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15165097 No.15165097 [Reply] [Original]

Are normies lying when they say their gf is interesting. I have never met a girl who was remotely as smart as the smartest men I know. I could go into any math department and find a smarter guy then the smartest girls I have met.

Are all women destined to be midwits regardless of IQ?

>> No.15165099

I have never met a girl who if she to gender swap and be a man that I would find a truly interesting person. Sure most men are boring too but I would say if you look hard enough you can find interesting men.

>> No.15165104

I don't make an effort to know women. They are objects for sexual gratification not sentient beings.

>> No.15165107

I wouldn't go that far because most men fall into the same category. The only difference is there is a small but significant portion of men who are not NPCs.

Its not hard to find them over a long enough time span.

>> No.15165106

>Are normies lying when they say their gf is interesting.
>Are all women destined to be midwits regardless of IQ?

>> No.15165130

Nope. But I haven't met many smart men either. The smartest guy I can think of was a diehard Christian from Germany and after a while I decided he was boring as fuck.

>> No.15165139

Maybe I am a midwit but I have met interesting people. If you live in a small town then probably not but on the internet I have met a few people who IQ mog me to oblivion. Its a weird felling since normally I am on par or better then a lot of people,

Chances are you haven't looked hard enough.

>> No.15165220

In my opinion the most intelligent people are critical thinkers. And those are extremely rare.

>> No.15165244

I have but they were all quite old, experienced women. Ones who had several children and lived a long life (the the experiences of that life made their perspective interesting).

>> No.15165267

Jesus christ you cannot be a real person , no one is that unaware
You must be a bot of some sort that is being tested

>> No.15165285

Yes but they also have at least one serious mental illness

>> No.15165380
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Women will ruin your life , this Kids in the Hall dramatization is basically my lifes story


>> No.15165413
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Women have it on such easy mode and they still manage to fuck it up. If these girls were realistic they could end up with a semi good looking man with money at 22 and have a good life. They wait till 30 and end up with worse men.

Check out the study in pic related. Basically after 5 bodies its safe to assume most women are damaged. But it depends a girl who dates a rockstar will never be content with a man she thinks is lesser. Women will always pairbond the most with the first high value man she is with if that isn't you then she is one bad night away from leaving you. So yeah its very brutal basically if your not her first or if she has dated a man she views as better then you she can never fully love you and there will always be a doubt in her mind that she can't do better.

Men are different because they know when to leave well enough alone. But a woman who seriously thinks she can do better then you will never love you

>> No.15165423

Yes she is my good friend. Youre retarded and think that not knowing any cool women is indicitive for the whole fucking world lol.

>> No.15165439

What issue are you seeing there?

>> No.15165454

>Men are different because they know when to leave well enough alone. But a woman who seriously thinks she can do better then you will never love you
This is why women hate PUA/negging. As evil as it sounds, gaslighting women that they can't do better than you is psychologically effective and makes them recoil in fear at the thought it could be done to them.

>> No.15165458

social welfare destroyed women

>> No.15165463

Depends on what you mean by smart. My current girlfriend and my ex girlfriend were way better at writing then me. They knew more things about their respective field. They seemed to pick up somethings quickly other then stuff like programming (my exgf wanted me to teach her how to programming). They seemed smart. In fact my current girlfriend took the online iq test got had an iq of 110. What do you want from your girlfriend. how smart does she need to be and how are you measuring the smartness?

>> No.15165464

Smart? Yes, she had very good grades and knew many languages. She has not done much with her skills up to this point.
Interesting? Not at all.

>> No.15165465
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>> No.15165472

Yeah you will see all kinds of chads dating normie girls. But you will never see a Stacy of good looking girl end up with a normal guy. He will either be good looking or rich sometimes both. Very rarely does it occur with girls who have serious self esteem issues or girls who have been with the same guy since HS.

Guys don't really care unless she is ugly as long as she is easy to deal with (most women aren't)

>> No.15165475

>Are normies lying when they say their gf is interesting.
Not really. Whatever a women does is just inherently more interesting than when a man does it because it's not expected that they be exceptional, like when a kid can play guitar vs. an adult. Also anything women do can or is fetishized, so hobbies and skills they have seem fascinating to a man.

