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File: 2.44 MB, 4000x3000, Europe's fertility rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15149228 No.15149228 [Reply] [Original]

Today, there isn't a single European country in the whole entire continent that is above replacement level thanks to their abysmal fertility rates and aging populations. What is causing this demographic collapse and how can it be solved?

>> No.15149231

import people from a population that breeds more

>> No.15149239

Learn how to use commas and decimals correctly, and maybe y'all won't die off.

>> No.15149240

Did people think that the exponential growth in the human population was going to go on forever? The population is going to decrease everywhere eventually. Europe and East Asia are experiencing it first because they are most ahead in the demographic transition.

I think it's a good thing. There are limits to growth, and we've overtaxed natural resources as it is. If I had my way India and Africa would have a 2 child policy. After that, sterilization.

>> No.15149252

also this is /pol/ not /sci/

>> No.15149253

OP is most likely a subhuman shitskin like you and I. Whites are a rare and endangered species at this point.

>> No.15149274

Who gives a shit? Europoors are the most domesticated livestock midwits on the planet.

>> No.15149279


>> No.15149299

No economic pressures to have kids--people never really had an impulse to breed, just to have sex and form couples. East Asians have already overtaken Europe's decline, Latinos are half way there, Arabs are next (50% decline in 30 years, first countries in the ME already entering negative numbers).

All the inbferiority complex-ed colonies celebrating are retarded. A more archaic culture will have even more mutiny from tiktok zoomers and even less tools to turn shit around, will end with more shit like when socialism spread to 3rdies.

The answer to this problem is time: people who do breed (and avowed conservatives of all kinds breed like 2x more than progressives) will pass on attitudes that are more pronatal. Importing more people will just result in more of the same, just 3 generations later.

>> No.15149351

Factors negatively affecting women's fertlity, in order of importance:
1. Living standards
2. Access to contraception and abortion
3. Political equality
4. Access to employment

>> No.15149375

Wrong. Let me help you fix it:
1. Political equality
2. Access to employment
3. Access to contraception and abortion

>> No.15149391

Every country on Earth is experiencing falling birth rates, even shitholes like El Salvador and Cameroon, but if you look at the data, it started at different points in the past in different countries.
What you need to do is figure out what other thing happened that exactly matches the timing.
Guess what? Some members of the small subset of historians that can do math have already done this. There is exactly one thing that lines up with the data country by country AND decade by decade: Total floor area of the median home (garden included). When countries industrialise they start building smaller homes, then apartments, then tiny homes, all while increasing numbers of people have no home at all. The explanation is that humans do not have any genes for staying sane and reproductively fit in small living spaces.

>> No.15149392

>There is exactly one thing that lines up with the data country by country AND decade by decade
"""Vaccination""" and hormone disruptors?

>> No.15149412

No, because the timescale of vaccination spread through eastern europe and australia doesn't match their timescale for birth rate drops. Albania, for example, went 40-45 years between mass vaccination and birth rate drops while France went 15 years while Australia and the Ruhr had the drop before vaccination.

>> No.15149416

"""Vaccination""" and hormone disruptors?

>> No.15149453

What are you even arguing? Are you trying to say that, actually, I'm incorrect, and tiny homes are good? Next you'll be arguing against eating anything besides bugs.

>> No.15149459

>What are you even arguing?
Nothing. You seem to have forgotten half of what I wrote as you were writing your pilpul, so I am bringing it back to your attention.

>Are you trying to say that, actually, I'm incorrect, and tiny homes are good?
No. Notice what kind of tactics you are forced into.

>> No.15149485

I like you. You seem sane.

>> No.15149488

Why did you stop? How come you shrivel up as soon as someone calls out your jewish "arguing" style?

>> No.15149519

Giving women rights without responsibility and continuing to give them special privileges and protection is not equality. The more feminist a country becomes the less equal it is

>> No.15149528

He said "political equality", not "equality".

>> No.15149578

Wait? what happebed to iceland?

>> No.15149582

>What is causing this demographic collapse
Women wanting to have a stable career and home before having children, and contraception giving them control. They end up having them too late to have as mâny as they wanted. When asked, they still say that the ideal number of children is between 2 and 3.
Give salaries to stay at home parents, and somehow make home accession easier : kill off the boomers, redistribute inheritances to young people, force adults to live with their parents...

