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File: 579 KB, 700x882, 1Kx3wX3RHIw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15145919 No.15145919 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this popsci Twitter spam with respect to real science?

>> No.15145922
File: 15 KB, 385x363, 1616215858198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also inb4 picrel

>> No.15145926
File: 74 KB, 427x450, viruses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rich elite leftist 1% want all the 99% common plebes to be weak and easily controlled like docile farm animals.

Now get you booster and eat your bugs in your pod while watching your reality TV and sportsball celebrities dance.

>> No.15145933

overblown, chitin is also found in mushrooms and yet I'm not hearing anyone lose their shit about that.
one key difference though is eating insects whole with the exoskeleton intact, I'd assume that the physical characteristics may be harmful to you gut (sharp broken edges passing through the intestines) long term but I don't have any evidence to back this up. Maybe the stomach dissolves it completely, I don't know.

>> No.15145957

sounds like you're trying to tell us that you're quite certain that insects are good to eat, but you don't eat them yourself. why not? if you're sure that they're good to eat, then why don't you eat them?

>> No.15145962

I don't care. I will do anything they tell me. Please give me the blue pill. I just want a girlfriend...

>> No.15145969

chitin is broken down to a digestible form by cooking
this is one reason why its not recommended to eat raw mushrooms

>> No.15145972

No, it's fucking disgusting that in age where cultural tolerance is praised as a virtue westerners aren't afforded the same respect, in this case our cultural disgust for eating insects is treated very dismissively, as something which needs to be unlearned.
>>imagine if the situation was reversed tho!
yeah yeah I know, but still
Not only that there isn't any good data suggesting that it is in fact safe. The people who consume this shit semi regularly tend to live in shitholes and are subject to all kinds of different health problems. It would be hard to tell if the bugs are negatively affecting them, there's already all kinds of other garbage negatively affecting their health.
And all of this because it mayb have a marginally lower carbon footprint than eating chicken or fish (probably higher than eating eggs).

>> No.15145974

Doesn't that just mean bugs need to be cooked like many other foods?
I just don't see how it's such a great gotcha against bugchow like some people pretend.

>> No.15145978

>insects are safe to eat because the third worlders who eat them all die of AIDS before the negative effects of their miserable diets puts them in a grave.

>> No.15145980

yeah exactly, so while I'm not aware of any god evidence it is harmful there isn't any good evidence that's harmless either. Not to mention unnecessary and cruel (prison meals were considered such for much less).

>> No.15145984

>The rich elite rightist 1% want all the 99% common plebes to be morally outraged and easily controlled like enraged attack dogs.
this too though. also keep in mind that all the people you posted are capitalists

>> No.15146101

Anon, he's not interested in an actual discussion. He just came here to post in bad faith. If you get a response, it will just sidestep your point and sling more shit.

>> No.15146105

>t. an obvious GPT bot

>> No.15146106
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>chitin is also found in mushrooms and yet I'm not hearing anyone lose their shit about that.
Are mushrooms a staple of your diet, nigger?

>> No.15146109

i'm looking forward to seeing all the surviving vaxxxies perish from insect related nutritional deficiencies

>> No.15146111 [DELETED] 


>> No.15146113

Notice how skeptoids are only ever skeptical of people who question globohomo agendas and narratives?

>> No.15146131

you should eat the bugs anyway. if the technocrats want you sick or dead, they have very good reasons.


>> No.15146141

I will rub chitin powder all over my rectum if the government tells me to, chud. Fuck off with your insane conspiracy theories, schizo.

>> No.15146148

Mushrooms are also contra-indicated, unhealthy garbage you fucking moron. The vast majority of them are incredibly toxic, the rest is just less toxic, doesn't mean we should eat it.

>> No.15146185
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>> No.15146195

It's like nature's microplastic. It's a polymer. Imagine what plastic has been doing to us. I wonder if different chitins can interact with other polymers in your brain. Like cordyceps.

