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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 139 KB, 1196x672, vax neegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15156503 No.15156503 [Reply] [Original]

is pfizer mutating the virus on purpse or did he lie about everything?

>> No.15156586

this nigga theatrical
he zesty

>> No.15156601

Pfizer confirmed it was correct information in their response to the video. They referred to it as "Malinformation," which consists of accurate facts revealed to damage an individual.

>> No.15156687


>> No.15156695

you do realize that a virus mutation rate is directly correlated with the number of people it infects, right?
even my cat knows this

>> No.15156704

It makes you wonder how they're accelerating the mutation rate in the lab. Repeated infections of chimpanzees, selected for highest death rate? Human cell cultures?

>> No.15156707

>a virus mutation rate is directly correlated with the number of people it infects
Not people, cells. A virus can and will mutate inside your body if your immune system doesn't get rid of it fast enough.

Since the clotshits don't do shit to inhibit infection (and thus transmission), the retards still carry and transmit the chink flu around

>> No.15156716
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>is pfizer mutating the virus on purpse
Of course.
It was all planned by the governments and powers that be (rich 1% left-wing billionaires) years in advance.

Remember it was under Obama that Fauci and Harvard University created the Whuhan Lab in China to do Gain-of-Function bioweapons research.

It was Fauci who said in 2017 that Trump "definitely would face a viral worldwide pandemic"

>> No.15156739
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imagine the profit margin

>> No.15156751

Project Veritas lmfao
Come back with a real source

>> No.15156767

The source is the Director of Research and Development at Pfizer in charge of the jab department.

>> No.15156769

>I'm too stupid to understand someone's own words. I need CNN to spoon-feed me my beliefs
You should probably get that checked out

>> No.15156775

Explain to me what an NDA is

>> No.15156778

I didn't know that NDAs instantly killed you if you thought about saying something.

>> No.15156782

>No one has ever broken a contract before
Great point

>> No.15156788

Your guy sounds like a real cuck who bent the knee. Don’t look into who funds Veritas either I don’t want you to be mindbroken by Jews.

>> No.15156806

>I am too stupid to understand information. I obsess about the person presenting the facts in order to avoid thinking too hard to the facts themselves. I only listen to people if CNN tells me too.
No need to repeat yourself

>> No.15156809

I think your bot is broken you already said that line

>> No.15156823
File: 45 KB, 720x514, Twitter exposing corrupt government.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain to me what an NDA is
Explain what "classified files" means.
There are no laws anymore.

>> No.15156824

lol that's a new shill tactic.

>> No.15156830

Make the same stupid ad hom, get the same response

>> No.15156835

That’s a big word too bad you couldn’t spell it

>> No.15156843
File: 102 KB, 901x749, 2K3u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15156894

I wish the vax was as much of a hyper death spell you fuckers say at this point so I can finally die and not see 8000 spammed threads

>> No.15156898

Take more of them then. The risk increases per dose.

>> No.15156900

dont have to tell me twice.

>> No.15156903

What’s the point of not getting the vax if vax shedding is real? You’ll die anyways.

>> No.15156909

>Explain to me what an NDA is
Sure: unenforceable and meaningless

>> No.15156911

>t. Permanently Unemployed

>> No.15156921


>> No.15156925

The secret is to break an NDA once and then every time after that you're rejected from a job because of it, you sue the company you applied to along with the one who told them you broke the NDA. Sail through life on lawsuit settlement income.

>> No.15156926

I don't know if it's dangerous to adults or not, but I also don't have to associate with you plague rats.

>> No.15156937

Good luck finding a lawyer lmfao

>> No.15156940

Silk said Diamond died from vax shedding

>> No.15156941

my government job makes me stay updated on vaccines (even flu), how much longer do I have to wait?

>> No.15156949

20 more years

>> No.15156961

Viruses aren't real, you've been a test subject for decades also helping to line the pockets of jewish pharma companies.

>> No.15156995

No she was vaxed.

>> No.15156998

Depends on if you got the saline or not, but if you didn't then you should get regular cancer and heart disease screenings from now on.

>> No.15157025

why the fuck is no one deleting this pol tier shit threads from sci??? I feel like im on some fucking illuminati conspiricy website from 2002.