>> No.15149658

feminism, it's a suicide cult

>> No.15149681

Because of a parasitic usury system creating a central bank controlled debt based monetary system.

>> No.15149700
File: 768 KB, 752x783, 2023-01-22 01_25_10-LifeNews.com on Twitter_ _Bill Gates Sends $7 Billion to Africa That Will Promot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I had my way India and Africa would have a 2 child policy. After that, sterilization.
You are actually getting your way; India is at 2,1 children per woman and Africa overall is about 4.

Both are still dropping and India is set to have get bellow 2 in a year or two. Some data even suggests that India is bellow 2 already.


Africa is dropping about 0.1 kids per year in key countries like Nigeria, South Africa and Ethiopia. Also the UN and the US and various private organizations have deemed Africa's rapid population growth unsustainable and is now opening abortion clinics and giving out contraceptions to reduce the amount of births.

>> No.15149724

This is a good point. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I calculated today adjusting for inflation, that in 1966, my salary would have been 24,800 a year.
The average inner city terrace house with 2 bedrooms now worth 1.7 to 2 million sold for 8000 dollars in 1966. I would have been able to afford to pay off nearly three of these houses off in a year. I would only have to work a month for the deposit of one of them.
Nowadays, my same salary of an excellent 115,000 after taxes would require 20 years minimum of me working nonstop with no money for anything else to pay that house off.
And you're supposed to raise kids this way, with your labour value cut in half because oligarchs sold this to you as feminism and equal opportunity labour?
Don't make me laugh.

>> No.15149728

Losing wwii is where the thread of destiny was cut

>> No.15149742

>opening abortion clinics and giving out contraceptions to reduce the amount of births
Very based, I wish they started doing that sooner.

>> No.15149743

>small subset of historians that can do math have already done this
Interesting, can you give names?
>There is exactly one thing that lines up with the data country by country AND decade by decade: Total floor area of the median home (garden included).

>> No.15149946

Women simply aren't worth the trouble.

>> No.15149948

>replacement level
kike buzzword
you fucking retard
we'd be comfy with a declining population and more opportunities like japan if you fucking morons weren't allowed to speak

>> No.15150141

This varies a lot by region. The wealthy parts of India are essentially at western levels and have been for a while.

>> No.15150162

Another point of note is that more than 50% of France's birth rate comes from first generation, African and Arab migrants, not the native stock. So it can be said, francophone people migrate to France to have children, not that the people in France already are choosing to have them.

>> No.15151099 [DELETED] 

Welcome to non-bluepill reality. While not all of blackpill is true, generally speaking, most women only feel a breeding impulse when around chads and effiminant males.

Regular males further put themselves at a disadvantage by having no functional analog to females by wearing sexualized clothing and makeup to enhance their sex appeal. Males instead resort to economic displays of conspicuous consumption as the analog to an actual mating dance.

As we all know, capatalistic conspicuous consumption leads to global warming and social decline. I believe this *conspicuous consumption) happened in Ancient Rome so they tried to enact sumptuary laws to reduce it. Ultimately an exercise of futility of course.

In an ideal utopia, all nations would have low population counts, with third world having lower population density than first world, but we do not live an ideal world as we all know.

>> No.15151101

Welcome to non-bluepill reality. While not all of blackpill is true, generally speaking, most women only feel a breeding impulse when around chads and effiminant males.

Regular males further put themselves at a disadvantage by having no functional analog to females who by wearing sexualized clothing and makeup enhance their sex appeal. Males instead resort to economic displays of conspicuous consumption as the analog to an actual mating dance.

As we all know, capatalistic conspicuous consumption leads to global warming and social decline. I believe this *conspicuous consumption) happened in Ancient Rome so they tried to enact sumptuary laws to reduce it. Ultimately an exercise of futility of course.

In an ideal utopia, all nations would have low population counts, with third world having lower population density than first world, but we do not live an ideal world as we all know.

>> No.15151131

This question gets asked every few days. The answer is always the same.
1) Feminism
2) Microplastics, estrogens, and other hormone disruptors killing testosterone levels
3) Legal and economic policies that disincentivize children
4) Social engineering efforts in Western countries

>> No.15151146

India just solved it in...10 years or so because the guys are hardworkers
They are opening contraception programs with IUDevices and sheeeeit

>> No.15151155

>women ... feel a breeding impulse when around ... effiminant males

>> No.15151261

>humans do not have any genes for staying sane and reproductively fit in small living spaces.