>> No.15146220

Fungi are a staple of human diet, yes. In fact they've been a part of it longer than dairy milk.

>> No.15146241

How is chitin in insects delivered to the nefarious cancers and fungi if it passes through the gut without being metabolized?

>> No.15146242

gut parasites and fungi?

>> No.15146251

>A staple food, food staple, or simply a staple, is a food that is eaten often and in such quantities that it constitutes a dominant portion of a standard diet for a given person or group of people
>Fungi are a staple of human diet
Show me where in the first world people eat mushrooms as a dominant portion of their standard diet. Honestly, you need to be killed.

>> No.15146253

You are the nefarious cancer and you should be kept in a cage and fed nothing but raw cockroaches.

>> No.15146256

The "you can do it" guy said eating bugs is bad on Twitter. Thoughts?

>> No.15146267

fungi eat bugs you say? Are /x/ right?

>> No.15146281

Europeans consume boetus edulis alone up to a three thousand metric tons per year. In Americas, it's used by Canadians and people in northern states. Keep in mind that this is only a single wild mushroom species, there's many more edible and tasty fungi that have been known to be consumed from hunter-gatherer times.

>> No.15146284

> up to a three thousand metric tons per year
Compared to 40 million tonnes of wheat-based products, which are an actual staple. You need to be killed.

>> No.15146288

Are you disputing the fact that edible, non-toxic and tasty fungi food exist and that fungi are used for food in wide variety of cultures since prehistoric times, or are you making a simple semantics argument over my use of the word "staple"?

>> No.15146289

> up to a three thousand metric tons per year
If they ate 100 times as much, it would be less than 1% of the amount of wheat they consume. It's obvious that there is no reasoning to be had with your subspecies. You will have to be killed.

>> No.15146292

One has to keep in mind, that boetus edulis is yet to be cultivated. It's collected from the wild. Your argument is comparable to claiming that deer meat is toxic because deer meat is not as widely eaten as pork or bovine meat is.

>> No.15146293

My argument doesn't concern boetus edulis in any way. I'm simply taking the number you gave and showing you that it's negligible even if we scale it up by two orders of magnitude.

>> No.15146295
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>This is not a food for mammals.
>Only BIRDS can process insect food in safe conditions.

So according to this guy;

Aardwolfs are not mammals.

Galagos are not mammals.

Pottos are not mammals.

Tarsiers are not mammals.

Orangutans eating insects? Not mammal.

And the vast majority of bats are actually birds.

>> No.15146298

So it's an argument over semantics. Why are you chimping out over my admittedly wrong usage of the word "staple"? Does it somehow put fungi being part of human diets and human cuisine/food cultures into question? Does this difference in consumption somehow prove ALL fungi are hazardous for humans to consume, is there no other explanation?

>> No.15146301

The first part is true that's why larvaes or morphing insects are used. Idk who had the idea of eating adult grasshoppers

>> No.15146304

let's ban spinach then

>> No.15146305

>funnyman rob schneider as the stapler
oh look jews pretending to infight, how quaint

>> No.15146307

Why are Americans so easy to fool with retarded pseudobabble? Why do Americans trust a random retard on the internet more than a nutritionist?

>> No.15146308

>So it's an argument over semantics
No, you vile insect. You're trying to turn it into one and I'm simply not letting you. :^)
If you cap the amount of chitin from bugs to levels comparable to what humans already ingest with their mushrooms, the bug portion of le Great Reset diet would be negligible and serve no purpose as far as saving the environment goes. There is no reasoning to be had with you. The more you post, the more you show that you will have to be physically dealt with. Post more.

>> No.15146313

You literally chimped out over the usage of the word "staple". You made it an argument over semantics from the start, you fucking faggot.

>> No.15146315

You will be killed. It's just a matter of time until your owners and programmers push too far and your system finally shits itself. People won't be kind to you when that happens, I can promise you that.

