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15154423 No.15154423 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer until analgesiac/s on par with opioids will be made? Is there any type of drug that can really compete with them like nefopam or will opioids stay relevant as superior analgesiac in acute severe pain/people that don't respond to nsaids/co2 inhibitors?

>> No.15154432

Look its simple
>pain goes away
>stop taking opioids
Or if your pain is permanent
>dont take opioids for it if your condition isn't terminal

tadaa le opioid epidemic is now averted

>> No.15154449

I'm not talking about opioids pandemic. I'm talking more about possibility of potent alternative to them so if you don't get relief from nsaids you still have more options and aren't stuck with just opioids. Personally they are the only thing that help me with attacks of unbearable pain and take them as rarely as possible, but they make me turbo insomniac, still one more thing worth considering regarding that is
>don't take them if your pain isn't permament, but illness isn't terminal
What can person do if they end up with chronic pain, don't have terminal illness and yet only respond to opioids? Lay in pain for the rest of their life or become physically dependent on them?

>> No.15154623

The relevant research (that no one is doing so maybe i should get to it) should be in drugs that regulate receptor sensitivity, which would ensure that addiction doesnt happen and that drugs keep working at low levels.
You know how opiod receptors stop working when they are exposed to much opioids? That mechanism can also be controlled with other drugs.

>> No.15156240

That would be nice. Then I could get ripped off a couple bongs instead of having to rip cones all night just so I can get high enough to do shit and all that

>> No.15156254

Medlet here, what's the problem with constantly taking opioids ?