>> No.15151301

Henry VIII broke with the church in an attempt to continue his legacy. I think it's very significant that conservative populations have much higher birthrates than progressives. They are more self confident in their beliefs and identity and want to leave a lasting imprint of themselves on the world. Progressives tend to be a lot more critical of everything which leaves them with an identity crisis. No point leaving a legacy if you're not even sure you have one worth leaving.

>> No.15151323

Because the foresight of the European mind has analyzed existence until nothing was left but cold material pessimism.

The earth will be inherited by those thoughtless enough to breed. This is the answer to the fermi paradox. Life is cruel and its kinder to leave its future in nonexistence than push it out to suffer among the stars.

>> No.15151337

what if this is how advanced economies reach equilibrium with their environment, subconsciously reducing population until greater potential for prosperity is revealed

>> No.15151343

Jews care an awful lot about the decline of the European population. It's a similar situation in America. The Great Replacement is happening as a result of state policy. It could easily be reversed if someone else were to take power. China has had no problem remaining ethnically homogenous.

>> No.15151561
File: 83 KB, 1352x804, wef evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Europe Dying?
part of the plan.

>> No.15151674

think k-pop

>> No.15151826

>How can it be solved
Why do you assume it can be solved? Euro governments are jewed to the point of absolute incompetence, they could not fix it even if they were told why and how to do it.

>> No.15151833

Bill has been doing this for a good while now. My personal headcanon is that he hates niggers and realises that this is more effective than a genocide in reducing their population.

>> No.15151866

Africa is dropping about 0.1 kids per year in key countries like Nigeria, South Africa and Ethiopia
Thank fucking God.

>> No.15152059
File: 68 KB, 608x662, africa-is-different.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15152105

The Nigeria numbers are interesting

>Nigeria’s average fertility rate is 4.67 (April 2021). However, is in comparison to 5.3 in 2019

So they seem to be dropping even faster than 0.1 children per year. If they keep dropping like this for 6 years they'll be below the replacement rate.

>> No.15152109

If governments really wanted, it would be easy to solve. Just blast people with propaganda about how having kids is good and important for some bullshit buzzword reasons as always. Monetary incentives help as well, but only with the poorest, so it's not really a good thing.

>> No.15152129

the redpill is that reproduction is pointless, much like life itself

>> No.15152133

The purpose of life is reform

>> No.15152141

>The purpose of life is [headcanon]

>> No.15152143

The declining birth rate is real democracy in action - people want a society that's less cramped and with less financial pressure. Governments, on the other hand, want the exact opposite.

>> No.15152147

and your nihilism is anything else?

>> No.15152154

God himself said life is pointless, and I agree
It's the only rational option

>> No.15152235

>If they keep dropping like this for 6 years they'll be
around 3,4 ?

>> No.15152373

>Carbon emissions are getting out of hand, we need to cut down
>Wtf why are people not sustaining growth, we need to import more people and feed the funnel

>The population is ageing. Too many old people will be alive simultaneously
>Omg Covid-19 is killing old people. We need to stop it at all costs

>> No.15152480

>Omg Covid-19 is killing old people. We need to stop it at all costs
I remember at first I suspected the chinese government to have engineered the virus to solve their old people issue.

>> No.15153183

This is a simplistic way of explaining it.
In most country, you can go in the middle of nowhere and build a fuckhuge home. But there won't be work, community, hospitals, schools or anything you can have in a city.

>> No.15153190

>we stopped growing so we're dying

>> No.15153196

it implies stagnation at the very least. you think the human condition has been solved at our current level of technological development?

>> No.15153207
File: 165 KB, 1576x1046, melaninmagic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

melanin increases fertility and sex drive (source, ducrest et al, melanotan), africans are still mostly dumb. it's unbelievable you see a drop to 4.67 as progress here.

>> No.15153218

Your sentence makes no sense. Are you an AI ?

>> No.15153270

if one isn't growing, then at best one is stagnating. "maintaining" is a euphemism for that fact. human beings still have loads of problems that need and quite potentially have technological solutions.

geniuses are on the right side of the bell curve. the highest proportion of geniuses are seen in the pool of white european men. therefore a declining absolute number of white europeans means less innovation/technological development due to a reduction in the rate of genius production.

your reading comprehension is very poor. are you an indian, chinese, or otherwise nonwhite person?