>> No.15146319

>twitter screenshot thread

>> No.15146320

You make yourself look like an inbred retard with your impotent, seething rageposts. In fact, I would present a hypothesis for the consideration of other anons that you truly are an inbred retard, because you didn't even know that fungi are widely used in cuisines around the world.

>> No.15146322

> fungi are widely used in cuisines around the world.
"Widely used" doesn't mean anything. The amount of mushrooms people consume is negligible relative to the rest of their diet. See >>15146308. You should and will be killed.

>> No.15146327

Now you're going in circles. I already conceded that my use of "staple" was wrong. You're still making a semantics argument.
I concede that fungi are not "staple" compared to grain consumption. However, I gave an explanation why that is, as well. It's not because every fungi to exist is more or less toxic, as this anon (probably you) claims here: >>15146148

>> No.15146328

You should and will be killed. The more you post, the more you help me normalize this idea.

>> No.15146330
File: 89 KB, 901x1024, hohtoneekeri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got worked up to such a seethe that all he has left are impotent death threats
I accept your concession.

>> No.15146331

das rite brother, keep fighting the good fight, we need to rid our world of the globalist fungus eating elites

>> No.15146333

I'm not threatening you with anything. I'm just putting it up for public consideration that "people" like you cannot be reasoned with and need to be dealt with by other means. :^)

>> No.15146340
File: 275 KB, 463x660, assburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate your blood pressure must be off the off the charts. You're in luck though, boetus edulis is among species of fungi that are known to lower blood pressure by regulation of ACE2 channels.

>> No.15146341

You are hated and afraid.

>> No.15146349

Are you projecting?

>> No.15146350

No amount of psychotic deflection is going to change the fact that replacing meat with insects would mean consuming at least 50 times as much chitin as people currently do. Your nonsensical chanting about mushrooms is irrelevant.

>> No.15146352

You are hated and you are in panic. Either way, see >>15146350. I'm not actually against your owners trying to force this. It only means you will be beaten into a bloody pulp sooner.

>> No.15146354

Why is chitin a problem for you to such an extent that even discussing it on /sci/ sends you into a frothing rage?

>> No.15146360

Why are you so afraid?

>> No.15146363

Afraid of what, a chimping out retard on the internet? Or the supposed reckoning that us WEF guys will supposedly face in two weeks' time?

>> No.15146365

Why are you so afraid? So what if most of the population wants you gone from society? Surely your owners will stay in power forever and protect you.

>> No.15146599

Afraid of what? the fact that covid vaccines have proven to be safe and effective?

>> No.15146743
File: 47 KB, 640x480, Psilocybe subaeruginosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If mushrooms are supposed to clog your brain then why do these do exactly the opposite?

>> No.15146764

It's not just americans. There are retards all around the world

>> No.15146770

Why do you go around foaming at the mouth desperately trying to enforce your handler's narrative? It doesn't matter that people are dismissing it. It's not like there will be physical consequences for you. Your rulers will protect you. :^)

>> No.15146784

I guarantee you are not even checking your food labels if you are losing your mind over the bugs that nobody is telling you to eat.

>> No.15146789

>losing your mind over the bugs
I support your rulers and their bug agenda. It won't affect me in any way but it will bring us closer to the day when it's acceptable to talk about exterminating you, and consequently to the day you get beaten into a bloody pulp by the rest of the population.

>> No.15146801

Yea? This processed cheese makes me depressed when I eat it so I'm throwing it in the bin.

This handful of mushrooms when also consumed along with chelate found in fiber can bind to cancers of the bone, slowing growth and deactivating them.

You forgot to acknowledge that fish eat bugs. You're a moron.

>> No.15146806

>This handful of mushrooms when also consumed along with chelate found in fiber can bind to cancers of the bone, slowing growth and deactivating them.
Why are you still talking about mushrooms like a psychotic drone? Show me where I said you shouldn't eat musrhooms. lol

>> No.15146809

So can any of you explain why chitin is so horrible to the body compared to cellulose?