>> No.15157031

>"Hello, stranger who may or may not be an investigative journalist from Project Veritas! I'm gonna tell you a very shady secret about the corporation for which I'm working, but promise me you don't tell anyone, okay?"
Is this even real?
I know niggers are dumb, but come on.
Why would he spill the beans just like that?
I could understand if the journalist was some super hot girl and he was trying to impress her with his occult knowledge of the inner workings of Pfizer, but from the voice it sounds like the journo was a guy. Is this nigger gay, by any chance?
Has anyone checked whether he really is who he claims to be? Does he really work for Pfizer?
I'm fully unvaxxed anyway, so I'm not doubting him out of copium overdose, just curious to know whether this is real or not.

>> No.15157035
File: 541 KB, 697x500, 12734958729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was not just Pfizer that mutated the virus.

>> No.15157039

Look at Pfizer's stock when Omicron was released.

>> No.15157053

>I could understand if the journalist was some super hot girl and he was trying to impress her with his occult knowledge of the inner workings of Pfizer, but from the voice it sounds like the journo was a guy. Is this nigger gay, by any chance?
Yes he's gay. This was a catfish hookup with a twink.
>Has anyone checked whether he really is who he claims to be? Does he really work for Pfizer?
Yes, he's exactly who the video says he is. Pfizer went to great lengths to hide it after the story broke but the receipts were archived and they admitted the information about their GoF research was true in their press release.

>> No.15157062


>> No.15157088

I'm guessing they're gonna claim the nigger is insane and they never ever discussed directed evolution in any of their meetings...

>> No.15157104

>I'm guessing they're gonna claim the nigger is insane and they never ever discussed directed evolution in any of their meetings...
They're gonna claim he was fired for sexually assaulting female colleagues or something and that he's just trying to get revenge.

>> No.15157127 [DELETED] 

nigger lost it and chimped out massively after he found out he was being recorded, got into a scuffle with okeefe and the crew

>> No.15157130

Now I'm 90% sure it's fake. That is some poor acting.

>> No.15157131

Why are the gays so easy to fool? Are they that desperate for dick?

>> No.15157141

>(rich 1% left-wing billionaires) years in advance.
You fo know that there's 1% right wing billionaires or those that don't confirm to either side. If you think they are powerless against the left-wing you're deluded at best.

>> No.15157147

>You fo know that there's 1% right wing billionaires
Name three.

>> No.15157163

The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.15157167

1) Donald Trump
2) Elon Musk
3) Peter Thiel

>> No.15157345

if i was part of the "elite/ruling" class, i will use dichotomy to exploit the masses, i will present 2 unstable methods for people to live their life, it doesn't matter which one, the point is to establish an infrastructure that will function as an eternal conflict.
my political/agenda "opponents" will be my collaborators, my enemies/slaves will be the voters/supporters on both sides, i give their life a "cause", "purpose", "meaning", symbols, fear, affiliation. even if they don't agree completely with one set hegemony, it will be good enough to give me their energy, effort, anger, even blood.
they will be addicted to hate each other, they will want their group to prevail, and i will make money lots of it.

>> No.15157362
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It's all confusion, and monkey business illusion:
> look here
> don't look there
Smoke and mirrors.

>gain of fiction
>have fear of the memeProtein
>fear fear fear
>cleavage site
>ACE2 receptor
>memes and memes
>ignore all other vaccines
>focus on the memes
>[alex jones interview]
>[podcast med gurus]
>memes and speculation
>ignore the ingredients of the vaccines
>please only look at spike and memeRNA
>don't look anyhwere else
>also please keep speculating on magic bioweapon by gain of fiction
>crazy scientists
>have fear
>there is no spyop going on
>it's all real
>they are not poisoning people
>they do memeModification to turn you into GMO microchip carrier
>look only at pfizer
>(((project veritas))) is not misdirecting
>Only NPCs believe everything the media tells them
>not me
>I only believe podcast gurus and tweets that go against the current thing
>me so smart

/sci/&/pol/-tards are retarded.
>oh you believe in fake fear caused by covid
>I can sell you a way better fear
>graphene, alien eggs, snake poison in the water
>gain of fiction bioengeneered super weapon
>this is real fear
>MSM fear is like alcohol, but my fear is like crack and heroin, sends you on levels you cannot imagine
>picrel it's you