>> No.15154094

Let it collapse. The baby boom was a freak occurrence and practically ruined the world. The idea that we need infinite growth is stupid. We're not cancer.
>muh old people
automization and robotics will do much of the work. The young people there are can help if they feel the need to
>won't some people be lonely if they're less people?
Those that breed will breed. Those that won't, won't. That is how nature works.
>muh ethnic groups
See above. Just cause your "people" wrote some words and have some "culture" doesn't mean that they don't deserve to go "extinct." The entire world can be brown ugly freaks fifty years from now and from a objective standpoint it'll be just the same as when they were "pure."

>> No.15154100

The future will just lead to further angst of humanity, in ways slightly alien to ourselves. The idea that we'll grow into some wacky sci fi utopia is the same a a fluffy cloud heaven. It doesn't exist. And it's wouldn't exist even if there were 120 billion people on this planet.

>> No.15154137

Also a functioning pension system.
Kids are used as an old age insurance in the 3rd world.

>> No.15154168

Atheism and feminism

>> No.15154171

>when socialism spread to 3rdies
It's already here since the last century, why do you think we're poor?

>> No.15154177

Wrong, it's culture

If women weren't retarded whores and men weren't retarded whoremongers, instead following the Bible, none of those things would matter

>> No.15154195



>> No.15154199

>the foresight of the European mind has analyzed existence until nothing was left but cold material pessimism
What kind of retarded nonsense is that? The most brilliant europeans were all Christians

>> No.15154201

>geniuses are on the right side of the bell curve. the highest proportion of geniuses are seen in the pool of white european men.
They're not that smart if they don't realize the Bible is right though

>> No.15154618

Why does christianity select and promote genius genetics?

>> No.15154638

can someone tell me what the birthrate was in weimar germany (for the gentiles of course). thanks!

>> No.15154640

>they're not that smart if they don't realize god is a waffle and killed himself to save us from sin and also is weaker than iron chariots

>> No.15154646

>and also is weaker than iron chariots
Please don't talk nonsense about stuff you haven't read fully

>> No.15154656
File: 705 KB, 700x1050, vatican-media-reuters-south-sundan-ecumenical-retreat-190411-06_700x1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contradicting bible contradictions
the fact this website even has to exist is hilarious

>> No.15154661

Everyone having to work and live like a rat. Living in a comfortable house, wearing nice clothes and driving a car doesn't make anyone less of a rat if they have to spend much of their lives working bullshit jobs to afford that.

Whats the big deal anyway? So for a few generations everyone has to accept a dip in living standards. A week less vacation. Less eating out. Grandma doesn't get her hip operation. No new car this year. Less plastic crap from china in your house. Make do with less. Bright side is less landfill and cheaper houses. How come no one mentions that? Less people means more housing is available. For at least a hundred years since houses are built to last that long anyway.

Eventually the population stabilizes and everything is fine.

>> No.15154665

>the fact this website even has to exist is hilarious
You find it hilarious people have to point out atheists are almost illeterate? I find it tragic

>> No.15154695
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>> No.15154700

That degenerate fag is not a christian he's just another satanic puppet

>> No.15154706
File: 340 KB, 640x468, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15154710

I find it interesting that growth monger shills like you can tell the difference between a function and it's derivative.
Your extrapolations are worthless conjecture.

>> No.15154737

I, too, take things out of context

>> No.15154742

actually that was a representation of me :)

>> No.15154748

ah yes, muh context and muh metaphor
the last bastion of christcucks

>> No.15154754

>the pope isn't a christian because uhhh derp poopy

>> No.15155227
File: 47 KB, 1261x827, Fm9P-kTWIAE-NVb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too much entertainment
>housing prices
>materialist philosophy
>religion dying
>decadent culture
The entire world is dying.

>> No.15155240
File: 167 KB, 532x777, 67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15155243

Europe isn't doing you infernal squab

>> No.15155302

Nice graph made thinking of subsaharan africans as actual humans... they will breed until they feed and seed

>> No.15155691

>What is causing this demographic collapse
When people live in cities they have less children
>and how can it be solved?
It can't be resolved in the short term but it can be mitigated and eventually solved in the long term by importing immigrants and making structural changes so that the economy gets better and people who want children can get children without it being too much of an economic hurdle.

>> No.15155740
File: 45 KB, 480x459, bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women staying at home to look after house and family bad
>women getting a job and making money for another person good