>> No.15146812

You're not angry because of the prospect of eating bugs, no anon ITT supports that and the original poster was clearly vehemently against the idea ("cruel", "disgusting" etc). This is pure narcissistic rage that people won't swallow every piece of ignorant horseshit notion spewed by the mouths of subhumans like (You).

>> No.15146818

>ignorant horseshit notion
What is your psychotic rambling about? Quote the "ignorant horseshit notion" in my posts that you're referring to. Protip: you can't; commence the chimpouts. :^)

>> No.15146825

I mentioned bugs in my post also but you chose to shitpost.

>> No.15146834

You sound like a broken bot at this point. Quote anything I posted on the subject of this thread that was wrong or even remotely debatable.

>> No.15146835

Of course they cant. These people literally dont even believe that chemistry or biology are real

>> No.15146838

What is he talking about? Obviously you can digest chitin, but how well your body handles complex polysaccharides is gut biome dependent and also partially genetic. The general rule is that the more you eat of something the more you're able to digest it.

>> No.15147240

Who falls for this shit, developed bug eating asians have a far higher life expectancy than Americans eating roidpigs.

>> No.15147300

Immunological response to defend from pathological yeasts, mostly. Though the literature is divided on the topic, not to mention that chitin itself is merely a category of various biofibers, which come in many different arrangement and with chemical modifications. Chitosan, which is partially deacetylated (?) chitin, is for example able to act as a antibacterial film (the ends of the fibers intrude into the bacterial interior and lyse them, IIRC). But generally, human health tends to suffer from dietary interventions aimed at economic optimization or artificial palatability, and such changes should be avoided.

>> No.15147311

>The literature is divided on the topic
If chitin is bad for you or not, that is. Some sources say it's good for you, though that's usually in fungal form instead of eating ground up cockroaches.

>> No.15147371
File: 109 KB, 569x407, glowniggers faking global warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat the bugs goy

>> No.15147385

Get a job you stupid faggot, everyone with a brain pulls stunts like this because they're paid by the hour

>> No.15147465

>chitin is broken down to a digestible form by cooking
Is it really? The same doesn't happen for cellulose and pectin. Mushrooms are cooked due to toxins that evaporate off. Chitin is very heat resistant, more so than cellulose.

>We found that chitin was significantly more resistant to hydrothermal degradation than cellulose, and did not observe any noticeable change up to ~380°C. Above ~380°C, the flake of chitin gradually became thinner and disappeared completely at 390°C

>Cell walls of fungi, such as yeast and mushrooms, are 80–90% polysaccharide, mostly chitin, and proteins, lipids, and inorganic ions constitute the rest25. Cell walls play a decisive role for living cells to withstand physical stresses such as osmotic stress25. We know by experience that mushrooms do not fall apart however long they are simmered, showing that their chitinous cell walls remain undegraded for long when it is treated in water at 100°C. The robustness of chitin in hydrothermal conditions implies that morphology of fungal cells may be preserved in water even at much higher temperatures.

No one cooks at those heats.

>> No.15148802

azns are low iq

>> No.15148834

The bug eating ones have very low life expectancies. The ones who live for long periods of time eat primarily fish, supplemented with seaweed, fruit, root vegetables, and rice.

>> No.15148980

Okay, gpt, but I wanted an answer to the actual question from an actual person.

>> No.15149023

Only a percentage of the population can use chitinase to fully break down insect meal. This statistic is not well understood and cannot be understood in a meaningful way. Nearly all populations where we see consumptions of insects are impoverished. This cannot represent a sample size in comparison to lactase. An enzyme clearly having evolved along side other mammals and in conjunction with the breeding of dairy animals.

I'm only stopping by to explain this to others. As I want them to see how disingenuous and filthy bug eaters such as (You) are. The absolute lowest denominator in all populations are these.

Bug eaters are no longer human. Oppose them at all costs.

