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15167290 No.15167290 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody found the cause and solution of bloated stomatch and farting?
Im not fat and the only obvious intolerancies that i know are mustard and honey.
These intolerance list tests are a meme as far as I know.
How the f*ck do you solve this?

Sometimes I go some days without problems and others I feel the bloaty and farting again.
I've tried removing stuff from my diet but I don't know what could be.

How do you go about removing stuff? There may be a number of different foods that cause this. So you remove one for a while, doesn't work, you remove another, doesn't work.... what if it keeps happening and you have removed most of your diet? what do you even eat?

I don't even lift and I don't have any of these weird diets (oats, GOMAD and other type of meme eating that could lead to bloaty and farting)

As far as eating too much, I don't think so, I haven't counted calories, but I eat 3 times a day, 2 main meals and a snack. The thing is, the total amount of calories must be around the standard of 2200-2400 or so where I stay lean.

It just sucks that you don't know what causes it. I don't know how to go about it. Im taking pictures of everythig I eat trying to make a log, but the thing is, the effects may come from what you ate 2 or 3 days ago, who knows, so it's complex trying to isolate what causes it. I don't want to take some crazy measure like removing all carbs at once and then end up in a meme diet situation like keto, not really a solution. It has to be something isolated, and if it was some massive part of a diet (like removing all carbs) one should find out how to process carbs properly, what causes the carbs problem and then fix it. But in any case that's just a theory, I would need to find out first. Im going to get some labs and try to rule out any pathogens. Would like to know if someone went throght this and found the solution.

>> No.15167313

>How do you go about removing stuff?
start by only eating one simple food for like a week straight. It's boring, but sometimes you need boring to get a good baseline.

>> No.15167336

Could you describe exactly the process?
You are saying I should eat the same meal for a week? Isn't this not really good in terms of micronutrients and so on? how do you keep everything that you need meet if you just eat the same thing 3 times a day?

>> No.15167400

>waaah if I grilled chicken and greens for a week my hair will fall out and i'll die of malnutrition!

>> No.15167420

Gluten, fiber, lactose

>> No.15168535

Could you describe the first diet I should try for a week and see if I don't notice any bloat?

Literally grilled chicken with some greens on it every day?

No rice? or any other ideas?

And no fruit?

Also why only chicken and not other meats?

>> No.15168542

>Could you describe the first diet I should try for a week and see if I don't notice any bloat?
carnivore diet

>Literally grilled chicken with some greens on it every day?
no, eat 1 kg of meat a day, some eggs and a citrus fruit

>> No.15168560

>try for a week and see if I don't notice any bloat?
Bloat is due to bad bacteria feeding on carbs and celluose (fiber).

Eat more yogurt, fresh meat and milk and eggs and eliminate most of your carbs (breads, pastas, sugary drinks and fruit juices, candy, etc. )
Get plenty of fats from butter, avocado, olive oil, meats.
Takes more than a week for your body to adjust, especially since you obviously have too much bad bacteria in your intestines.

>> No.15168569

Eat only meat and vegetables (not root) for about 3 weeks. See how things go and if it helps kill off whatever is fueling your microbiome's fart festival.

>> No.15168580

Low fodmap

>> No.15168942

its 100% trial and error of finding foods that work for you personally, everyone gut biome, taste prefs, energy needs, budget and access to food is different.

>> No.15168975

Wow man. Do some basic research on nutrition using Wikipedia. Try starting with probiotics like kefir or even something more specialised like a probiotic pill (only if it's been kept in a refrigerator).

You also need to shift your diet. Less carbs, more veggies. No idea how some anons can eat 1kg of meat per day that's dumb. I would never shit if I ate that.

Also carbs are not so bad if they are whole grain. Stuff like brown rice, oats, polenta. Avoid excessively processed white flours and sugars.

You can go further and remove gluten. Mixing alternative carbs like buckwheat into your diet can help balance your nutrients better anyway.

Just eat clean, healthy food. Keep a meal diary. Study the results. Use the power of science.

>> No.15169511

>Isn't this not really good in terms of micronutrients and so on?
if you keep meat and eggs as your primary source of sustinence you'll be fine
>No rice?
whole grain rice is safer if you're trying to find gut issues. if it's not milk based products I'd highly suggest introducing things like yogurts (I lean towards skyr since it's higher protein and less fats) avocado, and cheese to the diet to get healthy fats in there
stop eating goyslop as much as possible and focus on whole, unaltered foods

>> No.15169552 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15169558

Did you check inulin (NOT inSulin)?
It does not cause allergy but makes the intestinal micro biome go into overdrive, making lots of gas in the process.