>> No.15165476

IQ and being interesting to talk with.

>> No.15165478

Its true sometimes I will be talking to a girl then I go home and jerk off and realize I just wasted an hour talking to a complete dumbie.

>> No.15165484

This only applies to lower middle class families. I think birth control reducing morals and online dating caused the bulk of it.

It was all downhill after the sexual revolution in the 70s

>> No.15165488

It's easy to appear smarter online than irl. I, for example, am terrible at quick-thinking in face-to-face social situations.

>> No.15165495

That is true... But at least the one anon I have been friends with for years is much smarter then me.

He was in an Ivy League school at 16 getting a math major. The amount of times he has helped me can't be faked I am getting a high paying job I really want to pay him back for tutoring me for free all those years I feel guilty because I doubt I have done much for him

You can fake intelligence especially online but only for so long usually you can tell if someone is an idiot in a few month of knowing them online depending on how dumb they are it will be more obvious

>> No.15165497

all these experts on women lmao

>> No.15165499

What about the loss of religiosity?

>> No.15165502

that goes hand in hand with reducing morals.

>> No.15165508

Your mom was smart and interesting. It's a shame she had to give up her dreams to raise you.

>> No.15165513
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, 1655094097193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's rare, but I've met a few. My ex-gf back from when I was in college was and still is one of the smartest people I know. Too bad that smart girls tend to be sluts in a bad way.
In my PhD there were some book smart women, but not wise. Except for one, there was an older woman married to logician. She was quite intelligent.
I've also attended to a class with a female mathematician that almost won a nobel. She was old as fuck, but still really sharp.

>> No.15165516

>Too bad that smart girls tend to be sluts in a bad way.

wdym by that?

>> No.15165531
File: 326 KB, 700x951, 1672812098428008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sluts that will have sex with anybody (including you) and are kinky are good.
Sluts that had sex with many men but are picky and try to hide their past are bad.
And smart girls know it's most rational for a woman to be a slut, regardless of the type.

>> No.15165533

tldr all women are whores

>> No.15165539

Unaware of what? Older people do have more life-experience.

>> No.15165552

I meet very smart female mathematicians all the time. There's tons of them nowadays. You can find retarded diversity hires out there, but you don't really ever meet those people if you're not a fraud yourself. If you stay in legitimate circles you'll talk to women who do legitimate work.
>I have never met a girl who was remotely as smart as the smartest men I know.
This I agree with. Every once in a while I meet a guy who is on such a different level I feel like a caveman by comparison. I've never felt that way with a woman.

>> No.15165558
File: 168 KB, 696x396, 1675114991286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only genuinely smart and interesting women were assigned male at birth.

>> No.15165609

Most trannies aren't smart.

>> No.15165617

most of them are neither smart nor interesting. they are not too stupid like some men, but few are the brightest. they are usually good at repetitive under guidance but not more creative task. if you left them to their own, they might screw up. most but not all of them fail to follow basic instructions by their own and freeze under stresses. that's why they are not suited in the military.
smart men only compliment women to get laid, nothing more.

>> No.15165633

And they're always uninteresting. Though it's fitting for the bottom of the male bell curve to try and hope they can hack it as women.

>> No.15165643

maybe you should go to college/uni or start working instead of hanging out in echo chambers

>> No.15165679

Yes they do
Water is wet
You have said so little of substance that you are hard to distinguish from a bot

>> No.15165681

What is uninteresting about hearing advice about family rearing and homemaking from someone who's been successful? That's incredibly interesting. At worst you can deduce how to train your own wife from what she tells you.

>> No.15165685
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>> No.15165807

Much like anything else, it's only interesting if you're interested in hearing about it.

>> No.15165809

That wasn't even me, but anyway, your response was retarded. "Unaware?" The guy replied to OP's question with a simple answer and that made you mad.

>> No.15165837

I've met a few but they are indeed rare

>> No.15165854

>The guy replied to OP's question with a simple answer and that made you mad.
anon it was so banal

>> No.15165855

Women are remarkably similar to men. I can't honestly perceive either gender as being smarter. I would say the differences are overstated.

>> No.15166195

Have you read any research on the gender differences in intelligence (primarily in variance, not in mean)? There's also many temperamental differences that we tend to associate with "smart" that have to do with self-advocacy, conscientiousness and determination that tend to be overrepresented in men relative to women.

