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15159405 No.15159405 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't this accepted as a valid source in academia

>> No.15159406

It's accepted as a valid source of information for a religion.

>> No.15159407

They can't justify their degenerate way of life if they admit it as truth.

>> No.15159409

Yeah, but I want to source it for my essay on the origin of humanity.

>> No.15159414

With the reproducibility crisis, most science may as well just be cited as miracles.

>> No.15159422


>> No.15159427

You can't because there's no evidence for it's theory about the origin of humanity. Some of the historical events and people it mentions have independent, corroborating evidence but not that.

>> No.15159445

The Bible should be regarded as a valid source because it is God's Word.

>> No.15159448

prove it

>> No.15159450

The science needed to turn someone into a pile of salt hasn't been confirmed yet

>> No.15159467

Then just write your essay that way and if the teacher gives you a bad grade because of it then dispute it. Contact the Ombuds office at your university. If they don't help i'm sure right wing media would pick up the story and you can be a guest on tucker carlson

>> No.15159470

It IS accepted as valid source in Cultural studies. It have a high significance in human culture of many, many countries, after all.

>> No.15159474

It is? Which subject can you not use it other than STEM?

>> No.15159510

I had an origins of christianity/comparative religions and New Testament course in uni. In the NT course it was literally the text book. The origons of Christianity course was more of a history course. Bible thumping hicks have no clue how important roman history is to being able to properly interpret a lot of it (even just the exoteric parts) for the esoteric aspects you arent gonna find anyone teaching it at a University.

99.9% of the people who read this book will never have a clue what is really in it

>> No.15159554

it's not replicable

>> No.15159588


Academia is still split on the 'It's OK to kill everyone and take their virgin girls as your property because God said so.'

It's something like 99.9999 against and 0.0001 split, but the debate is still ongoing.

>> No.15159602

i'm in academia here is my perspective. if i kill everyone and take their virgin girls it's ok, but if someone else tries to kill me and take my daughters then it's not ok. so really it's more nuanced than you think

>> No.15159638
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It's not even useful as a historical document. The mythology of the Torah is largely based on cringily forced reinterpretations of Mesopotamian and Egyptian myths. The order of those events which can be linked to actual historical findings has been completely fucked up due to this whole thing being written down centuries after them happening, e.g. events during the Babylonian Exile are presented as happening prior to the new kingdom of Egypt, i.e. erroneously locating them 1000 years backwards in time. The part about the history of Israel itself is propagandistically exaggerated, given that it was actually never more than a small local Canaanite kingdom. And the whole Jesus story instantly loses credibility due to the fact that they had to publish 4 different versions of it.

>> No.15159715
File: 444 KB, 1337x973, FINAL+COVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible
We describe the Biblical work of ages as a time travel program for saving humanity from extinction. God's existence is proven as a consequence of the existence of time travel, which is supposed. We present the case that Abraham's grandson Jacob, also called Israel, is Satan. We make the case that the Israelites are described as God's chosen people in the Bible despite their identity as the children of Satan because God's Messiah is descended from Abraham through Satan. They are chosen as the ancestors of the Messiah rather than as Satan's children. We propose an interpretation in which God commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac to prevent Isaac from becoming the father of Satan. We suggest that God stayed Abraham's hand above Isaac because preventing the existence of Satan would also prevent the existence of Satan's descendant the Messiah. The history of the Israelites is summarized through Jesus and Paul. This paper is written so that the number of believers in the world will increase.

>> No.15159727

You imply Israel is more important than it actually is. Ironically you are a tool of the Jews.

>> No.15159735

Not only that among serious biblical scholars they forensically attribute the source of three of the gospels to a single gospel known as "Q" because of closely matching elements and that they were simply copied and slightly changed,

>> No.15159738

God said the Bible was His Word, and God never deceives

>> No.15159739

>the Bible was His Word
But is (((He))) really ourguy?

>> No.15159743

It literally is. The bible’ as assembled by the council of Nicaea contains a historical record of the human tribe of the Jews(Old testament) followed by some hastily tacked on Paulina extemporisations (New Testament) as the Roman Empire collapsed under its own weight and pivoted from an incestual monarchy (because I will it) to an incestual theocracy (because God wills it).

It is an entirely relevant text to human history. As a proof of god, it’s poorly written trash written by priests tripping on drugs and epileptic fits.

>> No.15159754

If that country had called itself Banana, would that make it a banana?

>> No.15159756

The New Testament was created as a weapon to convert heathens and the heathen oligarchy was complicit. The Jews and the heathens shared a common enemy at that time.

However their misplaced sense of self importance has resulted in the alienation and abuse of the heathen since the Jewish and heathen goal of destroying Rome has been achieved long ago.

Now it is time for the heathen to separate himself from the shackles he agreed to when his enemy still lived.

>> No.15159813

How do you know?

>> No.15159855

The Bible tells us that He does not lie
>“God is not a man, that He should lie - Numbers 23:19