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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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15167789 No.15167789 [Reply] [Original]

Was there a legitimate scientific justification for picking May 11 as the official end date of the epidemic?

>> No.15167830

That this pandemic charade has gone on long enough that people are seeing through it>>15167789

>> No.15168302

Retards, they can't keep student loans paused any longer at this point that's why this is happening.

>> No.15168351

They could erase all of them if they wanted to and it would improve the economy dramatically. All that money is fake, it never existed.

>> No.15168357

>They could erase all of them if they wanted to and it would improve the economy dramatically
All it would do would be to rreduce a diploma value to almost zero due to increased supply of graduates

>> No.15168368

That has already occurred, so it's a moot point. Granting a total debt holiday on student loans or letting them be discharged through bankruptcy would shutter all student loan sharks overnight and cut off the tap of devalued degrees from then on.

>> No.15168370

>implying that already isn't a problem

>> No.15168378

>and cut off the tap of devalued degrees from then on.
It would only increase the flow of that tap, I've seen it happen here since college is "free" (taxpayers finance it)

It never was a problem and it will never be became noe on in history made any money because they had a piece of paper with their name

>> No.15168750

Oh look, it's another Boomer from 1970 who still thinks banks issue student loans. It's the taxpayers who get fucked by loan forgiveness or discharge in bankruptcy because over 95% of student loans are owed to the government, not to banks. Stop posting about things you have no understanding about.

>> No.15168850

except that the government directly intervening and arbitrarily canceling large amounts of debt it previously guaranteed by force of gun would probably ruin confidence in the whole Fed debt arbitrage shell game
so yes, do it faggot. collapse the dollar scam and make gold and crypto globally sovereign.

>> No.15168852

>It would only increase the flow of that tap, I've seen it happen here since college is "free" (taxpayers finance it)
You didn't read. No more loans would be offered with guaranteed repayment if the government could just cancel the debt, meaning the tap would shut off.

>> No.15168857

Actual retard detected. The feds sell student loans to private companies. It's a kind of financial derivative scheme. Very few student loans are held by the government, if any.

>> No.15169043

In christian folklore it is described as the beginning of the "Ice Saints"-Days.

"The Ice Saints are St. Mamertus (or, in some countries, St. Boniface of Tarsus), St. Pancras, and St. Servatius. They are so named because their feast days fall on the days of May 11, May 12, and May 13 respectively, known as the blackthorn winter in Austrian, Belgian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, North-Italian, Polish, Slovak, Slovene and Swiss folklore."

"In parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the period from May 12 to May 15 is often believed to bring a brief spell of colder weather in many years, including the last nightly frosts of the spring. Pupils of Galileo confirmed this weather pattern for the years 1655-70 and reported a marked cold snap over the days of the Ice Saints."

In meteorology, the Ice Saints represent a so-called singularity.

From the beginning of May, temperatures in Central Europe are sometimes already quite high. However, high temperatures can be interrupted by weather conditions in which cold polar air flows into Central Europe. If the sky is then clear under the influence of high pressure, the nighttime radiation can lead to ground frost.

In the history of climate, warm periods and cold periods have always alternated irregularly. For example, from 950/1000 to 1200/1300 there was the medieval warm period; it favored the settlement of colder parts of Europe as well as agriculture and animal husbandry. This period was followed by the so-called Little Ice Age (early 15th century to the 19th century). The Little Ice Age also saw significant climate fluctuations; for example, the periods from 1570 to 1630 and from 1675 to 1715 were particularly cold periods.

Since the end of the Little Ice Age, and especially toward the end of the 20th century, growing seasons have become increasingly longer and spring frosts rarer and shorter, and also less severe than in the past.

>> No.15170608

its a thursday

>> No.15171825
File: 353 KB, 1284x1358, 7521B482-0479-44E4-8239-3E1A7EC7299A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans spend a lot more money in summer.

If you can convince the holdouts to spend you can avert depression 2.0

However, anyone holding out still is simply too smart to be fooled and economic collapse is what the populace deserves for their foolishness.

>> No.15171842

No, that's incorrect. If the government "forgave" the loans, it would be on the hook for making the "investors", mostly retirement accounts held by the public, whole. There is no possible scenario where "the banks" get fucked because "the banks" aren't involved unless you consider companies administering investment portfolios to be "the banks". Guess you can argue they're "investment banks" but even that would be a disingenuous interpretation of the situation as the "investment banks" would lose nothing, the investors in the portfolios would be who get fucked if the government could abolish student debt without making whole those financial instruments. Good luck explaining to wage slaves why their 401(k) lost half of its value because of "debt forgiveness". Surely no political consequences to that.

>> No.15172381 [DELETED] 
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financial motivations

>> No.15172391

Its an arbitary time. My gusss part of having an national emergency requires certain meetings or something or filings that need to be done. May 11th being the date after one final meeting or last filing.

>> No.15172397

Didn't read. Bad hairline and butt jaw and no eyebrows. Needs cosmetic surgery.

>> No.15172398

>Surely no political consequences to that.
The more uncomfortable and deranged boomers become the better.

>> No.15172405

That's when China will invade Taiwan. We'll be in WWIII at that point so there will be a smooth transition from one emergency crisis to another without having unnecessary down time.

>> No.15172409

gas prices will average over $6 this summer
food prices will also be at record highs

>> No.15172425 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1080x1028, soyence grad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every animal in the wilderness will be shot and eaten, dwellers of the urban cattle pens will go broke and starve

>> No.15172442

Where's the downside?

>> No.15172444

nothing to do with climate change, just OPEC, burnt down food processing facilities and culled livestock

>> No.15174102

he can now afford it

>> No.15174660

The pandemic is hardly over. Lots of people are still dying, and it could get worse. However they should focus on what really prevents le covid: ventilation and masks.