I've worked with some incredibly intelligent female researchers and am well aware that intelligent women exist. You're lying to yourself if you think there aren't meaningful differences in intelligence and personality (not intelligence but related to behaviors which foster develop of human potential from intelligence) between men and women at the population level.

>> No.15166205

let's see all those women in the top 100 of chess then

let's look at all the 20th century inventions, nobel prizes, agreed upon innovations...oh it's all men, damn!

>> No.15166328

because you stopped them from participating in your institutions??? Asians are statistically smarter yet, never innovate... because you stopped them from participating in your institutions. That's why the 21st century has innovations and breakthroughs from a diverse groups of people because your institutions stopped being elitist

>> No.15166336

Really you guys should not fall for bait so easily...

>> No.15166364


>> No.15166368

>And smart girls know it's most rational for a woman to be a slut, regardless of the type
midwit girls*

>> No.15166369
File: 17 KB, 659x431, Brain_weight_age.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 21st century has innovations and breakthroughs
name one

>> No.15166377

>not a neuron density chart
and no I'm not saying women are smarter, I'm saying you're using retarded material for argumentation

>> No.15166387

There are small children with higher IQ than adult men. The brain weight correlation with intelligence doesn't work well when considering that.

>> No.15166413

>it's a weird feeling
yeah, my ex's brother was just staggeringly intelligent. made me feel like a retard (not that he bullied me, he was very kind)
it's interesting to meet someone really gifted like that

>> No.15166435

Yeah, I've met three in my life smarter than 99% of men, but nothing close to highly intelligent researchers, professors etc. Married one of the though, you can't have the other two either they are my backups.

Then I have also met many women who are themselves highly intelligent researchers, professors etc. who are definitely smart and at least do one or two sports, but aren't "interesting" in any definition I would use for the word.

>> No.15166438
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>> No.15166445
File: 531 KB, 958x1402, Screenshot_20230131_091155_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you stopped them from participating in your institutions???
No we did no, don't project the history of whatever third world shithole you come from on to us. Some of our greatest scientists and mathematicians were women. They have done more than thirdie men.
>Asians are statistically smarter yet, never innovate... because you stopped them from participating in your institutions.
And why should you racist little parasites be allowed at our institutions? Just build your own like China did.
>That's why the 21st century has innovations and breakthroughs from a diverse groups of people because your institutions stopped being elitist
It's the opposite though, the tokenization if the awards has ended and mostly white men are winning them again with the occasional bone tossed to third world dogs who keep complaining that their repeating of 20th century Western milestone should be considered notable.

>> No.15166461

Yeah its very rare though I would say its happened with maybe 2-3 people. Its sort of like being 6'5 most guys are shorter then you then you see a 7 foot tall guy

>> No.15166465
File: 195 KB, 666x1510, ooga booga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you stopped them from participating in your institutions???
if women are so smart, how were they so easily stopped? in the entire history of civilization women don't do much more than ingest semen, pop out babies and make sammiches, is that some sort of big conspiracy against womankind or is it just the way things played out? women in science are like black soience man minus the size and strength.

>> No.15166487
File: 112 KB, 800x800, Richard Lynn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are lumped into the middle of the IQ bell curve so naturally they are under-represented at the high end. Men above 130IQ outnumber women by 2 to 1. Men above 145IQ outnumber women by 5 to 1. It's nature not nurture that produces this effect. Evolutionary pressures on men to be effective problem solvers has traditionally been far stronger than it has for women. So to answer your question, yes, women are destined to be midwits.

>> No.15166520

thank you for this post. actually learning something useful on /sci/ is a rare gift.

>> No.15166524

Seems fake, but I don't know enough about reddit to know if they always just put a link to the post without any explanation as their reason of if they ever try to justify bans.

>> No.15166526

Kek'd at the incel's nervous breakdown.

>> No.15166529

So you think some old wagie who has spend the last 30 years stocking shelves full time at walmart has had more unique experiences than some trust fund kid or child star who has done more cocaine and wild parties than jimmy hendrix just because they lived more days?

>> No.15166538

>I could go into any math department and find a smarter guy then the smartest girls I have met.

