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File: 68 KB, 1144x136, huemer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15149891 No.15149891 [Reply] [Original]

1. Premise: There is a nonzero initial probability that persons are repeatable (can have multiple lives).

2. Also, the probability that you would be alive now given that persons are repeatable is nonzero.

3. Evidence: You are alive now.

4. Claim: The probability that you would be alive now, given that persons are unrepeatable, and that there is an infinite past, is zero.
Rough explanation: there were infinite opportunities for you to exist in earlier centuries, which, if persons are unrepeatable, would have prevented you from existing now.


>> No.15149892
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>> No.15149894

tldr; if time is infinite in both directions (ie time did not have a beginning), reincarnation is real.
Proof: you are alive

>> No.15149895
File: 27 KB, 252x243, 1674574396197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probability zero doesn't mean impossible. Learn measure theory. This is why we make fun of low IQ philosotards.

>> No.15149897

This and many other low IQ criticisms are addressed in the video:

>> No.15149904

Premise 1: there is a nonzero probability that a dart, when thrown at a dartboard, hits an infinite number of points
Premise 2: if a dart hits an infinite number of points, the probability of any particular point being hit is nonzero
Premise 3: if a dart only hits one point, the probability of any particular point getting hit is zero
Evidence: the dart hit some particular point
Conclusion: a thrown dart hits an infinite number of points

>> No.15149910
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>> No.15149919

Arguments based on a flawed understanding of probability are retarded. This is a science board, we only accept rigorous arguments. Your argument is completely unnecessary anyways since reincarnation is proven already by quantum mechanics. Same mechanism as precognition. Entanglement of superextended wave functions.

>> No.15149930
File: 181 KB, 1108x1009, 1641859017047295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reincarnation is already proved doubtfully through common sense

>> No.15149935


>> No.15149996

Please define the sample space, its respective sigma algebra, and probability measure, otherwise fuck off.

>> No.15150023

It's a novel idea but there are several holes in your reasoning. Starting from first principles - the set omega defines all possible outcomes. The function P(n), where n is an outcome, maps the probability of n to a value between 0 and 1, such that the sum of all outcome probabilities is 1.

It's a common mistake, but just because an outcome exists, does not mean the probability is nonzero. It sounds counter intuitive because any zero probability outcome feels like it shouldn't be in omega. Or vice versa, if you don't know the probability of an outcome, it has a nonzero probability. But consider the sample space of all real numbers between 0 and 1. If they have some arbitrary probability function value for each outcome, and we assume all to be nonzero simply because we don't know their probability, the sum of their probabilities would be infinity. You could argue that maybe their average probability is something like 1/infinity which approaches zero, but like 1/infinity it is not well defined.

Tl;dr assuming a outcome with an unknown probability as having non zero probability leads to contradictions and ill defined results

>> No.15150570

if i roll a dice with infinite faces will it roll a number?

>> No.15150577

Yes, if you roll a ball it will eventually stand still.

>> No.15150583

it will not roll any number since all numbers have a zero chance of rolling

>> No.15150644

holy shit, i've had this exact thought for years but never knew how to actually express it. thanks for posting

>> No.15150682

This is schizo nonsense.

>> No.15150713

Sounds more like a failure of probability to match reality.

>> No.15150809

Okay, I've read the paper.

So, it sounds like failure of probability in regards to observable reality, still. The fact is we do have bounds of experience limited necessarily by memory. My memory of a starting point for existence only goes back so far. So either this is false information and somehow this memory "session" was "grafted" to an infinitely existing conscious experience, or, its logical to say my memory wed with my conscious first-person experience came into maturity at a definite time. This doesn't guarantee an expiration at another time, but its hard to contend otherwise.

If the former, to discard the recollective function and begin anew is essentially our current understanding of life and death. So either way, you're not going anywhere.

>> No.15150867
File: 113 KB, 1920x678, Quantum teleportation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible that your mind undergoes quantum teleportation in the event of death. Death likely feels like having an out-of-body experience.


