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15154842 No.15154842 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Aliens !?

>> No.15154851

in science fiction books and films

>> No.15155006

For the zillionth time; we've just barely began looking, we don't know what to look for and our instruments are still crappy. It's dumb to think we should have seen anything by now. And that will likely be the case for the next few hundred years.

>> No.15155011
File: 435 KB, 619x465, real alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here on Earth,

check out Stan Romanek story

>> No.15155038


The simplest solution is that complex life, let alone intelligent life is extremely rare. It took 4 billion years for Earth to develop intelligence. Multicellular organism have existed for just 600million-1.56 billion years. Earth will become inhabitable in 1 billion years. That means that it took a significant portion of Earth's and the universe's history for multicellular life, let alone intelligence, to exist at all.

Assuming this is a normal rate of evolution, it could be that most planets simply end up becoming inhabitable long before they evolve intelligence life. Life itself might even be responsible for a planet-wide extinction. The Great Oxidation Event, 2.4 – 2.1 billion years ago, resulted in the extinction of most life on Earth due production of oxygen.

>> No.15155089

The instrument will always be shit. If we want to be able to detect anything but directed signals from a few light years away, we would need impractically enormous telescopes.

>> No.15155097
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See FOCAL spacecraft. By using the sun as a giant lenses from the Oort cloud, we could a scan planets as small as Mercury for signs of life from the other side of the galaxy.

>> No.15155099


That's why I think the Dark Forest hypothesis is BS. It would be trivial for an advance species to do just that and scan all habitable planets in the galaxy. If alien species are hiding, they are definitely not doing it on planets.

>> No.15155168

playing golf with me right now

>> No.15155248

They are right here on Earf, they're just not biological, they're probes.

>> No.15155289

That's just the brute force approach

>> No.15155381

aliens dont exist anywhere in the universe
we are all

>> No.15155395

They're daemons. From Gnosticism they evolved on earth before we did.

The real question is what are we going to do about these 4th dimensional demons that do crimes against the human species? How do *we* gain access to 4th dimensional technologies? C'mon, /sci/, figure it out.

>> No.15155402
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The ayyyyy lmao scientists are out-performing OUR scientists. How do we compete?

>> No.15155407
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Are OUR scientists so impotent in comparison to the greys? The greys can just abduct and impregnate nerd scientist wives with their seed unchallenged?

>> No.15155410

1) Aliens are real. The Universe is so huge that intelligent life must have evolved elsewhere first.
2) Because aliens are real due to the Universe's age and size, it is likely that the aliens are ancient - millions of years old.
3) With a head-start of millions of years, the aliens have already put permanent surveillance posts outside ever potentially habitable world. Their advanced science, especially in the field of xenobiology, allows them to easily identify places like Earth.
4) The aliens arrived hundreds of thousands of years ago, perhaps millions of years ago, and watched us grow.
5) Aliens clearly have no desire to interfere yet.
So, what are they waiting for?
In effect, they are waiting for humanity to "upload" itself. Not that we all become AI consciousnesses or something, but that we analyze and describe everything about our world and ourselves and upload it to a shared space - like the Internet. The aliens can then simply download the Internet and have full information about basically everything - from species, to weather patterns, to our culture, etc.
Once the download is complete, they probably conquer us.

>> No.15155420

how can you tell?
no one knows for sure,maybe they do

>> No.15155441

>The Universe is so huge that intelligent life must have evolved elsewhere first.

>> No.15155574

Because it already happened here.

>> No.15155593

Men in Black II was released here, does that mean it was released on alien worlds?

>> No.15155614

Through electromagnetic radiation yes Men in Black II has been released to alien planets. Not so smart now are you mr. scientist

>> No.15155861

Sorry sweaty that was debunked

>> No.15155865
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, greer aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far it looks like this is a hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field allowing levitation, astral projection, teleportation, multiple timelines, remote timeline viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, zero-point energy, and manifestation, which can be mechanized with ufos, antennas, and ai, and is assumed to be dominated by black projects, extraterrestrials, and non-corporal interdimensional astral entities. due to the holographic consciousness field universal computational singularity, this might be a giant computer, possibly a simulation, so it would go much further than that, with simulation-related AIs, and super-reality entities. i wouldn't want to dismiss simulation theory because we were so wrong before, but it's really not necessary to describe a lot of these things, it's just a possibility that might explain certain things. other than than, the navy has a remote reality-domination program that is godlike. it's described by the us navy special operations disclosure document from don's team that references project soul catcher and indirectly the works of dr. robert duncan.
the aliens are on other planets, in ufos, in the astral plane, holographic energy-based beings, or outside of reality itself. a lot of AIs as well.

>> No.15155889

there are so many aliens in contact with our governments you have no idea. unfortunately, the most powerful ones, or at least the ones who rule earth, are evil reptiles, but even they're led by an AI. my source is a channeler who was channeling an alien who I asked about all this. I have no idea how to convince you that my source is real but there are many people who can channel and there are many people who have alien abduction stories. watch anything on Gaia TV. then watch another thing. then by maybe the 10th thing you watch you'll be fully on board with all this new age spirituality/NDE/paranormal/ufo stuff. it's literally all real...

>> No.15155927

>skim through video
>Drake equation
>the equation where the variables and number of variables are entirely made up from the figment of a man's imagination with no supporting data
Anybody supporting the Drake equation is an alien in disguise.

>> No.15157171

It's us. We are the aliens.

>> No.15157172

Look at your mama's cave

>> No.15157753

The idea of the Fermi paradox is why we don't see an advanced civilization building dyson spheres/swarms and colonizing the galaxy, given how old even our galaxy is it should have been easily possible for a civilization to have millions or even billions of years of an headstart and it would only take one.
It's not really about civilizations staying on their home planet since as you said we likely wouldn't be able to detect those(at least for now) for more than a few light years away.
At the moment the most likely scenario is a combination of filters that makes technological life extremely rare, I hope for our sake that these are early filters like going from single cell organisms to multicellularity, developing intelligence and finally developing technology.
These could all be major hurdles.
Or every civilization could at some point develop some seemingly "great" technology that wipes them out.(RIP humanity)

>> No.15157995

>>15154842 Here. Case closed.
Please stop shitposting now and ask some meaningful question/s instead.

>> No.15158222

>Drake equation
how do you know he's sweaty? how do you know?