You may be gay anon.
Which is okay! Just giving you the heads up

>> No.15166622

I've seen people reference this IQ variability. It doesn't leave much of an impression on me. I've observed temperamental differences, but not as you describe.
This is a rudimentary interpretation typical of someone I would designate as having low intelligence.

The drive to sexually differentiate ourselves influences a significant number of behaviours. Gender differences are perpetually reinforced by our own choices. This is particularly evident following puberty. Tests are a basic way to gauge intelligence, but it's a property that can only truly be understood through empathy.

>> No.15166627

Yes in fact I'd say women on average are more interesting then men.
However by default virtually any conversation with a woman becomes brainless as you both adjust your behaviour to get in each other's pants.

>> No.15166632

You have the one that bullied a pornstar or something into suicide?

>> No.15166728

t. seething incel

>> No.15167325

I've met interesting women, but never smart.

>> No.15168332

This is the secret anon. Women, compared to man, are more deddicated to their interest, thus they are intelligent in what they want. But there are men who's ability to understand is superior to others, and so you can find a smarter guy than the smartest girls everywhere.

>> No.15168334

And that is true. That's why I hate those type of women.

>> No.15168339

Just because you're intelligent doesn't mean you're interesting. Just because you're interesting doesn't mean you're intelligent.

>> No.15168342

>Women, compared to man, are more deddicated to their interest
That's universally not true.

>> No.15168348

>an iq of 110

>> No.15168366 [DELETED] 

Why do I get the feeling you're full of shit (about your experiencs)?

>> No.15168922

I've met a few.
>Are normies lying when they say their gf is interesting.
>I have never met a girl who was remotely as smart as the smartest men I know.
Ok, but you asked has anyone met a genuinely smart and interesting woman not have they met any women that are smarter and more interesting that some guy you know. How would we know who the men you're fascinated with are.
The most mentally stimulating people you've met are men which could mean lots of things like you aren't engaged with women in a intellectual way.
>I could go into any math department and find a smarter guy then the smartest girls I have met.
See previous answer.
>Are all women destined to be midwits regardless of IQ?
Generalities are commonly applied using incomplete information by midwits. As you just demonstrated and the all (wo)men are people do everyday.

>> No.15168988

>Women, compared to man, are more deddicated to their interest
But their only interests are malicious gossip and sucking Chad dicks.

>> No.15168992

>Has anyone ever met a genuinely smart or interesting woman?
Yeah, they're out there, but there's a huge catch most of the time. Just go look through some math, physics, or (unironically some) philosophy journals, and Google the female authors. The catch is that they tend to be obese and/or ugly.

>> No.15169349

sound based

>> No.15169792

Insofar as being 'smart' is concerned with her ability to hurt and derail the lives of men, to condescendingly reroute the intutive pathways taken by curious men, AND women, to more 'approved channels,' or to correctly deploy cunning to her benefit at the sake of her friends or partner, and being 'interesting' is concerned with her physical attractivness or her tendency to pamper the man by taking the place as his complementary, ie. by liking the same music he likes or by hyping him up or by feeding him her breastmilk;
>Has anyone ever met a genuinely smart or interesting woman?
Yes, all of them.

>> No.15170229

The women in my life are leagues and bounds ahead of the men in terms of interesting personalities and intelligence. Its only online that I notice men outshining women, and real geniuses are almost exclusively men.

>> No.15170261

Women in STEM are generally there to compensate for some other defect--eg, ugliness, obesity, infertility. Otherwise there's no reason for them to engage in any sort of intellectual effort, which they otherwise prefer to avoid.

In modern society, women's lives are easy and women are provided for from cradle to grave either directly by male partners, or indirectly by male taxpayers via welfare and/or sinecure jobs due to government regulations mandating diversity hire quotas.

For attractive women, their bodies are tickets to a life of comfort and luxury via sex work, whether performed directly or through marriage. Regardless, for women with functioning reproductive systems, there is no incentive to participate in STEM.

Women are not naturally interesting, and are not naturally incentivized to be interesting. They don't need to be; they only need to be able to suck dick and guzzle cum.