>> No.15157372

>This was a catfish hookup with a twink.
looked like an old dude

>after 3 dates
it naturally devolves into that because they have no personality. he probably tried every people pleaser trick in the book to get laid but it didn't happen and he didn't expect that he would need to ghost crew of people with cameras inquiring him about what he had said

>> No.15157493

i have one rule, as long the guy point to a resource of information where you can validate yourself if his interpretation is true its good enough to assume that he is not lying to you.

alex jones is a show man, he will do anything to get views he is no different from corporate organizations, just smaller, and more "independent" but highly unreliable do to that fact,
however you can't compare him to someone like john campbell, who is doing a fine work by making sure you understand where his information is coming from, and leave it to you to examine it yourself.
the media is the worst of them all, since they openly admitted that they are driven by the corporations interests, and at the same time claim that they are unbiased and reliable, this method just show that they don't care about your trust but your compliance, they don't try to convince you like alex jones, rather put you in a position were you have to agree with them, they can say the most ludicrous nonsense and people still treat this as some form of predominance convention, this is how stupid the media crowd are

>> No.15157501


>> No.15157511
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>oh you believe in fake fear caused by covid
TF are you on about nigga. They schizos been talking about vaxxines such as these for years, aka ''mark of the beast''.. Saw threads about it 10years ago. Its pretty much old news, quite right that some got ''told ya so'' and dialed their schizo up to 11 but cmon..

>> No.15157512
File: 42 KB, 494x680, FnXW9OPXoAYn2Ri (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15157520

The US federal government doesn't do this anymore. The people who were pushing this shit (democrats) even put a stop to the military mandate. If it's so safe and effective, why would they have done that?

>> No.15157543

Why did you have to post this unhinged schizo nonsense on sci of all places? This thread seems more suitable for >>>/pol/, our redneck containment board. Please do check it out, and don't come back here ever again.

>> No.15157583
File: 121 KB, 659x729, 1568395958546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as people believe in:
> Gain of function research
> vrius isolation
> memeRNA
> spike protein

Nothing will work nobody will wake up.
People literally just believe, not know, never look in the papers or the methodology, they just believe in these four things.

They just believe in spike protein because it sounds "dangerous"
> ouchie so spikey
They just believe that the "Crazy Soientists" posses the ability to produce working mRNA.
> owie wow, I can become like Captain America too with genetic upgrade UwU
> oooh reddit science always told me about CRISPR and memeRNA
> oh and the cartoon science channels, desu, I love science
> oh wow, such comic, so cartoon soo sciency
> I fucking love it
> that means it's real
They never looked into virus Isolation:
> Oh yeah, it is totally clear, they use some nano tweezers, and take out the virus and put it into a different host which then expresses the same disease
> then they take out the nano tweezers again, and take out the DNA of the Virus and analyze the genome
> totally easy
> "Have you ever read any Virus isolation paper?"
> No but I saw some comic style documentainment videos and That is enough for me
> I exactly know how it works
And gain of function:
> totally clear, they take out the nano tweezers again
> then they manipulate the genes
> and put it in a different host
> and then they let it mutate
> take it out with the nano tweezers again
> and put it in the next host
> and bada bing bada booom we have super deadly Killer virus because of serial passaging
> totally easy
> "did you ever look into a actual paper of Gain of Function research?"
> pfff no, [insert science tabloit online magazine] posted a wholsome article about it, really simple and neat
> I fucking love science

>> No.15157765

Don't reply to him, he's the "viruses aren't real" schizo that keeps making the same fishtank thread every other day

>> No.15157767

you almost sound like you believe covid is real...

>> No.15158383

It's all in the numbers.

>> No.15158420
File: 262 KB, 663x625, global warming is fake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

covid 19 is as fake as global warming, dark matter, 9001 genders, racial equality and the rest of peer reviewed and professionally published, politically correct soience

>> No.15158438

Number one: That's terror.

>> No.15158516

Kek, in the video he says the idea that the virus didn't leak from the wuhan lab is obvious bullshit.

>> No.15158570

Left wing and right wing as relative. Billionaires that support Marxism, socialism, higher taxes, more regulations, are what Carvalho named "metacapitalists", essentially theyre people that want to use the State to eliminate any threat to their monopolies