>> No.15149061

you didn't explain how chitin is bad for you, faggot
indigestibility implies that it simply passes through me without it actually doing anything bad

>> No.15149070

I don't eat bugs.
You still have not addressed my question.

>> No.15149071

What I said was clear and with purpose. What you said is midwit-level. Fortunately this is a great example to make.
>Only a percentage of the population can use chitinase
>you didn't explain how chitin is bad
Then they make an assumption which they treat as fact.
>indigestibility implies that it simply passes through me
The same can be said about arsenic. It simply passes through you.
More like simp. The good news is the bug eater population is really this dumb. The bad news is there is a lot of money pooling to use them. With the "food shortages" we've been promised arriving after this harvest it is more important than ever to stay clear on this topic.

No one who promotes bug eating is human.

>> No.15149072

This isn't a peer discussion.

>> No.15149076

>Wojaknigger doesn't eat mushrooms
I can tell the only cooking you ever do is pouring your monster into the taki's bag

>> No.15149095

I accept your concession.

>> No.15149154

>The same can be said about arsenic. It simply passes through you
except it doesn't because arsenic is able to be absorbed in the gut while chitin isn't

>> No.15149159
File: 45 KB, 720x392, WEF DAVOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also keep in mind that all the people you posted are capitalists
You are NOT that fucking stupid to think ANYONE would belive those in picrel are capitalists.

>> No.15149161
File: 87 KB, 500x755, WEF eat your algae peasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you will not even get bugs.

>> No.15149168

Plants contain CELLULOSE which cannot be processsed by our gut. But cellulose is a polysacharide which is very tasty to cancer, parasites, fungi and pretty-much all what give you sickness. Cellulose is a building part of them! Also they contain METAMORPHIC
steroids especially ecdysterone.
This is not a food for humans. Only cows can process plant food in safe conditions. Cows
digestion apparatus is
COMPLETELY different as ours .

>> No.15149170

I agree. Destroy s o y and lettuce and give us cheap beef.

>> No.15149235

Hurf durf fuck you nigger

>> No.15149249
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>Gathering of the world's biggest monopolists and rent seekers is somehow communism because you shooped a hammer and sickle over an ad
I'm afraid of Americans

>> No.15149250

there's nothing wrong with polysaccharides, fucking retarded twitterfag. every time you eat broccoli you eat polysaccharides. you can't digest it but your gut bacteria do

>> No.15149282

People that write this garbage tempt my patience a lot. They should perish the same way they wish others to perish yet they are not close enough to me to deliver that punishment.

>> No.15149903
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, https __staticdelivery.nexusmods.com_mods_110_images_70681-2-1445145677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna make me some armour

>> No.15149944

its toxic

>> No.15150150

you would be too cowardly to do anything physical were your enemies within proximity

>> No.15150727

You will eat ze shells

>> No.15150771
File: 52 KB, 750x267, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monopolists = Socialism.

The government is the largest corporation in every socialist/fascist/communist country in history.

>> No.15151861 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 675x559, narialandmeme6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat the bugs goy
this kinda shit is why scientists are so widely hated, deservedly

>> No.15151887

I bet you shat yourself with anger when your FBI tip didn't come through. I guess your bootlicker's rage is something you'll just have to live with, parasite.

>> No.15154345

twitter is owned by spacex, theres nothing wrong with posting twitter content on /sci/, posting twitter content helps promote spaceflight. your reddit subs are all owned by the newhouse brothers, they do nothing for science in any way at all, they only care about israel.

>> No.15154355

the government is always big because its just how the powerful impose their will on everyone else. the ONLY question is who gets a say in what it does and that is determined by who controls a societies production

>> No.15155766

idk about other countries but the bugs that south koreans eat are usually fried caterpillars meaning they dont have chitin

>> No.15155790
File: 92 KB, 939x994, Fren Yurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is common practice for the elite members of the communist party to meet to decide how they're going to "free the proletariat from the bourgeois" while all their doing is enslaving the proletariat while murdering anyone they consider "bourgeois." This is no different. The implementation of a technocracy and the eventual abolition of private property and individual rights is communism.