>> No.15170312

I've met smart ones but women are often less interesting than men, though it isn't really their fault

>> No.15170360

>My ex-gf back from when I was in college was and still is one of the smartest people I know
If you think a woman is smarter than you you are extremely low IQ.
I have never met a woman that is smarter or even as smart as I am.

>> No.15170441

when I was in thailand the ladyboys IQmogged all the other locals by at least 20 points

>> No.15170518

succint and distinct

>> No.15170895

>Has anyone ever met a genuinely smart or interesting woman?
Smart, no. That is scientifically and genetically impossible, due to hormones.

Interesting, a few were yes. Most are not though, same as men.

>> No.15170899

>Women in STEM are generally there to compensate for some other defect--eg, ugliness, obesity, infertility. Otherwise there's no reason for them to engage in any sort of intellectual effort, which they otherwise prefer to avoid.
>In modern society, women's lives are easy and women are provided for from cradle to grave either directly by male partners, or indirectly by male taxpayers via welfare and/or sinecure jobs due to government regulations mandating diversity hire quotas.
>For attractive women, their bodies are tickets to a life of comfort and luxury via sex work, whether performed directly or through marriage. Regardless, for women with functioning reproductive systems, there is no incentive to participate in STEM.
>Women are not naturally interesting, and are not naturally incentivized to be interesting. They don't need to be; they only need to be able to suck dick and guzzle cum.

You should write a book and give seminars and speeches.

So fucking based and logically stated, that it needs to be posted everywhere.

>> No.15170901

Found the virgin

>> No.15170966

I can count the amount on one hand. It has to be like 1 in 100 or less.

>> No.15170983

You haven't considered that women can do STEM as a passion. Is it really true that women do everything in the vain pursuit of social status, sex, and money? That just seems shallow.

>> No.15170990

>Is it really true that women do everything in the vain pursuit of social status, sex, and money?
To be fair that's most people, men included.

>> No.15171007

>You haven't considered that women can do STEM as a passion.
Everything women do is transactional. If they have nothing to gain from it, they won't do it.

>Is it really true that women do everything in the vain pursuit of social status, sex, and money? That just seems shallow.
How you feel about it is irrelevant. Female nature is what it is, not what we wish it to be.

>> No.15171063

Yea, I'm at the point where anyone sharing genuine information or experience that has the potential to be helpful in the future is 'interesting'.

Because most people are only able to talk about video games and celebrities, which is useless information and a waste of time.

>> No.15171066

>because you stopped them from participating in your institutions???

Explain the utter lack of females in competitive video games.

>> No.15171072

Smart and interesting women exist in abundance. They just don’t want to talk to you

>> No.15171078

>Is it really true that women do everything in the vain pursuit of social status, sex, and money?

Women are demonstrably more socially wired.

There's a reason why the stereotypical lone wolf type, the Diogenes or ascetic, is always male. Women are social creatures.

Note, much of this conversation is muddied today by the dropping testosterone of men.

>> No.15171127

Everything anyone does is transactional. When you research a subject, the transaction is between your effort and the results you expect to find from that effort. You gain information.

>> No.15172596

Autogynephiles have been scientifically proven to have an average IQ level of 120+, this means that they are smarter than ashkenazi jews. This is why they have such a disproportionate influence and outreach despite making up less than 0.2% of the population.

>> No.15172701

Not since college

>> No.15172734

they also don't want to make the history books in terms of inventions, top competitors in chess, etc. oh well.

>> No.15173025

Why do you deranged fucks consistently quote garbage data from studies where there's barely any fucking people?

>> No.15173725

It might be because of autism. There are for sure a ton of trannies with autism.

A lot of them are just very weird people who in the past jerked off to wearing mini skirts but probably were relatively fine. Nowadays with porn they have turned a weird gay fetish into some sort of identity.

I can also understand why incels end up in these situations as bad as it sounds transitioning probably didn't ruin their lives. Lots of these guys were fucked never had one ounce of attention from females and then get warped by porn and other faggots who tell them they can be happy if they just become a girl.

What I really don't understand is female to male trannies. Its pretty easy to see how an autistic incel with no hope of any relationship is desperate enough to fall for this but for women I don't get it...

>> No.15173744

Please stop this /pol/ narrative, most MtFs are completely insane and think they are women there is no psychological reason why they want to be women they simply believe they are women automatically.

