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15149786 No.15149786 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know IIT is the hardest school to get into, even harder than MIT and Harvard? I am a first year PhD student(EE) in USC.

In the very first lecture of a course, the professor (Bart Kosko, one of the pioneers in Fuzzy Logic) threw his question to us, "Who among you are from IITs?"

A couple of hands were raised.

"I expect a lot of things from you guys!", he said.

There were many students with a background of CMU, UCB and their likes. But he didn't say a single word about any other university in the world.

Only IIT!

>> No.15149787

>twitter screenshot thread

>> No.15149827

>the best college in a country without running water

>> No.15149830

Everyone in Asian schools and Indian schools cheat on everything. So even though they went to the hardest school in all of the world, they will literally know nothing. You professor expects alot because he expects them to be professional cheaters. They must be if they got into IIT.

>> No.15149832

>"I expect a lot of things from you guys!", he said.

He didn't clarify what he was expecting. Perhaps he's looking forward to having some laughs at the shameless and overt cheating methods his new brown students will employ.

>> No.15149835

Being selective from a pool of street shitters doesn't make a school high quality, no more than being the fastest sprinter in the Special Olympics makes you a top world class athlete.

>> No.15149838

It's true. I'm not OP but am an IIT graduate also with a PhD. I was working at Google and someone in MTV asked me "Which school did you attend?"
Mentioned <Stanford, Berkeley, CMU, MIT> for grad school and IIT for undergrad.

He ignored the first part of the statement and said - "India Institute of Technology? The place where like ten million people apply and 100 get through? You must be really smart."

>> No.15149843

Valedictorians from inner city schools often end up in remedial classes at college and then still flunk out.

>> No.15149845

If there's one thing I've learned about dealing with Indians it's to immediately be skeptical of every single word they say. If an Indian college claims "10 million people apply" you really can't take it at face value.

>> No.15149846

>pajeet universities

Pretty Shitty, desu.

>> No.15149847

Soft power by 2020!

>> No.15149848

I did undergrad with this Indian kid circa 2005 who told me they would have a man on moon by 2010.

>> No.15149849


>> No.15149854

Sirs! To do the needful Do not redeem bloody benches!!

India Number One!!!

>> No.15149856

To be fair, 10 mil is a lot, and it's people who are interested and think they are capable of doing computer science in the first place, so they are at least 120 IQ, I suppose.
The average street shitter isn't applying.

>> No.15149857

this makes sense, if you have 1.5 billion people, the cream of the crop would be extremely capable.

>> No.15149859

Is this true?

>> No.15149862


>> No.15149868

>they're geniuses
streetshitter delusion. they're just good at grinding and memorization. they lack the ability to creatively solve problems.

>> No.15149967

Define "genius" then. And yes today there are many geniuses, it is much easier to be a genius in an era with little knowledge and competitively than it is today. an engineer has more knowledge than Tesla/Newton, someone with elementary school education has more knowledge than Aristotle

>> No.15149970

being able to lock oneself in a room and study and memorize for 12 hours a day =/= genius

>> No.15149977

>Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
>They're geniuses.

Does anyone else just fucking hate how all these twitter faggots like like this? Everything they say is like it's supposed to be a punchline. So shocking and profound. And you see politicians talking like this too. The internet should be deleted.

>> No.15150053

being in school is for children, its nothing to brag about. you have peers who have moved on from childhood to adult life years ago and you are still in school like a baby.

>> No.15150078

>judging a person from their educational background and not from direct experience
low IQ move

>> No.15150084

Nice cope

>> No.15150167

If they cheat on everything, then how come there are rankings and not everyone gets the perfect score?

>> No.15150176 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 785x731, tfw out of soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they cheat on everything, then how come there are rankings and not everyone gets the perfect score?
if azns are so wonderful, why do they all want to flee asia and live somewhere else? why do they hate being around other azns? why do they presume that the rest of the world doesn't share their wish to avoid azns?

>> No.15150177

cheating skill has a normal distribution, retard.

