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15157212 No.15157212 [Reply] [Original]

Found this on /lit/.

>> No.15157214


>> No.15157221

Nice one, NPC.

>> No.15157228

>using logic to extrapolate understanding beyond known domains
>logic itself is flawed and isn't always consistent with itself
We still haven't even figured out fundamentals of math properly. This hypothesis might as well be /x/-tier schizo rambling.

>> No.15157229 [DELETED] 

idiots who love to hear themselves pompously pontificating will find this thread to be an irresistible opportunity to spout off about whatever contrived, baseless ideas they've decided to ascribe to under false pretenses

>> No.15157231

My autistic calculator brain can't comprehend this so I'll call you a schizo and move on

>> No.15157233

>the process of birth is an unknown domain

>> No.15157338

There are a lot of plausible mechanisms for how an afterlife could exist, like eternal recurrence, quantum immortality, open individualism, and this reality being a simulation.


>> No.15157356

If we are continuously reborn then why do we all think this is our first go round? And if its that your mind is wiped before your next go how is that different from being dead forever?

>> No.15157390

Your consciousness is different from your memories. you might as well beleive you weren't alive when you were 10 years old because most of your memories hadn't fomred yet but you know you were alive. it's one long string of consciousness.

>> No.15157403

I remember being 10 years old. Other people remember me being 10 years old, there is also documented evidence of me being 10 years old. There is none of that for past life nonsense.

>> No.15157422

>And if its that your mind is wiped before your next go how is that different from being dead forever?
You can make an effort to improve the conditions into which the next you will be reborn, so you can live a comfier next life.
>karma for dummies

>> No.15157431

Given that there is no way to test how good or bad your previous lives were there is no way of knowing what behaviours improve or regress your karma, or even if karma is a thing.

>> No.15157434

>There is none of that for past life nonsense.

Yeah no shit. all I am saying is that getting your memories wiped doesn't make you dead.

>> No.15157447

And all I'm saying is there is no difference between the example in the OP and being really dead forever if there is no influence or continuity between lives.

>> No.15157466

There is a contuinity. the conuinity is the stream of conciousness. just like how 10 year old you and now you have completely different memories and personalities but are still you.
the you in the supposed next life would still be you even if he had all his memories removed.

>> No.15157572

>Given that there is no way to test how good or bad your previous lives were there is no way of knowing what behaviours improve or regress your karma, or even if karma is a thing.
Karma isn't a score board, it isn' a quantity. Little by little you shape the world into what you'd prefer to live in again.

>> No.15157577

its the truth. Its not a coincidence you are here, you were always here

>> No.15157579

idiots who love to hear themselves pompously pontificating will find this thread to be an irresistible opportunity to spout off about whatever contrived, baseless ideas they've decided to ascribe to under false pretenses

>> No.15157692

why does the diagram have to look like kissing penises

>> No.15157751
File: 160 KB, 926x560, 1674832371702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This theory is actually supported by quantum mechanics. Collapse doesn't destroy the wave function. Via Heisenberg uncertainty principle maximum uncertainty can be restored by measuring a non-commuting observable. What if life and death are non-commuting observables as well?

>> No.15157955

How is a universe where this is true different from one where it isn't?

>> No.15157988

>>15157212 The past is not infinite and OP is a fag. Stop shitposting.

>> No.15158004

>he doesnt know