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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15155794 No.15155794 [Reply] [Original]

who would even come up with this bullshit?

>> No.15155798

it started as a way to describe length agnostically, and people realized that properties seemed to be claimable about things that "don't end". It just continued from there, pretty much.

>> No.15155850

God, psued

>> No.15155908

Infinity represents unqualified greatness.

>> No.15156713

literally any kid could do so, retard. you learn to learn then keep asking what's next and no matter what you can always say *named number*+1. it is the easiest mathematical concept to come to.

>> No.15156732
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>Is infinity real or just a fiction of our minds? I briefly review a few arguments for and against the existence of infinity from physics and philosophy, and I conclude that neither side is obviously right. A further question is whether we should prudentially believe in infinity because if it does exist, everything we do matters vastly more. Within a given ontological framework this argument is sound, but different ontological frameworks (e.g., ultrafinitism vs. transfinitism) are not directly comparable. I personally hope infinity does not exist so that the universe contains only finitely much suffering, but unfortunately I think it's reasonably likely that the universe is literally infinite. There remain numerous puzzles in how we approach the ontology and ethics of infinity, many of which may be best left to the future to sort out.

>> No.15156735

Ernst Zermelo and Abraham Fraenkel

>> No.15156834

They needed to accurately measure my dick

>> No.15156872

OP asked about infinity not tweezers

>> No.15156920

"..." is an operator just like + / ^2 etc..
Its an operation that never ends (so its not a number)