>> No.15150925

>If the former, to discard the recollective function and begin anew is essentially our current understanding of life and death. So either way, you're not going anywhere
So you're saying that if i were to erase all your memories so that you start from 0 again, you would die? Doesn't seem plausible.
Perhaps you still experience consciousness but just with different memories. Similarly to how we are continuously changing our memories while being conscious at the same time

>> No.15150946

Sperm outnumber the ova overwhelmingly, the probability that any one fertilises it is zero. But, you are alive. So we are all 5 billions sperms, and have the power to fight black galaxy-mode god-killing fist Garou.

>> No.15150981

Do an ultrafilter you retard

>> No.15150984

I'm saying illustrate the functional difference of identity as mediated by memory ending and beginning, and traditional notions of cessation of experience.

>> No.15150990

Sure. But experience and personal identity might go beyond memories (soul). Which Huemer also argues for

>> No.15150993


>My memory of a starting point for existence only goes back so far. So either this is false information and somehow this memory "session" was "grafted" to an infinitely existing conscious experience

You have no memory of being a baby yet you existed then.

Who cares about when your memory and first person experience "came into maturity"? You were having first person experiences before your cognitive capabilities developed enough to be self-referential.

>> No.15151015

Ahhh yes, mathematical pilpul. Good work.

>> No.15151022

Yes, and that self recognized starting point means something insofar as the definition of the being. This goes back to what ego means, what identity means without recollection. The answer is to (You), very little. The separation between myself and a being downstream that shares none of my recall towards remembered anchorings of identity is equal to my identity with regard to some guy next to me on a bus.

It makes no sense to talk about indefinite existence if identity comes and goes as such.

>> No.15151047

Whole lot of deathcope ITT.

>> No.15151066
File: 3.30 MB, 1536x1994, craiyon_185700_mechanism_of_reincarnation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possible mechanisms for reincarnation:

>> No.15151135

Yes, in the mathematical fairy floss land where numbers can mean whatever you want. In the real world a probability of zero equals impossible

>> No.15151141

Well in the >real world
It's a possible probability that your fingertip will land on point (1mm, 1mm) on an A4 paper, or on point (3mm, 67mm), or at (24.56mm, 36.234m), yet it's zero.

Aww you must be mixing up the mathematically represented real world with your own math fairy tales again, don't worry almost everybody gets filtered at the top.

>> No.15151152

It's 50/50. It either fertilizes or it doesn't.

>> No.15151369

what's the probability that you'll pick the number 7 from an empty set

>> No.15151382

I believe it. Deja vu is just you remembering your past iteration. Sucks that I have to live this life for eternity though.

>> No.15151472
File: 31 KB, 503x396, apu increasingly nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... um..

>> No.15151506

why don't you answer it if it's easy and i'm an idiot. I don't think you even understand what I'm saying really anyway so there might not be any point

>> No.15151520

Enough with the antisemitism.
It's real in his mind.

>> No.15151535
File: 28 KB, 723x220, 1233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like it's the first thing he's ever understood and is extremely proud of himself. Picrel is what I was saying anyway, here's where it's from

>> No.15151558

Zero, but that doesn't mean it can't happen.

>> No.15151573

Chaos magick isn't real, retard.
Willing shit don't affect shit.

>> No.15151574

You are retarded and you have been BTFOed ITT.

>> No.15151587

yes, mathematically a probability of zero doesn't mean impossible. The reason being that probability is a specific mathematical scale that doesn't include impossible by definition. But in the real world it's different

>> No.15151596

First define the "real world" then we can talk about its features.

>> No.15151605

Probability has no meaning in the real world because it assumes the existence of counterfactuals
>if I re-ran the universe, how often would I get a different result
But that's impossible in real life because events only happen once, and each event is a unique point in space-time.
Every event has a probability of 100% - it happens - or 0% - it does not happen.

>> No.15152636

freqentards be like

>> No.15152641

Gayesians be like

>> No.15154246

Orderlies, this frequentist has lost his composure.

>> No.15154253

if I'm not the same moment to moment, then how could I be reincarnated

>> No.15154268

I am most certainly not alive
also the past is finite
past = future + tradition = future + lens
so the past is just one step beyond tradition, one step into the future

>> No.15154406
File: 37 KB, 433x550, 1310531924247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Premise: There is a nonzero initial probability that persons are repeatable (can have multiple lives).

since your premise is faulty and nonsense, i didn't read anything after it

>> No.15154412

reminder to trannies: the easiest, fastest and least expensive way to be born in the correct body is to kys and get reincarnated