>> No.15150181

why do indians all have such raging little dick syndrome about their schools

>> No.15150185

The average IQ of india is 80.
I don't know how their percentiles translate to our percentiles.

Also, if they prepare for 4 years to take a test then I have to wonder how much the test is measuring IQ and how much it is measuring hours spent memorizing shit.
Tests you can prepare for tend to just create a studying/tutoring arms race that favors those with time and money (you see this across asia with kids competing to get into the best high schools and colleges) and gives less weight to raw intelligence.

If you look at university rankings, the IITs aren't even in the top 100 of the world (I think the best is around 170th)

They're good but not great.

>> No.15150195

>why do indians all have such raging little dick syndrome
because their dicks are tiny. why are you asking stupid questions you should already know the answer to?

>> No.15150541

>cheating means you get 100% on test.
There is different types of cheating
Rajeed1 and rajeed2 cheat by communicating answers to each other during the test.
Rajeed3 takes a cheat sheet in with him with formulas information etc based on what he thinks is on the test
Rajeed4 dad works for the goverment so he pays someone off for all the answers for the next test so rajeed4 just needs to memorizes answers.

>> No.15150563

I forgot rajeed5 who brings a phone or some sort of device to google shit during the test looking for answers.

>> No.15151071

they cannot comprehend why they are still a shithole

>> No.15151085

Do the needful, thanks.

>> No.15151093
File: 4 KB, 275x246, 1531559775297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smartest of streetshitting students in a third world college is the equivalent of a room temperature IQ american.

>> No.15151111

This is a gigacope, the caste system means there's a tremendous amount of cognitive talent in India, it's why you have Pajeets but have fuck all Indonesians.

>> No.15151233

>there's a tremendous amount of cognitive talent in India
If Indians are so smart, why haven't they figured out that shitting on the street is unsanitary?

>> No.15151240

If they were smart they wouldn't bath in cowpiss and eat cowshit in order to fight off diseases

>> No.15151252

Or maybe they usually suck balls and he was implying they’re gonna be under some increased scrutiny.

>> No.15151672


>> No.15151762

Thts the number of toilets u fags have

>> No.15151763

seek help

>> No.15152300

What's inside the exam? What are the questions? How is having good results (of the top 300, apparently) from this exam made them geniuses?
I am curious. Also, the 13.3K likes, do the likers know if what they liked is what it is?

>> No.15152321

If Americans are so smart, why haven't they figured out that being fat is unhealthy?

>> No.15152336
File: 700 KB, 1543x2128, 1674356953276322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, Indians are smelly retards and I will never treat one with respect

>> No.15152340

Yes, it's tiring and makes them look so pretentious.

>> No.15152552

what a racist piece of shit
SoCal pajeets are racist af
those assholes have to work
we're going to war soon

>> No.15152557

OP is a tolerated rule-breaker in violation of motherfucking COMMUNIST STANDARDS against racism
holy shit
what a racist piece of shit
do you realize that professors are very often racist pieces of shit

>> No.15152558

community standards, not communist standards
yes, racists are tiring and pretentious

>> No.15152562

Pajeets are disgusting racist pieces of shit.
We get it, OP.
Thanks for the information.

>> No.15152568

take your meds

>> No.15152569

The pajeets are upset about Amritsar massacre
these words instantly destroy any 'genius'
In short, the UK murdered the best and brightest 100 years ago in order to keep India from becoming an independent colony like the USA. It worked for around 25 years, and then Gandhi appeared.

>> No.15152572


>> No.15152577

ITT: racist pajeet jimmy rustling

>> No.15152581

You're a racist.
Stop spreading that.

>> No.15154133

>The average street shitter isn't applying.
Almost everyone applies for IIT after school. Most people do it for the money.

>> No.15154138

>The average street shitter isn't applying.
In India you must be an efficient street shitter to do the needful! We can shit in over 1000 different streets in a single day. We do this by shitting once in one street, and then dispersing our shit manually via walking to other streets! This is why India number one. We can use both our brains and our bowels to disseminate shit and knowledge.