>> No.15169628

>muh carnivore diet
meme diet

>> No.15169631

eating 1kg a day of meat is retarded and oats suck, they are hard to diggest

you cannot have good energy levels without carbs, see ray peat approach

>> No.15169635

processed foods are good, they require less postprandial energy, you can have more kcals (energy) with less density, you reach easier your required more efficiently. it is a cult to avoid them, on the extreme of the expectrum are the raw food eating retards.

>> No.15170855
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>eating 1kg a day of meat is retarded
The healthiest people in the history of humanity ate 5lbs of red meat a day (Buffalo) which is about 2.5kg for Eurofag metric measurements. They were the tallest, leanest, and most physically fit humans in the world during their existence, until smallpox and government military killed them all.

>> No.15170858


>> No.15170871

This. I've noticed bread (especially from sub places) makes me bloated and gassy. Cooked carbs like rice done.

>> No.15170890

>eating 1kg a day of meat is retarded
it's literally soiboi tier, people used to eat kgs of meat
>To understand how difficult and physically demanding the Corps of Discovery Expedition was, you need only look at the amount of food they consumed. On July 13, 1805, Clark wrote: "We eat an emensity of meat; it requires 4 deer, or an elk and a deer, or one buffaloe to supply us plentifully 24 hours."
>When wild game was plentiful, each man consumed up to 9 pounds of meat in one day.

>> No.15170900

>I don't understand math
You're pretending every day is like Thanksgiving retard.

>> No.15170912


>> No.15170921

I can tell you're slow so let me spell it out. I'm not saying lewis and Clark celebrated Thanksgiving dumbass. I'm saying that if you told an alien species how much an american it's it'd be accurate to say
>When food was plentiful, some people are up to 8 pounds of turkey

>> No.15171033

How are you going to meet your calcium requeriments if you only meat chicken?

>> No.15171049

The Spanish Empire was the only empire that civilized them. The anglofrench has sure made a good job in hiding the hideous story about their empires and trying to paint the Spaniards as barbaric Europeans.

As far as how healthy native americans were vs Europeans thanks to eating buffalo, not sure if relevant. Proto-indo-europeans supposedly ruled other groups and conquered europe thanks to a mutation that allowed them to drink milk.

>> No.15171161

I've heard bro science state that there are three basic kinds of people. Meat eaters, carb eaters and vegetable eaters.

I suspect it goes deeper than that. It's possible that much of your nutritional deficiencies can be mitigated by specialised gut bacterial, which then die and are absorbed by your body.

I prefer to utilise the full benefit of being omnivorous. That means whole grains and vegetables for carbs and meat. It's the best diet for many reasons. I'm not bulking though so my protein requirements are low. I don't eat meat every day.

Maybe a high meat diet is something you can adapt to buy in my case, I strongly doubt it.

Rolled oats digests just fine. The steel cut oats meme is unnecessary.

>> No.15172217

I've been told to remove pretty much every food if I gather all the advice i've read. This is bullshit.

>> No.15173061

The problem is that you're too stupid to filter what you have been told here by doing your own research. If you are a stupid person you will get no sympathy here.

>> No.15173719

>filtering shitty advice

>> No.15173727

>just eat meat and spinach for a month bro
There are no realistic methods here. You are going to end up eating a shitty diet and probably generating an intolerance where there wasn't (like the tards that stop eating gluten, milk etc when it's ok, then they try to eat it again after a while and they can't)

>proces to eat raw food
>gets a bacterial infection
rawtards are the worse in this new age of memetdiets

>> No.15174293

use monolaurin, later a 30+ strain probiotic.

don't eat refined sweets/grains. the ferrous oxide is feeding opportunistic bacteria, and causing inflammation.

i ill not elaborate further. I fucking hate captcha. this is the 4th time...

godspeed dude, and fuck anything that has the words "magnesium stearate" on the back.

>> No.15174323 [DELETED] 

Try lactose first, it's the most common. You may be eating too much legumes at once.

>> No.15174324

Try lactose first, it's the most common. You may also be eating too much legumes at once.

>> No.15174326

Calcium requirements are milk industry propaganda, there is no evidence that anything above 300mg/day is needed.

>> No.15174329
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shills gonna shill about shit and fart forever until they die

>> No.15174332


>> No.15174356


And that is exceptional. The typical hunter gatherer is something like 5'5"

>> No.15175239

>the effects may come from what you ate 2 or 3 days ago, who knows
It doesn't matter, make that log.

>> No.15175369

Quit eating so much pizza you fat fuck

>> No.15176301

- Farts are cause by foods with sulfur in them

>> No.15176417

are dry roasted peanuts good for you? don't those have good fats? i would eat peanut butter but i think it has added sugars, so i'd rather eat peanuts.