>> No.15173757

>What I really don't understand is female to male trannies. Its pretty easy to see how an autistic incel with no hope of any relationship is desperate enough to fall for this but for women I don't get it...
In women it's the same kind of social contagion as all women suffer from. Like munchausen's syndrome.

>> No.15173758

There are some who were always super feminine and like maybe they wouldn't have been an outright trannie but they were some degree of faggot and failed men in any case.

But there are men who are weirdos with autism that get warped by porn and inceldom/desperation for years. I am not really even going to sit and blame these guys since many of them were fucked anyways especially with todays dating market. You take a semi attractive man he is already basically fucked but you add autism there is no hope for these men in the market today.They had a chance 50 years ago but today forget it its 2 strikes just for having autism not being insanely good looking is strike 3 for autists.

>> No.15173765

Yeah I guess also a lot of these girls are like 14 which is fucked up.

Really these people may get attention for a moment but it will be short lived and they will become the weirdos who actually fell for it pretty quick. Male trannies in many ways were destined to fail regardless so them coming to these conclusions isn't really the same as a cornered animal to charge its predator since even if it has no chance its doing something.

>> No.15173766

>But there are men who are weirdos with autism that get warped by porn and inceldom/desperation for years. I am not really even going to sit and blame these guys since many of them were fucked anyways especially with todays dating market. You take a semi attractive man he is already basically fucked but you add autism there is no hope for these men in the market today.They had a chance 50 years ago but today forget it its 2 strikes just for having autism not being insanely good looking is strike 3 for autists.
Yep. The incel to tranny pipeline is very well studied. Same thing with yurifags and other chinese cartoons.

>> No.15173776

Yeah there is a clear difference between men who look feminine are short often gay and interested in men. And often times these people even when they were younger gave off these vibes.

Then you get someone like Chris Chan who never was interested in Men. These people are obsessed with women and do not have gay thoughts naturally. The internet + porn + insane incel rates has caused these to skyrocket to levels never before seen. I don't think any trannie will be fundementally be happy since they will never be women but the few I have seen that seem to adapt to these new roles were the guys who were always faggots and they existed in the past too.

These autists don't even want to become a woman and they are not organically homosexual they simply are obsessed with women to the point of wanting to become one even if they could become a 100% real bio woman they would be unhappy but its like I said before these men were fucked regardless in many cases if they actually had the self awareness not to be trannies they would have just offed themselves at 20 when they realized there was no hope

>> No.15173794

My aunt is ridiculously smart and made herself a fortune in the process. My previous boss was incredibly smart.

>> No.15173929

>but for women I don't get it
To be ignored as a female and seen as something other than a hole for many. For others, porn brain and obsessio
With BL. When everything you do is sexualized, and most of the men you encounter that you would have any respect towards automatically see you as retarded, it's a way to opt out.

>> No.15173934

What does BL stand for?

>> No.15173940


>> No.15173942

Gay shit but made into cutesy anime males with string bean bodies and uwu eyes.

>> No.15173950

Sounds fake, what did your aunt do?

>> No.15173970

Yes as in?

>> No.15173982

your aunts a dumb whore who made her fortune sucking black cock in piss gangbangs and your boss was a stupid cunt, you are even dumber than them. amazing

>> No.15174396

Lmao 4chan is a psyop, prob jew and tranny backed, to brainwash social rejects, mentally underdeveloped losers into faggotism and trannydom by convincing them all women are incapable of human greatness xD

Enjoy the gay porn you'll invitably start jerking off to, unless you're one of the more braindamaged fucks who go the transmaxxing or pedo route xD

>> No.15174401

incel thread

>> No.15174518

>Are all women destined to be midwits regardless of IQ?
and the liberation of women made them now openly living out their true retarded selves.

it's no longer a question, that women are the retard gender.

>> No.15174638

It's hard to find smart and interesting women firstly because they cluster around the median due to evolution and also a lot of women who would be interesting men are suppressed by society to be "basic", it's not really like a muh patriarchy thing but all the midwit women she'll inevitably be clustered around will rubb off on her as women are far more desperate to fit into a crowd again to due evolution.

You'd have to be really smart and also basically like a "sigma female" who gives no fucks about what everyone else thinks to resist this.