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File: 24 KB, 640x389, chavs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1515661 No.1515661 [Reply] [Original]

Behold, the offspring of a culture who shuns the well educated and eugenics.

>> No.1515665

>Phd in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k often

>> No.1515663

I'm black and I'm nothing like those people, fuck eugenics, the real science here is economics and sociology...

>> No.1515670


Huh? I got nothing against blacks. I just hate chavs.

>> No.1515672

fucking chavs and lads, im all for eugenics if it will get rid of them.

>> No.1515673

>Behold, the offspring of a culture who shuns the well educated
yeah, pretty much.

> and eugenics.
uhhhh, i guess thats true...

>> No.1515676

Eugenics is about lower races and stuff...
Yeah I hate chavs too.
Believe it or not we have them in America

>> No.1515681


They're not always called chavs, they go by lads as well.

>> No.1515684

Europe = Chavs
Australia = Lads
America = Well, I don't know what they're called in America...

>> No.1515693

America = wigger

>> No.1515701

Never heard that word, sorry.
I don't think we even have a word for it around here

>> No.1515704


Eugenics is about applying selective breeding to humans. "Lower races" is not a very scientific approach to the issue.

>> No.1515706

All you guys do it hate. These chavs, lads... wiggers. They are bros, they stick out for eachother. They know what family is and protect eachother from people like you. These people are what truely represent humanity, a golden thread is a blanket woven of black bitternes and hatred by the "Smarter" people.

>> No.1515709

In america they're called kids, because over 80% of children fit into that category.

I simply cannot wait until my generation is in charge, such lulz will ensue

>> No.1515712

Not my specialty. But if so, isn't that an instinct, choosing a mate that will help yield healthy children?

>> No.1515713


>> No.1515720

I'd give you 3/10... but that was pretty touching so I'd move to a 3.5/10

>> No.1515717


>> No.1515722

>All you guys do it hate.
I don't know what you mean by that

>These chavs, lads... wiggers. They are bros, they stick out for eachother.
No, they don't. They fuck each over all the time, you obviously don't understand their culture.

>They know what family is
Again, no.

>and protect eachother from people like you.
Yeah, thats true i guess

>These people are what truely represent humanity
Yeah, no. not at all.

>a golden thread is a blanket woven of black bitternes and hatred by the "Smarter" people.
again, i don't understand this part.

>> No.1515727


Problem is, us here smarter folk don't dun wanna have kids cause we're too smart to have em' hur hur hur.

>> No.1515738

>These people are what truely represent humanity
oh dear god, i hope not

>> No.1515748


Instinct is to pass on your own genes no matter how crappy they may be. Eugenics is saying, "This individual carries a hereditary disease, so it may be in society's interest if we prevent him from reproducing".

The problem with Eugenics is that our knowledge of human genetics is relatively poor. But you become a smith by smithing, right?

>> No.1515763
File: 58 KB, 650x483, 1277911353153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Australia we usually call chavs bogans.

>> No.1515766


>Be an alien.
>Decide it's logical to observe the creatures of the planet during the middle of they day.
>Chavs who should be at work/school hang around in public areas and collecting their welfare money, generally shitting up the place and blinding the aliens with the pure brilliance of their oh so white brand name tracksuit, while hard working decent people attend to their duties.
>Aliens resolve to destroy earth as lads are the only visibal signs of large scale life on the planet.

>> No.1515773


Read the short story the Marching Morons

>> No.1515786

those ppl r the reason why we have **** like columbine and virgina tech. massacre shit happening

fucking rich ppl get in colleges that geniuses get into w/ scholarships

>> No.1515790

Hmm. I've always read and been taught that beauty stemmed from finding a healthy mate. *shrug*

>> No.1515810


I have no idea what your line of argument is. Surely you recognise the distinction between natural and artificial selection?

>> No.1515817


I've never been able to explain why chav women (17+) will partner with the underdeveloped chav male (often below the age of 14) who is dangerously underweight and has a foul mouth to boot.

Chav logic defies logic.