>> No.15155793

How are there contrarians on here unironically trying to defend eating bugs?
you dont need to defend it, just eat bugs yourself

>> No.15155797


>> No.15156135

the internet was originally engineered for the feds by defense contractors in order to digitally link geographically remote early warning radar sites which had previously been inefficiently transmitting their data to HQ via telephone.
it has always been a federally owned property.
they "privatize" the profitable parts because otherwise the profits would cut into need for ever more tax revenue

>> No.15157957

I mean.... do you really need a scientific explanation as to why you refuse to eat bugs? You can't just say it's gross and degrading?

>> No.15157980

Ai will take away any real power from us to turn us all into welfare junkies to ensure our forever compliance. We can only stop this if we either stop it from ever having this power by forcing the liberals cucks to stop doing research into ai and robotics or we are gonna have to make ourselves usefull for the ai as mainteiners of it in some form.

>> No.15157985

>>15145919 it's ridicolously stupid, just like OP for shitposting here. Also I'd love to get more ecdysterone for free, it helps build muscle and is also found in spinach.

>> No.15158928

the IRS electronically watches your bank account, they know exactly how much you need to survive and how much they need to steal to keep you constantly working and in desperate need of ever more money. They don't even need AI to do all that, they've been doing it for a long time already, software upgrades will only make it that much more efficient.

>> No.15159733
File: 28 KB, 605x489, 1610553290116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only birds can safely eat insects
Not counting fish, rodents, tons of mammals like hedgehogs and bears, monkeys eating termites and ANTeaters to name some?

>> No.15159736

Communism was a wall-street-funded project. You should be afraid of Americans. They have created both communism and nazism.

>> No.15159764

I wonder what (((rodent))) could be behind this post.

>> No.15159850

This is why you have no gf, girls dont like slaves

>> No.15159974

A man who gives up freedom for a gf will get neither freedom nor a gf.

>> No.15160057

>tasty to cancer
>building part of them
Isn't cancer your cells revolting against you?

>> No.15160058

Like terrorism against you as the state?

>> No.15160061

Moreso what happens when cells decide they don't like the communism that is you.

>> No.15160065

Like the state against society as the cancer.

>> No.15161383

>"some mushrooms are bad therefore all of them are bad"
Eat you food kiddo

>> No.15161902

I've eaten them, once. It was okay.

>> No.15161916
File: 66 KB, 588x515, d77ef80ed44d6afb6ece58f738ff22778c67fc8f5010fec2bffb6d9b4f408468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly not anything you ever wanted to do again, what kinds of foods have you tried and then decided to have a second time?

>> No.15161977

I don't speak retardese, please re-format your post.

>> No.15162435

>gut can't absorb chitin
>cancer loves feeding on chitin
Well then how do you expect the cancer to get the chitin smartypants

>> No.15163225

Gastrointestinal cancer?

>> No.15163241

>knows thread is shit
>"but if I post inb4 then that means it won't be"
Cancer thread.

Nobody is ever leftists to leftists, even leftists are "false flagging rightoids" to leftists because they're such a fucking joke.

>> No.15165203

>eat the bugs goy
jews aren't allowed to eat bugs because bugs aren't kosher, but that doesn't stop the jews from trying to make everyone else eat bugs.
>bugs for thee, but none for me
>t. shlomo shekelberg, the jewish supremacist that chimps out when you mention that jews aren't white

>> No.15166703

nutrition is pseudoscience

>> No.15166715

Its about parasites and toxic metabolites of bacteria. Insects are insanely filthy and dangerous to consume on the basis that they, even in a sterile farm enviroment, are bound to be carrying 10 or 20 parasites capable of fucking people up if not properly treated.

Pic related is silly though. The same could be said of mushrooms