal melanotan 2 also helps with wakefulness. Also try getting an oxygen concentrator and using surgical tape to tape your mouth while you sleep. Don't suggest it without the oxygen concentrator can lead to insufficient oxygen and waking up if you have any obstruction or sinus inflation. Good luck fren. t. IQ of 160

>> No.15174031

Magnesium Glycinate makes me sleep like a baby.

>> No.15174699

you shouldn't have to be physically exhausted every day of your life just to perform a basic bodily function retard

>> No.15174707

just take it a couple hours before you sleep and it should be ridiculous

and it's not a light shallow sleep like youve been knocked out, but a deep complete sleep like youve hibernated

>> No.15175766

You should tell us what your sleep problem is more exactly.
(If you wake up too early, then your problem is being stressed. Likely you dislike the work you do or similar. If your problem is not feeling like going to bed, see below.)

Measure your sleep. Here are a few suggestions:
Write down daily when you go to bed and when you get up. Also write down how good you have slept (I personally dislike just rating things with a number here because it makes me feel too goal driven, but that is your choice).

I think I have the same problem as you.

Measure your sleep as well. Likely movement or a generally unhealthy lifestyle might be your problem.
What you should look at:
Write down your physical and mental exhaustion on a daily basis. Write down what you did on that day overall. You should be able to see trends.

I measure my sleep cycle as well. The trend I was able to observe best was being in front of the computer late. Of course this is only correlation and not causation. I am in front of the computer late because I am not exhausted enough to go to bed.
I think I personally should look more at how I cognitively feel when going to bed. In what way do I feel exhausted mentally, how much did I feel socially engaged on any given day etc.

Generally speaking: sleep is very much a endocrine thing, but always different. Hitting it with drugs is not what will help you restore your sleep to normalcy.
A relative I know got sleep problems very suddenly and shortly thereafter was diagnosed with cancer (and also depression). I highly suspect the Interleukin system or generally cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to have been at play. I think loneliness was a problem for him as well.

>> No.15175769

why is the sleep drug called melanin
does it make you black

>> No.15175794

Hard time falling asleep even if exhausted (mainly at night), hard time getting rest (doesn't matter if it's 2h or 16h), hard time waking up and I feel sleepy at random (usually during day or in the morning). The only thing that helped with all, but last is methylphenidate; if my body wants to go to sleep then ritlain can make it easier (I tend to feel sleepy on it) to fall asleep, get rest, get adequate amount of sleep (8-9h) and wake up easier

>> No.15175840 [DELETED] 

>you shouldn't have to be physically exhausted to
physically sleep.
>reeeeeee!! its not fair!!!!!

>> No.15175869

What do you mean by feeling sleepy at random? Is it a "brainfog" feeling?

>even if exhausted
Do you mean physically exhausted (like having worked out)?

I think this is the point where I should say I am not an expert (because it seems like this turns more into a therapy session).

>> No.15175883

I know few people who take melatonin gummies and they swear it works and helps them sleep

>> No.15175885
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>is it brainfog feeling
No. I just want to go to sleep at random (like 6 am one day, 6 pm the other day and 12 am the other one etc. aka no regular schedule or rythm to it) and can be sleepy at random even if it doesn't make sense (already slept a lot or in the middle of day out of blue)
>physically exhausted
Be it physical or mental, I just can't fall asleep without spending several hours laying in bed or/and exterting myself till I almost pass out even if I feel sleepy as long as it isn't "the time" aka any time my body feels like falling asleep

>> No.15175899 [DELETED] 

keep on making excuses for your lazy, slovenly lifestyle and you will continue to lead and unsatisfying and frustrating life. whats so attractive to you about being physically impotent anyway? are you trans?

>> No.15175907
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>> No.15176018

Possibly you have the same problem I have (although maybe not).
And that would be lack of a proper social life or other things (mentally diverse work) forcing you to a regular sleep cycle.
I guess this leads to me being serotonin deficient (although I dislike this way of thinking in terms of the chemical hammer).

How fast does the feeling of "wanting to go to sleep" set on? Like... Try to convey how it feels. (I am thinking about narcolepsy here)
Generally what does it mean to "want to go to sleep"?

When did your sleep problems start? (for me I was always late to bed)

As I said multiple times before now I don't think for proper sleep there is a single point of intervention (At this point I may as well recommend to you the video from which I learned the most regarding sleep, and that is https://youtu.be/dnGACHPr1nM?t=482.. You really should ignore the self-advertisements though).

I will go to bed now, so see you in a few hours.

>> No.15176062

btw: I ran our dialogue through OpenAI and it says you have "circadian rhythm disorder" (which basically just states the obvious - a general disorder of circadian sleep)

Also I wonder about your sleep hygiene. (I for one don't have it as you can see by me still being awake.)

>> No.15176086

>lack of proper social life
Not really. Whenever there is opportunity I try to spend time with friends or family
>want to go to sleep feels like
Nearly irresistible urge to lay down, close down eyes and fall asleep orboutright fall asleep. I don't have narcolepsy as far as I know, but I do know I can sleepwalk, sleepeat, seek out food while asleep or sleep talk + my brother has REM sleep disorder (so I might have it as well). Might have had episodes of cataplexy (or absence seizures), but I'm unsure since diagnostics I went through as child never found anything
>when did it start
Since birth? I know I had problems with sleep for god knows how long
I recall that one, but for me it's like I hate structure and schedules so much at subconcious level (I have adhd, diagnosed in childhood and resistant to all behaviour modifications interventions, only got medicated for it when my appetite went ape shit and started to be constantly ravenous) that unless forced by strong drugs it's pretty much impossible to have regular routine
>sleep hygiene
Doesn't matter for me. I can avoid electronics, stay calm, get rid of all light and have quiet surrounding and still be unable to feel asleep if my body doesn't feel like it (being mentally and physically restless doesn't help either - I seem to have rls in both legs and arms)

>> No.15177880

This sounds a lot like you should redo the diagnostics you have gone through as a child.